Nutrition Chapter Six

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The adequate intake alpha-linolenic acid for women is

1.1 g/day

The adequate intake for alpha-linolenic acid is

1.6 g/day

The adequate intake of linoleic acid for women(19-50) is

12 g/day

Alcohol is poisonous, and yeast die when the concentration of alcohol in the fermenting solution reaches

14 to 16%

Long chain fatty acids

14-24 carbons

The adequate intake for linoleic acid for men

17 g/day

Short chain fatty acids

2-4 carbons

What is the AMDR for fat?

20-35% of total calories

On average that contributes to about ______% of the energy in an American adult diet


The American heart association recommend everyone 20 years and older to have their wrist factors and Lipo proteins profile checked every

4 to 6 years

Distilled spirits such as whiskey, bourbon, and vodka are generally _____ ____ _____% alcohol

40 to 50

If tequila is 80% proof what percent of alcohol is it

40% alcohol

In 2017, almost ____% of Americans who were 12 years of age or older reported being current alcohol drinkers during the 30 days prior to the survey.


Medium chain fatty acids

6-10 carbons

Has an uncontrollable need to drink; is unable to limit his or her alcohol consumption; suffers with withdrawal symptoms, such as shakiness and anxiety, when alcohol is unavailable after a period of heavy drinking; and experiences tolerance to the drug.

A person who is dependent on alcohol

Is chemically similar to a triglyceride, except that one of the fatty acids is replaced by chemical groups that contain phosphorus and, often, nitrogen.

A phospholipid

Experiences problems at home, work, and school that are associated with his or her drinking habits.

A problem drinker

What is the difference between a saturated and unsaturated fatty acid

A saturated fatty acid has each carbon within the fatty acid chain completely filled with hydrogen atoms. And unsaturated fatty acid has two neighboring carbons within the chain that are missing two hydrogen atoms.

A fixed a bunch of clots that remains in place and disrupts blood flow. If it partially closes off the women of an artery that nourishes the heart, the effected section of the heart muscle is unable to receive enough oxygen and nutrients to function properly. As a result, the infected person typically experiences bouts of chest pain, especially when his or her heart beats faster, such as during intense emotional states or physical activities.

A thrombus

Has three fatty acids attached to glycerol, a three carbon compound that is often referred to as the backbone.

A triglyceride

After her college graduation party, jades BAC was 0.16%. This level is blank times the legal limit. A. 2 B. 4 C. 3 D. 5

A. 2

Fats in foods A. Add taste and contribute to mouth feel. B. Are digested and absorbed in the stomach C. Carry water soluble nutrients D. Need to be eliminated to have a healthful diet

A. Add taste and contribute to mouth feel

Which of the following statements is true A. Certain fish are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids B. Omega-3 fatty acids increase the risk of cardiovascular disease C. Trans fats are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids D. The human body converts dietary fiber into omega-3 fatty acids

A. Certain fish are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids

The enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase converts most of the alcohol to

Acetaldehyde , a substance that is more toxic than alcohol.

Identify the two essential fatty acids, and list at least three signs of an essential fatty acid deficiency

Alpha linolenic acid and linoleic acid are essential fatty acids. signs of essential fatty acid deficiency include Poor growth in infants, scaly skin, poor wound healing, and hair loss

What is in omega-3 fatty acid

An Omega-3 fatty acid has the first double bond in a polyunsaturated fatty acids carbon chain appearing at the third carbon, when you start counting carbons at the omega end of the molecule. Alpha linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid(EPA), and docosahexaenoic (DHA) are omega-3 fatty acids

Instead of relying on partially hydrogenated oils to extend the shelf life of products, manufacturers can preserve fat and other ingredients in foods by adding


High blood levels of homocysteine may injure arterial walls and contribute to


Most cases of CVD result from _____________, a chronic process that negatively affects the functioning of arteries.


