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Which of the following conditions requires intermediate delivery of the fetus

Placental abruption

3-D/4d imaging techniques are most common used to evaluate which of the following uterine abnormalities


Which of the following refers to hypophosphatasia

Poor skull ossification leads to increased echogenicity of the falx cerebri

The lower uterine segment is only identified in

Pregnant females

_____Is/are the most common fetal arrhythmia but is clinically insignificant in nearly all cases

Premature atrial contractions

The corpus luteum cyst and the placenta produce which hormone


Which hormone stimulates the formation of the cervical mucus plug found in pregnancy


_____Stimulate the endometrial proliferation in the secretory phase


You are evaluating a 20 week fetus for size and anatomy evaluation. A mildly hyperechoic, how much genius, triangular shape math is identified inferior to the level of the heart in the right chest cavity. The remainder of the chest cavity and the heart is normal. This finding is most likely

Pulmonary sequestration

The left atrium receives blood from what vessel

Pulmonary veins

What is the lateral bone of the forearm called


All of the following refer to omphalocele, exstrophy, imperforate anus, spinal defects complex except

Rarely associated with neural tube defect's

All the following are reasons for polyhydramnios except

Renal a genesis

Which of the following describes the best way to differentiate a fibroid from a Braxton Hicks contraction

Repeat the scan of the affected area in 20 to 30 minutes

When evaluating a patient with suspected pelvic congestion, the patient should be scanned in the

Reverse Trendelenburg

Which of the following is used to treat RH incompatibility


The first cardiac chamber to receive oxygenated blood from the placenta is

Right atrium

Which of the following is not true regarding the Broad ligament

Rigid structure that family holds the uterus and position in the pelvic cavity

All of the following will increase with a dysgerminoma except

Serum white blood cell count

The crown rump length of measure 7 mm. What is the estimated gestational age of the pregnancy

Seven weeks

Which of the following diagnostic techniques is preferred for the evaluation of endometrial polyp's


B color can be helpful in evaluation of

Subtle differences in tissues

Which of the following schedule till I'm there Maddie's is defined by the presence of webbing between the digits


Which of the following is least likely to indicate embryonic demise

TV ultrasound identifies a gestational sac with MSD 12 mm and 5 mm yolk sac but no embryo

Which of the following is incorrect regarding Doppler evaluation of the umbilical artery

The Doppler cursor angle is relatively unimportant when evaluating them umbilical artery flow

All of the following are causes for infertility, except

The a lutein cyst

In a 28 week pregnancy, pre-void measurement of the cervix demonstrates a 6.7 cm length and a 2cm AP dimension. Which of the following statements is true regarding this finding

The cervix is most likely compressed by the urinary bladder and post void measurements should be taken

What is the function of the choroid plexus

The choroid plexus is responsible for production of cerebrospinal fluid

In an early intrauterine pregnancy, the amniotic sac and yolk sac or collectively called

The double bleb sign

All the following are true regarding fetal femur assessment, except

The femoral lengths are usually normal in cases of symmetric IUGR

Which of the following correctly describes the normal result for a contraction stress test

The fetal heart rate increases with each year and contraction induced by the administration of oxytocin

The FL/AC ratio is the preferred ratio for diagnosing asymmetric IUGR. The HC/AC ratio is less sensitive due to

The potential for head sparing

Which of the following best describes the sonographic appearance of a patient in day eight of their menstrual cycle

Thin echogenic line

Which of the following best describes the sonographic appearance of the endometrium in the early proliferative phase

Thin echogenic line

How many bones make up each of the fingers


The chorionicity and amnionicity of a twin pregnancy is determined by

Timing of the cell division in the zygote

The most common complication of a germ cell tumor of the ovary is


All of the following ligaments provide support for the ovary, except

Transverse cervical ligament of mackenrodt

My patient presents for an anatomy scan of a 20 week gestation. She states that she has a history of a prior pregnancy with and Epstein anomaly. What is the best way to evaluate the fetus for the abnormality

