OCE Chapter 1-7 Studyguide
What is the flow rate for one Sverdrup?
1 million cubic meters per second
The deepest part of the ocean is the Mariana Trench; it has been visited by humans twice in which two years?
1960 and 2012
What is the pH of lemon and lime juice?
When was the last El Niño event?
Refer to the figure below and use the number that corresponds to global wind belts and latitudes to answer the following question. Variable winds that result in generally clear, dry, and fair conditions with minimal precipitation are labeled number:
The oceans cover approximately ___ percent of the Earth's surface.
What percent of Earth's volcanic activity, each year, takes place on the seafloor?
What is the typical storm surge height in feet (sea level height above normal) for a category 3 hurricane?
If the rate and direction of plate movement remain the same for the next 50 million years, what would then be an accurate prediction?
Accretion of the California Terrane onto Alaska
Which of the following statements about the Pacific Ocean is TRUE?
All of the continents could fit into the space occupied by the Pacific Ocean.
Peru's residents are familiar with ENSO as it brings a warm current that reduces populations of which animal?
Which of the following is the only current that completely circumscribes Earth?
Antarctic Circumpolar
Which ocean is the smallest and shallowest?
Arctic Ocean
The four principal ocean basins (plus an additional ocean) on Earth are the:
Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Southern, and Arctic Oceans.
The largest reef system in the world is the Great Barrier Reef. Where is it located?
Which is the most abundant ion in seawater?
Plate convergence begins during which stage of the Wilson Cycle?
Examine the five words and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern.
Rocks like the ones shown in the photo most likely formed at which of the following tectonic settings?
Divergent plate boundary
Which of the following is an example of the embryonic stage of the Wilson Cycle?
East Africa
Which circulation cells are between 30 and 60 degrees latitude?
Ferrel cells
The trade winds blow in which of the following directions in the Northern Hemisphere?
From northeast to southeast
What is the formula for carbonic acid?
Of the Hawaiin Island Chain, which island is the youngest in age?
Which comet was not analyzed for its chemical composition?
Of the following conditions, which is/are related to strong El Niño events?
Higher sea levels in the eastern Pacific Ocean associated with warmer water, Increase in sea-surface temperatures and destruction of coral reeds in the eastern Pacific Ocean, and Increased abundance of hurricanes in the eastern Pacific Ocean.
Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern.
Hot spot
Which of the following currents is responsible for Peru becoming the largest producer of fish, from the sea, in the world?
Humboldt current
Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern.
Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern.
Marian Trench
Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern.
Which epoch is not part of Paleogene?
The Kuiper Belt is located beyond the orbit of which planet?
The North Atlantic Drift is also called the
North Atlantic Current
Which of the following was not abundant in the early atmosphere?
Deep-ocean trenches and volcanic arcs result from the collision of two plates at convergent plate boundaries and mostly occur along the margins of which of the following oceans?
Pacific Ocean
Tami Massif, the largest single volcano on Earth occurs in which of the following oceans?
Pacific Ocean
Which period is not part of the Mesozoic?
Which of the following climatic regions exists at the following location: Latitude 40ºS Longitude: 20ºW?
Which ocean is mostly, but not entirely, in the southern hemisphere?
The Indian Ocean
How deep is the Mariana Trench (deepest part of the ocean) compared to Mount Everest (tallest mountain on Earth)?
The Mariana Trench is thousands of meters deeper than Mount Everest is tall.
Which ocean covers more than half of the ocean surface area on Earth?
The Pacific Ocean
Which ocean's name comes from a word meaning peace?
The Pacific Ocean
Which ocean is actually a part of three other oceans?
The Southern Ocean
Which of the following is not a sea?
The Yellow Sea
Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: Ancient marine phosphate deposits that have been uplifted onto land are extensively mined because they are valuable as fertilizers.
The assertion and the reason are both correct, and the reason is valid.
Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: India's Southwest Monsoon provides abundant precipitation BECAUSE the air brought in from the Indian Ocean is warm and full of moisture.
The assertion and the reason are both correct, and the reason is valid.
Which of the following is TRUE concerning the deepest part of the ocean?
The depth of this trench exceeds the height of Mount Everest.
Which tectonic process happens as a result of transform plate boundaries?
Transform faulting
The Antarctic Circumpolar Current is also known as which of the following?
West Wind Drift
Why are tropical cyclones not likely to occur in mid-latitude regions?
Westerly winds steer cyclones into cooler ocean water.
To find the largest area of the ocean with the oldest ocean crust, you should go to the ___.