Lipoproteins A. Are water insoluble B. Transport lipids in the blood stream C. Contain glucose D. Are toxic cells

B. Transport lipids in the blood stream

Cholesterol is A. Metabolized for energy B. Found only in animal foods C. Not made by the human body D. Harmful to health

B. found only in animal foods

In 2015, the food and drug administration determined that partially hydrogenated oils posed a health risk, and the agency

Banned their use in foods. As of December 2020, the ban will go into affect in 2021.

3 to 6% alcohol


A form of heavy drinking, but the definition often differs according to sex

Binge drinking

Five or more drinks/occasion (about 2 hours) for men and Four or more drinks/occasion (about 2 hours)for women

Binge drinking

Homocysteine is an A. Form of folate B. Lipid that lowers blood pressure C. Possible marker for cardiovascular disease D. Essential amino acid

C. Possible marker for cardiovascular disease

The primary site of triglyceride digestion absorption is A. Stomach B. Liver C. Small intestine D. Gallbladder

C. Small intestine

____ ________ can detect coronary calcium deposits. A sc

CT scan

Blood alcohol concentration of 0.20

Cannot walk without help, mental confusion, may pass out

A group of medical conditions that affect the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Cardiovascular disease

Involves abnormal functioning of the carotid arteries in the neck that provide blood to the brain

Carotid artery disease

Alcohol affect on skin

Causes flushing of skin and heat loss

Alcohols effect on liver

Causes liver cells to fill with fat, eventually resulting in hepatitis, cirrhosis, and liver failure; increases risk of liver cancer

Most lipids, particularly triglycerides and phospholipids, have fatty acids in there

Chemical structures

As fatty chyme is the stomach and enters in your small intestine, it stimulates certain intestinal cells to release the hormone


Signals the gallbladder to contract and release bile. It also signals the pancreas to secrete digestive enzymes, including pancreatic lipase, into the duodenum.


Damages arteries that supply many organs, especially the heart, kidney, and brain

Chronic high blood pressure

____________ ____________ is significantly associated with the formation of cornea calcium, calcium deposits in arteries of the heart.

Cigarette smoking

Unsaturated fatty acids usually have the two hydrogen atoms of the double bonded carbon's on the same side of the molecule. This type of structure is called a

Cis fatty acid

______ _________ _______, such as all the oleic acid, have a kink or bend where the double bonds are in the carbon chain.

Cis fatty acids

Serum is the liquid portion of blood; plasma is similar to see him except that it contains

Clotting factors

Common foods that are rich in polyunsaturated fat include

Corn, soy beans, and cottonseed oils, as well as some types of sunflower and safflower seed oils

Affects the arteries that supply the heart and often leads to heart attack.

Coronary artery disease

Trans fatty acids are A. Naturally and many foods B. Lack glycerol in their chemical structures C. Do not occur naturally D. Are partially water soluble

D. Are partially water soluble

Tania has ____________, which makes her at high risk for cardiovascular disease A. Low saturated fat intake B. Low LDL cholesterol C. A family history of headaches D. High oxidized LDL

D. High oxidized LDL

José would like to reduce his saturated fat intake and increase his polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat intake. Which habit should Jose adopt A. Choose chicken with the skin on instead of rib bone steaks B. Cook with coconut oil instead of canola oil C. Switch from 2% milk to whole milk D. Spread mashed avocado on toast instead of butter

D. Spread mashed avocado on toast instead of butter

Brita was a binge drinker during the first three months of her pregnancy. Her baby was born with FAS. Which of the following conditions is a sign of FAS A. Chronic vomiting B. Iron deficiency anemia C. Bleeding gums D. Thin upper lip

D. Thin upper lip

A healthy dietary pattern that promotes fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, whole-grain foods, tree nuts, seeds, fish, poultry, and legumes to reduce blood pressure.

DASH diet

Alpha-linolenic acid is an omega-3 fatty acid that the body can convert to


Infants require ______ and _______ for nervous system development, and babies do not grow properly when there are diets like essential fatty acids.


