One Bee Study Words with Definitions for First Grade
What is a Noun ?
A person, place, thing, or idea
What is a Plural Noun ?
A plural noun is a noun that names more than one person, place, thing, activity, or idea. (cats, stores, people)
What is an Adverb ?
A word that describes a verb
What is a Verb ?
An action word
What does "Alone" mean?
adjective; away from other people or things.
What does "Green" mean?
adjective; being the color of grass or emeralds.
What does "Large" mean?
adjective; big.
What does "Frosty" mean?
adjective; cold, freezing.
What does "Muddy" mean?
adjective; covered with a slimy sticky mixture of finely divided particles of solid material and water.
What does "Tired" mean?
adjective; drained of strength and energy : fatigued often to the point of exhaustion : weary.
What does "Crisp" mean?
adjective; easily broken, cracked, or snapped.
What does "Deep" mean ?
adjective; extending downward to a considerable degree.
What does "Ripe" mean?
adjective; fully developed and so usable as food — used of fruit.
What does "Lost" mean ?
adjective; gone out of one's possession or control : put in an unremembered place.
What does "Cold" mean ?
adjective; having a temperature notably below that compatible with human comfort.
What does "Happy" mean ?
adjective; having the feeling arising from the consciousness of well-being.
What does "Fresh" mean?
adjective; newly produced, gathered, or made.
What does "Warm" mean?
adjective; sending or giving out heat usually to a comfortable or beneficial degree : producing sensations of heat.
What does "Mushy" mean?
adjective; soft, spongy.
What does "Here" mean ?
adverb; at this point in space : in this location.
What does "Please" mean?
adverb; used as a function word to express politeness or emphasis in a request.
What does "Sign" mean?
noun; a board on a building that tells the name and type of a business.
What does "Soap" mean ?
noun; a cleansing agent that is used for washing something.
What does "Lake" mean?
noun; a large body of water surrounded by land.
What does "Lamp" mean ?
noun; a light-giving device.
What does "Soup" mean?
noun; a liquid food made with broth that often contains pieces of meat, fish, pasta, or vegetables.
What does "Shirt" mean?
noun; a loose cloth garment usually having a collar, sleeves, a front opening, and a tail long enough to be tucked inside the waistband of trousers or a skirt.
What does "Group" mean?
noun; a relatively small number of individuals assembled or standing together.
What does "Math" mean?
noun; a science that deals with the relationship and symbolism of numbers.
What does "Nook" mean?
noun; a secluded or out-of-the-way place or part.
What does "Spot" mean?
noun; a small extent of space.
What does "Bear" mean ?
noun; an animal having long shaggy hair, feeding on fruit and insects as well as on flesh, and moving very fast for short distances.
What does "Feast" mean?
noun; an elaborate meal : a banquet.
What does "Spine" mean?
noun; the backbone of a book.
What does "World" mean?
noun; the earth with all its inhabitants and all things upon it.
What does "Juice" mean?
noun; the extractable fluid contents of plant cells or plant structures.
What does "Lunch" mean ?
noun; the meal that is eaten in the middle of the day.
What does "Roof" mean?
noun; the outside cover on top of a building or home.
What does "Shape" mean?
noun; the visible makeup characteristic of a particular item or kind of item : characteristic appearance or visible form.
What does "Tools" mean?
plural noun; instruments (such as hammers or saws) used or worked by
What does "Feet" mean?
plural noun; the terminal parts of the vertebrate legs upon which an individual stands.
What does "Shops" mean?
verb; examines goods and services with intent to buy.
What does "Straps" mean
verb; secures with or attaches by means of a narrow usually flat strip or thong of a flexible material.
What does "Drift" mean?
verb; to become driven or carried along by a current of water, wind, or air.
What does "Spill" mean?
verb; to cause or allow to pour, splash, or fall out (as over the edge of a container) and be wasted, lost, or scattered.
What does "Dunk" mean ?
verb; to dip (as a piece of bread, cake, or doughnut) into liquid (as coffee, milk, or tea) while eating.
What does "Miss" mean?
verb; to feel the lack of : to be unhappy because of the loss or absence of.
What does "Learn" mean?
verb; to gain knowledge or understanding of or skill in by study, instruction, or experience.
What does "Bump" mean ?
verb; to hit or knock typically with a degree of force or violence and making a thudding impact and usually with a degree of injury or damage.
What does "Click" mean?
verb; to select (something on a computer) by placing the cursor over it and pressing a button on your mouse.
What does "Pick" mean?
verb; to select from among a group.
What does "Count" mean?
verb; to separate one by one to find the total number of units : to number or tally.
What does "Splash" mean?
verb; to strike and dash about (as water or mud) : to cause (a liquid or thinly viscous substance) to spatter or toss about especially with force.
What does "Grab" mean?
verb; to take or take hold of by a sudden motion or grasp : to seize, to clutch.