OB Final

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"Let's set up an agenda for discussing each of the problems we have to consider." This suggestion is an example of a harmonizing function to maintain good relations. T/F


A body shop worker who sprays paint 8 hours a day is an example of a job with high skill variety characteristics T/F


A decentralized organization is more likely to result in a feeling of alienation by employees than a centralized organization T/F


A group must have at least two members who are interdependent with a common goal. T/F


A strong culture provides a supportive atmosphere for diversity T/F


All groups are teams but not all teams are groups T/F


All organizations within an industry use the terminology designated by the industry so that their employees can move freely from organization to organization T/F


An accurate definition of a conflict is important as this will help to establish the type of outcomes, which might settle it. T/F


An individual's target point represents the lowest outcome he or she would accept during a negotiation process T/F


Application of organizational behaviour concepts is most useful within organizations or employment situations only T/F


Arbitration is a process in which two or more parties exchange goods or services and attempt to agree upon the exchange rate for them. T/F


Avoiding encompasses both assertive and uncooperative behaviours T/F


Choosing avoidance as a conflict management strategy is appropriate when you find out that you are wrong T/F


Conflict always improve the quality of group decision making T/F


Conformity primarily leads to negative behaviour. T/F


Cultural norms have nothing to do with the physical distance an individual requires T/F


Culture sets the tone for how an organization operated and how individual members within the organization interact T/F


Edward is thinking of reorganizing his department so that Fred and Sarah do not have to work together, as they don't seem to get along. Whenever they have a disagreement about a task, it always seems to degenerate into emotional attacks against each other. This is known as cognitive contact. T/F


Ethics can inform us whether our individual actions are right or wrong; however, organization and group actions are too complex for ethics to apply T/F


Even though he isn't very high up on the company's hierarchy, Cam is powerful since has been around for a long time and he has knowledge that no one else has in the organization .This is known as referent power T/F


Felt emotions are the same as the emotions displayed in public. T/F


Given the relative power asymmetries it is unlikely that a subculture could undermine the dominant culture T/F


High-performing managers tend to communicate non routine messages efficiently through channels that are lower in richness T/F


Hygienic factors usually lead to job satisfaction when present in a job T/F


Institutions such as prisons and the military are unlikely to embrace Theory X T/F


Integrative bargaining is the strategy most used in today's intraorganizational problem-solving behaviour T/F


Intuitive decision making is a conscious process created out of experience T/F


Joan was appalled by how much conflict there was among the members of her team. Although the team had only been in existence for a short period of time, she was troubled. But when she discussed this with her team leader, he indicated that this was typical of groups at their forming stage. Is the response of Joan's leader correct? T/F


Julie wishes to apply Maslow's hierarchy in her workplace. She is interested in how various employee needs are met by the organization. The organization will find that employees' self-actualization needs are the easiest to satisfy T/F


Kerry tends to only remember what she wants to hear. This is known as selective perception. T/F


Many open and violent conflicts in work groups are functional T/F


Mechanistic structures are decentralized T/F


Most conflicts are resolved by the completion of the first stage in a group's development T/F


Once a group's direction is set,it is re-examined frequently in the first half of the group's life and is likely to be altered. T/F


Organization have different structures, but the structure has little bearing on employee attitudes and behaviour T/F


Organizational behaviour is best suited for managers in large corporations rather than small businesses and entrepreneurial enterprises T/F


Organizations may choose only one of the forms of departmentalization T/F


Re-engineering requires management to reorganize around vertical processes T/F


Role expectation can be defined as a certain attitude or behaviour consistent with a role. T/F


The behaviour of individuals in a structured situation is similar to their behaviour when they are in unstructured situations T/F


The choice of the performance evaluation system as little effect on employee behaviour T/F


The four ingredients common to MBO programs are goal specificity, participative decision making, an implicit time period, and performance feedback T/F


The major advantage of mediation over arbitration is that it always results in a settlement T/F


The matrix structure is most widely practiced in small businesses in which the manager and the manager are one and the same T/F


The only desired outcome of a conflict is an equitable and fair agreement between the parties involved. T/F


The smaller the group and the less specialized its activities, the great likelihood of conflict T/F


The term organization generally refers to business firms but excludes government, social service agencies and other public organizations T/F


Three forces play a particularly important part in sustaining culture: selection practises, promotion policies, and socialization methods. T/F


Tina is very cooperative, good-natured, and trusting. Thus, she scores high on conscientiousness according to the Big Five Model. T/F


Virtual teams are typically dependent on work being completed face to face. T/F


When upper management struggles to maintain the status quo, regardless of the outcome, this is an example of toxic managerial behaviour T/F


Within McClelland's theory of needs, the need for power is the drive to excel, and to achieve in relation to a set of standards. T/F


Workplace diversity occurs because organizations are becoming more homogeneous T/F


Xavier is considered to be a very sensitive manager when it come to the issues facing his employees on a personal level. This means that he scores high with them in terms of distributive justice. T/F


"I think what you started to say is important, Jack. Please continue." This request is an example of an encouraging function to maintain good relations. T/F


"Is this group ready to decide about this?" This question is an example of consensus testing. T/F


A facial expression can indicate something different from the simultaneously sent verbal message T/F


A strong culture can be a liability T/F


A transformational leader will attempt to instil in followers the ability to question established views as well as those being created by the leader T/F


According to Alderfer, once an employee's existence needs are substantially satisfied, the employee moves on to his or her relatedness needs. T/F


According to cognitive evaluation theory, pay should not be directly related to job performance. T/F


Across cultures, people have different ideas about the appropriateness and effects of conflict. T/F


Although intuitive thinkers (NT) make up only 5 percent of the population, a recent study of contemporary business people who created super-successful firms found that all of these individuals were NTs. T/F


Astute communicators watch for gaps, pauses, and hesitations T/F


Attempting to convince another that your conclusion is right and his or her conclusion is mistaken is an example of the forcing conflict-handling strategy. T/F


Compromise is when each party to a conflict gives up something of value T/F


Culture has a boundry-defing role; it creates distinctions between one organization and others T/F


Dissatisfied employees are more likely to miss work, but the correlation is only moderate T/F


Donna "wears her emotions on her sleeve" such that when she has trouble at work, it effects her performance. Thus is known as affective events theory. T/F


Donny is in the habit of offering his co-workers favours if they support him during staff meetings. This is known as an exchange tactic. T/F


Dysfunctional conflicts hinder a group's performance T/F


Effective teams have a common and meaningful purpose that provides direction, momentum, and commitment for members. T/F


Effective teams need to work together and take collective responsibility to complete significant tasks. T/F


Employees in a gainsharing plan can recceive incntive awards even when the organization isn't profitable T/F


Face-to-face communication scores highest in terms of channel richness T/F


Flextime tends to reduce absenteeism T/F


For multi-team systems to succeed, different teams need to coordinate their efforts to produce a desired outcome T/F


Giving rewards for things that were previously done for intrinsic motivation will decrease motivation T/F


Group decision are more likely to be accepted than individual decisions T/F


Group decisions are almost always more inefficient than individual decisions T/F


Groups that work closely together toward a common objective and are accountable to one another are called teams T/F


Groups usually make more risky decisions than do individuals T/F


If behavioural theories of leadership are valid, individuals can be trained to be leaders. T/F


If diversity is ineffectively managed, high turnover and miscommunication can result, creating an environment, which hinders achievement of organizational goals T/F


