Nutrition Final

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T or F Hemoglobin molecules contain functional zinc and copper in their core


State the major differences between the two broad classes of vitamins

Fat soluble (need protein carrier) water soluble (can go right into blood)

Identify 2 micronutrients that pregnant women need in amounts 40% or greater (according to RDAs) than healthy non pregnant women

Folate Iron

Which type of diet would be more beneficial for obtaining sufficient fiber in the diet: low fat or low carb? Explain.

Low carb because carbs are filling and would take up more of the caloric intake than plant foods rich in fiber

The mean energy intake of boys and girls peak at about what ages

15 to 16 for boys; 10 to 11 for girls

the calcium-to-phosphate ratio should be


Recommended weight gain of a healthy mother over her pregnancy should be ___________ pounds


What Als have been provided for water

Adult males: 3.7 liters/day Adult females: 2.7 liters/day

What reflects typical change of BMR throughout adult life

BMR decreases

What is an optimal dietary ratio of calcium to phosphorus (Ca:P) for adults and children? Explain

Between 0.5:1 to 0.8:1 for adults A little less than 1:1 for kids Children need more calcium in the ratio to support healthy bone growth and development

Identify 1 plant superfood and 1 animal superfood that is rich in protein

Blueberries and salmon

Calculate protein RDA

Body weight = 150 lbs 150/2.2=68 68x0.8=54.4 RDA=54.4

List 3 different foods that are fortified with calcium

Breads, cornbread, corn tortillas

State 3 major differences in macronutrient composition between breast milk and cow's milk

Breast milk has more energy Less protein More fat

What is NOT considered a serum electrolyte


To maintain a healthy adult weight, which 2 lifestyle changes, including diet, play important roles in weight maintenance? Explain.

Exercise and extremely little to no alcohol consumption. These combined with a healthy diet can help lose weight and keep that weight off. It will most likely improve the whole quality of heath of the individual.

Bulimia nervosa displays all of the following characteristics except

loss of large percentage of body weight over time

Vitamin D status of the elderly is generally low because of which of the following

low dietary intake from vitamin D-rich food sources low skin production of vitamin D because of thinning of skin limited exposure to sunlight ALL OF THE ABOVE

A mineral needed for the activation of approximately 300 different enzymes


A widely available mineral in foods needed to make high energy cell molecules


A mineral found mainly inside cells that maintains membrane charge differential


Explain why obtaining sufficient dietary fiber on a diet rich in animal products is difficult.

primarily plant foods have the nutrients and dietary fiber molecules that are needed. We cannot get all that we need from an animal product rich diet

Major benefits gained by nursing infants, instead of using formula, include which of the following

proteins are not allergenic (allergy causing) provides immunoglobulins for defense against microorganisms easier to digest and absorb essential nutrients ALL OF THE ABOVE

Specify 3 common features of the diverse Mediterranean diets that are instrumental in health promotion and disease prevention

seafood, red wine, and olive oil

A mineral that is involved in combination of cysteine and methionine becoming part of several selenoproteins, and exists as a part of an antioxidant called glutathione peroxidase


The most sensitive blood marker used to assess iron status is

serum ferritin concentration

A mineral found mainly in extracellular fluids


Describe the typical distribution of body fat in females and males. Explain why the fat distributions differ.

Males - apple - (android) - this is an excess fat accumulation in the waist, which is common in men. This increases the risk of several chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, and kidney failure. Females - pear (gynoid) - due to gynoid fat distribution, females store more body fat around the thighs and buttocks, mostly surrounding needs for childbirth. This fat accumulation pattern has lower risks for the above chronic diseases

What is the number 1 health problem facing children and adolescents in the US today? Explain why this condition is so prevalent

Obesity Sedentary lifestyles, access to an abundance of food, high calorie-low nutrient foods are consumed in abundance, hereditary and environmental factors

Using the current definitions of BMI, define overweight and obesity.

