Nutrition Chapters 7-9

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Which of the following best describes Keshan disease?

A form of heart disease that occurs as a result of selenium deficiency combines with an infection.

Dr. Johnson notices that her parents has a lump in the front of his neck. After careful examination and blood tests, Dr. Johnson discovers that her patient has decreased thyroid hormone production. Which of the following conditions is the patient most likely suffering from based on this diagnosis?

A goiter.

Which of the following health effects may occur if you have low levels of iodine?

A goiter.

Which of the following meals is a good source of dietary sulfur?

All of these meals provide dietary sulfur.

Which of the following statements best defines a mineral?

An inorganic compound that's needed in small amounts for the regulation of your body's processes and health.

Why would a person who consumes too much phosphorus have weak bones?

Because the body will take calcium from the bones to restore the calcium/phosphorus balance.

Why might a person with kidney problems be at risk for phosphorus toxicity?

Because the kidneys are responsible for removing excess phosphorus through the urine.

How can consumption of caffeine result in lower magnesium level in the body?

By causing the person to urinate more often.

What deficiency in magnesium lead to disturbances in muscle contraction?

By disrupting the ion balance in the muscles and nerves.

How do sodium, potassium, and chloride help maintain your blood pressure?

By helping your body regulate its fluid balance.

All of the following are trace minerals EXCEPT .........., which is a macromineral?


Why are people who eat a vegan diet most likely to benefit from a calcium supplement?

Calcium supplements help to give the vegans strong teeth and bones, since they don't eat animal and dairy products.

Which of the following minerals help strengthen your bones?

Calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium.

Which of the following best describes electrolytes?

Charges ions that help your body regulate fluid balance.

All of the following are good sources of phosphorus, EXCEPT ........?


Will is 65 years old, and consumes lots of refined carbohydrates. He was recently diagnosed with increased levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Which of the following could be associated with Will's current health condition?

Chromium deficiency

Which of the following is TRUE about chromium?

Chromium is involved in the proper metabolism of fats as well as carbohydrates and proteins.

Cindy visited her doctor with a specific set of complaints. Based on her symptoms, her doctor suspects that Cindy may be suffering from a zinc deficiency. Why would the doctor believe this to be the proper diagnosis of Cindy's problem?

Cindy has lost her senses of taste and smell.

Manganese is a trace mineral that acts as a ........ to activate enzymes and help them get to work?


If Molybdenum toxicity occurs it could interfere with the absorption of which trace mineral?


Copper deficiency can lead to a condition known as duodenal hypoxia, which is the lack of oxygen in the tissues of the small intestine. Which of the following explains the possible mechanism for this health issue?

Copper helps in the formation of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to all the tissues in the body, including the small intestines.

If you experience abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, and you routinely drink water that flows through copper pipes, what condition might you be suffering from?

Copper toxicity.

Iodine deficiency in a pregnant women could result in .......?


Fluoride can help prevent which of the following health problems?

Dental caries.

While fluoride can help children develop healthy teeth, if a child gets too much of this mineral it can result in ............?

Dental fluorosis

Which of the following set of symptoms could be associated with magnesium toxicity?

Diarrhea, vomiting, and low blood pressure.

How does fluoride help protect your teeth from cavities?

Fluoride reduces the acid production on your teeth caused by bacteria.

A patient has symptoms of stiffness along with joint and bone pain. What could be the cause?

Fluorosis throughout adulthood.

Which of the following is a sulfur-containing antioxidant that protects your cells from damage?


A lack of iodine can result in a swelling of the neck called a ........?


Too much molybdenum can cause uric acid to accumulate around the joints causing the inflammation of the joints. What is this condition called?


A person not eating enough food may experience which of the following from a lack of electrolytes?

Heart failure.

Why are animal-based foods a better source of usable iron that plant-based foods?

Heme iron in animal-based foods is more easily absorbed than nonheme iron.

What is the iron-containing protein responsible for transporting oxygen around the body?


