OB-354 Exam 1 Study Guide

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Strategic Management is..

Field of study devoted to exploring product choices and industry characteristics that affect an organizations profitability. Example might study diversity and profitability.

Organizational Behavior is..

Field of study devoted to understanding, explaining, and ultimately improving the attitudes and behaviors of individuals and groups in organizations. Can be contrasted with human resource management and strategic management. Relationship of learning and job performance. Theories drawn from a wide variety of disciplines.

Meta analysis-

The method that combines the results of multiple scientific studies by calculating a weighted average correlation across studies (with larger studies receiving more weight).

Focus of commitment is..

The people, places and things that inspire a desire to remain a member of an organization. Ex. Management, friends, location of work

Human resource management is..

Field of study that focuses on that applications of organizational behavior theories and principals in organizations. It explores the nuts and bolts of theories in OB. Examine the best way to structure training programs.

Civic Virtue is..

Participation in a company's operation at a deeper than normal level through voluntary meetings, readings and keeping up with the news that affects the company.

History is..

People create a history that benefits the organization it cannot be bought.

Individual characteristics and group mechanisms

Personality, culture, and values. Team diversity and communication - Building effective teams. Power, influence, and negotiation - How power is acquired and used. Leadership style and behavior- How leaders behave, and which styles are appropriate

Physical Withdrawal is..

Physical escape from the work environment.

Boosterish is..

Positively representing the company when out in public.

Correlation is..

Statistical relationship between two variables, abbreviated r it can be positive or negative or zero which is no statistical relationship to a perfect one. In behavioral correlations 0.5 is strong 0.3 is moderate and 0.1 is considered weak.

Theft is..

Stealing company products or equipment from an organization

Organizational culture and change is..

The way things are done in a company rules norms and values. Cultures change and we look at how this happens.

Erosion model is..

Those employees with the fewest bonds will be the most likely to quit.

Adaptive task performance is..

Thoughtful responses by an employee to unique or unusual task demands or unpredictable. Jobs can switch from one to another *

Political deviance is..

behaviors that intentionally disadvantage other individuals.

What two goals do managers have?

extracting most value from employees and retaining them.

Job performance is...

formally defined as the value of the set of employee behaviors that contribute, either positively or negatively, to organizational goal accomplishment. This includes behaviors that are within the control of employees, but it places a boundary on which behaviors are(and are not) relevant to job performance.

The best way to do a study is do a..


The scientific method of experiments is used to..

determine correlations.

Courtesy is..

sharing important information with coworkers.

Diversity of the work force is..

the Canadian work force is increasing in diversity with a large number of visible minorities and foreign born. Increases in foreign employment will probably result in and is connect from the geographical area as owners don't have any feelings of attachment to that are except income. Additionally, The change employee employer relationships. Downsizing and contract work are more prevalent.Downsizing hurts profitability and takes time to get to normal performance levels. The ones who are left experience survivor syndrome which are more stressed than those who are fired as they are asked to work harder to compensate for their lost colleges. This reduces emotional attachment to an organization in the form of anger, fear and distrust

Three important points about CPB..

1. Evidence people who engage in one form of CPB engage in others. 2. Relevant to any job. 3. It's often-surprising which employees engage in this.

Two important points about citizenship behavior..

1. Relevant virtually in any job regardless of tasks and there are clear benefits in terms of work effectiveness. 2. Even though they are optional employers regard this as important.

Theory is..

A collection of verbal and symbolic assertions that specify how and why variables are related as well as conditions in which they should or should not be related.

Management by Objectives is..

A management philosophy that bases employee evaluations on whether specific performance goals have been met. Usually, manager meet with top managers and discuss objectives and time frames which are mutually agreed upon and the performance of the manager is determined whether they achieve this or not. This technique is unsuitable for jobs that cannot be easily quantified.

Resource based view

A model that argues that rare and inimitable objects help firms maintain competitive advantage.

Neglect is..

A passive destructive response to a negative work event in which one's interests and efforts decline.

Loyalty is..

A passive response to a negative work environment in which one publicly supports the situation but privately hopes for improvement. Commitment increases this.

360 Degree feedback is..

A performance evaluation system that uses ratings provided by supervisors, coworkers and subordinates, customers, and the employees themselves. Raters remain anonymous.Some problems are what source is most correct as there is variance. Unclear how sources should be weighted. Raters may give biased opinions. people avoid giving negative feedback if they feel it will harm others. This is best suited for developing employees especially if accompanied by coaching.

Job analysis is..