Transverse view of the fetal chest at the level of the four chambered heart

A fetus with Midline facial clefting, ocular abnormalities, echogenic kidneys and microcephaly is most likely

Trisomy 13

Holoprosencephaly is commonly associated with what fetal anomaly

Trisomy 13

The RT fetal lung appears more echogenic than the left lung tissue in the fetus with hydrops. The doctor suspects congenital cystic adnenomatoid malformation. What type of CCAM. is demonstrated

Type III

All of the following can cause a false positive diagnosis of club foot, except

Uncooperative fetus

Which of the following correctly describes how to assess the middle cerebral artery with PW Doppler

Use a 1 to 2 mm sample volume

What is the most common congenital cardiac anomaly


You are performing a four week follow up on twins that should be 14 weeks. On today's exam there's only a single normal fetus present and an irregular and anechoic area adjacent to the normal sac. The patient has not experienced any bleeding. What most likely explains these findings

Vanishing twin syndrome

While evaluating the fetal brain of a 27 week fetus, you identify and Anna Quick space Midland to the cerebrum. The space appears to communicate with an anechoic tubular structure coursing inferiorly. Color Doppler demonstrates low velocity , swirling flow within the structures. Which of the following describes the findings

Vein of Galen aneurysm

_______ refers to a normal finding of sebum and epithelial cells that cause the white free floating debris within the amniotic fluid late in pregnancy


A sample of amniotic fluid can be tested for increased levels of____that indicate the presence of a neural tube defect


____Refers to the absence of the hands, while_____refers to absence of the feet

acheira, apodia

If the father has a dominant sex linked trait, what is the chance that his daughter will have the same disorder


Pentalogy of cantrell is associated with following trisomies

13 and 18

Absent cavum septum pellucidum and Septo optic dysplasia are common finding seen with

holoprosencephaly and schizencephaly

The normal corpus luteum cyst thing with pregnancy begins to regress out____gestation and should be totally resolved by week____

14, 16

Postmenopausal ovaries should not exceed

2 cm in any dimension

The dominant follicle normally reaches a maximum diameter of_____just prior to ovulation


The standard BPD most accurately provides an estimated gestational age before_____weeks


An IRP bhCG level of______units/ML should definitely correspond with visualization of an IUP by transvaginal ultrasound


The accuracy of fatal measurements in predicting gestational age in the first trimester is within

3 to 5 days

The level of amniotic fluid continues to rise throughout pregnancy until approximately ______weeks and gestational age where it will plateau then decline until birth


The normal heart occupies about____of the fetal chest


All of the following have an increased risk of torsion, except

4 cm subserosal fibroid

A mother presents with a history of heterozygous achondroplasia. The father does not share this characteristic. What is the chance that their fetus will have the same skeletal dysplasia


I'm transvaginal ultrasound, the minimum mean sac diameter that should always demonstrate a yolk sac in a normal IUP is

8 mm

Which of the following statements is true regarding a cystic hygroma

A cystic hygroma is caused by a lymphatic system abnormality

Midline facial defects, such as cyclopia and proboscis, are commonly associated with

A lobar holoprosencephaly

Which of the following describes how to differentiate mega cisterna magna from dandy walker malformation

A normal cerebellar vermis is usually seen with mega cisterna magna but not with DWM

A patient presents for a pelvic ultrasound due to suspected year and didelphys. If the exam is positive for anomaly, what do you expect to find on the exam

A right and left a uterine body, cervix and vaginal canal

The ductus arteriosus is

A vessel that connects the pulmonary artery to the aorta to bypass the fetal lungs

Transvaginal ultrasound is useful in assessing all of the following and a third trimester fetus, except


Which of the following statements is true regarding oligohydramnios

AFI less than 5 cm or single pocket less than 2 cm

The femur/foot length ratio should be used to aid in the diagnosis of


A 16 week fetus is referred for an anatomy scan. During the fetal head evaluation, the calvarium is found to be absent. Cerebral tissue is present but has an irregular appearance. What is the diagnosis for this finding