Which of the following is NOT a symptom of phosphorus deficiency?

Increase heart rate.

Chromium helps which hormone regulate blood sugar levels?


Carolyn goes to the doctor complaining of tiredness and shortness of breath. The doctor determines that Carolyn is suffering from anemia, or low hemoglobin. Which mineral should the doctor prescribe for Carolyn?


If you are experiencing nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea, which of the following conditions might you suspect?

Iron toxicity.

Ana has been tired lately. When she went to the physician, she was diagnosed with anemia and given a supplement. Which of the following minerals is probably in Ana's supplement?


Which mineral supplement, if taken in high amounts, could result in organ damage and can poison children?


Which of the following statement is true regarding molybdenum deficiency?

It could interfere with the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids.

Which of the following is a function of zinc?

It helps cells grow and divide, it's important for wound healing, it helps maintain your immune function, and it is important for the development of sex organs.

All of the following statements are TRUE concerning copper, EXCEPT that ..........?

It is a macromineral

All of the following are true concerning molybdenum, EXCEPT:

It is a macromineral.

Which of the following is FALSE about chromium?

It is found in refined grains.

Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning selenium?

It is needed for the synthesis of thyroid hormones.

Which of the following is a TRUE statement about magnesium?

It is possible to reach toxic levels by consuming a supplement or medicine that contains magnesium.

Which of the following is FALSE regarding iodine toxicity?

It is very common in America due to overuse of iodized salt.

Which of the following is NOT a function of phosphorus?

It's needed to combat unwanted weight gain.

Which of the following is the name of a disease that occurs mainly in china, is associated with selenium deficiency, and is characterized by stiff and deformed joints?

Kashin-Beck disease.

All of the following are associated with copper deficiency, EXCEPT ..........?

Kidney disease.

Lacey was told by her doctor that she needs to increase the amount of calcium in her diet. Which of the following are foods that she should eat?

Legumes and dark green leafy vegetables.

Janine's son richie was low on the growth chart. His blood sugar levels were high and he had asthma. Test results will probably show Richie suffers from .........?

Manganese deficiency.

Which of the following patients is most likely suffering from iron deficiency anemia?

Mary has been feeling tired, weak, and irritable for a week.

Which of the following is a FALSE statement about minerals?

Minerals are only needed during times of growth.

What statement about minerals is FALSE?

Minerals are organic compounds.

If blood calcium levels are low, which of the following may occur as a result?

Muscle cramps, numbness or tingling in the hands and feet, and bone resorption.

What habit may make it difficult to obtain enough fluoride?

Only drinking bottled water.

Which of the following are compounds found in whole grains and plant foods that can bind to calcium, iron and zinc to fight against their absorption by our bodies?


Trace minerals are minerals that your body needs in relatively small amounts. Which of the following is NOT a trace mineral?


If bone resorption continues for a long time, which of the following may occur?

Reduced bone mass.

Ricky Bobby just finished an intense workout at the gym. He is sweating profusely. His personal trainer suggested that he have a mineral drink for fluid balance and to replace the electrolytes he lost during his workout. Which three minerals does Ricky Bobby need?

Sodium, Potassium, Chloride.

Select the food that is NOT a source of iodine?


Sulfur is part of the following, EXCEPT ........?


The enzyme sulfite oxidase is essential for the metabolism of ATP, which is the molecule used by the cell to get energy. Molybdenum is a cofactor of this enzyme. What would happen to the cells if there wasn't enough molybdenum in the body?

Sulfite oxidase would not be able to produce enough ATP, so the cells would not have the amount of energy that they need.

Which of the following is a function of Sulfur?

Sulfur is needed to create connective tissues that support your joints.

All of the following are symptoms related to selenium toxicity, EXCEPT .........?

Sweet breath.

Which of the following are compounds found in tea and certain grains that interfere with iron absorption?


All of the following factors can influence the absorption of a mineral, EXCEPT ........?

