Nutritional Needs

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Fatty acid

What is a chemical chain containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen that is the basic component of all lipids?

Amino acid

What is a chemical compound that serves as a building block of proteins?


What is a chemical substance in food that helps maintain the body?


What is a compound from plants that is active in the human body?


What is a condition resulting from a calcium deficiency, which is characterized by porous, brittle bones?

Night blindness

What is a condition resulting from a vitamin A deficiency, which is characterized by a reduced ability to see in dim light?


What is a condition resulting from deficiencies of various nutrients, which is characterized by a reduced number of red blood cells in the bloodstream?

Protein-energy malnutrition

What is a condition that may result from a diet that doesn't contain enough protein and calories?


What is a disease of the nervous system resulting from a thiamin deficiency, which is characterized by numbness in the ankles and legs followed by severe cramping and paralysis?


What is a disease resulting from a niacin deficiency, which is characterized by a raw and inflamed skin rash, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dementia, and paralysis?


What is a disease resulting from a vitamin D deficiency, which is characterized by crooked legs and misshapen breast bones in children?


What is a fatlike substance that occurs naturally in the body and is found in every cell but occurs only in foods of animal origin?

Trans fatty acid

What is a fatty acid with an odd molecular shape that is created in hydrogenated oils and found naturally in dairy products, beef, and lamb?

Fortified food

What is a food to which nutrients are added in amounts greater than what would naturally occur in food?


What is a form of complex carbohydrate from plants that humans cannot digest?


What is a lack of the right proportions of nutrients over an extended period, which can be caused by an inadequate diet or the body's inability to use the nutrients taken in?

Trace element

What is a mineral needed in the diet in amounts less than 100 milligrams per day?


What is a mineral needed in the diet in amounts of 100 or more milligrams each day?


What is a mucus- and enzyme-containing liquid secreted by the mouth that makes food easier to swallow and begins to break down starches?


What is a process by which hydrogen atoms are chemically added to unsaturated fatty acids in liquid oils to turn the oils into more highly saturated solid fats?

Dietary supplement

What is a purified nutrient or nonnutrient substance that is manufactured or extracted from natural sources?

Dietary antioxidant

What is a substance in foods that significantly reduces the harmful effects of oxygen on normal body functions?


What is a visible enlargement of the thyroid gland resulting from an iodine deficiency?

Fat-soluble vitamin

What is a vitamin that dissolves in fats and can be stored in the fatty tissues of the body?

Water-soluble vitamin

What is a vitamin that dissolves in water and isn't stored in the body to any great extent?

Deficiency disease

What is an illness caused by the lack of a sufficient amount of a nutrient?


What is disease resulting from a vitamin C deficiency, which is characterized by bleeding gums, loss of teeth, and internal bleeding?


What is high blood pressure?


What is one of the six basic types of nutrients that is an important energy source?


What is one of the six basic types of nutrients that is an inorganic substance and becomes part of the bones, tissues, and body fluids?


What is one of the six basic types of nutrients that is required for growth, repair, and maintenance of every body cell?


What is one the six basic types of nutrients that is complex organic substance needed by the body in small amounts for normal growth, maintenance, and reproduction?


What is one the six basic types of nutrients that is the body's chief source of energy?


What is the bodily process of breaking food down into simpler compounds the body can use?


What is the chemical processes that take place in the cells after the body absorbs nutrients?


What is the form of sugar carried in the bloodstream for energy use throughout the body?


What is the process of taking nutrients into the body and making them part of the body?


What is the study of how the body uses the nutrients in foods?


What is waves of muscle contractions that push food through the digestive tract?

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