A process by which an organization determines requirements off a specific job. Most come down to 3 steps List all activates involved in the job then these activates are rated to frequency and importance. Those activates that are highly rated are defined as task performance.

Forced rankings is..

A ranking system in which managers rate employees in relation to one another.Categorizes works in A, B or C classes and those in C class are let go. It's negative is that managers can give bias rating to people they don't like, and it can encourage hyper competitiveness which in itself is destructive.

Exit is..

A response to a negative work event in which one becomes often absent from work or voluntarily leaves the organizations.

Voice is..

A response to a negative work event, in which an employee offers constructive suggestions for change. Commitment increases this.

Organizational Commitment is..

An employee's desire to remain a member of an organization. Can have voluntary and involuntary turn over. Voluntary is when the employee quits themselves.

Helping is..

Assisting coworkers have heavy workloads, aiding with personal matters, and showing new employees the ropes when they are new.

Compensatory forms is..

Behaviors are negatively related, engaging in one makes it less likely to engage in other ones. Ex: if I couldn't surf the web I would stay at home.

Progression model is..

Behaviors are positively correlated engaging in one type of withdrawal makes it more likely to engage in other ones. **Scientifically most valid** Ex. Day dreaming too absenteeism to thinking about quitting.

Property deviance is..

Behaviors that harm the organization's assets and possessions.

Rule of one eighth is..

Belief that at best of organizations will actually do what is required to build profits by putting people first. ** one must not that half of organizations believe there is no connection with organizational behavior and profits. And one half of those who do believe only make one single change to try to improve the situation. Only 33 percent will keep it long enough to have any impact.

Incivility is..

Communication that is rude impolite and lacking in manners.

Individual mechanisms

Directly affect job performance and commitment.

Withdrawal behavior is..

Employee actions are intent to avoid work situations.

Abuse is..

Employee assault or endangerment which physical and psychological injuries may occur.

Task Performance is..

Employee behaviors that are directly involved in the transformation of the organization's resources into goods and services that the organization produces. These can be found in job descriptions that need to be carried out to retain and get compensated from a job. It can be categorized in routine job tasks - Well know or habitual responses by employees to predictable task demands. Example demonstrating how seatbelts work.

Job performance is..

Employee behaviors that contribute either positively or negatively to the accomplishment of organizational goals. There are boundaries placed on which behaviors are relevant to job performance it's those that usually directly affect the company.

Counterproductive behavior is..

Employee behaviors that intentionally hinder organizational goal accomplishment. *Intentional is key it's what they mean to do.

Psychological contracts is..

Employee belies about what employees owe to the organization and what the organization owes them.

Quitting is..

Employee voluntarily leaves the organization.

Affective commitment is..

Employee's desire to remain a member of an organization due to a feeling of emotional attachment. You stay because you want to. This commitment is usually referred to as loyal and is the one that employers want to develop. Produce more citizenship behavior going extra mile.

Continuance commitment is..

Employee's desire to stay a member of an organization due to an awareness of the costs leaving. You stay because you have to. If you left, you'd feel a sense of anxiety. Increasing this is a lack of employment opportunity.

Normative Commitment is..

Employee's desire to stay a member of an organization due to feelings of obligation. You stay because you ought to. If join another feel a sense of guilt. To foster these feelings developing guilt is one form in which employees have a feeling that they owe something to organization.

Tardiness is..

Employees arrive late or leave early.

Embeddedness is..

Employees connection to and sense of fit in the organization and the c community.

Absenteeism is..

Employees do not show up for a whole day of work.

Cyber loafing is..

Employees surf the internet, email, and instant message to avoid doing work related activities.

Long breaks is..

Employees take longer lunches and breaks to spend less time at work.

Moonlighting is..

Employees use work time and resources to do non-work-related activities.

Social influence model is..

Employees with direct linkages with people who leave will increase the likelihood that that employee leaves as well. Turnover becomes contagious..

Organizational citizenship behavior is..

Going beyond expected behavior to improve operations of the organization. As well as defending the organization and being loyal to it.

Interpersonal Citizenship behavior is..

Going beyond the job to assist, support and develop coworkers and colleges.

Research evidence..

Good people create a competitive advantage. Better OB confirm better firm performance. Firms that value OB have a 19 percent high life rate than those that do not.

What does it mean to be committed?

Have strong desire to remain part of organization, stopping the progression of withdrawal.

Personal Aggression is..

Hostile verbal pf physical actions directed at other employees.

Organizational structure is..

