Ocean currents

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How does the angle of solar radiation affect an area's climate?

Air temperatures have their origin in the absorption of radiant energy from the Sun this changes the atmosphere, ocean, and land

How does El Nino originate and affect weather and ocean temperatures

During an El Niño event the trade winds weaken. Warm, nutrient-poor water is not pushed westward and comes to occupy the entire tropical Pacific Ocean. ... While the impact of an El Niño is most dramatic off of the coast of Western South America its impact is felt in weather around the world.

What properties are associated with an area's weather compared to its climate?

Humidity, air temperature and pressure, wind speed and direction, cloud coverage

Factors that can affect cities of similar latitudes to have different temperatures.


How does mountains affect the climate of an area?

Mountains block rain

How are the climates of land areas near oceans influenced by them?

Ocean currents bring warm water and rain from the equator to the poles and cold water from the poles toward the equator.

what is the difference between climate and weather?

One is short term one is long-term changes

How does the position of continents affect the direction of surface currents?

The direction of surface currents would then align with this general wind pattern. But because Earth rotates, circulating air is deflected toward the right in the Northern Hemisphere and toward the left in the Southern Hemisphere, resulting in curved paths. This deflection is called the Coriolis Effect.

How has geological history affected currents?

The pangea effect. currents have to go different ways because they are all used together.

How do salinity and temperature affect ocean currents?

The temperature makes water move up and down and the salinity will add to the density differences.

How does elevation affect the climate of an area?

There less air above you thus the pressure decreases this decreases air molecules and makes the temperature to decrease.

How does dust affecting climate?

Tiny particles create veils this reflect sunlight and creates the atmosphere to become get colder; and when the dark particles absorb sunshine and warm things up.

How do ocean currents affect air masses and affect climate?

Warm and cool ocean currents. Cold ocean currents are large masses of cold water that move towards the equator, from a level of high altitude to lower levels. They absorb the heat they receive in the tropics, thereby cooling the air above them.

How do ocean currents help climates to develop?

Warm and cool ocean currents. Cold ocean currents are large masses of cold water that move towards the equator, from a level of high altitude to lower levels. They absorb the heat they receive in the tropics, thereby cooling the air above them.

Explain how water's high heat capacity affects temperature fluctuations and its effect on nearby land?

absorbs more energy than air to raise its temperature

How does the rotation and tilt of the Earth affect climate?

affects the average temperature of the earth, but also how prominent the seasons are

what are the constants in the lab

amount of light amount of materials in the cup time these are important because they could mess up your results from the experiment.

Why does water absorb and release heat more slowly than land?

because most land surfaces are darker than water which of course means more absorption of solar radiation and heat. Water reflects most solar radiation that reaches its surface back to the atmosphere.

What is a global conveyor belt?

constantly moving system of deep-ocean circulation driven by temperature and salinity

Factors that determine a region's climate

distance from the sea. ocean currents. direction of prevailing winds. shape of the land distance from the equator. the El Niño phenomenon.

How does snow affect climate?

exchange of heat between Earth's surface and the atmosphere and energy balance

How does clouds affect climate?

inhibiting radiative heat loss creating the planet to become warmer

What is the Gulf Stream and what direction does it move warm water?

is a strong, warm ocean current that starts in the Gulf of Mexico. moves warm water from the Gulf of Mexico north into the Atlantic.

How does ice affect climate Melting?

it creates more heat causes the earth to melt more making the earth even warmer

What type of heat was transferred in this lab? .


factors that affect deep ocean currents

salinity and temperature

What is the difference in how air acts on the leeward side of a mountain?

side sheltered from the wind

factors measured when talking about weather

temperature and precipitation

dependant variable in lab

temperature in degrees celsius

independent variable in lab

type of surface material

possible sources of error in lab

uneven amount of light time not equal amounts of material

how to measure precipitation


what causes Ocean currents?


Surface currents- what causes and influences them?

winds that blow in certain patterns because of the Earth's spin and the Coriolis Effect.

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