Occupancy Classification
building type
a specific class or category within an occupancy
Fuel load
amount of combustible material present in a building or space that can feed fire, like paper books computers and furniture
Hazardous (H) Occupancy
building involves making materials that can include flammable dust fibers or liquids, combustible liquids, poisonous gases, carcinogens etc Gas plants, tank farms, power plants, pesticide warehouse
Mercantile (M) Occupancy
building open to the public used for the display sale or retail of merchandise, showrooms cover malls, auction rooms rental stores
Storage (S) Occupancy
building or part classified sheltering products, merchandise vehicles or animals. aircraft hangers, creameries, grain elevators,
Residential (R) Occupancy
building or part that acts as a dwelling, provides sleeping accommodations for normal residential purposes. 1 boarding house, Inns, 2 Apartments, convents, Timeshares 3 single or duplex units 4 alcohol abuse centers, assisted living, group homes
Utility (U) Occupancy
building or part that is not typical and cannot be classified as any of the other occupancy groups special or miscellaneous , carports, Grain silos, greenhouse, sheds, tall fences, towers
Institutional (I) Occupancy
building that includes medical treatment or care with ppl detained under physical or security measures, alcohol and drug centers group homes, halfway houses,24 hr day care, Mental Hospital, Prison , Work camps
Business (B) Occupancy
building used for accounting, record keeping and other similar functions, small restaurant, city halls, with assembly areas or doctor's offices part of a hospital, colleges,banks, barber & beauty shop,
Factory (F) Occupancy
building used fro assembling, disassembling. finishing, the product for the material to made it can be considered hazardous occupancy, Mills, processing plants
risk factors
conditions of the building occupants or space that can potentially cause a hazardous situation
use group or type
or building type use group usually gets more specific and can be sub classification with in a building type
Assembly (A) Occupancy
political, social, or religious functions recreation, entertainment, eating, drinking or awaiting transportation, holds more than 50 ppl who are unfamiliar with the space
occupant load
refers to the umber of people or occupants for which the means of egress of a building or space is designed to
the person or persons using a space whether they are tenants employees customers or other
the use or intended use of a building, floor, or other part of a building
Educational (E) Occupancy
used for educational purposes by # of ppl are any one time through 12th grade, also considered missed occupancy due to auditoriums cafe, gyms, day care, academies, nursery