Omega-3 Fatty Acids

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What are the dietary sources of Omega-3 fatty acids.

Linoleic acid - vegetable oils. Alpha linoleic - Plant based oils, walnuts, soy, canola. EPA & DHA - cold water fish.

What is the metabolic fate of DHA?

synthesize lipid mediators called resolvins and protectins.

Eicosapentenoic acid

20 Carbons. 5 double bonds. 5, 8, 11, 14, 17. Omega-3. Resolvin. lipid mediator.

Palmitic Acid

16 Carbons.

Stearic Acid

18 Carbons

Oleic Acid

18 Carbons. 1 double bond. Delta 9. Omega-9

Linolenic Acid

18 Carbons. 3 double bonds, 9, 12, 15. Omega-3

Linoleic acid

18 carbons. 2 double bonds Delta 9, delta 12. Omega - 6

Arachidonic Acid

20 Carbons. 4 double bonds. 5, 8, 11, 14.

Docosahexanoic acid

22 Carbons. 6 double bonds. 4, 7, 10, 13, 15, 19. Omega-3. resolvin. mediator.

What are the important Omega-3 PUFA's


What is the metabolic fate of linoleic acid?


What are the health benefits of Omega-3?

Decreases Cardiovascular Disease. Inreased bleeding time, by decreasing platelet aggregation. - EPA produces TXA3. Decreases cardiac arrhythmias by modifying electrophysiology of cardiac muscle. Decreases plasma triglycerides. Pain reliever by decreasing inflammation. Decreases hypertension. reduction of macular degeneration. retinitis pigmentosa. dementia. Depression. Bipolar disorder. Diabetes. Obesity. Metabolic syndrome. GI- ulcerative colitis, Crohn disease.

What are adverse affects of Omega-3 intake?

Allergic reactions. Mercury poisoning. Bleeding?

What is the metabolic fate of alpha lonileic acid?


What is the metabolic fate of EPA?

Forms prostoglandins & thromboxanes and leukotrines. Synthesize lipid mediators called resolvins and protectins.

What are the essential fatty acids?

Linoleic, and alpha-linolenic.

What are the AHA recommendations of Omega-3 consumption?

Normal - 2X per week CHD - 1g per day Triglyceride lowering - 2 to 4 grams per day

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