Nutrition Ch. 12
baby is malnourished underfed, or too much fiber in diet
baby is overfed or under active
Protein Deprivation
can affect the babies' height permanently
eating non food items
constipation relief
high fiber diet and plenty of water
Artificial Sweeteners ok during pregnancy?
Physical & Emotional benefits for mom & baby
- 1st days of feeding contains colostrum which has antibodies - helps babies fight disease, infection, and allergies - reduces risk of disease, death - improves mother-baby bonding - improves baby mental development ***breast milk is free & convenient
Maternal Weight Gain
- 25-35 lbs - a pregnant woman needs 300 calls more per day starting after third month
similarities in breast milk & formula
- amount of fat - proteins - carbs - vitamins - minerals
Solid foods of children
- begins 4-6 months - solids provide iron and vitamin C for optimal growth - adds water to the babies' diet
Avoid during feeding infant:
- cow's milk: too much protein, not enough iron and vitamins - soy milk
Gestational Diabetes
- diabetes during pregnancy - requires diabetic diet - most women lose this diabetes after giving birth - occurs more commonly in obese women & those with family history of diabetes
Feeding solids
- do not limit fats - serve iron rich foods - minimize risk of choking - avoid baby desserts - feed with love
Infant Feeding
- during first year, should grow 3x it's weight (8 lbs -> 24 lbs) - main source of nutrition during 1st year: breast milk or formula
how to alleviate morning sickness
- eat small, frequent meals and alternate dry and fluid foods
alcohol during pregnancy
- fetal alcohol syndrome, which causes irreversible brain damage
tips for feeding kids
- get them invalid in preparing meals - teach them nutrition - help them to like veggies - honor preferences: (cruchy veggies, smooth foods, warm foods) - provide nice environment at meal time - limit milk to <4 cups a day to avoid iron deficiency
addition concerns during teen years
- inadeuate calcium: many teen girls choose diet soda over milk - dental caries - eating disorders - undernutrition: due to poverty/chronic diets - excess caffeine - peer pressure affects food choices - skipped lunches - snacks have empty calories
Childhood obesity
- leads to health problems like diabetes and adult obesity - limit TV: encourage activity - limit junk food in house - provide healthy meals for whole family (do not single out fat kid)
food during childhood
- limit sweets - limit fats at age 2 - give balance, iron rich meals and snacks - include breakfast (improves learning)
Iron Deficiency:
- most common in poor families - iron need increases in puberty - all grains should be whole grain or enriched; iron rich foods should be served
Caloric needs of breastfeeding mother
- need extra 500 calories than during pregnancy - should drink fluids prior to baby nursing to avoid dehydration - should avoid alcohol
Is low carb/low calorie dieting ok?
- no; this deprives fetus's brain of glucose & causes brain damage
High Blood Cholesterold
- plaque develops during childhood - a low fat (<30% fat) heart healthy diet should start at age 2 - teens should follow same heart healthy eating as adults
Problems with Adolescent Pregnancy
- pregnant teenager's nutrient needs double for many nutrients; needs are difficult to meet and requires intervention throughout pregnancy - highest rate of pre-term births & low birth weight - common complication: iron deficiency
WIC (Women, Infants, Children)
- program for low income pregnant women, mothers and their young children - provides low cost nutritious foods - provides nutrition information - reduces infant mortalitiy, low birth weight, & newborn medical costs - for every 1$ spent, government saves 3$ in medical bills
Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH)
- severe & can lead to still birth - very serious condition
Breast feeding is preferred over formula
- should breast feed for about a year - breast milk is good for premature babies
Smoking during pregnancy
- stunts babies' growth - can cause premature birth - can cause low infant birth weight
Food allergies
- try less allergic foods first: rice cereal - wait 5 days before each new food in order to identify allergen
Fruits & Veggies
- use fresh, not canned, veggies - veggies should be introduced first - too much juice is related to growth failure *** by 1 year, baby drinks from cup & eats with family
1. The poor nutrition of a pregnant woman can impair the health of her grandchild: TRUE 2. A woman needs 2x the calories per day in late pregnancy as she did before she was pregnant: FALSE 3. Even 1 alcoholic beverage, if taken at wrong time, can damage development of nervous system to unborn fetus: TRUE 4. A woman who craves a food during pregnancy instinctively knows that she needs the nutrients in that food: FALSE 5. Substances in a mother's milk can protect the infant against certain diseases to which the mother has been exposed: TRUE 6. If a child loses his or her apetite, the caretaker must insist the child eat anyway: FALSE 7. School lunches provide all nutrients children need a day: FALSE 8. For older adults, age related weight gain is inevitable: FALSE 9. The number of older people is declining: FALSE 10. As you grow older, you need more calories, but fewer vitamins and minerals to stay: FALSE
Overall Goals of Pregnancy:
1. eat balanced diet 2. avoid vitamin mega doses 3. take only prescribed supplements 4. take prenatal vitamin with folate 5. avoid weight loss diet 6. achieve ideal weight before pregnancy, then gain pregnancy weight
Caffeine ok during pregnancy?
In moderation (<16 oz)