Last gaining a 22 week fetus, you had dinner by normal long down in the lower extremities with the feet are very small with a shortened tarsals and metatarsal's. Which of the terms describes this isolated finding


A patient presents with a script to rule out a Neuroblastoma and her 28 week fetus. Where will you scan to evaluate the fetus for this abnormality


Which of the following usually require serial exams in the second and third trimester to make an accurate diagnosis


Symmetric IUGR occurs when

All parts of the fetus to be reduced in size by more than two standard deviation's of the current gestational age

Which diagnostic vital procedures performed after 15 weeks gestation and test levels of AFP


Which of the following is the leading cause of infertility


When evaluating a patient for suspected endometrial hyperplasia, at what point in their menstrual cycle should the exam be scheduled

Around a five of their cycle just after Menses stops

Which of the following is part of meig syndrome

Ascites and plural effusion

Placental thickness should be measured

At the cord insertion site

Which of the following renal disorders is fatal soon after birth

AutoSomal recessive PCKD

Bilaterally and large, echogenic Fetal Kidneys with a normal bladder most likely indicates

Autosomal dominant polycystic disease

Which of the following is most commonly occur and germ cell tumor of the ovary

Benign cystic teratoma

Which of the following statements is correct regarding Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease

Both kidneys will increase in size with multiple cysts

What intracranial structure is located anterior to the lobes of the thalamus

Cavum septum pellucidum

Which of the following is the term used to describe a hypoechoic vascular mass adjacent to the cord insertion into the placenta


All of the following are a part of the umbilical cord, expect

Chorion frondosum

During fetal development, which of the following describes the fetal component of the placenta

Chorion frondosum

IUGR that is identified in the second trimester is usually associated with

Chromosomal anomalies

A patient presents for fetal dating with history of LMP 5 to 6 weeks and A serum bhCG level of 5500 units/ML. The transabdominal ultrasound demonstrates a fake and endometrium at 20 mm but no gestational sac. Which of the following best describes the next step in evaluating this patient

Closely evaluate adnexa ectopic pregnancy

When attempting to image the fundus of anteverted uterus with TV ultrasound, the tx should be angled so the handle is

Closer to the bed

All the following refer to Treacher Collins syndrome, except

Commonly associated with caudal regression

A velamentous cord insertion is associated with all the following, except

Complete molar pregnancy

Regarding twin pregnancy, division of the zygote is not complete by day 13 of gestation it will result in

Conjoined twins

An encephalocele Can easily be mistaken for

Cystic hygroma

Which of the following procedures is used to treat a patient with a retained products of conception

D & C

All of the following can aid in better visualizing any ovary that is high in the adnexa, except

Decrease image sector size

All of the following are malignant ovarian tumor is that causes increased levels of serum testosterone, except


Elevated serum levels of lactate dehydrogenase are related to which of the following Ovarian neoplasms


Which of the following is least likely to be the cause of a small amount of fluid in the endometrial canal of a 62-year-old female

Ectopic pregnancy

Which of the following is the least likely symptom of retained products of conception

Elevated hemoglobin levels

Which transducer is most commonly used for fetal dating of a six week gestation

Endo cavity

All the following are common sonographic signs of chronic PID, except


What is the first stage of PID that is identified sonographically


What is the best way to rule out dextrocardia

Establish Fetal situs

When attempting to image the fundus of a retroverted uterus with transvaginal ultrasound, the transducer should be angled so the handle is

Farther from the bed

What is anasarca commonly seen with

Fetal hydrops

Which type of breach position is defined as Fetal with one or both feet in the lower uterine segment


The earliest gestational age they gestational sac can be seen transvaginally is

Four weeks

Which of the following bio metric measurement is most accurate one predicting fetal age


Which of the following usually exhibit poster enhancement

Hemorrhagic cyst

A patient with a history of chronic use of oral contraceptives will have an increased risk of developing