Alcohols effect on heart

Damages heart muscle, resulting in enlargement of the heart and heart failure; causes hypertension

Easy ways to meet the adequate intake for alpha linolenic acid and linoleic acid

Eating 2 to 3 tablespoons of vegetable fat daily, especially products made with canola and soybean oils, and meals that contain fatty fish, such as salmon and tuna, at least twice a week.

______ _______, for example, naturally contains phospholipids and is used to Moore supply oil and vinegar when making mayonnaise or mixing oil and milk and cake batters.

Egg yolk

A thrombus or part of class that breaks free from where it formed and travels to the bloodstream is an


A phospholipid molecule also has hydrophobic portion that avoids watery substances and attracts oily ones. By having both hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions, a phospholipid can serve as an


A substance that keeps water soluble in water insoluble compounds mixed together


The process of recycling bile from the intestinal tract is called

Enterohepatic circulation

A two carbon compound that chemist classify as an alcohol


True or false Alcohol is not water-soluble


True or false An embolus that lodges in an artery won't create the same serious consequences as a stationary thrombus


True or false The distilling process decreases the alcohol concentration of an alcoholic beverage


True or false People need large amounts of essential fatty acids for good health

False, small amounts

True or false Phospholipid deficiencies among adults are common

False, they are not because lipids are in a variety of foods and bodies of healthy adults synthesize these compounds

True or false Beef and dairy foods do not naturally contain amounts of PHOs

False, they do

Why did food manufacturers make products that contain PHOs?

Foods made with PHOs can be stored for longer periods than foods that contain cis fatty acids. Trans fatty acids are less likely to undergo oxidation, a chemical process that alters the compound structure. When oxidized, the fat in food becomes rancid and develops in an appetizing odor and taste. Unsaturated fatty acids that have the cis double bond arrangement, especially PUFA, are very susceptible to oxidation

Alcohol affects every cell in the body, and when consumed in excess, the drug damages every system in the body, particularly the

Gastrointestinal, nervous, and cardiovascular systems.

The end products of lipid digestion

Glycerol, fatty acids, monoglycerides, and phospholipid fragments.

15 or more drinks a week for males and eight or more drinks a week for females

Heavy drinking

HDL cholesterol of 40 or less for men and 50 or less for women

High risk

Total cholesterol of 240 or higher

High risk

Triglycerides 200 or more

High risk

Chronic information is involved in the development of CBD and other chronic diseases. The liver responds to certain kinds of information by producing and releasing

High sensitivity C-reactive protein into the blood stream

A chronic condition characterized by abnormally high blood pressure levels that persist even when the person is relaxed. It is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke.


In addition to interfering with blood flow, atherosclerosis causes the affected arteries to thicken and lose their flexibility. This condition is commonly called hardening of the arteries. As a result, arthrosclerosis contribute to the development of


_____________ also damages arteries in other parts of the body, which increases risk of internal bleeding problems and even sudden death , depending on the artery size and location


Alcohols effect on the brain

Impairs brain functioning and damages brain; increases risk of stroke

Alcohols effect on pancreas

Impairs pancreatic function, can cause inflammation of the pancreas and increases risk of pancreatic cancer

Alcohols effect on abdomen

Increases fat deposits in abdominal region

Alcohols effect on breasts

Increases risk of breast cancer

Alcohols effect on esophagus

Increases risk of cancer of the esophagus

Alcohols effect on the colon and rectum

Increases risk of colon and rectal cancer

Alcohols effect on mouth, throat, voicebox

Increases risk of liver cancer

Alcohols effect on the small intestine

Interferes with nutrient absorption

Alcohols affect on stomach

Irritate stomach lining and increases risk of stomach cancer

Is the major phospholipid in food; egg yolks, liver, wheat germ, peanut butter, and soy beans are rich sources.


_________ ______ Is in vegetable angles, often used for frying foods and making margins in salad dressings. Additionally, whole grain products contain acid.