If you expect older workers to be unable to learn a new job skill, that is probably what you will perceive, whether it is accurate or not T/F


Illusion of unanimity and rationalized resistance are symptoms of the groupthink phenomenon T/F


Individuals respond differently to rewards depending upon what culture they come from T/F


Information overload is a conditio in which information inflow exceeds an individual's processing capacity T/F


Information power is derived from access to and control over information T/F


Interviewers make perceptual judgements during interviews that affect whether an individual is hired. T/F


Is has been well documented that individuals escalate commitment to a failing course of action when they view themselves as responsible for the failure T/F


Job rotation increases skill variety T/F


Learning, perception, and personality have been OB topics whose contributions have generally come from psychology T/F


Members in a group are not necessarily interdependent T/F


Michealson suggests that researchers have a moral obligation to make workplaces better for employees T/F


Most businesses tend to develop multiple suppliers instead of just using one to avoid giving one supplier too much power T/F


Motivation theories only give vague ideas of how money relates to individual motivation T/F


Negative information exposed early in the interview tends to be more heavily weighted than if the same information were conveyed later T/F


Norming is characterized by camaraderie. T/F


Operant conditioning assumes behaviour is influenced by reinforcement or lack of reinforcement brought about by the consequences of behaviour T/F


Organizational culture can be transmitted to employees by stories, rituals, material symbols, and language T/F


Paraphrasing is an effective feedback technique in the communication process T/F


People who see their lives as being controlled by outside forces have been called externals. T/F


Performance evidence looking at the impact of flex-time does not stack up favourably T/F


Proactive personalities can have both negative and positive impact depending on the organization and situational conditions. T/F


Rationality assumes that the criteria and alternatives can be ranked according to their importance T/F


Regardless of the direction of influence, the most popular power tactic is the use of rational persuasion T/F


Research studies in diverse settings confirm that functionality of conflict, particularity as it relates to productivity. T/F


Resource in organizations are limited, which often turns potential conflict into real conflict T/F


Role conflict is defined as a situation in which an individual has certain attitudes and behaviour that are disagreeable T/F


Role expectation would assist in mentorship programs T/F


Ron felt that the best approach to resolving the conflict between two of his staff members was to merge both of their perspectives, as they both seemed valid to him. This approach to conflict management is known as problem solving T/F


Rumours flourish in ambiguous situations T/F


Self-efficacy refers to an individual's belief that he or she is capable of performing. T/F


Sexual harassment is frequently concerned with power abuse T/F


Strong cultures are made up of values that are intensely held and widely shared T/F


Studies have shown recognition to be the most powerful workplace motivator T/F


Teams experiencing affective conflict have poorer decisions and lower levels of acceptance of the decision T/F


The Punctuated-Equilibrium Model characterizes groups as exhibiting long periods of inertia interspersed with brief revolutionary changes triggered primarily by members' awareness of time and deadlines. T/F


The bounded rationality model assumes that the decision maker will simplify the problem T/F


The bureaucracy is characterized by highly routine tasks, formalized rules, and centralized authority T/F


The challenge for organizations is to accommodate diverse groups of people by addressing their different lifestyles, family needs, and work style T/F


The degree of employee empowerment can be better understood by examine job content and job context T/F


The degree to which management focuses on results rather than on techniques and processes termed outcome orientation T/F


The degree to which organizational activities emphasize maintaining the status quo in contrast to growth is termed stability T/F


The evidence demonstrates that decision accuracy is the same for high- and low-risk-taking managers T/F


The future of telecommuting is uncertain as there are still many unanswered questions regarding its advantages and disadvantages T/F


The most important thing to John after 15 years with the same company is his job title and public recognition. This indicates that he is at the self-actualization stage of Maslow's hierarchy. T/F


The rational decision-making model assumes rationality and that the alternatives that yields the highest perceived value will be chosen T/F


The size and layout of an organization's corporate headquarters exemplifies material symbols T/F


Tom is of the belief that the more effort that he puts into his job, the better he will perform. This is called expectancy T/F


Virtual teams can suffer from the absence of paraverbal and nonverbal cues as well as social isolation. T/F


What is considered unethical in one country may be considered ethical in another culture T/F


When an organization is new, acceptable modes of behaviour are now always readily apparent to its members T/F


When we think of managers communicating with employees, the downward flow pattern is the one we usually have in mind T/F


Within conflict, accepting the will of the other party is termed yielding. T/F


Work specialization can be carried too far and may result in employee boredom, stress, and absenteeism T/F


Zack is always moving and appears to be impatient. He prefers work to leisure and seems obsessed with numbers. Zack is probably a Type A. T/F


The premise that higher level needs can emerge before lower level needs are met is part of a) ERG theory b) process theory c) Maslow's theory d) expectancy theory e) valence theory

a) ERG theory

Which of the following is outside the scope of role expectations? a) It is one's own view of how one should behave or act b) role stereotypes are derived from expectations c) it is how others believe one should act in a given situation d) behaviour can be determined from expectations e) the psychological contract aids in identifying mutual role expectations by employee and employer

a) It is one's own view of how one should behave or act

___________ justice is the perceived fairness of process used to determine the distribution of rewards. a) Procedural b) Distributive c) Relative d) Interactional e) Organizational

a) Procedural

In contrasting values and attitudes, which of the following is true? a) Values are more stable than attitudes b) there is no significant correlation between the two c) Values are based on diversity issues d) they come from different sources e) attitudes are more stable than values

a) Values are more stable than attitudes

Which of the following problems is mot likely to occur in a matrix structure? a) a loss of economies of scale b) decreased coordination efforts c) employees receiving conflicting directives d) decreased employee motivation e) decreased response to environmental change

a) a loss of economies of scale

Which of the following principles should not be included in an individual's time management strategy to manage stress? a) accommodating appointments and/or tasks in order they are received b) making daily lists of activities to be accomplished c) prioritizing activities by importance and urgency d) knowing your personal energy cycle so that you handle the most demanding parts of your job during the high part of your cycle e) scheduling activities according to the priorities set

a) accommodating appointments and/or tasks in order they are received

An employee who actively helps colleagues, takes minimal breaks, and alerts other to work-related problems is a) an organizational citizen b) high in job satisfaction c) high in job stability d) low in organizational loyalty e) high in organizational commitment

a) an organizational citizen

Todd has a tendencty to rely too much on the initial information at his disposal about any given issue such that he fails to factor in adequately new information. This is known as a) anchoring bias b) overconficence bias c) performance bias d) confirmation bias e) availability bias

a) anchoring bias

Various challenges exist at the organizational level. Which of the following would not be considered an organizational challenge? a) appreciating the diverse workforce b) overall productivity and output c) hiring and developing effective employees d) developing and implementing successful managerial intervention techniques e) competing in global markets

a) appreciating the diverse workforce

Which of the following is inconsistent with feeling cut out for a networked culture? a) are highly task performance-oriented b) possess good social skills c) thrive in a realized and convivial atmosphere d) prefer close working relationships e) empathetic

a) are highly task performance-oriented

Sally is normally a very calm and composed manager, but the other day she sounded very visibly upset as evidenced by her raised voice on the telephone. Her staff heard it, and were trying to figure out what caused her to be upset. This is an example of a) attribution theory b) the Halo Effect c) stereotyping d) contrast effects e) projection

a) attribution theory

Doug's belief that employees should interact as little as possible to achieve efficiency can be characterized, according to the managerial grid, as a) authority-obediance b) organization management c) country club management d) team management e) impoverished management

