Old Testament final exam

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Abraham is of adult age.

2100 BC

The fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians.

586 BC

Isaac: Rebekah: Jacob and Essau

Although _ (who married _) was the son of the covenant, he soon fades as the leading character of the Genesis narrative after his twin sons _______, are born.


Although geographical and chronological references in the book of Numbers provide a clear historical framework for the whole, this book contains an almost bewildering variety of literary types which has provided challenges for interpreters.

is not: eleven: universal: personal

Although the primary theme of the Pentateuch is the story of God's people, this ___ where Genesis begins. The first __ chapters of Genesis provide a ___ story of all humankind while the last 39 chapters provide a ___ story of national Israel.


Israel did not completely drive out the remaining peoples of the land; they lacked the faith to do so. Thankfully, God was merciful and Israel did not face any consequences.


Jerusalem was never the capital of Israel until the reign of David.

AD 90

John, the last Apostle, dies. The NT scriptures are completed.


The Council of Jamnia which took place in AD 90 determined which books of Scripture were authoritative.


The Levites were not direct descendants of Abraham which is why they did not have a land inheritance in the Promised Land and were chosen as the priests.


The blessings of the covenant are not always guaranteed. Faithfulness to the covenant will result in blessings in the future, while disobedience will result in curses.

Eli: Samuel: Saul: David

The book of 1 Samuel describes how God judged __'s house and established _ as Israel's new spiritual leader, as well as the appointment of King _ and the rise of his eventual replacement, _.

Creation-4004 BC

The timespan covering the events of the Old Testament.

2 Samuel 1-10 describes how God blessed Israel __. 2 Samuel 11-24 describes how God judged Israel when the king strayed from God's ways.

when the king followed God's ways: when the king strayed from God's ways


It seems likely that Samuel contributed in part to the writing of 1 Samuel, and that an unknown author contributed as well.


It was not until the early 1800s that the traditional consensus began to erode, when European Old Testament scholarship challenged the idea of Mosaic authorship.

theology in literary form in the context of accurate narrative history.

The Pentateuch is...

Abraham: Joseph: Judah

Unlike _, Isaac, and Jacob, _ is not in the direct line of the covenant promises. The Messiah came through the tribe of___.

The community of faith recognized the authority of Scripture as it was written, and later generations, recognizing this authority, sought to find common characteristics of that which was considered authoritative. These common characteristics are known as a standard which we call canon.

What best describes canon?

Immediate Context

What denotes the words or phrases in the verses closest to the word or statement one is trying to understand?

Remote context

What describes the biblical material in the surrounding chapters as well as other biblical material by the same author?

Historical context

What refers to the context during which the writer wrote the Bible passage which may include extrabiblical literature?


When we ask "How Did We Get the Bible?" we are concerned with _ which has to do with how the Bible was copied through the centuries.


When we ask "How Do We Interpret the Bible?" we are concerned with _ which has to do with the guidelines which help us determine the meaning of the Scriptures.


When we ask "How Was the Bible Written?" we are concerned with _ which seeks to explain how the Spirit (the Divine Author) and the human authors composed the original Scriptures.


When we ask "What Is the Bible?" we are concerned with _ which has to do with the common characteristics of the Scriptures which were already considered authoritative by the community of faith.

If the history is not true, then the theology based on that history is mere human speculation.

Which statement is accurate concerning the relationship between the historical accuracy and the theology of Scripture?


While the judges period featured rule by many leaders from various tribes, 1 Samuel describes a time when centralized power rested in the hands of the priest.

David: David: Solomon: David

_ wanted to build God a temple, a "house" on which God could place his name. Instead, God promised to build _ a "house" of descendants. The Lord affirmed that _ would build the temple and that divine favor would not depart from David's line. God would establish _'s throne forever.

Ancient peoples: myths: Israel: divine revelation

__ generally expressed their theological convictions and worldviews through elaborate __ rather than recording historical events. But __ saw its own national history as an arena for __.