Linoleic acid

Triglycerides and phospholipid need to be broken down by special enzymes called


A class of macronutrients that includes fatty acids, triglycerides, phospholipids, and cholesterol.


Are crucial components of the plasma membrane that surrounds each human cell. In fact, a person cannot claim to be fat free because every cell in the body contains fat, as well as other lipids.


As chylomicrons circulate through the body, ___________ ____________, an enzyme in the walls of capillaries, breaks down chylomicrons load of triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol. Nearby cells can then pick up the fatty acids and glycerol molecule to use for energy.

Lipoprotein lipase

Are water soluble structures that transport lipids through the bloodstream. These must pass through the large openings of lacteals, lymphatic system vessels in each villus.


________-_______ consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol can cause the neurons to shrink, and the brain develops other structural abnormalities. Confusion and memory loss are common signs of the extensive brain damage that occurs in a chronic heavy drinker

Long term

Blood alcohol concentration of 0.08

Loss of balance, slower than normal reaction time, impaired reasoning ability and memory. Reduced ability to control one's behavior

Blood alcohol concentration of 0.25 or above

Loss of consciousness, coma, possible death from respiratory arrest

______ ______________ lipoprotein transports more cholesterol then HDL in the bloodstream

Low density

HDL cholesterol of 60 or more

Low risk

LDL cholesterol of 100 to 129

Low risk

Total cholesterol 200 or less

Low risk

Triglycerides of 150 or less

Low risk

Unlike the alcohol dehydrogenase pathway, ________ waste energy in the form of body that dissipates into the environment. Thus, alcohol typically gain a little weight from their energy intake when alcohol supplies most of their energy.


Consuming too much alcohol may also increase the excretion of certain minerals, particularly the minerals

Magnesium and zinc

- providing and storing energy (fat) -maintaining cell membranes - producing certain hormones - insulating the body against the cold temperatures -cushioning the body against bumps and blows -contributing to body contours - absorbing fat soluble vitamins and phytochemicals

Major functions of lipids in the body

Blood alcohol concentration of 0.10

Major impairment of hearing, vision, and muscular coordination. Slurred speech and obvious delayed reaction time

What are the major lipids in food and body

Major lipids include fatty acids, triglycerides, phospholipids, and steroids, particularly cholesterol.

The simple good or bad classification, is no longer helpful in predicting a person's risk of atherosclerosis . Why?

Malfunctioning HDL's may transport oxidized cholesterol. Like oxidized LDL cholesterol, oxidized HDL cholesterol is also associated with increased risk of arthrosclerosis

7% alcohol by volume

Malt liquors

Bile salts surround the lipids, forming tiny lipid rich particles called


Up to two drinks a day for males and up to one drink a day for females

Moderate drinking

Unhealthy diet, hypertension, insulin resistance and diabetes, elevated blood cholesterol especially LDL cholesterol, excess body fat, physical inactivity, tobacco use or exposure to tobacco

Modifiable risk factors for atherosclerosis

Unsaturated fatty acids can have one or more double bonds within the chain of carbons. If the fatty acid has only one double bond linking to carbon atoms; it is referred to as a

Monosaturated fatty acid.

What is the difference between a monosaturated in a polyunsaturated fatty acid

Monosaturated fatty acids have one double bond within the carbon chain; polyunsaturated fatty acids have two or more double bonds within the carbon chain.

A chemical that transmits messages between the nerve cells. The human body makes small amounts of coin, but the phospholipid is classified as a vitamin like nutrient because deficiency symptoms can occur under certain conditions.


Family history of CBD, increasing age

Non-modifiable risk factors

Digest triglycerides by removing two fatty acids from each triglyceride molecule

Pancreatic lipase

Was a food manufacturing process that added hydrogen atoms to some unsaturated fatty acids in liquid vegetable oil.