a) authority-obediance

Which of the following is not generally considered to be an aspect of listening effectively a) avoiding eye contact b) avoiding interrupting c) asking questions d) over talking e) avoiding distractions

a) avoiding eye contact

Which one of the following components of organizational structure specifically defines where decisions are made? a) centralization b) complexity c) formalization d) technology e) departmentalization

a) centralization

The unbroken line of authority that extends from the top of the organization to the lowest echelon and clarifies who report to whom is termed: a) chain of command b) authority c) unity of command d) power and authority structure e) power

a) chain of command

Your colleagues at work are constantly talking about the VP in your area. He is feared throughout the organization as a ruthless man who is not to be antagonized. It is necessary for you to bring him a report and you are very nervous about having to deal with him. The VP's major base of power seems to be a) coercive b) reward c) position d) referent e) expert

a) coercive

Your supervisor has been studying leadership and has described so many theories to you that you are really confused. You ask her to explain the similarities of the many theories so that you can understand the relationship between them. What other terms might be used to describe the concept of "people" a) consideration, employee-oriented, and supportive b) goal-setting, planning, and supportive c) supportive, directive leadership, and relationship-oriented d) consideration, relationship-oriented, and initiating structure e) directive leadership, production-oriented, and supportive

a) consideration, employee-oriented, and supportive

All communication occurs with a __________, and violation of the _____ may create additional problems in sending and receiving messages. a) context; context b) filter; grapevine c) message; channel d) channel; channel e) context; feedback loop

a) context; context

The approach to organization behaviour which suggests that its answers "depends upon the situation" is called the a) contingency approach b) behavioural approach c) field study approach d) mechanistic approach e) organic approach

a) contingency approach

Retranslating a sender's communication message describes: a) decoding b) the channel c) feedback d) the message e) encoding

a) decoding

Which f the following statements is inconsistent with successful leadership behaviour patterns? a) effective leaders are more concerned with the people they lead then about getting the job done b) Two dimensions of leader behaviour have been labelled as initiating structure and consideration c) an individual scoring high on one dimension of leader behaviour will not necessarily score low on the other other dimension d) the two major dimensions of leader behaviour focus on people and tasks e) pioneering work in this area was done at the University of Michigan and the Ohio State University

a) effective leaders are more concerned with the people they lead then about getting the job done

Ava has a real ability to never give up, to persist in what she is trying to accomplish in the face of setbacks and failures. This is an example of her a) emotional intelligence b) personality c) moods d) emotional dissonance e) self-esteem

a) emotional intelligence

You graduated from college two years ago and began working at Hampstead Electronics. You have received good performance evaluations and a raise. You just found out that a recent college graduate with no experience has been hired at a higher salary than you are now making. Which theory will you probably use in evaluating how you regard the situation? a) equity b) performance-reward c) expectancy d) reinforcement e) goal setting

a) equity

As a union member, Kim is most likely to favour which of the following terminal values the most? a) family security b) freedom c) courage d) a world of peace e) honesty

a) family security

Don has a reputation for not being "straight" with his employees. Their view is that he has a tendency to tell them what they want to hear rather than what is actually happening. This tendency is known as a) filtering b) defensiveness c) information overload d) selective perception e) channelling

a) filtering

Ben has noticed that after his team discusses any issue, the conservative people become even more cautious and the aggressive people get even bolder. The phenomenon is know as a) groupshift b) groupthink c) consistency bias d) perpetual bias e) randomness error

a) groupthink

If a job is highly formalized, it would not include: a) high employee job discretion b) clearly defined procedures on work processes c) consistent and uniform output d) a large number of organizational rules e) an explicit job description

a) high employee job discretion

If a hard-working athlete or student with modest abilities consistently outperformed amore gifted, but lazy rival, this indicates that a) if either ability or motivation is inadequate, performance will be negatively affected b) if both ability and motivation are inadequate, performance will be negatively affected c) if either ability or motivation is inadequate, performance will be negatively affected e) if either ability or compensation is inadequate, performance will be negatively affected

a) if either ability or motivation is inadequate, performance will be negatively affected

Which type of decision-making group is most committed to the group solution? a) interacting b) computer-assissted c) electronic d) brainstorming e) nominal

a) interacting

Leaders who believe that they are empowering their employees by giving up their responsibility for leading are called a) laissez-faire leaders b) transformational leaders c) situational leaders d) transcendent leaders e) transactional leaders

a) laissez-faire leaders

If a person decides to employ a coercive base of power, he or she would be apt to a) make things difficult for people b) have the right to expect you to comply with legitimate requests c) have the experience and knowledge to earn your respect d) have the data or knowledge that you need e) give special benefits or rewards to people

a) make things difficult for people

Norma has been working for the same organization for 25 years. She has worked there so long that she now feels an obligation to stay with this organization for the rest of her career. Norma is exhibiting a) normative commitment b) continuance commitment c) affective commitment d) citizenship commitment e) personal commitment

a) normative commitment

Political behaviour is a) outside one's specified job requirements b) not related to power c) seen only in large organizations d) counterproductive to individual goals e) part of each job requirement

a) outside one's specified job requirements

Activities that influence the distribution of advantages and disadvantages within the organization are a) political behaviour b) tactical planning activities c) power brokering activities d) strategic planning activities e) human resources

a) political behaviour

The measure of the extent to which a society accepts the fact that power in institutions and organizations is unequally share is called a) power distance b) bureaucracy c) organizational power theory d) collectivism e) institutional distribution theory

a) power distance

Giselle has introduced a new performance measure that focuses on an employee's efficiency and effectiveness. This is known as the employee's a) productivity b) diversity c) ethics d) culture e) performance

a) productivity

Looking for a solution that is satisfatory and sufficient is called a) satisficing b) optimizing c) seeking an implicit favourite d) sub-optimizing e) simplifying

a) satisficing

When it comes to matching people with cultures, research has shown that the following two dimensions underlie organizational culture a) sociability, solidarity b) sociability, adaptability c) metamorphosis, adaptability d) educational training, adaptability e) cooperativeness, flexibility

a) sociability, solidarity

Which behavioural science discipline contributes to OB's understanding of group decision-making processes? a) social psychology b) political science c) psychology d) anthropology e) sociology

a) social psychology

The process that adapts employees to the organization's culture is called: a) socialization b) formalization c) indoctrination d) orientation e) confirmation

a) socialization

Which of the following is not considered to be a way to deal with excessive stress? a) tennis match b) swimming c) riding a bike d) jogging e) aerobics

a) tennis match

All of the following contribute to a toxic organization except: a) terrorism b) downsizing c) sudden death of a key manager d) organizational change e) strong competition from a start-up company

a) terrorism

Which of the following did the Ohio State studies identify as the dimensions by which managers can be characterized? a) the dimensions found were consideration and initiating structure b) leaders cannot effectively perform both dimensions of leadership c) laissez-faire leadership was most effective d) middle-of-the-road management produces satisfactory results e) the dimensions found were achievement orientation and participation

a) the dimensions found were consideration and initiating structure

Jack found that some corporations choose to highlight the value of diversity because a) they feel it is an important strategic issue and goal b) Financial planning becomes easier and more logical c) traditional business practices can best be served by diverse talents d) Planning is likely to be less complex since everyone accepts diversity values e) Organizational structures can be re-engineered more logically

a) they feel it is an important strategic issue and goal

When Sophia, your co-woker, gets others involved to support her in attaining her objectives, she is a) using coalition tactics b) making an inspirational appeal c) using ingratiation tactics d) making a personal appeal e) using consultation tatics