___ is a book of origins. It describes the beginnings of the universe and the origins of God's people.


___ is a book of wanderings in which God's people suffer the consequences of their unbelief.


___ is not merely a book of law. It calls for holiness as the only natural lifestyle for the Israelites and as the only possible response to God's grace.


___ presents a program for renewal through Moses' parting words.


Authorship of the Historical Books of the OT is seldom debated or questioned

Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy

Identify the books of the Pentatuch. (check all that applies)

be put to death.

In Deuteronomy 18, a prophet who was found to have falsely spoken on behalf of God would

7 days: historical figures: old/mature

"When we read the Bible at face value, the literature bears out that God created the earth in ___, and by all indication, Adam and Eve are __. The earth that God created, although brand new, had a(n) ___ appearance." -- Webster

A denial of the miraculous. Moses could not have authored a document that spanned 1,000s of years. The Scriptures are not God's "alive" and "powerful" word (Hebrews 4:12); they are merely a historical document.

Concerning authorship of the Pentateuch, check all that apply. Undergirding the JEDP hypothesis are presuppositions like these:

1500 BC

Moses is of adult age.

David is of adult age.

1000 BC

Believed by conservative scholars be the approx date range for Creation.

10000-4004 BC


An examination of the biblical text reveals many distinct writing styles, depending on the author's personality and intent. This level of human involvement does not take away from the resulting Scripture being just as God intended.

AD 30

Approx date for the resurrection of Christ.


Because human scribes were involved in the transmission of the Scriptures, we should have a pretty low level of expectation that the Bible we have is accurate. It is probably full of a lot of mistakes.

A chief claim of Deuteronomy is that Moses spoke that which Yahweh "commanded" him Deuteronomy contains three lengthy speeches of Moses intended to exhort the Israelites to keep the covenant faithfully. Deuteronomy presents Moses's sermonic addresses to the people.

Check all that is true about the book of Deuteronomy:

Israel's sacrifice was a mark of a Covenant that God had already established with his Covenant people. Animal sacrifice was a common practice by all peoples of Mesopotamia. Since Yahweh stopped Abraham from sacrificing his son, it is clear that He did not approve of human sacrifice. Since we see see Adam, Able, Noah, Job, Abraham, and Jacob offering sacrifices, we can assume that this was a common practice before the Law of Moses.

Check all that applies about sacrifice in Ancient Israel:

The two main lists record over 600,000 men The words translated as "thousand" and "hundred" may originally have referred to social units (families, clans, tent groups) or to military units (captains of thousands or hundreds) rather than rigid numbers. have roused much debate

Check all that applies about the Book of Number's census reports:

The words translated as "thousand" and "hundred" may originally have referred to social units (families, clans, tent groups) or to military units (captains of thousands or hundreds) rather than rigid numbers. have roused much debate The two main lists record over 600,000 men

Check all that applies about the Book of Number's census reports:

His name was changed. He and his wife, Sarai, were childless for a large portion of their lives. His family had come originally from Ur of the Chaldeans. We know little about the first seventy-five years of his life.

Check all that apply about Abram:

Israel battled often with the Philistines. Records the rise to the priesthood and death of Samuel. Records in part the priesthood and death of Eli. Records the rise to the throne, downfall and death of Saul. The beginning takes place in the judges period.

Check all that apply about the book of 1 Samuel.

describes their preparations for entering the promised land after the Israelites' forty years of wandering contains instructions and preparations for the journey from Sinai to the promised land relates the failure of the Israelites to trust God while they wandered in the deserts contains the census reports that Moses and the Israelites recorded while in the desert

Check all that apply about the book of Numbers:

describes their preparations for entering the promised land after the Israelites' forty years of wandering relates the failure of the Israelites to trust God while they wandered in the deserts contains the census reports that Moses and the Israelites recorded while in the desert contains instructions and preparations for the journey from Sinai to the promised land

Check all that apply about the book of Numbers:

Joshua and Caleb were the only two spies who brought a good report 40 years before the Conquest. Joshua was faithful to serve Moses back at Sinai, 40 years before the Conquest. Joshua entrusted God's message to faithful leaders who continued in it after he died. Joshua was a faithful leader who led the people by word and example.

