OB Ch. 7

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Upward spirals of positivity

Positive behaviors, feelings, & attitudes generate the same in others in a continually reinforcing process.


The sense of "belonging to and serving something that you believe is bigger than the self"

Virtuous leadership

What individuals and organizations aspire to be when they are at their very best. Help individuals, groups, and organizations to elevate, enrich, and flourish.

Positive OB

focuses on positive human characteristics that can be measured, developed, and effectively managed for performance improvement.

Organizational values

represent ideals endorsed, shared, & supported by the organization as a whole.

Are emotions short-lived of long-lived?


What is the goal of practicing mindfullness?

to become more calm-and-collected in all circumstances.

How can disengenous attempts at positivity cause harm to others?

your lack of authenticity may erode others' trust in you & reduce your influence credibility w/ them.

Positivity Effect

the attraction of all living systems toward positive energy and away from negative energy, or toward that which is life giving and away from that which is life depleting. financial work climate, turnover, patient satisfaction, employee participation, & managerial support.


the awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally to the unfolding of experience moment by moment


the combined impact of five elements - positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, & achievement (PERMA).

What are some strategies to help increase positive experiences & decrease negative ones?

Create high-quality connections (make someone the only person in the room, support, give trust, & goof off) Cultivate kindness Develop distractions (going for a run) Dispute negative self-talk & thoughts

What are two ways you can practice mindfullness?

breathing meditation & walking meditation.

Organizational climate

consists of employees' shared perceptions of organizational policies, practices, procedures, and routines

What are the benefits of mindfullness in the workplace?

increase job performance, organizational citizenship behaviors, & safety behaviors. imrpove communications, leadership, & teamwork. reduces conflict

Description of the 10 most frequent positive emotions from most to least frequently experienced.

joy: surroundings are safe/familiar & things are going your way. gratitude: urges you to give back to someone that has gone out of their way to help you. serenity: similar to joy but it is low-key. Going on a long walk or reading a good book. interest: something novel draws your attention. Calls for effort. hope: believing that something can go your way when it isn't. pride: being responsible for something good. amusement: something that unexpectedly makes you laugh. in social setting. inspiration: moved to do something extraordinary. awe: overwhelmed, small, & humble. Makes you stop in your tracks. Beauty of nature. love: sharing all these emotions in a relationship.

How are positive emotions contagious?

not only do you reap the benefits of helping somebody else, but that person also benefits, & so does the person he or she helps, and so on. leads to upward spirals of positivity.

Positive Deviance

successful performance that dramatically exceeds the norm in a positive direction

What orientation do positive experiences activate?

supportive people seem receptive to new ideas when in a good mood.

What orientation do negative experiences activate?

survival our brains look harder for negative info which is why managers tend to give more negative than positive feedback to employees.

Social support

the amount of perceived helpfulness derived from social relationships esteem support, informational support, social companionship, & instrumental support. enhances levels of flourishing

What three processes are positive outcomes generated through?

the amplifying effect the buffering effect positivity effect


the capacity to foster collective abandonment of justified resentment, bitterness, and blame, and, instead, it is the adoption of positive, forward-looking approaches in response to harm or damage.


the extent to which our lives contain PERMA

What scenario does positive OB emphasize?

the need to solve problems, manage uncertainty, overcome resistance, achieve profitability, & compete successfully.

Organizational practices

the procedures, policies, practices, routines, and rules that organizations use to get things done.


the state of being completely involved in an activity for its own sake.

What are the two components of hope?

willpower: the determination to achieve a goal. waypower: you need to see one or more paths to achieve your goal, even when faced w/ adversity.

What are the ways organizations can create environments that foster & utilize employees' strengths?

1. Look in the mirror: leaders need to learn their own strengths. 2. Build strengths into performance management: strengths need to be supported by expectations, measurement, review, & rewards. 3. Know your purpose: what is the intended benefit of focusing on strenghts? 4. Coach & develop strengths-oriented managers

What are the three global values that are essential for promoting positive organizational behavior?

1. Restorative justice 2. Compassion 3. Temperance

How many more positive experiences should you have for every negative experience?

3, 5, or more

How can PsyCap be developed using HERO?

Hope development: Generate challenging goals and create multiple plans to share w/ others to get feedback. Efficacy development: Break down goals. Create plans & share them w/ others. Resilience development: Make a list of your skills/talents and specify how these can help you achieve your goal. Also identify obstacles & decide how to avoid them. Optimism development: Identify obstacles & negative expectations.

Describe HERO

Hope: persevering toward goals & redirecting paths if necessary. Efficacy: having the confidence to take on challenging tasks & put in the effort to succeed. Resilience: bouncing back when hampered w/ problems. Optimism: making a positive attribution about succeeding now & in the future.

How common is practicing mindfulness?

mainstream & widely practiced by employees in workplaces everywhere meditation apps & training for employees

What does "doing good" mean for businesses?

making the well-being of their employees & other stakeholders a priority

Three suggestions for building meaning into your life

1. identify activities you love doing. 2. find a way to build your natural strengths into your personal & work life. go out & help someone.

What are the benefits of mindfullness?

1. less rumination: helps reduce dwelling on past/current challenges 2. reduced stress 3. improved memory 4. better focus: also decision making. 5. self-awareness: fosters self-observation & introspection. 6. greater interpersonal effectiveness & satisfaction

Employees who flourish reported what outcomes of positive OB?

16% higher overall performance 125% less burnout 32% more commitment to their employers 46% more job satisfaction fewer sick days

Employees who report using their strengths every day at work are:

3x more likely to feel as though they have an excellent quality of life. 6x more likely to be engaged in work. 8% more productive. 15% less likely to quit.


a shared belief in showing restraint & control when faced w/ temptation & provocation.

Restorative justice

a shared belief in the importance of resolving conflict multilaterally through the inclusion of victims, offenders, and all other stakeholders. Giving all parties a chance to express their thoughts/feelings.


a shared value that drives people to help others who are suffering. sympathy, kindness, warmth, & love.


attribute successes to personal, permanent, & pervasive causes, & negative events to external, temporary, & situation-specific ones.

What does "doing well" mean for businesses?

being profitable and performing at a high level

Positive emotions have desirable effects on:

organizational commitment creativity decision making intentions to quit performance stress

Positive Psychological Capital (PsyCap)

people with high levels of this possess considerable hope, efficacy, resilience, & optimism (HERO)

What three criteria do businesses that solve major problems profitably meet?

measurable social impact: Fortune assessed the magnitude & lasting nature of the company's impact on a notable societal problem. business results: How does the company benefit? Shareholder return factors heavily. It isn't enough to receive good PR & reputational benefits. degree of innovation: It isn't enough to do good & do so profitably, it is also important to do so creatively, differently from others.

Prosocial behaviors

positive acts performed without expecting anything in return

Broaden-and-build Theory

positive emotions broaden our attention and make us more open to experience.

Signature strengths

positive human traits that influence thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and provide a sense of fulfillment and meaning

Buffering Effect

positive practices and resources reduce the impact of negative events and stressors. resources like social support from coworkers or psychological capital.

Amplifying Effect

positive practices from one individual result in additional positive practices by others, which spur positivity in others, which generate other positive outcomes. creates upward spirals of positivity.

Positive emotions help you build resources in the form of:

social relationships that are supportive & lasting. psychological well-being that leads to personal growth, meaningful goals, & self-acceptance. physical well-being in the form of lower stress & a healthy heart. supports your efforts in all arenas of life.

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