Western Pacific
The San Andreas Fault is an example of ___ plate boundary.
a continental transform
The East Africa Rift Valleys are an example of ___ plate boundary.
a continental-continental divergent
Which of the following best describes the Electrolysis Method for desalination?
a current is run through positive and negative electrodes in freshwater separated by semipermeable membranes from seawater.
Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern.
abyssal hill
Radioactive materials can sometimes be used to determine the:
ages of rocks
The Mendocino Fault is an example of ___ plate boundary.
an oceanic transform
The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is an example of ___ plate boundary.
an oceanic-oceanic divergent
Although Earth's oceans have existed since early in the formation of the plant, its ___ must have changed.
chemical composition
A major characteristic of a seamount is that it is ___.
cone shaped
Which of the following is not a trace mineral associated with Himalayan sea salt?
The Pacific Ocean is an example of the ___ stage of the Wilson Cycle.
Idealized pressure belts and wind systems are significantly modified by Earth's tilted axis of rotation and:
differences in the heat capacities of the ocean and land.
Numerous small, shallow earthquakes tend to occur at ___
divergent plate boundaries
The water in Earth's oceans most likely came ___.
dominantly from volcanic outgassing with small contributions from comets.
Which of the following marine resources is used to make wallboard or sheet rock?
evaporative salts
Consider a continental margin that has a very broad, flat continental shelf and a slope that descends 1 kilometer to the deep-ocean basin. Based on this information, this margin is ___.
far from an oceanic ridge
During winter months, monsoon winds over the Indian Ocean ___.
flow from land to sea and are dry.
Coral reefs that initially develop along the margin of an island or continent where environmental conditions are suitable are called:
fringing reefs
The main energy resources associated with marine sediments are petroleum and ___.
gas hydrates
Which of the following contains the most organic carbon on Earth?
gas hydrates
What is the underlying rock for the continental shelf?
Volcanic peaks that are below sea level but rise more than 1 kilometer above the deep-ocean floor and have a flattened top are called ___.
A cometary model of the formation of Earth's ocean must include the chemical difference between the ___ in comet ice and that in Earth's water.
The island of Honshu is an example of a volcanic island associated with volcanic activity at a(n) ___.
island arc
The ancient remains of which of the following, buried before they could decompose, are the source of today's petroleum deposits?
microscopic organisms
Is a linear sea floor feature that has the following properties a transform fault, a fracture zone, or neither? It is seismically active, it occurs between offset mid-ocean ridge segments, and the relative movement between two points on either side of the feature is in the same direction.
Chains of extinct volcanoes that are progressively older as one travels away from a hotspot are called ___.
Which type of convergence is where the older denser sea floor subducts and an oceanic island arc is created?
oceanic-oceanic convergence
What type of plate boundary will result in the formation of a volcanic island chain or arc near a deep-sea trench?
oceanic-oceanic convergent boundaries
A tropical cyclone with a wind speed of 150 km/hr. would be classified as Category ___ on the Saffir-Simpson Scale of hurricane intensity.
Which of the following methods cannot be used to desalinate water?
Earth's second atmosphere formed from ___.
The study of historical changes of continental shapes and positions is called:
Salinity is expressed in __.
parts per thousand
Which of the following resources found in ocean sediments has the greatest economic value?
Demand for which of the following resources has skyrocketed in recent years?
rare-earth elements
Which of the following best describes the Distillation Method for desalination?
saltwater is boiled and the water vapor is passed through a cooling condenser, where it condenses as freshwater.
Large volcanoes on the seafloor that are cone-shaped on top because they never reached sea level are called:
Which of the following is the most abundant positively charged component of seawater?
A trench and a chain of volcanoes known generally as a volcanic arc are always present where there is ___.
Volcanoes on the seafloor that are flat-topped because of wave erosion are called ___.
Compared to the rest of the planet, an unusual high concentration of hotspots and rifting is located on the continent of Africa. A likely explanation for this is that ___.
the African Plate is essentially stationary with respect to Earth's interior and the thick continental crust acts as a "heat blanket"
Hurricanes frequently make landfall on the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf coasts, but rarely, if ever, occur on the Pacific coast. The primary reason for the rarity of West Coast hurricanes is that ___.
the ocean water near the U.S. coast does not get warm enough to supply the needed heat energy for hurricanes
Of the following statements about the trade winds, which is/are true?
the trade winds are strong and steady winds, the trade winds generally blow from the east to the west, and the trade winds are found between about 5 and 30 degrees north or south latitude.
A rapid change in ocean temperature with a change in depth occurs in the:
Current scientific knowledge indicates that the most likely origin of most of Earth's oceans was due to ___.
water vapor released from volcanic outgassing