Old Testament Facts to Memorize

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Who is Sheshbazzar and during what time period would you place him?

1 of 2 leaders who was appointed to guide israel back to Jerusalem after the exile

Ruth is set during which time period?

1300 BC, during the time of Ehud; written during the time of Judges

What is the time period that the book of Judges covers?

13th cent BC-1050 BC

Amarna tablets were written in the

14th cent bc

significance of rehoboam

1st king of Judah; king of the southern kingdom after the land of the Israelites was split --> marked the beginning of divided kingdom

year of Nehemiah's mission to build defensive wall around Jerusalem

445 BC

When did Nehemiah come to Palestine?

445 Bc during King Artexerxes reign

What is the date of the mission of Ezra; For an extra point tell me the name of the King of persia at the time

458 BC; King Artexerxes I

when did Ezra come to Palestine?

458 during 7th year of King Artexerxes reign

What year was the second temple finally completed?

515 BC

what period of time does Ezra 1-6 cover?

539-515 end of exile and 2nd temple built

What time period does the book of Judges cover?

After the conquest (40 years after the exodus, which is either 15th or 13th century) and death of Joshua to the monarchy in 1050 when Saul is crowned King

person who stole from the Harem in the story of Ai


scholars who developed immigration model

Alt and Noth

Mordecai's ancestry

Benjamite from the clan of Kish (father of Saul)

go'el in the book of ruth = who?


What is you favorite football team (hint it has a birds name)?


Who was leading the army of Israel at the time when the ark of the covenant was lost?

Eli's sons

What chapters in what book are a recording of the divisions of the land given to every tribe?

Joshua 13-24

where do you find the message of hope in the book of Lamentations?

Lamentation 3:19 (third chapter longer on purpose)

scholars who developed the revolution model

Mendenhall and Gottwald

Eglon was king of...

Moab (had control of Israel for 18 years)

2 famous judges

Samson and Ehud

Haman's ancestry

an Agogite from the Amalekites

why does the book of Chronicles only focus on the history of Judah?

b/c the southern kingdom (Judah) was the only one that came back from exile and this was written during post-exilic period

what is the theology of settlement section of the book of Joshua

beginning of the fulfillment or concretization of the abrahamic promise of land

"Judge" = ? (aka: ?)

charismatic deliverer

which book emphasizes immediate retribution?


what profession was Nehemiah both before and after he went to Judah?

cupbearer for Artexerxes I and became governor of Judah

Who was Zerubbabel?

descendant of David and governor of Judah, led exiles back to Jerusalem to rebuild temple

what did solomon do to make him a fool at the end of his reign?

didn't follow the law God set out for kings; married several women and took lots of possessions and eventually became dependent on his stuff rather than on God and worshipped other gods

What mistake did Joshua make in the Gibeonite matter?

didn't inquire of God about making a treaty with the Gibeonites; because of this treaty the existing land became a trap for the Israelites

Why was the "unnamed prophet" eaten by a lion in 1 Kings 13?

disobeyed God by going back to the house when god told him not to accept hospitality and just go to Judah; must be true to commands

when was the first major redaction of the book of Judges?

during the reign of King David

the two stories of the appendix start out being stories about _______ and turn into a story of a ___________

dysfunctional family; dysfunctional nation

who killed eglon?


the final redaction of the book of judges took place when?

exilic period

Eglon means

fat calf

who were the two good kings of the southern kingdom during the divided monarchy who kept the temple pure and destroyed the high places?

hezekiah and Josiah

when the book of Kings says that a certain King followed in the sin of Jeroboam son of Nebat, what sin is he referring to?

idolatry; Jeroboam set up 2 golden calves (931 BC) one in dan and the other in bethel;

Significance of Ehud being left handed

ironic because was from the benjamite clan which means "right handed man" - also considered icky in that time period; allowed him to pass through security with his sword because he put it on the right side where no one thinks to look


king of the north whose reign lasted 7 days; held accountable for allowing shrines that Jeroboam made to exist

go'el = ?

kinsmen redeemer

how was the book of Judges as a whole characterized in class?

marked by moral depravity, spiritual confusion, and political fragmentation


northern kingdom was defeated by the Assyrians

what role does the law of centralization play in the books of Samuel-Kings?

one of the main reasons that israel is in exile is when a king performed idol worship or worshipped in the high places

which book emphasizes delayed retribution


What is Ezra's occupation?

scribe/priest in the line of Aaron; hired by king Artexerxes I to reestablish the Law of God in Israel

2nd half of the book of Joshua is about...?


name the different parts of the so-called circle/cycle of judges

sin, oppression, repentance, rise of judge, period of peace

why did people think that saul would make a good king?

taller than most people with good stature and was handsome

what tribe stole micah's idol and took his priest?

the Daanites

what is the genre of Ezra-Nehemiah? Is there anything unique about its genre?

theological history; contains some memoir in the 1st person, which differs from the rest of the Bible written in 3rd person narrative

where does Ehud kill Eglon?

upper chamber/bathroom


year Cyrus decree was issued (found in the Cyrus cylinder) which allowed the Israelites under Babylonian exile to return home and rebuild the temple


year solomon died and Israel was split into two kingdoms

name the ancient Near Eastern text that provides a literary background to the book of Lamentations

"The Lamentation Over Destruction of Sumer and Ur" (Akkadian)

What does "Ai" mean?


What does Abijam mean?

"father of the sea"; 1 Kings 15

What does Abijah mean?

"father"; 2 Chronicles 13; son of Uriel

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