How a company operates sometimes they are centralized and other times they are decentralized.

Creative task performance is..

Ideals or physical outcomes that are both novel and useful. Its increasing in job relevancy in contemporary society. Although you might be tempted to believe that creative task performance is relevant only to jobs such as artist and inventor, its emphasis has been increasing across a wide variety of jobs. Indeed, more than half the total wages and salary in the United States are paid to employees who need to be creative as part of their jobs, and as a consequence, some have argued that we are at the "dawn of the creative age."

Rare is..

In short supply.

Inimitable is..

Incapable of being copied.

Organizational mechanisms is..

Individuals and groups function within an organization.

Production deviance is..

Intentionally decreasing work efficiency of work output.

Sportsmanship is..

Maintaining a positive attitude with coworkers through good and bad times.

Psychological Withdrawal is..

Mentally escaping the work environment.

Missing meetings is..

Neglect important work function while away from the office.

________ is a field of study devoted to understanding, explaining, and ultimately improving the attitudes and behaviors of individuals and groups in organizations

Organizational behavior

Voice is..

Speaking up and offering constructive suggestions for change in reaction to a negative work event.

Transitional contract is..

Psychological contracts that focus on a narrow set of specific monetary obligations . This will be done 4 parts are to be made in order to qualify to receive salary.

Looking busy is..

Psychological withdrawal in which one attempts to appear consumed with work when in actuality not performing work.

Day dreaming is..

Psychological withdrawal in which work is interrupted by random thoughts and concerns.

Socializing is..

Psychological withdrawal in which workers chat with coworkers about non work matters.

Sabotage is..

Purposeful destruction of equipment, organizational process, or company products.

Integrative model of OB is..

Road map of how the chapters fit together.

Harassment is..

Unwanted physical contact or communication from other employees.

Behavior anchored rating scales is..

Use of examples of critical incidents to evaluate an employee's job performance behavior directly. Assign ratings then take an average to determine performance. It can develop and improve employees over time. It provides a more in-depth view of why something's went achieved it can complement an MBO.

Social networking system is..

Using the internet and programs like Facebook and twitter in format to post goals and receive feedback from coworkers and bosses the benefits are that evaluations can be done in real time so that employees can adjust what they're doing wrong.

Wasting resources is..

Using too many materials or too much time to do work Substance abuse- Abuse of drugs or alcohol before coming into work or on the job.

Independent forms model is..

Various withdraw behaviors are unrelated so that engaging in one type of withdrawal behavior has little bearing on engaging in another one. Ex: there is no reason I just do what seems practical at the time.

Citizenship Behavior is..

Voluntary employee behaviors that contribute to organizational goals by improving the context in which work takes place by improving the context in which the work takes place. These activities may or may not be rewarded has two categories.

Hypothesis is..

Written predictions that specify relationships between variables.

Gossiping is..

casual about other people in which facts are not confirmed.

The Occupational Information Network is..

is an online database that includes, among other things, the characteristics of most jobs in terms of tasks, behaviors, and the required knowledge, skills, and abilities.

When measuring job performance..

it is common to take an objective view and measure it in quantitative terms such as sales and for manager however there are fundamental problems to this approach. When measuring performance like this because employees contribute to more than just profits to an organization, sales performance is not solely the product of the salesperson but of the product itself and finally this evaluation gives to evidence how to reverse a bad year. In OB job performance is as behavior. We use results to describe outcomes of behaviors.

Decisions is..

it is hard to mimic small decisions that produce a product.

As the manager of a local store selling a popular brand of smartphone, Ayesha is evaluating the employees who work with walk-in customers. She looks at such factors as positive or negative customer comments about each employee, their sales relative to those of their coworkers, the amount of time they spend with each customer, the knowledge they exhibit when answering customer questions, and so forth. Ayesha is evaluating each of these employees in terms of their

job performance

Primary interest to organizational behavioral studies is..

job performance and organizational commitment.

Individual mechanism (cont.)

job satisfaction employees feel fulfilled doing their job, stress which reflects employee's psychological response to doing their job. Motivation Energetic forces that drive work efforts. Trust justice and Ethics - feelings of fairness, Learning and decision making- How employees gain job knowledge

Socially complex resources is..

resource not clear how it came about although it is clear which companies possesses them.

Firms have..

resources other than financial they have knowledge, wisdom of the workforce, culture.Good people are hard to find. A resource is more valuable when it cannot be coped.

What two goals do employees have?

to perform their jobs well and remain employees for the organization they respect.

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