Overweight has a BMI of 25-29 Obesity has a BMI of 30+

The major hormone regulating serum calcium concentration is

Parathyroid hormone (PTH)

When calcium intake is chronically low, which hormonal mechanism(s) help the body maintain calcium homeostasis? Explain

Parathyroid hormone is secreted, which increases bone reabsorption and increases phosphate excretion in an attempt to regain the needed balance.

Extended longevity in some nations can be attributed to specific lifestyle variables that operate independently of hereditary determinants. State 2 healthy lifestyle variables, other than a healthy diet, that impact favorably or adversely on health and longevity.

Physical activity and having wine in their diet

Explain the importance of healthful eating practices and proper dental hygiene to prevent dental carriers

Poor oral hygiene combined with a poor diet can lead to periodontal disease. We need proper dental hygiene and healthful eating practices to strengthen, rather than deteriorate our teeth and gums.

Identify 3 problem nutrients for athletes, especially female athletes. Explain why deficits in these nutrients can be detrimental to athletic performance

Protein - they need this to replace damaged muscle tissues with new amino acids. Iron - this helps replenish iron losses, especially in the GI system and especially for runners, who lose iron from the impact of their feet repeatedly hitting the ground Calcium - this helps support the increased bone formation triggered by their physical activity

List the 3 minerals that are classified as electrolytes. Identify 1 function of each and state where it is concentrated in the body

Sodium: maintain fluid volume of the body; concentrated in blood serum and other extracellular fluids Potassium: enzyme cofactors in several reactions; concentrated in intracellular fluids Chloride: balance cations in solution; concentrated mostly in extracellular fluids and some intracellular fluids.

Explain what a nutritional ergogenic aid is

Substances or mixtures of substances that enhance physical performance They usually provide energy and contain nutrients that speed up metabolic processes so that the athlete can better perform in their sport or activity that they're participating in.

How can vegan athletes obtain sufficient nutrients and energy to support their physical activity? Explain.

Supplements are probably the best way for them to get the nutrients they need, but they can help by consuming balanced proteins (ie. bean and rice, etc.). They can also try to consume more of a variety of plant foods and some that are lower in fiber so that their body can actually process more of the food that they're taking in.

Identify one unprocessed food that has high sodium levels. List 3 foods in which sodium additives greatly increase the sodium content.

Sweet potato Soups, chips, and ham

What molecule carries (transports) iron from the intestinal absorbing cells through the blood to body tissues for uptake by cells? What molecule circulating in blood acts as an enzyme that aids the uptake of iron ions by forming blood cells in the bone marrow

Transferrin Ferritin

T or F Breast milk is better for infant growth than either cow's milk or formula milk


T or F Colostrum, the first milk of a mother, is rich in immunoglobulins


T or F Protein synthesis in cells requires DNA-directed RNA and ribosomes


T or F Solid food is usually not introduced to nursing infants until about 6 months of age


T or F WIC is a supplemental food program for Women, Infants, and Children that offers food for pregnant women and their young children up to five years of age


In what ways is water released from the body?

Urine, feces, sweat, and evaporation via the skin and lungs.

State one function of each of the following molecules: retinol/retinal, retinoic acid, 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol, vitamin E, vitamin K.

Vitamin A (retinol)-visual process Retinoic acid- influences gene expression Vitamin D- bone health, cancer prevention Vitamin E- antioxidant Vitamin K- blood clotting, bone growth

Identify the deficiency diseases or conditions that occur when prolonged deficits of each of the following occur: vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K

Vitamin A- night blindness, eye probs Vitamin D-rickets, maybe osteoporosis Vitamin E- potentially increase the risk of heart disease, cancers, alzheimer's, etc. Vitamin K- impaired blood clotting

Identify 1 superfood that is rich in the following micronutrients: Vitamins A, E, D, and K; calcium; and iron.