Hepatic adenoma

What is the most common finding with CMV infection that affects the fetal brain

Hyperechoic periventricular halo and septations within the occipital horns

Which placental grade demonstrates the Cotyledons and the placenta on the ultrasound


Which of the following correctly describes how to differentiate the right and left ventricle on a four chambered view during fetal US

Identify the moderator band in the right ventricle near the Apex

Which of the following statements about a cute ovarian torsion is incorrect

If ovarian torsion is present, the ovary will be atrophied with no bloodflow detected by color Doppler

All of the following are AIUM Recommendations regarding the use of Ultrasound, except

In order to limit ultrasound intensity, always use PW Doppler instead of M mode to evaluate the fetal heart

After documenting a normal right ovary with normal Doppler flow characteristics on TV sonography, you begin to the left ovary. There is an irregular complex mass within the left ovary. If the mass is malignant, which of the following system adjustments will need to be made to evaluate the flow within the mass with PW Doppler

Increase Doppler scale

During a transvaginal ultrasound exam, you identify a cystic mass on the every that demonstrates artifactual internal echoes anteriorly on the image. What image adjustment can be made to better demonstrate the cyst as anechoic

Increase rejection

What is the best anatomical landmark For identifying the ovaries

Internal iliac vessels

Which of the following is not a characteristic of krukenburg tumor formation of the ovary

Is usually unilateral

Which of the following statements is not true regarding the lemon sign

It is more accurate at predicting spina bifida than the banana sign

The formation of bilateral solid ovarian neoplasms is highly suspicious for

Krukenburg tumors

Which form of achondrogenesis is the least severe


Which of the following correctly list of the equation used to calculate ovarian volume

Length x width x height x 0.523

A fetal heart rate_____indicates a significant risk for demise in the first trimester

Less than 80 BPM

Metritis is least likely to be associated with which of the following


After menses, the ovary enters the follicular phase until ovulation occurs. What is the next phase in the ovarian cycle

Luteal phase

Which of the following is the preferred method to use to document fetal heart motion in a fetus

M mode

Which of the following leads to thinning of the placenta

Maternal HTN

A t-shaped uterus is most commonly associated with

Maternal exposure to Diethlstilbestrol

Which of the following is not a teratogen

Maternal use of folic acid

When fluid is present in the endometrial canal, how should you measure the endometrial thickness

Measure the two layers of functionalis tissue and add them together

A patient presents for a limited follow up exam after a recent exam demonstrated possible hydrocephalus. What should you do first to evaluate the fetus for hydrocephalus

Measure the width of the lateral ventricles

Which of the following are types of spina bifida cystica

Meningocele, myelomeningocele

The_____view of the fetal head is most helpful for detecting facial defects associated with skeletal dysplasia

Mid sagittal

What urinary anomaly usually affects one kidney but can lead to a bilateral renal enlargement due to contralateral renal compensation

Multicystic kidney disease

In the second trimester, which of the following parameters are not used to calculate fetal weight


While performing in anatomy scan on a 22 week fetus, you are unable to obtain a cross-section image of the umbilical cord to demonstrate the number of umbilical artery's. What is an alternative method to evaluate the arterial anatomy of the cord

Obtain a transverse view of the fetal pelvis at the level of the bladder and apply color Doppler

Which Of the following is not commonly associated with anencephaly


Preimplementation genetic screening is performed

On embryos prior to implantation with ivf

During which week of menstrual cycle is best to evaluate a patient with normal cycles and possible right ovarian cyst


When performing the abdomen, thoracic or head circumference for fail dating, is important that the elipse surrounds the

Outer aspect of bony structures, without including the superficial skin thickness

BPD measurements are taken from____age of a skull to_____age of the skull

Outer, inner

Occurrence of cleft palate with a normal lip is a commonly associated with

Pierre Robin sequence

Which of the following pelvic muscles is most likely to be mistaken for the ovaries


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