Nutrition Midterm/Final

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The host of a radio program makes a "red flag" claim about a nutrition-related product, because the claim is generally an indication that the information about the product is unreliable. The radio program host said, ________.

"All ingredients in this product have been scientifically tested and clinically proven"

Which of the following statements is a health claim that the FDA allows on a food package?

"Healthful diets with adequate folate may reduce a woman's risk of having a child with a brain or spinal cord defect."

According to the 2015-2020 version of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, healthy people should limit their sodium intake to ______ mg/day.


A serving of food contains 20 g fat, 2 g protein, 5 g carbohydrate, 5 g alcohol, and 1000 mg potassium. Based on this information, a serving of this food supplies _____ kcal.


A pound of body fat provides about _____ kcal.


Alex is a competitive endurance athlete who weighs 90 kg. He would like to plan a nutritionally adequate diet that provides enough carbohydrate to maintain his weight and glycogen stores during training. According to expert recommendations, he should consume _____ grams of carbohydrate daily while in training.

540 to 900

When Leah parties with her friends, she usually drinks 6 beers during a 2-hour party. At this level of alcohol consumption, she is ________.

A binge drinker

Which of the following practices is an example of integrative health care?

A physician who treats a patient's back pain with cortisone injections and massage therapy.

Which of the following foods is a high-protein snack that can replace a snack that contains animal proteins?

Peanut butter on crackers

Which of the following amino acids is a dietary essential?


A person's _____ is not a major influence for his or her food selection practices.

Political beliefs

A 10-month old baby whose diet is low in fat has ____, which is a sign of an essential fatty acid deficiency.

Poor growth

Which of the following foods is a source of cholesterol?

Pork Steak

Which of the following nutrients is a source of energy for human cells?


The amount of vitamin C that meets about 98% of the population's need for the nutrient is the _____ for the vitamin.


Which of the following foods has a low glycemic index (less than 70)?

Raw carrot

Which of the following foods is a poor source of essential amino acids?

Red Cabbage

Eating a high-salt diet increases people's chances of developing high blood pressure. Thus, a diet that supplies excessive amounts of salt is a ____ for high blood pressure.

Risk Failure

Michelle's weekly exercise program includes stair stepping, static stretching, cycling, and push-ups. Which of these activities is generally classified as a flexibility exercise?

Static stretching

Which of the following foods or beverages is a major source of added sugars in American diets?

Sugar-sweetened soft drinks

_____ includes farming techniques that do not deplete natural resources or harm the environment.

Sustainable agriculture

Impoverished children who live in developing countries have a high risk of dying from ________.

Vit A deficiency

The typical vegetarian diet supplies high amounts of ________.

Vit C

Which of the following vitamins is often lacking in the diets of older adults?

Vit E

Belle is pregnant and has two young children. She is having difficulty supporting her family on an income of $18,000/year. Recently, she was diagnosed with high blood pressure and iron deficiency. Based on this information, Belle should enroll in the _____ program.


Which of the following foods is a rich source of starch?

White rice

Which of the following foods is not a good source of thiamin?

Whole milk

Which of the following foods is considered to be a probiotic?

Yogurt with live and active cultures of Lactobacillus

A young man in a rural Iranian village eats very little meat and dairy products, but his diet contains a lot of unleavened whole-grain flat bread. He is very short for his age; his sexual organs are not fully developed; his intelligence is lower than normal; and he suffers from iron deficiency anemia. Based on this information, the man probably has ____ deficiency.


Which of the following nutrients is a trace mineral?


Humans need vitamin B-6 for _________.

amino acid metabolism

Carey skips breakfast and eats only organic foods. Before exams, she avoids eating anything that is "alive" or "had a face" while it was alive. Her BMI is 21.6 and she seems to be healthy. Based on this information, Carey is at risk of developing ________.

an eating disorder

Carmen is an active child who is allergic to peanuts. While attending a classroom party, Carmen accidentally was exposed to trail mix that contained peanuts, and she rapidly developed _____ as a result.

anaphylactic shock

Zack takes 500 mg of vitamin C daily. He advises his friends to take vitamin C supplements because, he claims, the vitamin protects him from cold viruses. His claim about the usefulness of the vitamin is an ________.


Deep yellow, dark green and orange fruits and vegetables are rich sources of ________.


The _____ is based on the relationship between weight and risk of chronic health problems associated with excess body fat.

body mass index

Including exercise in your daily routine can reduce your risk of ________.

certain cancers

Jeremy would like to know the amount of vitamin C that is recommended for his life/stage group. He can obtain this information by

checking the RDA table for vitamin C.