The amount of red blood cells in the body.

Explain the difference between trace minerals and macrominerals?

The body needs trace minerals in small amounts which it needs macrominerals in larger amounts.

Why would an iron deficiency cause red blood cells to look pale?

The interaction between iron and oxygen in hemoglobin gives blood its red color.

Which of the following body parts is strongly dependent on the trace mineral iodine?

The thyroid gland.

Your friend heard that consuming too much sulfur can lead to vision loss, so now she is trying to limit the consumption of sulfur-containing foods. What would you tell her in order to change her negative ideas about sulfur?

There are no clearly defined symptoms associated with taking in too much sulfur.

Which of the following is FALSE concerning fluoride?

There are no health risks for taking too much fluoride.

What are the likely effects you can expect if you consume too much chromium, and why?

There would be no toxic effects because the body will eliminate the unneeded extras along with other body wastes.

Which of the following would most likely happen if you consumed to much manganese through foods?

There would likely be no toxic effect.

Besides being major minerals, what function do calcium, phosphorus and magnesium share?

They are important for your bone health.

Which of the following is TRUE of mineral supplements?

They are products intended to add nutritional value to your diet.

Which of the following is most true about how the kidneys are involved with sodium, potassium, and chloride in your body?

They are the primary regulators of these electrolytes.

Which term is used to describe the highest average daily nutrient intake level that is likely to pose no risk of adverse health effects to almost all individuals in the general population?

Tolerable upper Intake Level (UL)

Weakness, irritability and eventually delirium are symptoms of what?

Toxicity of sodium.

Which food source would provide you with the least amount of zinc?


What symptoms are associated with a deficiency of vitamin A and how can this deficiency be fixed?

Vision problems. The consumption of milk, carrots, and dark green vegetables might help.

Which vitamin is added to fortified milk to help keep your bones healthy?

Vitamin D

Which of the following sets contains two vitamins that are antioxidants?

Vitamin E and C

Which vitamin plays an important tole in blood clotting?

Vitamin K

Which of the following statements correctly explains why your body does not use all the minerals that you have eaten?

We can only absorb minerals based on their degree of bio-availability, which is the degree to which a nutrient can be absorbed, retained, and used by the body.

All of the following are good food sources of manganese, EXCEPT .......?

White bread.

What is the name of the inherited disorder that causes copper to accumulate in the body's organs?

Wilson's Disease.

Is it possible that two people living in different countries, but consuming the exact same diet, would have different levels of selenium in their blood? if so, why?

Yes, because the selenium content of foods such as grains, nuts, and seeds depends on the amount of selenium found in the soil in which they are grown.

Which of the following plates contains the highest amount of magnesium?

Yogurt, green leafy vegetables, beans, and eggs.

If you have more sodium in your body than it needs, what will happen?

You will experience thirst.

Which of the following statements explains the relationship between zinc and other minerals?

Zinc toxicity can result in an inability to absorb proper amounts of copper and iron.

Calcium supplements can benefit older women because they are more susceptible than other individuals to getting ..........?


Which of the following is most likely to be a challenge in regards to proper fluoride consumption?

since the body only needs a small amount of fluoride, there may be a narrow window between deficiency and toxicity.

How are water soluble vitamins different from fat soluble vitamins?

water soluble vitamins like vitamins B and C are easily excreted. Fat soluble vitamins like vitamins A and D are stored in fat and the liver

Which of the following is a symptom associated with BOTH zinc toxicity and zinc deficiency?


When there is an excess of calcium in the body, which of the following may occur? i. calcium toxicity. ii. Kidney stones. iii. reduction in bone mass.

i and ii

Which of these functions does calcium perform in your body? i. strengthen bones and teeth. ii. aiding nervous system transmissions. iii. growing hair and nails.

i and ii

A pregnant women has a strong craving for ice. This is a sign that she should probably .........?

increase meat and poultry in her diet because she is likely anemic.

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