OB exam 1

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A nurse is conducting a teaching session on sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) for expectant parents. Which information should the nurse include? Select all that apply. A) Place the infant on his or her back to sleep. B) Maintain neutral temperatures and avoid overheating. D) Sharing a room allows for monitoring of the infant.


Which is the consequence of a nurse equating the client's skin color and other physical features with culture? A) Stereotyping


A patient ask a nurse what she meant when she said " Adrenarche". Which of the following responses by the nurse answer this question? A) Onset of puberty

ANS: A Feed back: B) The stage in your pregnancy when you will experience the most nausea - first trimester C) The first stage in breast development- Thelarche D) The regulation of sperm temperature - the testes do this

A nurse is conducting an in-service program for a group of nurses on the health of women and their families, incorporating information from Healthy People 2020. The nurse determines that additional discussion and clarification is needed when the group makes which statement? B) "Immunizations may be the cause of some illnesses being seen currently."


A nurse reads on a middle school age female patients chart, that she is experiencing thelarche. The nurse correctly identifies this as which of the following? B) Onset of breast development


A nurse realizes which of the following is responsible for secreting gonadotropin-releasing hormone.* B. Hypothalamus


At which stage in the uterine cycle does the proliferative phase occur? B) Days 5-14


It's important that care extends to include the concerns of a patient's family. Mrs. Hanovan and Charles were a single-parent family before Mrs. Hanovan remarried. What is the most common challenge among single-parent families that nurses must address when planning care? b. Finances can be extremely limited.


The nursing process is a scientific method and proven form of problem solving. It includes what component? B) Planning


A client that is 8 weeks pregnant calls the clinic to change her appointment. She tells the nurse that her 4-year-old was exposed to rubella and she needed to stay home with her child. The nurse should assess for which of the following? C. Does the client's rubella titer show immunization?

ANS: C reubella immunization protects the mother from the infection, which will protect the fetus from damage

A nurse is teaching a young mother about how to prevent hemorrhaging after a vaginal delivery. This nurse is practicing which of the following phases of health care? A) Health maintenance

ANS: A- this is intervening to maintain health if risk of illness is present

In a normal 28 day menstrual cycle when would you expect the LH surge to occur? B) Days 11-13


Multifactorial birth defects are the result of interaction between a person's genetic susceptibility and _____________________ ___________.

7. Multifactorial birth defects are the result of interaction between a person's genetic susceptibility and Environmental Factors.

A cultural group that one is born into is called: A) Ethnicity


A new client at the prenatal clinic gives the nurse a list of medications that she takes on a regular basis. The nurse notices that two of the medications are classified as Category X drugs. The nurse's next action should be based on the following information/knowledge: C. This classification of medications has shown a high risk of damage to the fetus.

Answer : C Category X medications are well established as being harmful to fetuses and should not be used during pregnancy

A nurse is providing care to a woman during the pueriperium. The nurse understands that this period encompasses how many weeks after childbirth? B) 6


Which of the following are functions of luteinizing hormone (LH)? A) Formation and maintenance of the corpus luteum B) Thinning of the graafian follicles membrane


A nurse is teaching women the importance of good nutrition and taking prenatal vitamins if they are planning pregnancy. Which measure is the nurse performing? B) Health promotion


A nurse realizes which of the following is the role of androgen? B) aid in muscular development

ANS: B Feed back: Also initiates sex characteristics

When integrating the principles of family-centered care into the birthing process, the nurse would base care upon which belief? D) Birth results in changes in relationships


A nurse identifies which of the following descriptions as describing isthmus ? D) This connects the body of uterus with the cevix

AND: D A) This opens to the vagina- cervix B) This is palpated after delivery for the return of pre pregnancy uterus- body C) This describes the bulk of the uterus - body

A 10 year old patient has just experienced Thelarche. Which of the following describes the best education to give this patient at this time? A) This usually occurs 1-2 years before your menstrual cycle occurs


A nursing student is preparing a presentation illustrating the Human Genome Project. Which function will the student point out as being the primary focus? A) Identification of human genes and functions


At which stage of the uterine cycle does the menstrual phase occur? A) Days 1-5


If pregnancy does not occur, the corpus luteum will disintegrate and turn into what is called the?* A. Corpus Albicans


The nurse is working with the 5-day-old baby boy of a young Jewish couple. What comment is not culturally sensitive? A) "Oh, I see you have chosen not to have your baby circumcised."