Basal metabolism includes energy needs for ________.

circulation blood

The primary function of the cardiovascular system is ________.

circulation of blood throughout the body

During the first few days after giving birth, the new mother's breasts produce ________.


A person suffering from celiac disease must avoid ________.

consuming foods that contain gluten

If your diet supplies more sugar and starch than you need, the excess can be

converted into fat and stored.

Dehydration can cause _____________


Consuela is an overweight young woman who wants to lose 10 pounds. The most reliable and safe way for her to lose this weight is to ________.

decrease her usually daily energy intake

Consuming too much protein or excess amino acids can contribute to ________.


Hannah is in her 5th month of pregnancy. Her diet is poor because she rarely pays attention to her food choices, and she eats a limited variety of foods that she likes. Hannah was described as "undernourished" by her physician. Based on this information, Hannah is likely to ________.

deliver a baby who has breathing difficulties

Most people who suffer from anorexia nervosa ________.

deny they are too thin

Excessive vitamin D intakes can result in _________.

deposition of calcium in soft tissues

The classic signs and symptoms of pellagra include _________.


For 5 years, Michael ate only plant foods. He recently developed numbness in his feet and a sore swollen tongue. A few days after he added eggs and milk to his diet, his tongue healed and the numbness in his feet stopped bothering him. Based on this information, Michael probably ________.

developed a nutrient deficiency disorder that was cured by the eating animal foods

Which of the following websites is most likely a source of biased and unreliable nutrition information?

Which of the following foods is a good source of vitamin B-12?


Pregnant women generally need to take a dietary supplement that contains ________.

folic acid

Which of the following U.S. government agencies enforces federal food safety laws?

food and drug admiration

Jared often eats a large dinner about an hour before he lies down to sleep. Based on this information, he is likely to develop ________.

gastroesophageal reflux disease

Katie is pregnant. She has type 1 diabetes and often has difficulty controlling her blood glucose level. Based on this information, Katie is likely to

give birth to a baby that has birth defects.

Erika has type 1 diabetes and gives herself insulin injections to help manage her blood glucose level. One afternoon, Erika tested her blood and discovered that her blood glucose level was 260 mg/dl. Based on this information, Erika should

give herself a specific dose of insulin.

Jason is a college football player who works out for 60 minutes per day, at least 5 days a week. He weighs 230 pounds, and his BMI is 23.7. According to this information, Jason ________.

has more lean than fat tissue

Albert is a healthy, 23-year-old college student. He would like to know more about his risk of cardiovascular disease, so he can take preventive measures, if they are necessary. Albert should ________.

have a lipoprotein profile performed on a sample of his blood

The process of pasteurization involves the use of ________.

heat to kill pathogens

Having high blood levels of _____ may increase a person's risk of CVD.


People with BMIs of 25 or more have greater risks of _____ than people with BMIs in the healthy range.


Betty is constipated; she generally has bowel movements only twice a week. To help relieve her constipation without taking medications, Betty should

increase her intake of fiber-rich foods.

Bethany consumes a very-low-carbohydrate diet that supplies less than 100 g of carbohydrate daily, but she eats high amounts of meat and fat. As a result of her diet, Bethany's cells form more _____ than normal.

ketone bodies

Betty has type 2 diabetes, and she has difficulty keeping her fasting blood glucose level under 180 mg/dl. Based on this information, Betty has a high risk of

kidney failure.

Human milk is naturally a rich source of ________.


Which of the following organs is the main site for detoxifying alcohol?


Coretta has severe chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). To reduce her likelihood of developing heartburn, her physician recommended that she ________.

lose excess body fat

Iodine is necessary for ________.

maintaining normal thyroid function

According to Shawn's physician, Shawn has a high risk of _____ because his waist circumference is 42 inches, his blood pressure consistently measures 140 mm Hg/90 mm Hg, and his fasting blood glucose level is 110 mg/dl.

metabolic syndrome

Compared to preschoolers, older children tend to eat ________.

more sugar-sweetener beverages

An essential nutrient ________.

must be supplied by the diet

Megadoses of ____ may be used to reduce elevated LDL cholesterol levels.


An early symptom of vitamin A deficiency is ________.


High intakes of vitamin A during pregnancy can cause birth defects. This is an example of ________.


Jameela is an Iranian woman living in poverty. She is not seen in public places without being covered almost completely in heavy veils. Her usual diet is comprised of legumes, small amounts of yogurt, whole-grain breads and rice, fruits, and a few vegetables. Based on this information, Jameela is most at risk of _________.