Partial hydrogenation

According to the dietary guidelines, what is the recommendation for saturated fat intake

People should consume less than 10% of their total calories from saturated fatty acids

Affects the arteries that supply the arms and legs and pelvic region.

Peripheral artery disease

Are naturally found in plant and animal foods.


In the body, phospholipids are major structural components of cell membranes. Salmon brains are composed of a double layer that is mostly ________________


How does a phospholipid differ from a triglyceride

Phospholipids have a hydrophilic region that contains phosphorus and a hydrophobic region with two fatty acids. A triglyceride has three fatty acids attached to a glycerol backbone

Plants make small amounts of substances that have chemical structures that are similar to cholesterol. The substances are

Phytosterols and phytostanols

Interfering with enterohepatic circulation can reduce blood cholesterol levels because the liver must use cholesterol to make new bile salts. ______ contain substances, such as soluble fiber, that interfere with cholesterol and bile absorption.


If a fatty acid has three double bonds within its hydrocarbon chain it is a

Polyunsaturated fatty acid

Blood alcohol concentration of 0.15

Poor muscular control, vomiting, loss of balance

Why is it important to understand the difference between saturated, unsaturated, and trans fat, and identify foods that contain high amounts of these fats?

Populations that consume diets rich in saturated fat and trans fats have a higher risk of CVD than populations whose diets contain more unsaturated and saturated fat. Furthermore, diets that contain high amounts of unsaturated fatty acids, especially the omega-3's, may reduce the risk of common types of CVD.

When a drinkers BAC reaches 0.25% or higher, his or her brain is unable to

Process information

The body uses EPA, DHA, and AA to make several compounds that have hormone like functions, including


True or false A chylomicron is the largest and least dense kind of Lipoproteins


Blood alcohol concentration of 0.05

Reduce inhibitions, resulting in exaggerated emotional and behavioral responses to situations. Impaired judgment, good mood

88-year-old Rose has more body fat than her 88-year-old cousin, Lily. Explain why having excess body fat can be beneficial for older adults

Roses excess body fat can provide a source of energy for her, if she is ill and cannot eat. Also, the fat provides some insulation against cold temperatures and may protect her bones from breaking if she falls.

Liquid Cournoyer contains a greater proportion of unsaturated than

Saturated fatty acids.

Signs of essential fatty acid deficiency include

Scaly skin, hair loss, and poor wound healing.

Blood alcohol concentration of 0.02

Some loss of good judgment, altered mood, relaxation

Reduce elevated blood lipid levels. They interfere with the liver is metabolism of cholesterol, effectively reducing LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels as a result.


Have carbons arranged in rings, which makes them a more chemically complex type of lipid than a triglyceride or a phospholipid.


Prostaglandins produce a variety of important effects on the body, such as

Stimulating uterine contractions, regulating blood pressure, and promoting the immune system's inflammatory response.

Eating too many calories from fat contributes to unwanted waking, but consuming too much energy from proteins and carbohydrates also increases body fat. Why?

The body can convert excess glucose and certain amino acids into fatty acids that are used to make triglycerides. Additionally the non-nutrient alcohol stimulates triglycerides synthesis, and excess body fat can accumulate as a result of alcohol consumption.

The first carbon in the molecule has three hydrogen atoms attached to it. Chemist call this part of the molecule

The omega end

The body cannot make the two polyunsaturated fats, alpha linolenic acid and linoleic acid so

These lipids are essential fatty acids because they must be supplied by the diet

____________ occurs as the levels of their enzymes needed to metabolize alcohol increase, and as a result, the rate of alcohol metabolism increases


True or false 10 to 12 hours after a meal, most chylomicrons have been reduced to small cholesterol rich remnants


True or false A healthy person who weighs 154 pounds metabolizes about one alcoholic drink per hour


True or false According to the dietary guidelines, women who are pregnant or breast-feeding can safely consume up to 12 ounces of low mercury fish and shellfish weekly


True or false Although artherosclerosis can begin during adolescence and young adulthood, the disease usually does not produce signs or symptoms of CBD until decades later


True or false Although each gram of alcohol provides 7 cal, alcohol is not a nutrient; it is a mind altering drug that is often classified as food


True or false Although the body can use transparent acids for energy, these lipids are not essential, and medical researchers have not discovered any positive health effects from consuming them.