Vitamin A: broccoli;Vitamin E: blueberries; Vitamin D: salmon; Vitamin K: broccoli; Calcium: broccoli; Iron: beans

Name one food rich in each of the following: Vitamin C thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, folate, cobalamin, thiamin

Vitamin C - orange Thiamin - pork Riboflavin - liver, dairy products Niacin - chicken Pyridoxine -green leafy veggies, liver Folate - green leafy veggies Cobalamin - animal foods (cheese and meats)

Name the deficiency disease or condition associated with each of the following vitamins: vitamin C, niacin, folate, cobalamin, thiamin

Vitamin C - scurvy Niacin-pellagra Folate- neural tube defect Cobalamin- macrocytic, megaloblastic anemia Thiamine - beriberi

Name 2 water-soluable vitamins for which toxic or adverse effects may occur when high supplemental doses are consumed.

Vitamin c, niacin

A mineral essential for muscle contraction and cell secretion processess


Allowances are significantly increased during pregnancy for some nutrients but not for


Which RDA is increased in the elderly


Protein quality is based on

complete array of all essential amino acids

a mineral that may become deficient if too much zinc supplement is consumed


In North American diets, almost 60% of calcium is provided by

dairy foods

Identify 2 animal foods and 2 plant foods that provide high levels of iron per serving

dark green vegetables, soybeans meats, fish

Dietary sources containing the greatest amounts of magnesium are

dark green, leafy vegetables

What is the current RDA for men and women between ages of 19-50

1000mg per day

Of the 2 calorically excessive diets, high-carb or high-fat, which is more likely to contribute to to type 2 diabetes? Explain.

High Carbohydrate. Because of disordered carbohydrate metabolism

a mineral that supports thyroid function and is incorporated in hormones that govern basal metabolic rate


Adult protein RDA for men and women are

56 and 46

What % of body weight is water?


What is the specific recommendation for folic acid (folate) for a pregnant woman

800 micrograms/day

Approximately 20 amino acids are needed for protein synthesis. How many are considered essential and how many non essential for adults

9 and 11

Identify one food that is rich in the following: Vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K.

A-carrots, D-egg yolk, E-veggies, oils, nuts K-dark green leafy veggies

Name 3 additional chronic diseases that obesity promotes in adults

Cancer Heart disease Hypertension

identify 2 specific phytochemicals and the foods in which they occur.

Carotenoids in blueberries. Lycopene in tomatoes

Describe the absorption of cobalamin. Start in the stomach with gastric secretion and end with ileal receptor-mediated absorption by mucosal cells (enterocytes)

It requires intrinsic factor to be released by the stomach and then it is absorbed by the small intestine

List 3 raw unprocessed foods, other than dairy, that contain high levels of phosphorous. List 2 foods that contain added phosphates

Eggs, bananas, apples Coke, bread

List 3 functions of water in the body.

It's an essential component of molecules synthesized by cells in oxidation processes It's a solvent for carrying molecules and ions It's a thermoregulator

Which foods tend to be high in potassium? Explain why many people have low potassium intakes that are exacerbated by high sodium intakes.

Fruits and vegetables Many Americans don't eat adequate amounts of plant foods each day This offsets the sodium-potassium balance because many Americans consume too much sodium and not enough potassium. The balance is intended to regulate the concentrations inside of the cell, but the amounts that most of us consume are so off that the pump can't even function right.

What major differences in body composition typically distinguish athletes from nonathletes

Higher LBM, lower BMI than non-athletes

Excessive alcohol intake may have adverse health effects. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain in terms of organs affected

I agree. This intake can lead to alcoholism and it takes a huge toll on the liver, which in turn harms the rest of the body and can eventually lead to death, through things like liver sclerosis

Consider the following statement: -Nutrient supplements are widely recommended for adults." Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why or why not?

I think it depends on the person, but on a broad spectrum, I think that the majority of adults aren't getting adequate nutrients and they could potentially get these through supplements. However, I think it would be more beneficial for them to improve their diets, rather than compensating with supplements. This would be better for their overall health.

