Old Testament Unit 1

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The multi-syllable vocabulary word used to describe the time period before the Flood is ________.


Support for Moses' account of the Flood continues to come from the findings of _____.


to create (make from nothing)


Which word is the first Hebrew word in the Bible and means in the beginning?


in the beginning


When the Flood came, only _________ people survived in the safety of the _______.

eight ark

The word meaning __________, used for the first five books of the Bible is ________.

five books the Pentateuch

Bab-El means __________.

gate of God

The men at Babel determined to build a tower that would reach ____________.

into heaven

During the act of worship, Noah received a covenant from the Lord and a sign of that covenant, a _____________.


The sign of the covenant that God made with Noah is the ___________.


Until Babel, all mankind _____.

spoke one language

The name Seth means ________.



A tower or terraced building in ancient Assyria or Babylonia.

Satan thought he had won a victory through conflict and sin because, of the first children, ________ was dead and ________ was disqualified as the line through which the promised ___________ would come.

Abel Cain savior

The people at ______ built a ziggurat, which was a _________ that would reach into heaven.

Babel terraced building

Hebrews 11:7:

By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.

The personal foes implied by the word enmity in Genesis 3:15 are:

Christ and Satan

The two personal foes implied by the word enmity in Genesis 3:15 are:

Christ and Satan

Bab-El means confusion. True False


From Abel came the chosen Hebrew nation and the promised seed. True False


The flood waters receded after about ten months, at which time the ark came to rest on Mount Ararat. True False


Today, the majority of the descendants of Japheth are in Africa. True False


When Adam sinned, the immediate result was physical death. True False


The first recorded promise of God's redemptive plan is found in Genesis 2:15. True False

False (Genesis 3:15)

lower animal life (fish and fowl)

Fifth day

The key word in the book of Genesis is ___________.


The book of the Bible that serves as its introduction is _____________.


Select all that apply. The first five books of the Bible are:

Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy

The first recorded promise of God's redemptive plan is found in ________.

Genesis 3:15

The first recorded promise of God's redemptive plan is found in:

Genesis 3:15

Who is the author of the Bible?

God the Holy Spirit

Africans are descendants of:


firmament, heavens, sky

Second day

Such great patriarchs as Enoch and Noah came through the line of Adam and Eve's son, _____________.


Jews and Arabs are descendants of:


Select all that apply. What were the names of Noah's three sons?

Shem Ham Japheth

What were the names of Noah's three sons?

Shem Ham Japheth



Another name given in the Bible for Satan is serpent. True False


At a time when sin had reached the limit of God's tolerance, Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. True False


Before men at Babel accomplished their purpose, God confused their language and caused their dispersion. True False


Cain's offering was rejected. True False


Like antediluvian men, descendants of Noah were men of sinful natures. True False


Seth was Adam's third son; from the line of Seth came the chosen Hebrew nation and the promised seed. True False


The Bible contains the record of the covenant relationship of God with His people. True False


The Bible is God's revelation of Himself to man. True False


The first verse in the Bible is the introductory statement for the entire Biblical account of creation. True False


The two antagonizing forces in the world are sin and righteousness. True False


Today, the majority of the descendants of Shem are in Asia. True False


Until Babel, mankind spoke one language. True False


God set the stage for all that follows in His written revelation in the first ____________ chapters of Genesis.


The name of the first child born was __________. The third born, __________, means substitute, or appointed one.

Cain Seth

Select all that apply. What are the three other names for Satan given in Revelation 20:2?

Devil, Dragon, and Serpent

In Genesis 3:15, the passages which refers to the "seed" which will bruise Satan's head, God was addressing Eve. True False


The "Tower of Babel" means ziggurat. True False


The Bible does not indicate whether Cain and Abel were the first children born to Adam and Eve. True False


Most Europeans and Americans are descendants of:



Name of the first child born; he was also the first murderer.