a) using coalition tactics

Which of the following teams primarily use computer technology to tie together physically dispersed member in order to achieve a common goal? a) virtual b) quality circle c) cross-functional d) problem-solving e) skunkworks

a) virtual

The degree to which tasks are subdivided into separate jobs is termed a) work specialization b) task structure c) departmentalization d) formalization e) span of control

a) work specialization

According to GLOBE, which of the following countries scored low on uncertainty avoidance? a) France b) Hungary c) Japan d) Canada e) China

b) Hungary

Li has recently arrived in Spain from Indonesia, and was very surprised to discover how little emphasis was placed on encouraging and rewarding individuals for being fair, altruistic, generous, and kind to others. Thus, in her view, Spain lacked a) assertiveness b) a humane orientation c) a future orientation d) uncertainty avoidance e) power distance

b) a humane orientation

When a person stereotypes another person, the key thing she/he is doing is making generalizations based upon a) the values of the other person b) a predefined group to which the other person belongs c) a key strength of the other person d) a key weakness of the other person e) the speaking style of the other person

b) a predefined group to which the other person belongs

Cora has highly motivated staff that enjoys challenges. According to Path-Goal Theory, the best leadership style for her would be a) directive b) achievement-oriented c) supportive d) charismatic e) participative

b) achievement-oriented

The behavioural science which underlies organizational cultures is know an a) psychology b) anthropology c) social psychology d) sociology e) political science

b) anthropology

Jane Simpson rates low on conscientiousness. You should expect would: a) be comfortable with solitude b) be easily distracted c) be achievement oriented d) find comfort in the familiar e) be nervous, depressed, and insecure

b) be easily distracted

An Angus Reid poll which surveyed Canadians to find out their attitudes towards their jobs and workplaces determined that almost 40% or the respondents stated that one of the biggest barriers to job satisfaction was a) the nature of work itself b) bureaucracy and red tape c) management practices d) poor working conditions e) lack of recognition

b) bureaucracy and red tape

Organizational structure is made up of key elements. Which of the following is not one of these elements? a) formalization b) coordination c) decentralization d) departmentalization e) centralization

b) coordination

If today's managers positively address and manage workforce diversity, which of the following increase? a) miscommunications b) creativity and innovation c) employee turnover d) ineffective decision making e) interpersonal conflicts

b) creativity and innovation

Affective conflict is: a) impersonal and based on issues rather than a personality b) emotional and aimed at a person rather than an issue c) a divergent hierarchy of goals d) a consequence of the requirements of the job e) related to differences in perspectives

b) emotional and aimed at a person rather than an issue

In dealing with cross-cultural communication, a manager might practise putting herself in the place of the employee, a method termed a) symbolic interaction b) empathy c) sympathy d) hypothesis testing e) semantics

b) empathy

The re-engineering process is charactered by by a series of beliefs and actions. Which of the following is not part of the re-engineering process? a) realizing significantly large increases in performance b) employees discretion about how process will be handled is driven by top management c) process is autocratic and non-democratic d) discarding irrelevant practises and starting over again

b) employees discretion about how process will be handled is driven by top management

If there is a basic conflict between the individual's expectations and the organization's expectations, the employee is most like to be disillusioned and quit during which stage? a) anxiety b) encounter c) metamorphosis d) adjustment e) prearrival

b) encounter

Job enlargement is a) giving an employee a title which suggest he or she has more responsibility, but in fact does not b) expanding a job horizontally c) expanding a job vertically d) giving an employee more tasks while paying at the same level e) a result of downsizing, as employees must cover the duties of the departed employee

b) expanding a job horizontally

Which of the following correctly identifies why individuals may resist change? a) habit, security, economic factors, fear of the known, selective information processing b) habit, security, econcomic factors, fear of the unknown, selective information processing c) habit, security, cultural factors, fear of the unknown, selective information processing d) habit, security, economic factors, fear of the unknown, reckless information processing e) habitat, security, economic factors, fear of the unknown, selective information processing

b) habit, security, econcomic factors, fear of the unknown, selective information processing

How are outside consultants disadvantaged as change agents? a) prone to initiating too few reforms b) inadequate understanding of the organizations culture and history c) inadequate understanding of the basic organizational behaviour d) prone to inaction through inadequate understanding e) less objective than staff

b) inadequate understanding of the organizations culture and history

Motivation is an important_________ variable a) departmental-level b) individual-level c) industry-level d) organization systems-level e) group-level

b) individual-level

Which of the following is also a potential conflict? a) where group or department members are older b) intergroup fighting for control of resources c) lower turnover that does not affect group performance d) structural conflict is not a possible issue e) specific direction/definition of responsibility for actions

b) intergroup fighting for control of resources

A major theme underlying the process of organizational behaviour is the belief that human behaviour is a) opaque b) knowable c) unpredictable d) intuitive e) instinctual

b) knowable

Janet & Phillip have decided to bring in a neutral third party to facilitate a negotiated solution This person is referred to as a(n): a) liaison b) mediator c) conciliator d) consultant e) arbitrator

b) mediator

If jobs score high on motivation potential, the MPS model predicts that what will be positively affected? a) teamwork, collaboration and achievement b) motivation, performance and satisfaction c) empowerment, involvement, and development d) teamwork, performance, and satisfaction e) responsibility, growth, and commitment

b) motivation, performance and satisfaction

In the electronic age, all employees can theoretically be a) home-based workers b) on call 24/7 c) unemployed d) outsourced e) highly trained experts

b) on call 24/7

Which of the following is an example of being an efficient organization or employee? a) being a sales person who acquires the most clients of anyone in the company b) operating a hospital at the lowest possible cost while achieving higher output c) being an instructor who teaches larger classes than his fellow colleagues d) being the most pleasant real estate broker in Toronto e) being a telemarketer who makes the required number of calls at the end of the day

b) operatin ga hospital at the lowest possible cost while achieving higher output

Which of the following factors is not part of job satisfaction? a) fair and equitable rewards b) organizational commitment c) opportunity to use skills and abilities d) immediate supervisor who is supportive and understanding e) supportive working environment

b) organizational commitment

Research findings indicate that when an employee has a clear understanding of how to perform a task and reach a goal a __________ leader will increase employee satisfaction a) task-oriented b) people-oriented c) technical-oriented d) production-oriented e) goal-oriented

b) people-oriented

When using bonuses, managers should be mindful of a) not recognizing friends within the company b) potential unexpected behaviours arising when employees try to ensure they will receive bonuses c) the size of the bonus in relation to the event recognized d) the amount, so that the bonus does not negatively effect the profits of the company e) very little, the bonus is just so effective

b) potential unexpected behaviours arising when employees try to ensure they will receive bonuses