Check all that apply concerning Joshua:

There are elements in Deuteronomy that are also present in Assyrian literature There are elements in Deuteronomy that are also present in Hittite literature The parallel between Deuteronomy and the ancient Near Eastern treaties has more to do with form and structure than it does with actual content. All of Deuteronomy (with the possible exception of chapters 33-34) is part of this treaty structure.

Check all that is true about the "treaty" structure seen in Deuteronomy:

They cover a period of time at least 800 years They cover from Joshua's conquest to the Persian Empire. They cover the time of Israel's Monarchy. They are more than a record of mere historical facts

Check all that is true about the Historical books:

The Scriptures are not God's "alive" and "powerful" word (Hebrews 4:12); they are merely a historical document. A denial of the miraculous. Moses could not have authored a document that spanned 1,000s of years.

Concerning authorship of the Pentateuch, check all that apply. Undergirding the JEDP hypothesis are presuppositions like these:


David's inability to control his passions led to adultery with Bathsheba and later to the murder of Bathsheba's husband, Uriah. God forgave David when David repented, but sin's consequences haunted the king the rest of his life.

Abraham Isaac Jacob Joseph

Put the Patriarchs in order from oldest to youngest.


Deuteronomy becomes the nation's formative constitution. It is a covenant renewal document, which also prescribed their future relationship with God, with one another, and with the surrounding nations.

Creation and the First Family

Genesis 1-4 covers:

Babel and the Table of Nations

Genesis 10-11 covers:

Noah's Family and the Flood

Genesis 5-9 covers:


Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy belong together as a literary unit. We call this unit the Pentateuch.


God sovereignly redeemed his people from a life of bondage and tied himself to them in covenant relationship. The exodus as salvation event was the formative beginning of the nation Israel. Similarly the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ was a parallel event of salvation, serving as the formative beginning for the church.


God's covenant with the people in Deuteronomy is a completely new covenant. If had nothing to do with the Mosaic Covenant or the Abrahamic Covenant.

God would raise up David's son, who would build the temple God's loving-kindness would not depart from David's dynastic line as it had from Saul God would establish a father-son relationship with David's descendants God would provide a place for Israel to dwell securely forever God would establish David's dynastic line forever

God's special covenant with David included the following blessings:


Hophni and Phinehas, Samuel's sons, used the sacrificial system for their personal gain and also committed gross sexual sins, all the while refusing to heed their father's warnings.

Joshua Judges Ruth 1 and 2 Samuel 1 and 2 Kings 1 and 2 Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Esther

Identify the Historical books. (check all that applies)

law: love: Love: law

In Deuteronomy, the basis of the nation's relationship to God flowed from his love for Israel and from Israel's appropriate response of obedience. When God's people break his commandments, they break the relationship of love. Obedience to God's___ is a by-product of a relationship of _. _ is the essence of the relationship; _ is the natural result.


Rahab's story in Joshua 2 provides a beautiful story of faith and God's grace in the midst of a book that is largely concerned with God's judgment.

It is unlikely that Israel would have included suffering and servitude in its history if it were not true. The exodus is central to later Israelite thought and theology. The Exodus lacks firm extrabiblical evidence. Historians debate between two dates, 1446 or 1275 BC

Mark all that are true concerning the historicity of the Exodus:

The exodus is central to later Israelite thought and theology. The Exodus lacks firm extrabiblical evidence. It is unlikely that Israel would have included suffering and servitude in its history if it were not true. Historians debate between two dates, 1446 or 1275 BC

Mark all that are true concerning the historicity of the Exodus:

Moses is God's answer to the terrible predicament that faced God's people in Egypt. The descendants of Abraham are living in Egypt. The Hebrews grew significantly while living in Egypt. To control the threat on their nation's security, the Egyptians enslaved the Hebrews.