How does estrogen status in women affect bone mass and bone density as they proceed through the various stages of adulthood? Explain

In the years leading up to menopause, estrogen production decreases Then during menopause, they begin to lose estrogen, which causes bone mass to decline, they lose from 15-30% of their total skeletal bone mass

Why is iodine needed by the body? Name 2 molecules that require iodine for their function. Explain the potential adverse effects of goitrogens on the utilization of iodine for its functional molecules

Iodine is required for thyroid function and brain function. Thyroxin (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) The thyroid makes too much thyroglobulin in an attempt to make more iodine, but it's not enough and the individual is left with inadequate amounts of iodine in the blood.

How does vitamin C act within cells to protect macromolecules against damage

It acts as antioxidant neutralizes free radicals

How does Vitamin C affect iron absorption?

It can enhance absorption of iron, if consumed in the same meal

Name the USDA food program that provides high quality foods for pregnant women. Why is this program so beneficial in terms of pregnancy outcomes

SNAP It ensures that the women have access to adequate nutrition throughout the pregnancy, ensuring that the baby and mother both are getting the required nutrients and greatly increasing the risk of a positive pregnancy outcome and a healthy baby

electrical charge of living cell membranes results because of

both a greater concentration of sodium ions outside of cells and a greater concentration of potassium ions inside cells

Explain why overweight/obesity can so easily lead to type 2 diabetes

The excess fat around the abdomen area can lead to insulin resistance, which is a precursor for and can lead to type 2 diabetes.

Explain what happens to fat cells when weight loss occurs

The fat cells shrink, because fat cells can not be gained or lost

What is the major role of magnesium ions in metabolism

They help other enzymes that are magnesium-dependent properly function in nucleic acid metabolism.

Why might distance runners become iron deficient or develop iron deficiency anemia

They lose iron, especially in their GI system due to the constant impact of their feet hitting the ground. This is also worsened because physical activity creates a high demand for iron that they are not able to meet through their diets alone. This is especially worse for women who have menstrual losses on top of loss due to physical activity.

The incidence of neural tube defects declined in the US and Canada by 30% to 40% in the late 1990s due to fortification of foods with folic acid. Developing countries that started requiring fortification have seen even larger decreases. Why do you think this might be

They probably were getting even less folate in their diets, causing the rate of neural tube defects to be much higher

Identify 1 function for each of the following: thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, biotin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, folate, cobalamin

Thiamin- assists energy producing pathways. Riboflavin- energy producing Niacin- energy producing Biotin -coenzyme in dozens of reactions Pantothenic acid-structure of coenzyme A Pyridoxine- energy and protein synthesis Folate- essential for the renewal of tissues that are turned over because they facilitate cell division Cobalamin - essential for the renewal of tissues that are turned over because they facilitate cell division

Too much phosphate in the diet relative to calcium results in which metabolic alteration(s)

a lowering of serum calcium concentration an elevation of serum phosphate concentration an increase in serum PTH concentration ALL OF THE ABOVE

Simple goiter may result from

a soil deficiency of iodine goitrogens consumed in a common food source lack of iodine-fortified salt ALL OF THE ABOVE

One cup of milk contains

approximately 300mg of calcium

Magnesium ions function primarily

as enzyme cofactors, especially of reactions involving ATP

In the U.S., the average adult protein intakes of both genders tend to

be considerable greater than the current RDAs

During the elder years 80 and older, what does not decline

fat mass

A mineral that increases the hardness of hydroxyapatite


Optimal pre-conceptional nutrition is especially important for which nutrient to help precent neural tube defects


Median intakes of sodium by adults in the USA are

greater than RDA

When gastric function decline in the elderly, what changes occur

hypochlorhydria reduced production of intrinsic factor decline in absorption of cobalamin ALL OF THE ABOVE

Transamination means that an amino group is

transferred from one amino acid to a keto acid to form a new amino acid

In starvation, the body adapts by

using alanine released from muscle in the gluconeogenesis pathway in the liver to generate glucose and release into the blood

Which trace mineral acts as a component of "fingers" needed for DNA directed protein synthesis


a mineral that activates approximately 100 enzymes


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