Nutrition Chapter 6 - Unit 2

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What food is a source of complete protein


What secretions are needed to digest complex proteins into single amino acids of absorption?

- Proteases secreted from the pancreas and the small intestine - saliva from the salivary glands in the mouth - Hydrochloric acid and pepsin in the stomach

Of the 20 amino acids used by the human body, how many are considered nonessential>


Currently, _____ levels of protein structure have been identified


The recommended protein intake for a 110-pound (50kg) adult is?

40 g ????????

Carlos is a healthy 19-year old college student who is sedentary. He is 5'11" tall and weighs 175 pounds. How many grams of protein would you recommend he consume each day?

65 grams ??????????

What is NOT a component of an amino acid molecule

A fatty acid group Are: An amine group, acid group, and central carbon

The bond that is formed when two amino acids join together is called _____

A peptide bond

When a protein attracts or releases hydrogen, it acts as an...


A segment of DNA that encodes for the production of a specific protein is called a ......


The structure of each protein molecule is dictated by _____

genetic material

Nitrogen that has been removed during deamination ______

is converted to urea and excreted through the urine

The process of combining two incomplete proteins to make a complete protein is called....

mutual supplementation

Unlike lipids and carbohydrates, proteins are...........

nitrogen containing

The structure in the cell that contains DNA is called the _______


Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a disease in which the body cannot metabolize


To begin the translation stage, mRNA bind to a ribosome with the help of _____


An example of mutual supplementation would be.....

red beans and rice

The distinctive spiral shape of a protein is known as its ____ structure


The absorption of proteins occurs in the

small intestine

A type of RNA that plays the important role of transferring specific amino acids to the growing amino acid chain in the ribosomes is called ______


What describes protein synthesis?

During the translation stage of protein synthesis, which occurs on the ribosomes, individual amino acids are added to the growing chain of amino acids by tRNA

A nonessential amino acid is made.....

by transferring the amino group from one amino acid to a keto acid. A kito acid is an amino acid without the amine group.

What dictates the structure of a protein molecule synthesized by the body?

The DNA inside the nucleus of the cell

What is FALSE regarding protein?

The body stores excess protein primarily for energy reserve. TRUE: To utilize protein for energy, the amine group is removed; eating sufficient cars and fat will spare body protein; and the healthy bodys primary energy source is carb and fat

T/F Marasmus is a serious condition resulting from inadequate intakes of protein and energy


T/F denaturation results in the loss of protein's function


What process involves both the synthesis of new proteins and the breakdown of existing proteins to provide amino acids for building new proteins?


A molecule with four to nine amino acids joined together by peptide bonds is referred to as ......

an oligopeptide

What is denaturation?

The uncoiling of the protein molecule by hydrochloric acid in the stomach

To conserve body protein for its vital functions and not use it to provide energy, you should....

eat adequate amounts of carbs to conserve proteins for other functions

Proteases are....

enzymes that break down protein in the small intestine

A pescovegetarian would include _______ in their diet


Egg whites stiffen when they are whipped. The change that occurs in the protein is called....


What is NOT a reason athletes have higher dietary protein needs than sedentary individuals?

During exercise, protein is used as a primary source of energy. True: -During exercise, additional protein is needed to make glucose to prevent hypoglycemia. -During exercise, more protein is needed to carry oxygen in the blood. -During exercise, additional protein is needed to repair the tissue damaged during exercise.

T/F To make a complete protein, complementary proteins must be eaten at the same meal.


T/F approximately 50 percent of every protein molecule is comprised of nitrogen


Who is MOST likely to be in positive nitrogen balance

a 29 year old women who is six months pregnant

Vegetarian diets are associated with increased consumption of......


A chain of two amino acids is referred to as a .....


The part of the protein molecule that contains nitrogen is the........

Amine group

To use amino acids for energy, the nitrogen must first be removed from the amino acid. this process is called ___________


What proteins are fundamental to the immune system?


A substance-usually a protein-that the body recognizes as foreign invader, triggering an immune response is an...


An acid-base imbalance can result in....

Coma and death

______ contains all of the instructions for building the hundreds of thousands of proteins that are found in the human body.


A deficient of protein can lead to what condition in which fluid accumulates in the body's tissue spaces?


What is an example of a protein?