Which of the following foods would be a nutritious low-fat, high-carbohydrate food for an athlete?

pasta with fresh veggies

Tyler smokes cigarettes, drinks excess alcohol, and takes aspirins regularly to treat his headaches. Based on this information, Tyler has a high risk of developing ________.

peptic ulcers

Physical fitness may be defined as the ability to ________.

perform moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity for a reasonable amount of time without becoming excessively tired

Vitamin D helps the body absorb ________.

phosphorus and calcium

Which of the following foods is the richest source of bioavailable calcium per one cup serving?

plain yogurt

In general, fresh fruits and vegetables are good sources of ________.


Mariyah loves leafy green salads, so which of the following items should she add to the salads to increase their calcium content?

raw, shredded bok choy

Conditions associated with the female athlete triad include ________.

reduce bone mineral density

According to the main nutrition-related goal of Healthy People 2020, Americans should ________.

reduce the risk of chronic diseases by consuming a healthy diet

After bingeing on cakes and cookies, Bonnie practices self-induced vomiting to avoid gaining weight. Based on this information, you would expect to notice _____ as a sign of her purging behavior.

sores on her knuckles

Most of the people living in a small South African village have access to nutritious foods. Soon after their birth, 10 infants in the village developed severe diarrhea, which resulted in dehydration. After questioning the infants' parents, local public health officials were able to determine the cause of the diarrhea. Based on the officials' findings, the parents were advised to ________.

stop diluting the babies' formula with local well water

Actress Lotta Talent appears in commercials endorsing a dietary supplement containing a substance from dandelions for weight loss. Her endorsement is an example of a(n) ________.


During pregnancy, edema can be a sign of a serious health problem if ________.

the swelling is accompanied by severe hypertension and protein in the urine

The RDA for iron is 8 mg and 18 mg, for young men and women, respectively. Based on this information, iron is a ____ mineral.


People who exercise regularly can reduce their risk of ________.

type 2 diabetes

Yesterday, Jenny ran in a marathon race. While she ran, she drank several large cups of water at water stations along the race course. Near the end of the race, she experienced difficulty making it to the finish line. She was confused, and she complained of feeling sleepy and having nausea. Based on this information, Jenny was probably suffering from ________.

water intoxication

Infants _____ have a high risk of obesity.

whose mothers are obese

_____ is the primary source of direct energy ("energy currency") for cells.


Which of the following substances is in breast milk but not in infant formulas?


Which of the following foods is a naturally rich source of monounsaturated fatty acids?


Women who are trying to become pregnant or are pregnant should ________.

Avoid all forms of alcohol

_____ limits the amount of food a person can eat at one time.

Bariatric surgery

Which of the following organs is not an accessory organ of the digestive system?


Carter wants to lower his blood cholesterol level. Based on this information, he should limit his intake of ________.

Butter and beef

Most forms of _____ are a source of energy for cells.


Which of the following menu items has major ingredients that represent four different MyPlate food groups?

Casserole made with canned tuna, green onions, noodles, and cheddar cheese

The ____ is the smallest living functional unit in an organism.


Which of the following characteristics is a risk factor for hypertension?

Cigarette smoking

Hillary would like to add more soluble fiber to her diet. Which of the following foods should she add?

Citrus fruits

Trevor enjoys cooking chicken, but he wants to reduce the chances that his food preparation practices do not result in cross contamination. What should he avoid doing?

Cleaning the plate used to carry the chicken to the grill with a paper towel before using it for serving raw vegetables.

Which of the following factors has a major influence over a person's food choices?

Close Friends

Infants should not be fed honey because it can contain ________.

Clostridium botulinum spores

Which of the following standards can help you compare nutrient contents of packaged foods to make more healthful choices?


Iron, calcium, and carbon are ________.


The ____ is responsible for ensuring the safety and effectiveness of medications.


The government agency that enforces consumer protection laws by investigating false or misleading health-related claims is the ________.

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

Which of the following foods is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids?


Which of the following features is a characteristic of a physically fit person?


Which of the following statements about fruits and/or vegetables is false?

Fruit juices provide more fiber than whole fruit.

Which of the following diets does not provide enough high-quality proteins to support a child's growth?


Which of the following substances is a simple sugar?


_____ can be classified as a dietary supplement.

Ginkgo biloba

Dorrie wants to eat a food that is a good source of fiber and phytochemicals. Based on this information, which of the following foods would you recommend?

Green Beans

Which of the following foods is a good source of vitamin K?