Most studies confirm that the concept of ______ is central to understanding sexual harassment a) locus of control b) power c) common sense d) sex e) politics

b) power

Which of the following conflict-handling methods is best described as win-win? a) compromising b) problem solving c) competing d) avoiding e) accommodating

b) problem solving

_______ is the tendency to attribute one's own characteristics to other people a) selection b) projection c) interpretation d) stereotyping e) halo effect

b) projection

When Federico, from accounting, presents a large amount of data, using it to make a logical presentation of ideas, he is utilizing a) inspirational appeals b) rational persuasion c) legitimating tactics d) consolation tactics e) personal appeal

b) rational persuasion

The tendency for individuals to attribute their own success to internal factors while putting the blame for failures on external factors is called a) contrast effect b) self-serving bias c) stereotyping d) projection e) the halo effect

b) self-serving bias

Which of the following is not consistent with the definition of a ritual? a) sequence of activities b) stories c) repetition d) key values e) which people are important

b) stories

Fred is facing a decision where it is critical that his staff buy into it. According to Path-goal Theory, the best leadership style for him would be a) directive b) supportive c) achievement-oriented d) charismatic e) participative

b) supportive

The most recent approach to group decision making blends the nominal group technique with computer technology. It is known as a) computerized decision making b) the electronic meeting c) electronic mail d) electronic participation e) electronic database handling

b) the electronic meeting

Recent research studies in gender differences in negotiating styles and effectiveness show than a) there are many reliable conclusions b) there are few reliable conclusions c) women are better negotiators d) no differences exist e) women are more confident

b) there are few reliable conclusions

Lily does a great job of inspiring her employees to go beyond their own self-interests for the good of the organization. She thus is known as a _______ leader a) transactional b) transformational c) competent d) supportive e) participative

b) transformational

Suggestion boxes, employee attitude surveys, and grievance procedures are examples of a) group process communication b) upward communication c) horizontal communication d) managerial communication e) organizational structure

b) upward communication

There are many examples of shortcuts we make in judging others. Which shortcut below is least likely to be an error in perception about a new employee named Jo? a) knowing how good Jo will be because Jo has the same degree I have b) using my ability to respond to individual difference between Jo and myself c) using "high intelligence" of Jo to make a general impression about Jo's effectiveness on the job d) deciding that Jo wants challenge and change since thats what I want e) letting my own attitudes and interests influence my impression of Jo

b) using my ability to respond to individual difference between Jo and myself

Which activity has long been recommended by physicians as a way to deal with excessive stress levels? a) boxing b) walking c) rugby d) football e) soccer

b) walking

Which of the following conditions would probably not lead to intuitive decision making? a) when facts don't clearly point the way to go b) when a high level of certainty exists c) when there is pressure to come up with the right decision d) when facts are limited e) when time is limited

b) when a high level of certainty exists

__________ is the degree to which employees are expected to work with precision, analysis, and attention to detail. a) Institutionalization b) Outcome orientation c) Attention to detail d) People orientation e) Socialization

c) Attention to detail

Brainstorming is: a) a technique that tends to restrict independent thinking b) used when no other method is available c) a process for generating ideas d) used mainly when group members cannot agree on a solution e) used to build group cohesiveness

c) a process for generating ideas

Which of the following is not considered an organization? a) university b) military unit c) all 45 year olds in a community d) municipal, provincial and federal government agencies e) church

c) all 45 year olds in a community

In third-party negotiations, a third party with the authority to dictate an agreement is known as a(n): a) mediator b) conciliator c) arbitrator d) counselor e) consultants

c) arbitrator

An example of a(n) _______ communication network is when a checkout clerk reports to a department manager, who in turn reports to a store manager, who reports to a regional manager. a) wheel b) lateral c) chain d) all-channel e) "Y"

c) chain

The two leaders in your department are very different. John believes that he should guide and motive by clarification of the roles and tasks of his subordinates. Alan feels that his role should be to provide individualized consideration and intellectual stimulation. Most of the workers believe that both leaders are well trained, but Alan has a special "spark" that employees feel when they work with him. That special "spark" that people notice when they work with Alan is termed a) laissez-fair b) transcendent c) charisma d) structure e) transactional

c) charisma

The office supply firm, which has three departments to service retail, wholesale, and government customers, is practising which type of departmentalization? a) geographic b) product c) customer d) process e) functional

c) customer

The communication that is used by group leaders and managers to assign goals, point out problems that need attention, and provide job instructions is a) group communication b) lateral communication c) downward communication d) directional communication e) informal communication

c) downward communication

Which type of group would have the greatest potential for interpersonal conflict? a) brainstorming b) heterogeneous c) electronic d) interacting e) nominal

c) electronic

Diversity training almost always includes all of the following except a) interaction with representatives from diverse groups b) engaging in various activities to change attitudes c) emphasis on preservation of traditional values d) self-evaluation or self-assessment e) confronting own ethnic and cultural stereotypes

c) emphasis on preservation of traditional values

The University of Michigan studies define which leader as one who takes personal interest in the needs of his or her subordinates? a) humanistic b) personal c) employee-oriented d) achievement-oriented e) country club

c) employee-oriented

What are personality traits? a) individual characteristics that are based solely on environmental factors b) fleeting characteristics that describe an individual's behaviour c) enduring characteristics that describe an individual's behaviour d) individual characteristics that are based solely on heredity e) individual characteristics that are based solely on situational conditions

c) enduring characteristics that describe an individual's behaviour

The more levels a message must go through to reach the bottom of the organizational hierarchy, the more likely that: a) there will be a greater need for team development b) the power of managers will be diluted c) filtering will occur d) subordinates will be discontented e) written memos will be used

c) filtering will occur

Profit sharing plans a) are company-established benefit plans in which employees acquires stock as part of their benefits b) hive employees the right to buy stock in the company at a later date for a guaranteed price c) focus on past financial results d) give employees the right to buy stock in the company at a later date for the market price at that time e) focus on future financial results

c) focus on past financial results

Utilitarianism is when decisions are made to provide the a) greatest good for the least privileged b) least good for the least number c) greatest good for the greatest number d) greatest good or the decision makers e) greatest good for the best performers

c) greatest good for the greatest number

Variable-pay or pay-for-performance programs operate reward programs as three levels a) individual, group, and community b) individual, departmental, and organization c) individual, group, and organizational d) individual, group, and managerial e) individual, departmental, and community

c) individual, group, and organization

Individualism is the degree to which people prefer to act as a ________, whereas collectivism is the equivalent of ________. a) power brokers; low self-esteem b) individuals; group behaviour c) individuals; low individualism d) power brokers; low individualism e) individuals; uncertainty avoidance

c) individuals; low individualism

Your supervisor has been studying leadership and has described so many theories to you that you are really confused. You ask her to explain the similarities of the many theories so that you can understand the relationship between them. What other term might be used to describe the concept of "task"? a) employee-oriented b) relationship-oriented c) initiating structure d) consideration e) supportive

c) initiating structure

What Don doesn't like about working in groups is that they take a lot of time to do things, much more time than it would take him to do things on his own. Thus, in terms of usage of time, his view is that groups are a) as efficient as individuals b) more effective than individuals c) less efficient than individuals d) more efficient than individuals e) less effective than individuals

c) less efficient than individuals

Individuals who have progressed to higher levels of moral development will place increased value on the rights of others. These individuals are a) predisposed to use their influence to disregard the organization's value system b) likely to value the majority opinion c) likely to challenge organizational practices that they feel or believe are wrong d) likely to follow an organization's rules and procedures e) strongly influenced by their peers to conform

c) likely to challenge organizational practices that they feel or believe are wrong