T/F Amino acids are bound together by a chemical bond known as an amino acid bond to form proteins.


T/F Chemical digestion of protein begins in the mouth with enzymes found in the saliva


T/F Consuming individual amino acid supplements on an empty stomach enhances absorption


T/F Essential amino acids are more important to the human body than nonessential amino acids


T/F Protein-energy malnutrition is seen only in developing countries


T/F all legumes are complete proteins


What statement about the role of hydrochloric acid (HCI) is FALSE?

HCI inhibits the digestion of fat so it does not compete with protein digestion.. TRUE: it helps break down protein. HCI denatures protein to allow digestive enzymes to break down the protein, HCI converts pepsinogen into pepsin, and HCI entangles the strands of protein and breaks the peptide bond

What is a type of protein that is stored in a gland and secreted to an organ to restore the body to normal conditions?


What amino acids are considered essential?

Lysine, methionine, and threonin

What element makes protein different from carbs and fat?


Pregnant women are in _______nitrogen balance


What is NOT a major function of protein in the human body

Providing energy to the body Are: Synthesis of hormones, maintaining fluid balance, and growth and maintenance of new tissue

In what structure of the mammalian cell are proteins synthesized?


the __________ reads the mRNA strand, and with the help of tRNA, builds the corresponding amino acid chain.


High-protein intake is associated with high

blood cholesterol

Amino Acids found in the amino acid pool ___________

can be used for protein synthesis

DNA does not build or synthesize a protein it encodes for; instead, DNA contains information that is copied by an enzyme to make __________, which leaves the nucleus and goes to the ribosome where the protein is built.


What compound carries the blueprints from DNA to the ribosomes during protein synthesis?


In the body, protein buffers are very important in....

maintaining acid-base balance in the body

What food, when combines, provide the amino acids to make a complete protein?

tofu and broccoli with almonds

The process through which messenger RNA (mRNA) copies genetic information from DNA and carries it to the ribosome is called


In phenylketonuria (PKU), which amino acid becomes conditionally essential?


_____________ is often a nutrient of concern in vegetarians diets

Vitamin D

Two amino acids are joined together by the peptide bond to form a dipeptide. what is the by-product of this process?


What is an excellent source of protein that includes foods such as kidney beans, pinto beans, black beans, soybeans,lentils, and chickpeas?


How do we determine whether we are in protein balance?

Measuring the amount of nitrogen consumed with the amount of nitrogen excreted

What is FALSE regarding nitrogen balance.....

Pregnant women usually consume less nitrogen than they excrete TRUE: People who are injured or starving excrete more nitrogen than they consume, most healthy adults are in neutral nitrogen balance, and children are generally in positive nitrogen balance

What part of an individual amino acid distinguishes it from other amino acids?

Side chains

The positively charged electrolyte concentrated inside the cell is potassium, and the positively charged electrolyte concentrated outside the cell is...


The process of transferring the amine group from one amino acid to another is called


During the process of protein synthesis, what is the step in which mRNA is decoded into an amino acid sequence at the cell's ribosome


T/F Alkalosis is a condition in which the pH of the blood becomes too basic


The body can make_________________nonessential amino acids


MOST of the proteins in the body are synthesized from

20 amino acids

What is the MOST complete protein from a plant source?


Which of the following vegetarian foods is almost identical in quality to meat?


T/F deamination occurs mostly in the brain


What is NOT associated with kwashiorkor?

Flat belly and abdomen

What hormone controls both the production of HCI and the release of pepsin?


Significant chemical digestion of protein begins in the


T/F Bodybuilders and weight lifters need as much as 2 times more protein than the RDA.


T/F Enzymes catalyze chemical reactions without being physically altered.


T/F Most Americans consume sufficient or excess amounts of dietary proteins


T/F Sickle cell anemia results from a single change to an amino acid present in hemoglobin


T/F Soybeans are good sources of protein, and the protein quality is almost identical to that of meat


T/F The side chain of an amino acid differentiates one amino acid from another


A complete protein

contains all 9 essential amino acids

The electrically charged particle that assists in maintaining the body's fluid balance is called an


Conduction of nerve signals and contraction of muscles depends on the proper balance of...


What describes a form of RNA?

tRNA brings individual amino acids to the ribosomes during translation

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