Green leafy vegetable's

Which of the following conditions decreases a person's metabolic rate?

Having a lower than normal level of thyroid hormone

Which of the following conditions or diseases is a leading diet-related cause of death in the United States?

Heart Disease

Pregnant women who develop gestational diabetes are more likely to give birth to ______ infants than pregnant women who do not have this condition.

High-birth weight

Why is taking excess amounts of fat-soluble vitamins more likely to cause toxicity than taking excesses of water-soluble vitamins?

In general, excesses of fat-soluble vitamins cannot be excreted as easily as water-soluble vitamins.

In the United States, _____ deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency.


A physician who hosts a popular TV show makes several nutrition-related claims during one of the programs. Which of the doctor's claims is a "red flag" of unreliable information?

Kava cures migraine headaches.

A 25-year-old woman is producing breast milk. She is in which life stage?


Caden develops intestinal cramps and gas after he drinks more than a half cup of milk. He can eat yogurt and cheese without any discomfort. Based on this information, Caden probably has

Lactose intolerance

Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome usually includes making dietary changes and ________.

Learn ways to manage stress effectively.

Bernice is a vegan. Which of the following foods does she eat to supply her diet with protein?


____ is an example of an food that supplies a lot of empty calories.

Lite beer

You are planning a party for a group of college students. Some of the students follow the dietary practices of the Jewish, Islamic, and Mormon religions. Which of the following menu items would be acceptable to everyone at the party?

Meatless bean dip

_____ is the sum of all chemical reactions that occur in living cells.


You have a high risk of developing traveler's diarrhea when you visit ________.

Mexico, Mexico City

_____ are often referred to as the "powerhouses" of cells because most of the energy stored in macronutrients is released in them.


The process of digesting food begins in the ________.


What is physical activity?

Movement that results from contracting skeletal muscles.

Before she shops for groceries, Terry plans several nutritionally adequate daily menus for her family. Which of the following guides is the best menu-planning tool for her to use?

My Plate

____ infection is the most common food-borne illness in the United States.


Which of the following groups of foods is not a major food group of MyPlate?


In the United States, food insecurity is most likely to affect ________.

Older adults on fixed income

An _____ is a body structure composed of tissues that have related functions.


Table sugar is nearly _____ carbohydrate.


According to Adequate Intake recommendations, the total water intake for healthy young adults is approximately _____ cups/day.

11 to 15.5

According to the Nutrition Facts panel on a can of beans, one serving of the legumes supplies 6 g of protein. The DV for protein is 50 g. Estimate the %DV for protein in a serving of the beans.


Elisa weighs 62 kg, which is approximately _____ pounds.


The USDA recommends that fresh pork be cooked until its internal temperature is at least ________.


The USDA recommends that fresh ground meat be cooked until its internal temperature is at least ________.


According to the USDA, a whole cooked chicken is safe to serve when its internal temperature reaches a minimum of ________.


Angie is due to give birth to a boy in June. Before she became pregnant, Angie weighed 215 pounds, which was in the obese BMI range. According to her physician, she should gain no more than ______ pounds during her pregnancy.


Before you prepare food or after you use the bathroom, wash your hands with hot soapy water for at least ____ seconds to cleanse them thoroughly.


A new weight loss program includes recommendations that are likely to be unsafe and not result in long-term weight loss and maintenance. Which of the following recommendations is a component of this particular weight loss program?

The person only eats foods that begin with the letters R, K, and M.

Which of the following foods is naturally a good source of high-quality protein?

Tuna Fish

A primary function of the digestive system is the ________.

breakdown of food into nutrients

Kari is considering whether she should exclusively breastfeed or formula-feed her new baby. To encourage Kari to breastfeed, you provide some factual information by telling her that ________.

breastfeeding can help her lose the body fat she gained during pregnancy

My Plate

can be individualized to meet a person's food preferences.

Pathogens ________.

can disease-causing agents

Most infants are physically ready to start eating solid foods when they ________.

can sit back with some back support

Brett eats _____ to increase his intake of omega-3 fatty acids.

canned sardines

By performing exercise regularly, people can reduce their risk of ________.

cardiovascular disease

Eric's waist circumference is 42 inches. Based on this information, he has a high risk of ________.

cardiovascular disease

Reduced _____ is a normal physiological change associated with aging.

saliva production

Hillary consumed 3 servings of an orange-flavored sugar-sweetened soft drink that provided 140 kcal/serving. This amount of the beverage

should be considered a source of empty calories.

Calcitonin ________.

signals osteoclasts to remove excess calcium from blood

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