Although men and women are targets of disrespect and rudeness in equal numbers, a) men instigate the rudeness 30% of the time b) women instigate the rudeness 70% of the time c) men instigate the rudeness 70% of the time d) women are less likely to admit that have made mistakes e) women are more likely to instigate conflict

c) men instigate the rudeness 70% of the time

Which of the following is generally considered outside the methods associated with changing organizational structures? a) creation of a matrix design b) use of flexible work hours c) modification of compensation systems d) use of automation e) redefining job descriptions

c) modification of compensation systems

Employee productivity, developing effective employees, and putting people first are challenges at the ______ level a) individual b) motivational c) organizational d) group e) ethical

c) organizational

Changing attitudes and organizational commitment are factors that will need to be defined and addressed. Jack has concluded that organizational commitment is a) a valid predictor for employee attitudes and values b) less universally understood by many individuals than job satisfaction c) probably a better predictor of employee turnover than job satisfaction d) not a factor which can be used to predict job satisfaction e) the same as job involvement and can be used to predict success

c) probably a better predictor of employee turnover than job satisfaction

A disparity between some desired state and actual condition is define as a(n) a) criterion b) judgement c) problem d) attribution e) decision

c) problem

Jason faced a real uproar recently from his employees after they received their annual pay increases. The main complaint was that his employees didn't think that the process by which the increases were awarded was fair. This is an example of a) interactional justice b) operant justice c) procedural justice d) distributive justice e) equitable justice

c) procedural justice

Lisa works in the HR Department, and everyone tries todo favours for her because she has the ability to give special benefits to employees like free corporate tickets to hockey games. Lisa possesses a) legitimate power b) information power c) reward power d) referent power e) coercive power

c) reward power

Unionized employees are typically paid on the basis of a) performance and seniority b) performance-based review c) seniority and job categories d) variable compensation e) seniority and productivity

c) seniority and job categories

Norms develop in one or more of four ways. Which of the following is not one of these ways? a) explicit statements made by a group member b) critical events in the group's history c) setting behaviour for every conceivable situation d) primacy - the first behaviour pattern that emerges e) carry-over behaviours from past situations

c) setting behaviour for every conceivable situation

Which of the following topics is generally considered to be outside the field of OB a) employment turnover b) job satisfaction c) therapy d) absenteeism e) productivity

c) therapy

Your supervisor embarrasses you by constantly telling sexual jokes and making sexual comments. Although he has never directly asked you to sleep with him, you feel threatened and are so uncomfortable that it is difficult for you to do your job. A basic problem in this situation is that: a) your supervisor probably has nothing better to do b) your perception is probably very different from your supervisor's c) there is an unequal power relationship between your supervisor and you d) this is not clearly sexual harassment, since he has not requested that you give him sexual favours e) your clothes are probably too suggestive

c) there is an unequal power relationship between your supervisor and you

The type of leaders who guide or motivate their followers in the direction of established goals by clarifying role and task requirements are a) employee-oriented leaders b) charismatic leaders c) transactional leaders d) process-oriented leaders e) transformational leaders

c) transactional leaders

"To what degrees are tasks subdivided into separate jobs?" the answer to this question is provided by: a) span of control b) chain of command c) work specialization d) work diversity e) formalization

c) work specialization

Traditionally, managers have viewed which of the following as an unending source of increased productivity? a) delegation b) deparmentalization c) work specialization d) centraliatin e) formalization

c) work specialization

One reason to consider graphic rating scales is: a) quality of result b) their superiority to all other forms of evaluation c) they require little time to complete d) accuracy e) breadth of information

d) accuracy

According to path-goal theory, a leader who sets challenging goals and seeks improvements in performance is referred to as a) charismatic b) institutional c) participative d) achievement-oriented e) directive

d) achievement oriented

Generation X is characterized by which of the following common values? a) belief in, and practise of, the Christian moral code b) strong concern for the environment c) intimidated by change d) adaptability and concern with personal image e) belief in order and authority

d) adaptability and concern with personal image

How does selective perception works as a shortcut in judging other people? a) such observations allow us to arrive at warranted judgements quickly b) It allows us to "speed-read" without the risk of inaccurate conclusions c) Bits and pieces of what we observe allow us to judge people with complete accuracy d) bits and pieces of what we observe are selectively chosen according to our interests and background e) Bits and pieces of what we observe are chosen randomly

d) bits and pieces of what we observe are selectively chosen according to our interests and background

You have eliminated horizontal, vertical, and external barriers. You are operating as a a) matrix b) decentralized organization c) team structure d) boundary-less organization e) virtual organization

d) boundary-less organization

Looking in-depth at single situations in order to gain insights into organization behaviour relates to the examination of a) survey studies b) field studies c) laboratory studies d) case studies e) meta-analysis

d) case studies

Which of the following concepts includes only formal authority, that is, the rights inherent in one' position a) complexity b) formalization c) departmentalization d) centralization e) technology

d) centralization

According to the Ohio State studies, the extent to which a leader shares mutual trust and respect for his or her employees is referred to as a) task-oriented behaviour b) concern for production c) initiating structure d) consideration e) employee-oriented behavior

d) consideration

Tyrone always liked to "play by the rules" in life, and he place a lot of emphasis on discipline and order. He is likely a member of which of the following demographic groups a) baby boomers b) echo boomers c) generation X d) elders e) generation Y

d) elders

The University of Michigan studies identify leaders who emphasize interpersonal relations as a) initiating-oriented b) contingency-oriented c) production-oriented d) employee-oriented e) relationship-oriented

d) employee-oriented

You are new to an organization and do not really know what to expect about the socialization process. you are a recent MBA and have an undergraduate degree in computer science. Your new firm is a software development company with an emphasis on the health care industry. The stage in which you will probably become detached from previous assumptions and replace those with the organization considers desirable is called: a) social facilitation stage b) replacement stage c) metamorphosis stage d) encounter stage e) prearrival stage

d) encounter

How does "top management'' have a major impact on an organization's culture? a) providing appropriate training b) maintaining traditions of past practises c) ensuring a proper match of personal and organizational values d) establishing norms that filter down through the organization e) socializing the applicant

d) establishing norms that filter down through the organization

Yanni has been with the organization for 25 years, so even though he hasn't ever been promoted, he is held in high regard, and co-workers often defer to his judgement because of his experience and vast knowledge. Yanni possesses a) no power b) referent power c) expert power d) legitimate power e) information power

d) expert power

Which of the following is likely to generate the lowest number of ideas? a) nominal group technique b) electronic meetings c) computer-assisted group d) face-to-face- interacting groups e) brainstorming

d) face-to-face interacting groups

Which of the following does not sustain an organizational culture? a) promotion procedures b) selection practises c) socialization d) formalization e) top management

d) formalization

Which type of departmentalization achieves economies of scale by placing people with common skills and orientations into common units? a) geographic b) process c) technical d) functional e) product

d) functional

What is an organization's most common informal network? a) e-mail b) voice-mail c) bulletin d) grapevine e) memo

d) grapevine

Which of the following is consistent with a simple structure? a) high departmentalization b) high horizontal differentiation c) high formalization d) high centralization e) high vertical differentiation

d) high centralization

How do individuals translate their bases of power into specific, desired action? a) implementation tactics b) pressure tactics c) empowerment tactics d) influence tactics e) winning friends

d) influence tactics

Which of the following is not considered to be a characteristic of organizational culture? a) outcome orientation b) people orientation c) innovation d) instability e) aggressiveness

d) instability

Nunavut has had great difficulty finding doctors willing to commit to serving the territory for more than short periods of time. The problem could be solved by a) job enlargement b) job enrichment c) gainsharing d) job sharing e) job redesign

d) job sharing

Communication that takes place among members of the same work group is a) technical communication b) vertical communication c) occupational communication d) lateral communication e) downward communication

d) lateral communication

When Ingmar appeals to your loyalty and friendship when asking for your support, he is a) using consultation techniques b) using ingratiation techniques c) making an inspirational appeal d) making a personal appeal e) using legitimating tactics

