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desire ~ for sth ~ to do sth


impossible to explain Undefinable, complicated

advocate for hate

ng ung ho cai ghen ghe


(liquid, gas)spread ( idea, influence, feeling) affect every part of sth


CN - lời nói vô vị, nhàm chán a remark or statement that may be true but is boring and has no meaning because it has been said so many times before:


CN or UN feelings of great sadness: You've caused me nothing but ~ She writes about the joys and ~s of bringing up children.

an occupation

His failed attempts at finding an occupation are not without their benefits

take the consequences

If you tell someone that they must ~, you warn them that something unpleasant will happen to them if they do not stop behaving in a particular way.


CN malformed foot


CN - a very strong feeling of wanting to do something repeatedly that is difficult to control: ~ to do sth


Entrapment Enslavement Imprisonment Servitude


V CN - stammer


adv- thuyết phục Maugham ~ shows a sensitive young man's battle to eliminate the constraints imposed on him so that he may live freely, but at the conclusion of the novel, it is unclear whether Philip ever attains the freedom he desires—and whether Maugham's title, Of Human Bondage, suggests that humanity's natural state of being is one of freedom or rather one of perpetual restriction.


not giving or having a result or decision:


to make a bad situation worse: # augment temptation, manipulation, destruction

William Shakespeare

"There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so."

disdainful of

= contemptuous of


Philip lives too much inside his head


những nỗi âu lo harbour/have/express/share ~


A -gets pleasure from being hurt by another person ~ sexual obsession


A gorgeous read, as interesting and valuable at the beginning as at the end. Compact of the experiences, the dreams, the hopes, the fears, the disillusionments, the ruptures, and the philosophizing of a strangely starved soul, it is a beacon light by which the wanderer may be guided. Theodore Dreiser - New Republic

Happiness caused by suffering

Suffering caused by happiness

Mark Twain

There isn't time, so brief is life, for bickerings, apologies, heartburnings, callings to account. There is only time for loving, and but an instant, so to speak, for that. Cuoc doi qua ngan ngui cho nhung ke muon hiem khich va xung dot. Cuoc doi chi danh thoi gian cho nhung ke biet thuong yeu" The good life is built with good relationships.


When he realizes that "his life had seemed horrible when it was measured by its happiness" and that "it might be measured by something else" (p. 525), he disowns his desire to be happy and in turn is happy. But what is this something else by which life might be measured? Perhaps it is his belief that the pattern one chooses to follow in life determines the meaning of one's life. In the end, when he decides to marry Sally, Philip chooses "the simplest pattern, that in which a man was born, worked, married, had children, and died" (p. 606-607). And with this decision to pursue the mundane—a departure from the typical bildungsroman in which the sensitive protagonist turns out to be an artist or otherwise realize his potential


a for a short period of time


a man who hates women or believes that men are much better than women

by trial and error

a way of achieving an aim or solving a problem by trying a number of different methods and learning from the mistakes that you make: Philip struggles ~ to establish a philosophy for himself.


a- công khai, tự nhận, không che giấu The reality that Philip experiences does not match the professed ideals of his religion.


a- from a family of high social class:


although It was an interesting conversation, ~ one-way. Once he enters medical school to begin his third attempt at a vocation, Philip has pieced together a philosophy, ~ an incomplete one.

afflicted with

be affected harmfully = be subjected to


chu nghia vị tha


chuyển động qua lại đền đáp his passion for her is not reciprocated


hay nội tâm examining and considering your own ideas, thoughts, and feelings, instead of talking to other people about them: Philip allows this treatment to warp his personality, making him introspective and solitary. Due to this, Philip suffers greatly in silence, aching only to find someone to love him without condition


include surround


ko công nhận to make it known that you no longer have any connection with someone that you were closely connected with: he ~s his desire to be happy and in turn is happy.

the Athelnys

sally's family


so attractive that you must have it ~to sb

quick fix

something that seems to be a fast and easy solution to a problem but is in fact not very good or will not last long: People are still looking for the ~ He warned against any ~ solutions.


suggesting that something unpleasant is likely to happen: ~ implication. sign. warning


sự cảm thấy thiếu thiện chí; sự bức tức, đố kỵ, hận thù indignation hold ~s To let go of our ~, we have to be willing to let go of our identity as the "wronged" one, and whatever strength, solidity, or possible sympathy and understanding we receive through that "wronged" identity. We have to be willing to drop the "I" who was mistreated and step into a new version of ourselves, one we don't know yet, that allows the present moment to determine who we are, not past injustice. Sadly, in its effort to garner us empathy, our ~ ends up depriving (preventing) us of the very empathy that we need to release it. The path to freedom from a ~ is not so much through forgiveness of the "other" (although this can be helpful), but rather through loving our own self. Our heart contains both our pain and the elixir for our pain.


tính chất bi ai, cảm động the power of a person, situation, piece of writing, or work of art to cause feelings of sadness, especially because people feel sympathy: There's a ~ in his performance which he never lets slide into sentimentality.

do justice to so/sth

to be accurate or fair by representing someone or something as that person or thing truly is:


to describe or mark the edge of something: The main characters are clearly ~ed in the first chapter.

from the standpoint of

trên lập trường của


tùy hứng based on chance rather than being planned or based on reason: ~ decision-making Did you have a reason for choosing your destination or was it ~? độc đoán, chuyên quyền using unlimited personal power without considering other people's wishes: an ~ ruler existentialism finds most objectionable is the ~ act (ie. when society tries to impose or demand that their beliefs, values, or rules be faithfully accepted and obeyed).


tự chuốc lấy thất bại


tự ti bề ngoài His club-foot makes him ~, and at school, he grows a carapace of bitterness and sarcasm to cover his loneliness and insecurity.

with the intent of

với mục đích

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