At a time when sin had reached the limit of God's tolerance, ____________ found favor in the eyes of the Lord.


Select all that apply. Who were the survivors of the Flood?

Noah the animals in the ark Noah's wife Noah's sons the sons' wives

The survivors of the Flood were _________, his _________, his three _________, and their ___________.

Noah wife sons wives


Of the period before the Flood.

The Bible is God's _______ of Himself to man.


seas and dry land

Third day

Genesis 3:1 leaves no doubt that the serpent was the author of sin. True False


Immediately after leaving the ark, Noah built an altar and offered burnt offerings to Jehovah. True False


In His curse upon Satan, God announced the devil's ultimate doom. True False


In the curse, God pronounced ultimate doom upon Satan. True False


In reference to the creation of man, the meaning of "the image of God" includes to be made with:

a moral nature intelligence a spiritual nature emotions

Immediately after leaving the ark, Noah built a(n) ________ and offered _____________ offerings unto Jehovah.

altar burnt

A word that means rule, standard, or norm is:


The word that means rule, standard, or norm is _________. This word is used to describe the books received by the church as being divinely inspired.


Before men at Babel accomplished their purpose, God:

confused their language caused their dispersion

The word babel, as in the Tower of Babel, means _________.


About _______________ different men wrote portions of the Bible.


Approximately _____________ centuries were involved in the process of writing the Bible.


The Bible contains God's plan for man's _____________.


The Hebrew word bara in Genesis 1:1 means:

to create to bring into existence to make from nothing

When the water receded after about _____________ months, the ark came to rest on Mount ___________.

5 Ararat

Altogether, the Bible contains __________ books.


When the Flood came, only _______ people survived in the safety of the ________.

8 ark


A Hebrew word that means "in the beginning".

Select all that apply. By what four sources has the fact of the Flood been either confirmed or supported?

-inspired Biblical accounts -New Testament writers' references -ancient traditions passed down through generations -the findings of archaeologists

In the process of writing the Bible, about how many human writers did God use?




Select all that apply. Two of the great patriarchs who came through the line of Seth were _____.

Enoch Noah

Isaiah 44:22

I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, and, as a cloud, thy sins: return unto me; for I have redeemed thee.

Like humans before the flood, descendants of Noah were people with ____________ natures.


The sign of the covenant would be a reminder to Noah that Jehovah had promised never again to ____________ the earth with a __________.

destroy flood

By free will and intent, the descendants of Noah ___________ the commandment of the Lord to spread themselves over the earth.

did not fulfill

Identify the Creation that took place on the first day:


According to the lesson, the Bible is the book in which God _____.

reveals Himself to man

The Hebrew word bara in Genesis 1:1 means:

to create to make from nothing to bring into existence

The Hebrew word for replenish means __________.

to fill

In reference to the Creation of man, what is the meaning of "in the image of God"?

to have a moral and spiritual nature



Throughout the families of the entire human race there are ___________ of a great Flood.


The Tower of Babel was probably a terraced building called a _________.


The New Testament contains ____________books.


The Old Testament contains _____________ books.


About how many human authors did God use to write the Bible?



A Hebrew word that means generations.


An authoritative order or command.

Revelation 20:10

And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

____________ is the official term which means the process by which our present Bible was accepted as the inspired Word of God.


Abel's offering was rejected. True False


Both Adam and Eve demonstrated maturity by acknowledging personal responsibility for their disobedience. True False


The Old Testament contains twenty-seven books. True False


The earliest writing of any part of the Bible was about 1400-1500 B.C. True False


The first word in the Hebrew Bible, bara, means in the beginning. True False



First day

sun, moon, and stars

Fourth day

In Genesis 1:26, the personal pronoun "us" refers to:

God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

The Bible is the inspired, "_____," Word of God.



Hebrew word for God (also plural).


Hebrew word for day.


Hostility to a personal foe.


Incubating or protecting.