d) make a personal appeal

It it easy to tell when Donald isn't listening by the way he looks away when you are speaking to him and he begins to tap his pen. Donald is communication through a) lateral communication b) proxemics c) social distance d) nonverbal communication e) selective perception

d) nonverbal communication

What is a major difference between a mechanistic model and an organic model? a) one is characteristic of the service industry b) one involves new products and services c) they vary greatly in organizational size d) one has high formalization e) one is for technological firms

d) one has high formalization

Which of the following is not an example of what an organizational culture does? a) enhances social system stability b) conveys identity for organization members c) establishes boundaries between organizations d) outlines the formal hierarchy e) acts as a behavioural control mechanism

d) outlines the formal hierarchy

The leadership model that integrates the expectancy model of motivation with the Ohio State leadership research is a) Fiedler's b) leader-member exchange c) autocratic-democratic d) path-goal e) leader-pericipation

d) path-goal

Jack was disappointed that many companies and organizations do not offer training programs or other incentives to accommodate diversity. He found all of the following were reasons that cross-cultural training was not considered except: a) top management doubted the effectiveness of cross-cultural training b) senior managers believed that managerial skills are transferable across cultures - the management process is universal c) some companies utilized experts to advise management on diversity issues d) performance and productivity can be significantly affected e) some companies simply ignore cultural differences

d) performance and productivity can be significantly affected

The unfounded belief that younger workers are more appealing than older workers is an example of a) stereotyping b) contrast effects c) projection d) prejudice e) the halo effect

d) prejudice

Why do organizations that have OCB outperform those that do not? a) increased job satisfaction b) increased opportunity for promotions c) employees are easier to supervise d) promotion of effective functioning of the organization e) frequent recruitment, selection and training

d) promotion of effective functioning of the organization

Ted was always very conscious of not invading his employees personal "space" when speaking to them by not getting too close when he was talking to hem. Ted was therefore paying attention to a) empathy b) kinesics c) cultural barriers d) proxemics e) groupthink

d) proxemics

The behavioural science which underlies work design and performance appraisal is known as a) sociology b) social psychology c) political science d) psychology e) anthropology

d) psychology

Some studies indicate that money is not the top predictor of employee satisfaction; instead a) recognition in the workplace mattered more b) accomplishments in the workplace mattered more c) promotion in the workplace mattered more d) relationships in the workplace mattered more

d) relationships in the workplace mattered more

Your organization has decided to institute a management by objectives program. The people in your department have asked you to explain the program and help them understand how it will affect them. Which of the following is an example of an MBO objective? a) quality of all products should increase substantially b) telephone orders should be processed promptly c) company costs should be decreased as much as possible d) sales should be increased by two percent e) new customers should be brought in on a regular basis

d) sals should be increased by two percent

The drive to become what one is capable of becoming constitutes which level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs? a) social b) physiological c) safety d) self-actualization e) esteem

d) self-actualization

Which of the following socialization processes is best matched with apprenticeships? a) random b) informal c) divestiture d) serial e) collective

d) serial

The most significant contributions to OB with respect to implementing change and reducing barriers to its acceptance has been made by a) sociology b) anthropology c) political science d) social psychology e) psychology

d) social psychology

SMART stands for a) specific, unfixed, attainable, results-oriented, and time-bound b) specific, measurable, inaccessible, results-oriented, and time-bound c) specific, measurable, attainable, results0oriented, and time-bound d) specific, measurable, attainable, results-oriented, and time-bound e) equivocal, measurable, attainable, results-oriented, and time-bound

d) specific, measurable, attainable, results-oriented, and time-bound

After which stage of a group's development is there a relatively clear hierarchy of leadership within a group? a) norming b) goal setting c) performing d) storming e) forming

d) storming

The built in mechanisms that an organization has to produce stability are referred to as: a) habit b) threat to expertise c) selective information processing d) structural inertia e) economic factors

d) structural inertia

Which term refers to how an organization transfers its inputs to outputs? a) environment b) innovation c) structure d) technology e) strategy

d) technology

Ted has expressed that among his life goals are to write a book, volunteer extensively, and travel abroad. These are examples of Ted's a) fundamental values b) core values c) global values d) terminal values e) instrumental values

d) terminal values

In contrast to the hierarchy of needs, the ERG theory demonstrates: a) that lower-level needs must be satisfied before higher-level needs b) that interpersonal relationships are the most pressing need to be satisfied c) that ERG is less consistent with our knowledge of individual differences than other needs theories d) that more than one need may be working at the same time e) that no more than one need may be working at one time

d) that more than one need may be working at the same time

All of the following statements are true of low self-monitors except: a) they can't disguise themselves well b) they tend to pay less attention to the behaviour of others than high self-monitors c) they tend to display their true dispositions and attitudes d) they tend to pay closer attention to the behaviour of others than high self-monitors e) they have high behavioural consistency between who they are and what they do

d) they tend to pay closer attention to the behaviour of others than high self-monitors

When Woody, your co-worker, demands and threatens you to support his objectives, he is a) using coalition tactics b) making an inspirational appeal c) making a personal appeal d) using pressure tactics e) using exchange tactics

d) using pressure tactics

Canadians have certain values that Americans wish for such as diversity and fairness over divisiveness and racism, as well as the quality and consistency of our education. All of this leads Jack to conclude that a) Canadians values appear to be somewhat inferior to America values b) Americans appear to be more suited to working in teams c) Canadians alue individuality and individual performance more than Americans d) Americans seem to follow the directives of the managers more e) Canadian and American workplaces will likely look and operate somewhat differently

e) Canadian and American workplaces will likely look and operate somewhat differently

Which communication network does an unstructured committee best illustrate? a) horizontal b) wheel c) circle d) interpersonal e) all-channel

e) all-channel

According to Michael Adams, "the elders", one of the broad age groups of adult Canadians, are characterized by all of the following except: a) living by the golden rule b) authority c) belief in order d) disciple e) autonomy

e) autonomy

Which of the following falls outside the general definition of conflict? a) difference over interpretations of facts b) incompatibility of goals c) miscommunication of information d) disagreement on behavioural expectations e) commonly accepted organizational practices

e) commonly accepted organizational practices

When a fire truck's siren was heard, everyone ran to the window to see what was happening. That everyone responded in the same way is an example of which aspect of Attribution Theory? a) contrast effect b) consistency c) selective perception d) distinctiveness e) consensus

e) consensus

Norma is notorious for doing favours for her co-workers so that they will "owe" her favours later on when she really needs them. Norma is a) managing impressions b) building coalitions c) influencing people d) using information e) creating obligations

e) creating obligations

According to path-goal theory, an approach focused on providing specific guidance and establishing work schedules and rules is referred to as: a) charismatic b) participative c) supportive d) institutional e) directive

e) directive

When an individual displays different behaviours in different situations, this is termed a) flexibility b) consensus c) continuity d) integrity e) distinctiveness

e) distinctiveness

Work specialization is the same as a) span of control b) job description c) job grouping d) unity of command e) division of labour

e) division of labour

Members of groups must contend with various challenges on the job. Which of the following would not be considered a group challenge: a) developing an atmosphere of team spirit and support b) understanding workforce diversity c) working with others from different cultures d) working with others who do not share a common ethnic background e) empowerment

e) empowerment

The matrix structure combines the a) functional and simple structures b) organic and mechanistic structures c) simple and product structures d) bureaucracy and mechanistic structures e) functional and product structures