What cycle day does the proliferative stage occur?* A. Cycle day 7-14


What is the effect of low birth weights in babies born in the United States? A) Increased infant mortality rates


A nurse is assessing the uterus of a women of 10 weeks gestation. The nurse notices that the uterus is slightly risen. Which of the following should be the nurses next action? A) Alert the provider

ANS: A Feed back: This should not happen until 12 week gestation

Which of the following phases occur after ovulation? A) Secretory Phase

ANS: A - occurs after ovulation and causes progesterone to form in the copus lutum B) Ischemic phase - Occurs if there is no fertilization and the corpus lutum dies after 8-10 days C) Folliculare phase- occurs the first day of menses until ovulation

A nurse understands that which of the following are functions of the luteinizing hormone:* A. Forming the corpus luteum C. Breaking down the wall of the graffian follicle to allow for release of the ovum


A nursing group is examining their hospital's maternal outcomes for the previous 5 years. Which identified factors have contributed to the decline in the maternal mortality rate? Select all that apply. A) Increased participation of women in prenatal care C) Use of ultrasound to detect disorders D) Better management of hemorrhage and infection E) Closer monitoring for complications associated with hypertension of pregnancy


After an initial cultural assessment, the nurse has determined that a family's time orientation is focused on the present and the past. Which is the best feeding goal to focus on for this family? A) After this hour with the lactation consultant, the baby will demonstrate a good latch.

ANS: After this hour with the lactation consultant, the baby will demonstrate a good latch.

A client learns she is 6 weeks' pregnant and asks the nurse for the name of the local abortion clinic. What is the most appropriate response by the nurse? B) Provide the client with the requested information.


A laboring client, 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced, is screaming in pain. The nurse caring for this client recognizes this woman's response to pain should be documented using which label? B) low pain threshold


Personal space and distance is a cultural perspective that can impact nurse-client interactions. What is the best way for the nurse to interact with a client who has a different cultural perspective on space and distance? B) Allow the client to adopt a position that is comfortable for him or her.


When integrating the principles of family-centered care, the nurse would include which concept? B) People have taken increased responsibility for their own health.


Where are luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) produced? B) Anterior pituitary


Which statement is TRUE about the ovulation phase? B. The woman will have a low basal body temperature before ovulation and then a temperature increase of 0.4-1'F degrees around ovulation.


While interviewing a Chinese man about his son's health, the nurse notices that the man keeps his eyes focused on the floor. What is the best action by the nurse? B) Continue with the interview.


A client just discovered that her infant has blood type O. The client's and her husband's blood type is B. She is concerned that there has been a mistake. The nurse's best response to this situation is to do which of the following? B. explain that type O is recessive and that the baby may be that type if both parents have the recessive gene.

ANS: B Blood types A and B are both dominant and O is recessive. It the parents both donated the recessive gene for O, then the infant would have an O blood type.

The client expresses concern to the nurse that her newborn infant girl may be colorblind because it is in her family. The client's father and two uncles are both colorblind. The nurse can best answer this concern based on the fact that: B. colorblindness is an X-linked recessive trait, so the infant daughter may be a carrier but would have the disorder only if the infant's father also contributed the colorblindness gene.

ANS: B Colorblindness is an X-linked recessive trait. Females may be carriers but seldom have the disorder because they have a normal X gene to override the colorblind gene. A female may develop the disorder if she receives the gene from both her father and mother

A nurse understands that which of the following is released from the anterior pituitary gland and stimulates the follicles in the ovary to mature.* B. Follicle-stimulating hormone

ANS: B Feedback: Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is released from the anterior pituitary gland and stimulates the follicles in the ovary to mature. One follicle will turn into a graafian follicle that will release one mature ovum. The other follicles that were stimulated will die.

A nurse understands that which of the following is true? B) Sex is determined at birth

ANS: B Feedback: A) At 6 weeks gestation there are pre mature gonadotropin tissue - Happens at 5 weeks C) At 5 weeks gestation the gonadal tissue begins formation of testosterone- happens at 7-8 weeks D) If there is no testosterone at 8 weeks gestation the baby starts to form female parts- happens at 10 weeks Ps. At 12 weeks external genitals develop

Which of the following parts of the male reproductive system is responsible for conducting sperm from the tubules to the vastepherins? B) epididymis

ANS: B Feedback: A) Simi cal vesicles - Convoluted pouches that lay along the lower potion of the bladder- secretes alkaline like fluid C) Bulba urethra- Lies beside prostate gland - it produces pre - ejaculation fluid D) Prostate gland - lies below bladder and allows the urethra to pass through- produce liquid that becomes part of the semen

Which hormone is the corpus luteum responsible for producing? B) Progesterone

ANS: B Feedback: The corpus luteum produces progesterone which causes the endometrium to become receptive to implantation of a blastocyst and prevents menstruation occurring.

If fertilization occurs the corpus luteum will act as a temporary endocrine structure to release hormones. It will do this until the placenta is fully developed to take over with hormone secretion and this occurs at approximately?* A. 4 weeks gestation

ANS: B Feedback: This occurs at 8 weeks gestation. The corpus luteum will disintegrate and turn into the corpus albicans.

Which of the following are functions of progesterone? B) Stimulation of oestrogen production C) Initiation of the secretory phase of the endometrium D) Increase in basal body temperature E) Inhibition of LH and FSH production

ANS: B,C,D,E Feedback: Progesterone is involved in many different processes during the menstrual cycle. It causes increased production of oestrogen and causes the endometrium to become more receptive to implantation of a fertilised ovum. It also inhibits production of LH and FSH via negative feedback.

