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What is job sharing?

sharing the position salary and employee benefits proportionately

What is burnout?

the exhaustion of the body and mind due to excessive and prolonged stress

What are some factors in determining why employees experience differing levels of stress?

the nature of stress how much social support the individual receives

What is presenteeism?

the phenomenon in which workers are on the job but are not fully functioning due to illness or other medical conditions

What are challenge stressors?

the type of stressors linked to the attainment of education and achievement

What is one major factor people consider when choosing coping strategies?

whether they believe the strategies have a good chance to succeed

What are work hindrance stressors, nonwork hindrance stressors, work challenge stressors, and nonwork challenge stressors?

work hindrance stressors: role ambiguity and role conflict nonwork hindrance stressors: work-family conflict work challenge stressors: time pressure and work responsibility nonwork challenge stressors: personal development

What are nonwork hindrance stressors?

work-family conflict

What is secondary appraisal?

It answers the question "What could be done?"

What is primary appraisal?

When stressors enter our lives, our bodies quickly judge situations and decide whether or not they are stressful. It answers the question "Is this stressful?"

What is stress?

Stress is a psychological response to demands that possess certain stakes for the person and that tax or exceed the person's capacity or resources. This definition of stress illustrates that it depends on both the nature of the demand and the person who confronts it.

How are stressors and strains different from stress?

Stressors are the demands that cause people to experience stress (create stress). Strains are the negative consequences that occur when demands tax or exceed a person's capacity or resources.

What are examples of cognitive coping?

consider quitting your job after a bad day at work visualizes herself getting the order before meeting with an important customer

What is emotion-focused coping behavior?

coping with her reaction to a bad day at work

What are types of hindrance stressors that are less important but interfere with the more important types of work that need to be completed?

daily hassles

What are psychological strains that result from stressors?

depression irritability

What is the first step in managing stress?

determining the amount of stress in an organization and its causes

What are negative life events?

divorce the death of a close family member

What are the two major types of social support that people can receive when they are confronted with stressful demands?

emotional support instrumental support

What are types of work challenge stressors?

family time demands a relatively high level of work responsibility time pressure trigger positive emotions higher levels of challenge stressors --> higher levels of task performance

What are supportive practices that help employees manage and balance their role demands

flex time telecommuting compressed worksheets

What is Type A personality?

hard-driving, competitive, angry, fast

What are some organizational practices designed to reduce strains on employees?

health and wellness programs employee assistance programs

What are work hindrance stressors?

not receiving enough guidelines needed to complete tasks minor day-to-day interruptions in your schedule trigger negative emotions such as anger or anxiety high levels of work hindrance stress --> lower organizational commitment role conflict role ambiguity

What are nonwork challenge stressors?

personal development

What kind of strains result from stressors affecting the healthy or normal functioning of the systems of the body?

physiological strain

What is the transactional theory of stress?

The transactional theory of stress explains how stressors are perceived and appraised, as well as how people respond to those perceptions and appraisals. When people first encounter stressors, the process of primary appraisal is triggered. stressors --> primary appraisal --> secondary appraisal --> strain work demands --> stressful --> coping -->irritable & sick

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