e) functional and product structures

Working with others and workplace diversity are challenges at the ____ level a) organizational b) motivational c) individual d) ethical e) group

e) group

Carol has designated Kevin to be the group's "Devil's Advocate". His job was to challenge the majority opinion on each issue and to offer divergent perspectives. Which group decision making problem is Carol attempting to avoid? a) consistency bias b) randomness error c) groupshift d) perceptual bias e) groupthink

e) groupthink

A telephone installer who schedules work for the day, makes visits without supervision, and decides the most effective techniques for installation is an example of: a) high significance b) high identity c) high variety d) high feedback e) high autonomy

e) high autonomy

Sam follows the practise in his department of periodically shifting his employees from one task to another in order to give them some variety and the opportunity to learn new skills. This practise is known as a) job design b) job enrichment c) job enlargement d) job satisfaction e) job rotation

e) job rotation

Although organizations require a combination of strong leadership and strong management, the process of leadership does have specific characteristics. Which of the following best describes the role of leadership? a) leaders are micromanagers b) leaders have no vision- managers do that c) leaders let managers deal with change d) leaders let individuals deal with their own personal hurdles by leaving them on their own e) leaders innovate for the entire organization

e) leaders innovate for the entire organization

Blake & Mouton were responsible for the development of the a) Leader-member exchange theory b) BCG matrix c) Delphi technique d) path-goal model e) managerial grid

e) managerial grid

According to research conducted by Dr. Selye, stress occurs a) in 3 stages: alarm, resistance, and exhausting b) more frequently on a given day than people have c) as a result of lower educational levels among employees d) in 4 stages: notification, alarm, resistance, and exhaustion e) only when people are not feeling confident in themselves

e) only when people are not feeling confident in themselves

A(n) _________ is consciously coordinated social unit, composed of two or more people, that functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or set of goals. a) informal group b) team c) ethnic group d) unit e) organization

e) organization

Performance evaluations done by one's associates is called a) immediate subordinate(s) review b) immediate superior's review c) the comprehensive approach: 360 degree evaluation d) combined subordinate/superior review e) peer review

e) peer review

Your department is made up of people who are very different in their lifestyles and their stages of life. Mary is a 23-year-old single parent who is working for minimum wage. Jonathan is 60 years old, extremely wealthy and works because he enjoys it. Jane is single, 45 years old and has few interests outside the office. You have decided to attempt to apply Maslow's hierarchy of needs to motivate each of these individuals. You would expect that Mary is trying to satisfy which need? a) esteem b) safety c) self-actualization d) social e) physiological

e) physiological

Job enrichment increases the degree to which workers control the a) planning, motivation, and incentives of their work b) ability to communicate with managers within the workplace c) hours and pay of their job d) number of motivational incentives in the workplace e) planning, execution, and evaluation of their work

e) planning, execution, and evaluation of their work

Organizations often "shoot themselves in the foot" when it comes to rewards by hoping for innovative thinking and risk taking but rewarding a) tighter controls over operations and resources b) the best team members c) technical achievements d) quarterly year earnings e) proven methods and not making mistakes

e) proven methods and not making mistakes

Which of the following is an example of an MBO objective? a) telephone orders should be processed promptly b) quality of all products should increase substantially c) company costs should be decreased as much as possible d) new customers should be brought in on a regular basis e) sales should be increased by two percent

e) sales should be increased by two percent

If trait research had been successful, we would _____, whereas if behavioural studies were correct, we would ______ a) change jobs to suit people, change people to suit jobs b) teach people certain traits; teach people certain behaviours c) hire only women; hire either men or women d) teach people managerial principles; teach people certain behaviours e) select the right person for the job; train leaders

e) select the right person for the job; train leaders

Which of the following leadership theories assumes that leaders have specific characteristics? a) behavioural b) path-goal c) contingency d) trait e) situational

e) situational

What theory proposes effective leaders adapt their leadership style according to how willing and able a follower is to perform task? a) certainty model b) path-goal theory c) contingency model d) task-structure model e) situational leadership model

e) situational leadership model

Which of the following refers to the number of subordinates a manger can efficiently and effectively direct? a) unity of command b) chain of command c) organizational chart d) structure of command e) span of control

e) span of control

If you choose to attempt to explain ethical and unethical behaviour, you will include: a) project management principles b) escalation of commitment c) management principles d) paradigm shift e) stages of moral development

e) stages of moral development

Masterson College is a small liberal arts women's college in North Carolina. The founds of the college were Baptist and were committed to the idea that a liberal arts education was the best preparing for life-long learning. Within the last two decades, the business department has become of the larger departments on campus. The faculty of the business department are committed to liberal arts education but are also committed to finding employment for their graduates. The commitment to finding employment for graduates is part of the a) dominent culture b) instructional plan c) weak culture d) mission statement e) subculture of the business department

e) subculture of the business department

Smaller cultures within an organization, typically define by departmental designations and geographical separation, are often called: a) strong cultures b) mixed cultures c) dominant cultures d) departmental entities e) subcultures

e) subcultures

If you have a narrow span of control, you have what type of organization? a) wide b) multi-level c) short d) matrix e) tall

e) tall

The tendency to overstate the risk of one activity while simultaneously underestimating the risk of an alternative is to employ a) regression to the mean b) escalating commitment c) the representative heuristic d) framing model e) the availability heuristic

e) the availability heuristic

According to expectancy theory, for employees to be motivated: a) rewards are irrelevant and performance is the key driver for motivation b) performance must be indirectly linked to rewards c) their compensation must be incremental d) performance must be directly linked to rewards e) they can expect to work less but still find financial benefits

e) they can expect to work less but still find financial benefits

Why have non-aboriginals traditionally view aboriginal values as "an impediment to economic development" and organizational effectiveness? a) low rating on uncertainty avoidance b) incompatible gender differentiation c) incompatible power distance d) low rating on assertiveness e) time orientation and consensus decision making

e) time orientation and consensus decision making

Which of the following is true about our perceptions of a target? a) targets are usually perceived in isolation b) individual perception varies little between different cultures c) Expectations do not distort individual perception d) Motion, sounds, size of a target have little effect in how individuals shape they way we perceive it e) timing of events and occurrences may imply a dependence, which may or may not be true

e) timing of event and occurrences may imply a dependence, which may or may not be true

The two leaders in your department are very different. John believes that he should guide and motive by clarification of the roles and tasks of his subordinates. Alan feels that his role should be to provide individualized consideration and intellectual stimulation. Most of the workers believe that both leaders are well trained, but Alan has a special "spark" that employees feel when they work with him. John is which type of leader? a) laissez-faire b) team c) charismatic d) tranformational e) transactional

e) transactional

Norma always tries to make decisions that will result in the greatest good for the greatest number of people. This approach is known as a) ethical decision making b) morality c) groupthink d) whistle blowing e) utilitarianism

e) utilitarianism

Which of the following facts is correct when it comes to workplace commitment? a) the younger the employee, the higher the commitment level b) canadians are more committed to to their job by almost double when compared to Americans c) a loosely structured organization increases commitment d) almost 75% of Canadians are satisfied with their supervisors e) working canadians are less committed to their employer than they were in 1991

e) working canadians are less committed to their employer than they were in 1991

Sheila is a very demanding boss to the extent that she regularly requires employees to work overtime without pay "or else". This is an example of a) intimidation b) harassment c) reward power d) political behaviour e) workplace bullying

e) workplace bullying

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