Nutrition Chap 3 (Digestion)

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more severe

____ ____ ulcers can cause life-threatening bleeding


are a mixture of undigested, unabsorbed matter, dead cells, secretions from the GI tract, water, and bacteria.


besides some water, alcohol, and a few drugs, very little _____ occurs in the stomach.


body waste, including unabsorbed food residue, bacteria, mucus, and dead cells, which is eliminated from the GI tract by way of the anus.


broken down into amino acids


broken down into sugars

sensory input

can make your mouth water and stomach begin to secrete digestive substances


cells that are similar in structure and function form _____


chemical reactions that break down molecules to provide energy and those that synthesize larger molecules


chewing breaks up ____, which traps nutrients. If these are not broken up, the body may not get some nutrients because they won't be absorbed/exposed


chewing food begins the _____ aspect of digestion


clumps of solid material that accumulate in either the gallbladder or bile duct


connects the pharynx with the stomach


digested to produce molecules with long carbon chains called fatty acids

primary organ system

digestive system, which is the _____ _____ ______ responsible for moving nutrients into the body

systems that aid in digestion

endocrine, nervous, urinary, respiratory, and integumentary


fluid that collects in tissues between cells drains into the ______ system

24 to 72

in healthy adults, the transit time is ____ __ _____ hours, depending on the composition of the individual s diet and his or her level of physical activity, emotional state, health status, and use of medications.

lymph vessels

in the small intestine, the ___ ____ aid in absorption and transport of fat-soluble substances such as cholesterol, fatty acids, and fat-soluble vitamins.


inside of the GI tract tube. food inside this is not technically inside the body

large intestine

is about 5 ft long

colon rectum

large intestine is divided into _____ (largest part) and ____ (the last 8 inches)

cellular respiration

like cell breathing: oxygen goes into cell, carbon dioxide comes out.

high nutrient

mucosa has ____ _____ requirements and is one of the first parts of the body to be affected by nutrient deficiencies.

four types of tissue

muscle, nerve, epithelial, and connective


occurs more slowly in the large intestine than small intestine. promotes the growth of bacteria!

food allergies

occurs when the body sees proteins present in food as foreign substances and therefore initiates an immune response.


once inside body's cells, ____ are used either for energy or to synthesize all the structural and regulatory molecules needed for growth and maintenance

hepatic portal vein

once water-soluble molecules including amino acids, sugars, water-soluble vitamins, and the water-soluble products of fat digestion in the small intestine are in the capillaries, these molecules are carried to the liver via the ____ ____ _____.

result from

peptic ulcers can _____ _____ GERD


peristalsis in the small intestine, rhythmic constrictions mix the chyme!

celiac disease

protein gluten triggers an immune system response that damages or destroys the villi of the small intestine.

digested further

proteins, carbohydrates, and fats must be ____ _____


refers to frequent, watery, stools. Occurs when material moves through the colon too quickly for sufficient water to be absorbed or when water is drawn into the lumen from cells lining the intestinal tract


refers to hard, dry stools that are difficult to pass. It occurs when the water content of the stool is too low


small intestine is the primary site for the ______ of water, vitamins, minerals, and products of carbs, fat, and protein digestion.


some of the acidic stomach contents leak up through the sphincter into the esophagus, causing this:


sphincter relaxes, muscles contract and the stomach is forces contents upward


substances absorbed into the _____ system do not pass through the liver before entering the general blood circulation


temporary storage for food

hollow tube

the GI tract is a _____ _____, about 30 feet long, that runs from the mouth to the anus


the GI tract is part of the ______ system as well as the digestive system. Releases hormones that help prepare different parts of the gut for the arrival of food!

without being broken

water, vitamins, and minerals are taken into the body ____ _____ ____ into smaller units


when the sphincter ____, the valve is closed. relaxes=open


___ carries nutrients and oxygen to the cells of all organs and tissues in the body and removes carbon dioxide and other waste products


____ acts as a gatekeeper between the body and substances absorbed from the intestine. Some nutrients are stored here, some are changed into different forms, and others are allowed to pass through unchanged.


____ bind to antigens and help destroy them


____ ulcers cause abdominal pain

small, carb rich

a ____, ____ ____ meal will leave your stomach far more quickly than a larger meal containing more protein, fiber, and fat!


a ______-____ meal stays in the stomach longest!! liquids empty quickly, but solids linger until mixed with gastric juices and are liquefied.

gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

a chronic condition in which acidic stomach contents leak into the esophagus, causing pain and damaging the esophagus.


a digestive juice made in the liver and stored in the gallbladder that is released into the small intestine, here it aids digestion and absorption

adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

a high-energy molecule that the body uses to power activities that require energy


a lymph vessel in the villi of the small intestine that picks up particles containing the products of fat digestion


a substance that causes an allergic reaction

cardiovascular system

after nutrients have been absorbed, they must be delivered to cells, which is done by the _____ ______

absorbed in colon

although most nutrient absorption occurs in the small intestine, water and some vitamins and minerals are also ____ __ _____.


amino acids from protein, single sugars from carbs, and soluble products of fat digestion are absorbed into _____

peptic ulcer

an open sore in the lining of the stomach, esophagus, or upper small intestine

organ system

an organ can be part of more than one ____ _____.

small intestine

main site for chemical digestion of food

metabolic pathways

many of the reactions of metabolism occur in a series known as _____ _____.


the _____ in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables cannot be digested and therefore is not absorbed into the body

enzyme systems

the liver also contains ____ _____ that protect the body from toxins absorbed by the GI tract

mucosal cells

the lumen is lined with these

H. pylori

these bacteria burrow into the mucus and destroy the protective mucosal layer

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