True or false An estimated 88,000 Americans die each year as a result of excessive alcohol use


True or false Because alcohol is a poison, the liver shifts its metabolic focus from macronutrient metabolism to alcohol detoxification when the compound enters its tissues


True or false Both problem drinkers and those with alcohol use disorder engage in behaviors that place themselves and others in danger, such as drinking and driving


True or false Chemist identify a fatty acid by its number of carbon atoms and type of bond between carbon atoms in the hydrocarbon chain. Additionally, these factors influence how various fatty acids can affect a persons health.


True or false Cholesterol does not undergo digestion; small intestinal cells can absorb cholesterol directly from food


True or false Cholesterol is a component of every cell membrane in your body


True or false Cholesterol is found only in animal foods


True or false Cholesterol is the most well known sterol


True or false Compared to men who drink heavily, women have a higher risk of serious health problems, especially damage to their liver, brain, and heart, when they abuse the same amount of alcohol


True or false Deficiencies of certain B vitamins can also cause homocysteine levels to become elevated


True or false Distilled spirits have essentially no nutritional value other than water


True or false Drinking small amounts of alcohol can raise beneficial HDL cholesterol levels


True or false Elevated blood pressure can cause harden arteries in the brain to tear or burst


True or false Even if you do not eat animal foods, your body produces cholesterol, primarily in the liver


True or false Fat in beef and dairy products contains more saturated fat than unsaturated fatty acids


True or false Fats that contain a high proportion of partially hydrogenated oil's are more solid at room temperature than those with a high proportion of cis fatty acids.


True or false Fatty acids provide energy for muscles and most other types of cells


True or false Foods that are rich sources of long chain saturated fatty acids, tend to be more solid at room temperature


True or false High-density Lipo proteins is the smallest and dentist kind of Lipo proteins because it transports more protein and less lipids than other lipoproteins


True or false In 2015 about 6% of Americans who were 18 years of age or older had in alcohol use disorder


True or false In 2017, Americans who were 18 to 25 years of age or more likely to binge drink than Americans in other age groups.


True or false In 2018, heart disease and strokes responsible for about 28% of deaths in the United States


True or false In nature, fatty acids have even numbers of carbon atoms.


True or false In the United States, a BAC of 0.08% is the legal limit for intoxication for automobile operators who are age 21 years or older


True or false In the United States, essential fatty acid deficiency is uncommon because most Americans eat plenty of fat, especially linoleic acid.


True or false Monosaturated fatty acids generally lower LDL cholesterol without reducing HDL cholesterol levels


True or false Most triglycerides contain mixtures of unsaturated and saturated fatty acids.


True or false Oil is less dense than water so it rises to the top of vinegar in small gobbles when added to vinegar


True or false Olive oil is a rich source of monosaturated fatty acids


True or false Phytosterols and Phytostanols are often added to certain foods, beverages, and dietary supplements because they may lower elevated blood cholesterol levels, a risk factor for heart disease


True or false Saturated fat alters the structure of liver cell membranes so they no longer function properly


True or false The heart of a person with hypertension must work harder to circulate blood through abnormally stiff arteries


True or false The lymphatic system transports chylomicrons to the thoracic duct, where they enter the bloodstream through the left subclavian vein in the chest


True or false Trans fats raise LDL cholesterol while reducing beneficial HDL cholesterol levels


True or false Whether fat is naturally in food or attitude, the nutrient often makes food taste more appetizing


True or false Whole milk and whole milk products, butter, and me naturally contain small amounts of trans fats


True or false Women tend to become more impaired than men do after drinking the same amount of alcohol, even when differences in body weight are taken into account.