The method God used to give the human writers the written Word was:


From Adam's third son came the chosen __________ nation through which the promised __________ would come.

Israelite Savior


Man's companion and helper; one to be his inspiration and not his servant; one equal and adequate to himself.

Select all that apply. The two main divisions of the Bible are the _____ and the _____.

New Testament Old Testament

Select all that apply. The two main divisions of the Bible are the _____ and the _____.

Old Testament New Testament

___________ is the name meaning five books used to describe the first five books of the Bible.


Image and likeness of God

Refers to the spiritual and moral nature of man, which includes his intellectual, emotional, and volitional faculties: distinctive features of spiritual personality.

In Genesis 3:15, God was addressing __________-.


Select all that apply. The two antagonizing forces in the world against God and righteousness are _____ and _____.

Satan Sin


Shrewd, crafty, deceitful, and destructive.

higher animal life (beast) and man

Sixth day


Substitute, appointed one, the promised seed in the line of warfare with Satan.


The Hebrew word for create: to bring into existence from nothing.


The act by which God brought into existence from nothing.


The personal name for God introduced in Genesis 2:4. The original Hebrew had only consonants. Adding vowels, the word becomes Yahweh and is translated both LORD and Jehovah.

The image of God in man enables man to accomplish God's purpose for him relative to the earth:

To have dominion over it


Translated Hebrew word meaning literally "to fill".

A theme throughout the Pentateuch is God's faithfulness to His promises. True False


According to Genesis 2:18, 22-24 God's will for marriage is one woman and one man. True False


Another name for the first five books of the Bible is Pentateuch. True False


Inspiration is the method God used to give to the human writers His revelation of Himself. True False


The Bible names Cain and Abel as the first children born to Adam and Eve. True False


The Hebrew word for replenish means to fill . True False


The foundation of all theology of the Bible is found in the very first words of the Bible: "In the beginning God . . . ." True False


The latest writing added to the Bible was in approximately 100 A.D. True False


The name of Seth means substitute . True False


The word canon carries the idea of a rule or standard. True False


The Hebrew word bara in Genesis 1:1 means _____to ________ from .

create nothing

The first verse in the Bible is the introductory statement for the entire Biblical account of ______________.


The Bible records a _____ upon anyone who would attempt to take from or add to the Book.


Sin, full grown, brings _________.


Identify the Creation that took place on the second day:

firmament (sky or heaven)

According to Genesis 2:18-25, God's plan for marriage is:

for one man and one woman

The process of writing the Bible spanned approximately ____________ centuries and employed about ____________ human writers.

fourteen 40

The key word to keep in mind when studying the entire book of Genesis is:


Identify the Creation that took place on the sixth day:

higher animal life and man

Concerning the writing of the Bible, revelation is the what and ___________ is the how.


Concerning the writing of the Bible, revelation is the what and ____________ is the how.


Identify the Creation that took place on the fifth day:

lower animal life

Cain's offering was _______ by God; Abel's offering was _________.

rejected accepted

The most important message of the Bible is God's plan for man's ___________.


Identify the Creation that took place on the third day:

seas and dry land

Genesis 3:1 leaves no doubt that the serpent (Satan) is the author of _________.


Although Satan thought he had won a victory (Abel was dead and Cain was disqualified as the line through which the promised seed would come), God gave Adam and Eve another _________ whose name was _________, which means ________.

son Seth substitute

To be made in God's image evidently refers to His ___________ nature.


When Adam sinned, the immediate result was:

spiritual death

Identify the Creation that took place on the fourth day:

sun, moon, and stars

To the Hebrews, __________ was the Torah or the Law.

the Pentateuch

The two foes who are at enmity with each other in Genesis 3:15 are ___________ (seed of the woman) and __________.

the Son of God Satan

The Hebrew word for replenish means ____________.

to fill

How is us used in Genesis 1:26?

to identify all the members of the Godhead--the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit

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