While she is in the hospital, Maria Rodriques, 12 years old, makes the following statements. The nurse determines which statement most clearly suggests she received culturally competent care? b. "The nurses keep asking me who makes decisions in my family."

ANS: B. The nurse assessing a family's structure and decision-making norms is a component of culturally competent care. These patterns of behavior differ significantly between cultures. Nurses should avoid assumptions that may border on being stereotypes, such as equating a preference for tacos with a patient who is Hispanic.

Mrs. Chung waited until she was 42 years old to have her second baby. She asks the nurse if that is the reason her baby was born prematurely. Which statement would be the most reassuring for her? b. "No one can say for certain. You did all you could to ensure a healthy pregnancy."

ANS: B. The nurse should acknowledge the patient's concerns while affirming her efforts rather than downplaying her concerns or providing false assurance.

A karyotype is done on a client's embryo. The results show 47, XY. The nurse interpreters this for the client as: C. a male with an added chromosome.


A lesbian woman is in labor, and she has just arrived with her partner to the labor and delivery unit. The nurse who is up next for an assignment refuses to take care of this couple because to do so conflicts with her religious beliefs. This an example of: C)Discrimination


A nurse is assessing a new born male. The nurse understands that which of the following describe the main purpose of the scrotum ? C) Regulate the temperature of the sperm


A nursing student says, "I don't think people have any differences. I think we are all alike, and so I plan to treat all of my clients alike." This is an example of cultural: C) blindness.


Which of the following is a likely reason for a woman to have an unassisted birth? C) A belief that unassisted birth will increase the ability to bond with and take responsibility for her child.


At which stage in the uterine cycle does the secretory phase occur? C) Days 14-28

ANS: C Feedback: The secretory phase of the menstrual cycle begins after ovulation when the ruptured graafian follicle develops into the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum produces progesterone which causes the endometrium to begin secreting various substances which make the uterus more receptive to implantation of a fertilised ovum.

Which of the following are effects of increased levels of oestrogen in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle? C) Thinning of cervical mucous D) Thickening of the endometrium

ANS: C,D Feedback: In the follicular phase oestrogen functions to increases chances of successful fertilisation. As a result in causes the mucous of the cervix to become much thinner allowing easier passage of sperm. It also causes thickening of the endometrium to increases chances of successful implantation of a blastocyst.

Mrs. Chung's doctor has told her that her baby's most dangerous time will be until the perinatal period ends. When does the perinatal period take place? c. From the 20th week of pregnancy to 4 to 6 weeks after birth

ANS: C. The nurse explains that the perinatal period is the time between 20 weeks of pregnancy and 4 to 6 weeks following birth.

During which stage of the menstrual cycle does the endometrium layer thicken?* D. Proliferative Phase


Morbidity rates among children are most highly associated with which cause? D) Environmental factors


To decrease childhood mortality, pediatric nurses need to consistently engage in what activity throughout all age groups? D) Teach injury prevention and proper safety practices.


Which concept characterizes transcultural nursing? D) Planning care compatible with the client's health belief system


Which one of the following is the primary source of progesterone in the later stages of pregnancy? D) Placenta

ANS: D Feedback: The corpus luteum is the primary source of progesterone at the start of pregnancy however the corpus luteum breaks down eventually. So from the 8th week of pregnancy the main source of progesterone is the placenta.

During which cycle day of a typical 28 day menstrual cycle does the follicular phase occur?* D. Cycle days 1-13

ANS: D --- FeedBack: Follicular phase states the day of your period until ovulation

The Hanovan family consists of two parents plus James, 17 years old; Charles, 12 years old; and Brian, 2 years old. Mrs. Hanovan is 4 months pregnant. When examining how to improve the quality of the nurse's health teaching with the Hanovan family, which of Duvall's family life stages would the nurse consider the family currently experiencing? d. Adolescent stage

ANS: D. The nurse knows that the oldest child marks a family stage; because the Hanovans' oldest child is 17 years of age, they are at a family with an adolescent stage.

At which point in the menstrual cycle is a women most fertile? B) Days 9-16

ANS: Days 9-16

A seasoned nurse is educating a young pregnant woman in her first trimester about the importance of prenatal vitamins. This nurse is practicing which of the following phases of health care? C) Health promotion

ANS: c Feed back: A) Health maintenance-intervening to maintain health if risk of illness is present B) Health restoration- Using an assessment to be certain the signs or symptoms of an illness are identified and the appropriate interventions are put in place D) Health rehabilitation- helping prevent complications from an already present illness

All women of childbearing age should take at least 0.4 mg of folic acid daily to prevent ____________ _____________ defects if a pregnancy occurs.

All women of childbearing age should take at least 0.4 mg of folic acid daily to prevent A multifactorial Defect :Neural Tube Defects defects if a pregnancy occurs.

One excellent source of information concerning birth defects and counseling services is the __________ ____ ______________.

One excellent source of information concerning birth defects and counseling services is the March of Dimes.

The segment of DNA that directs the production of a specific product needed for body structure or function is termed ____________.

The segment of DNA that directs the production of a specific product needed for body structure or function is termed GENES.

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