True or false alpha linolenic acid Is in omega-3 fatty acid.


true or false Processed foods, such as cheese food, salad dressing, and ice cream, often have phospholipids added as emulsifying agents


Has two neighboring carbons within the chain that are missing two hydrogen atoms, and a double bond holds those particular carbons together.

Unsaturated fatty acid

As a result of the partial hydrogenation process, vegetable oil could be made into

Vegetable shortening or shaped into sticks of margarine

LDL cholesterol of 190 or higher

Very high risk

A third major classes of Lipoproteins, may also contribute to Atherosclerosis, carries a larger amount of triglycerides and cholesterol. A high level of triglycerides in the bloodstream is stimulate the production of small, dense LDL cholesterol particles that are prone to becoming oxidized. When oxidized particles bind to the walls of arteries, they promote information and atherosclerosis.

Very low density lipoprotein

LDL cholesterol of 100 or less

Very low risk

Although cholesterol is not metabolized for energy, cells use the liberty synthesize a variety of substances, including

Vitamin D, and steroid hormones such as estrogen and testosterone. The liver uses cholesterol to make bile, and emulsifier that facilitates lipid digestion.

A brain disorder characterized by mental confusion, memory loss, and uncoordinated muscle movements. The person with this condition typically staggers when trying to walk. Taking thiamine supplements can resolve some signs of the syndrome, but the person must avoid drinking alcohol while being treated.

Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome

Poor diets contribute to deficiencies of vitamin E, vitamin C, and the B vitamins Simon and Foley among alcoholics. It is not unusual for chronic alcoholics to become diamond deficient and develop

Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome

8 to 14% alcohol


Commercial alcoholic beverage production relies on________, that break down simple sugars in the absence of oxygen to obtain energy in the metabolic waste products, alcohol.


When your body needs energy, ________ cells break down some stored triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol molecules, and release the substances into your bloodstream.


Chronic __________ _________ causes muscular wasting that affect skeletal as well as heart muscle. Obviously, such effects will have a negative affect on muscular mass, strength, and endurance

alcohol abuse

An individual suffering from __________ ____________ is confused, passes out and cannot be aroused, breathe slowly and irregularly, and has pale or bluish skin.

alcohol poisoning

Chronic alcohol consumption increases the risk of __________ ____________ , a painful and sometimes fatal condition characterized by inflammation and destruction of the pancreas

alcoholic pancreatitis

Lipo proteins transport cholesterol and triglycerides in the bloodstream, so the structures played major roles in the development of __________________


Alcohol metabolism is not influenced by a persons A. Sex B. Level of caffeine consumption C. Prior history of alcohol use D. Body size and composition

b. level of caffeine consumption

Solid fats generally have a high proportion of ______________ fatty acids. A. Unsaturated B. Saturated C. Polyunsaturated D. Monounsaturated

b. saturated

Bile contains ______ ______, compounds that enhance digestion and absorption by keeping lipids dispersed in the water the environment of the small intestine.

bile salts

According to the centers for disease control and prevention, _______ _________ is defined as having four or more drinks during an occasion (about two hours) for females and five or more drinks during an occasion for males

binge drinking

LDL cholesterol of 130 to 159

borderline high risk

Total cholesterol of 200 to 239

borderline high risk

Triglycerides of 150 to 199

borderline high risk

Modifiable risk factors for atherosclerosis include A. Family history B. Age C. Tobacco use D. Racial/ethnic background

c. Tobacco use

A saturated fatty acid has A. One double bond within a hydrocarbon chain B. Two double bonds within the hydrocarbon chain C. No double bonds within a hydrocarbon chain D. Three or more double bonds within the hydrocarbon chain

c. no double bonds within the hydrocarbon chain

Lecithin contains ________, a water soluble compound that nerves use to produce the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.