Mark all that is true concerning the event of Exodus.

To control the threat on their nation's security, the Egyptians enslaved the Hebrews. The descendants of Abraham are living in Egypt. The Hebrews grew significantly while living in Egypt. Moses is God's answer to the terrible predicament that faced God's people in Egypt.

Mark all that is true concerning the event of Exodus.


Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation.

The Philistines oppressed Israel. The people asked for a king. God gave Israel Saul. Saul looked like a king but proved to be a poor one because his heart did not follow the Lord faithfully. Early in Saul's reign, God chose David to be Israel's next king. Saul became jealous of David's popularity. Saul sought to kill David. David spent several years as a fugitive. Saul died on Mount Gilboa.

Put these events of 1 and 2 Samuel in order:

at Sinai

Over half of the book of Exodus took place

One goat was set loose in the desert This Day occurred once a yea Two goats were set aside for this day One goat was sacrificed

The Day of Atonement is the central theme of the book of Leviticus. Mark all that is true about this day:

3100 BC

The Sumerians employ written language, our earliest record of such.


The United States officially declares independence from the British Empire. (Murica)

Ritual | Priesthood | Purity laws | DAY OF ATONEMENT | Purity laws | Priesthood | Ritual

The book of Leviticus has a chiastic structure. Identify the correct order for this structure.


The book of Leviticus is not clear about WHY certain animals are unclean, what is clear is that avoiding these creatures will set Israel apart and will remind them that God's own holiness should impact every part of their lives including what they eat.

Numbers: Sinai: desert: Moab

The book of _ has a clear geographical and chronological arrangement in three parts. First, the Israelites were encamped at _, then they wandered in the _ for nearly forty years, and, finally, they were on the plains of .

twenty: Joshua: Jewish

The events in the book of Joshua span approximately _ years. Joshua 24:26 indicates _ wrote at least part of the book; _ tradition names Joshua as the author.


The events of Genesis 12-50 fit well in the Middle Bronze Age (2000-1550 BC) in light of available archaeological, cultural, and literary evidence.


The fifth-century BC Greek historian Herodotus is often called the Father of History, but the nation of Israel had been compiling its history centuries before Herodotus.

God had given them time to repent, but they had not done so. God used the Israelites as his instruments of judgment against the people of Canaan, just as he later used the Assyrians and the Babylonians to judge Israel and Judah. "Holy war" occurred only at certain times during Israel's history, and we should not view it as a pattern for future generations. The people of Canaan were exceedingly wicked, and their social and religious customs were an abomination to God.

The following are points given by the author as we consider the question: Can We Practice "Holy War"? (Check all that apply.)


The interpreter's final task, after applying the proper hermeneutical principles to determine what the text meant to its original audience, is to determine what the text means for today.


The main difference between the covenant given to the Patriarchs and the Covenant given to Moses at Sinai is that God's covenant with Abraham included the Ten Commandments.

Philistines: kings ruling over them: not God's plan for Israel at the time.

The people became restless under Samuel's leadership and feared external threats such as the _. They observed how the nations around them had _, and they asked for one too. The text makes it clear that this was _. 1/1 Point


The promises and the covenant that God established with Abraham (Gen. 15 and 17), confirmed to Isaac (Gen. 26:2-5), Jacob (Gen. 28:13-15), and Joseph (Gen. 48:3-4; 50:24) did not lay out expectations of obedience for the Patriarchs.


The reason given in the book of Numbers for the complaining and grumbling (which resulted in 40 years of wandering) was that the people were tired of the tedious ins and outs of the sacrificial system.


The scribes who copied the biblical texts believed they were copying the very words of God. Consequently they took great care to preserve the copies they had received.

1500 BC-AD90

The span of time between Moses and the Apostle John during which the entire Bible was written.


___ traces the deliverance of God's people, who were and continue to be helpless to save themselves.

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