Alcohol is toxic to cells, including rapidly dividing embryonic cells. An infant born with a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder has some degree of _____________ ________________ as a result of its mothers consumption of alcohol during pregnancy.

developmental abnormalities

Alcohol requires no ___________ and readily passes through the tissues lining the inside of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and small intestine. When alcohol is consumed with meals, food delays it's absorption from the stomach and slows the rate at which the drug enters the bloodstream. To reduce alcohol is harmful effects, the body detoxifies the simple chemical by converting it into less damaging compounds.


Triglycerides comprise about 95% of lipids in your body and food. Triglycerides are often referred to as Fatz and oils. The body stores _________ as triglycerides.


LDL cholesterol of 160 to 189

high risk

Bile salts have _____________ heads and __________ tails. The tails are oriented inward, so they surround the lipid particle, while the heads face outward and tour the watery components of chyme.

hydrophilic, hydrophobic

The primary omega-6 fatty acid, linoleic acid, increases _____________ and blood clotting


Grains, fruit, and potatoes - just about anything that contain simple sugars - will ferment under the proper conditions. Yeast will even ferment __________ and milk.


The ________ ___ _____ under your skin stores energy, insulates you against cold temperatures, protects you against minor bruising, and contributes to your bodies contours. I

layer of fat

Detoxification begins in the stomach, where the enzyme gastric alcohol dehydrogenase metabolizes up to 20% of the alcohol. Most of the remaining alcohol passes through the small intestinal wall and circulates to the _______, the primary site for metabolizing alcohol


The process of absorbing lipids also involves ___________, which transport the fat soluble end products of digestion to villi in the small intestine. When micelles are close to the tip of a Villus, the fatty acids, monoglycerides, and cholesterol leave them and move into the villus.


If a person consumes excessive amounts of alcohol such as during a drinking binge, the alcohol overwhelms delivers ability to metabolize the drug using the dehydrogenase pathway. When this occurs, the second method of processing alcohol, the ________ ________ ________ system takes over.

microsomal ethanol oxidizing

If a thrombus completely blocks blood flow to a section of the heart muscle, the muscle dies and a ____________ ____________ occurs

myocardial infarction

linoleic acid is an

omega-6 fatty acid

Consuming too much alcohol, contributes to hypertension and damages every _________ of the body. Excess alcohol consumption has devastating effects on society, as well as on personal safety and relationships.


When each carbon in the chain has two hydrogen atoms attached to it. This is a ___________ ______ ______ because each carbon within the chain is saturated, that is completely filled with hydrogen atoms.

saturated fatty acid

After being absorbed, _______ and ______ chain fatty acids can enter the portal bloodstream of the villi directly

short, medium

Eating foods that are rich sources of fiber, particularly ________ fiber, can reduce LDL cholesterol levels without lowering beneficial HDL cholesterol levels


In general, lipids are insoluble in water, but they are _________ in organic solvent such as alcohol and acetone.


A fatty acid is composed of a hydrocarbon chain, a chain of carbon atoms bonded to each other and to hydrogen atoms. The first carbon in the molecule has ______ _____________ ________ attached to it.

three hydrogen atoms

Heart disease and stroke, the most common forms of CVD, or among the ______ ______and even causes of death in the United States.

top five

In the body, _____ ______ raises blood levels of an unhealthy form of cholesterol, which increases the risk of heart disease

trans fats

A _____ ______ ______, such as elaidic acid, has two hydrogen atoms of the double bonded carbon on the opposite side of the molecule

trans fatty acid

Mild alcohol intoxication Often produces presentation and relax inhibitions. Consuming large amounts, however, depresses normal motor function, including breathing, and deaf can result. Alcohol use is often involved in a motor vehicle accidents, Falls, and drowning as well as acts of __________ and _______

violence and abuse

In addition to storing energy and fat-soluble vitamins, the fat deposits in your body and abdominal region cushion your ______ _________ from jarring movement and damaging blows

vital organs

Unlike triglycerides, phospholipids are partially _______ _______ because the phosphorus containing portion of the molecule is hydrophilic; that is, it attracts water.

water soluble

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