OPSC - Final Exam Review

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Failure to lock database records before updating them may result in a ________ between processes. A. struggle B. race C. timeout D. livelock


Main memory is also known as ___________. A. single-user memory B. random access memory C. finite memory D. virtual memory

random access memory

In __________ systems, deadlock can cause critical situations A. batch B. interactive C. real-time D. general purpose


Assume that four jobs A-D, require the CPU cycles listed below. Using the SJN algorithm, the average turnaround time is __________. Job: A B C D CPU Cycle: 5 2 6 4 A. 5.5 B. 6.8 C. 9.0 D. 11.1


In its simplest form, Amdahl's Law maintains that if a given program would take on hour to run to completion with one processor, but 80 percent of the program had to run sequentially (and therefore could not be sped up by applying additional processors to it), then a resulting parallel program would run only a maximum of ___________ percent faster. A. 5 B. 10 C. 20 D. 25


Consider the case of a home construction company with two application programs. purchasing (P1) and sales (P2), which are active at the same time. They each need to access two files, inventory (F1) and suppliers (F2), to update daily transaction. The following series of events will cause a deadlock. Fill in the missing event in the sequence. (answer with letter) 1. Purchasing (P1) accesses the supplier file (F2). 2. Sales (P2) accesses the inventory file (F1). 3. Purchasing (P1) doesn't release the supplier file (F2) and requests the inventory file (F1), but P1 is blocked because F1 is being held by P2. 4. Meanwhile, ____________________ A. sales (P2) doesn't release the inventory file (F1), but requests the supplier file (F2) B. sales (P2) does release the inventory file (F1) and then requests the supplier file (F2) C. purchasing (P1) does release the supplier file (F2) which is then requested by sales (P2). D. purchasing (P1) exits


The Printer Event: 1. P1 requests and is allocated the printer R1 2. P1 releases the printer R1 3. P2 requests and is allocated the disk drive R2 4. P2 releases the disk R2 5. P3 requests and is allocated the plotter R3 6. P3 releases the plotter R3 Assume that the events in the accompanying narrative take place. Which of the following statements is true? (answer with letter) A. There is no deadlock B. Event 4 caused deadlock C. Event 5 caused deadlock D. Event 6 caused deadlock


The key to the successful implementation of demand paging is the use of a high-speed CPU


In the "dining philosophers" problem, a philosopher can pick up a fork when _________. (answer with letter) A. there is one available B. there are two available C. no other philosopher is eating D. it is his/her turn, going in numerical order from one philosopher to the next


Some systems use a strategy known as ______ to increase the priority of jobs that have been in the system for an unusually long time in order to expedite their exit. A. lagging B. aging C. bumping D. accelerated priority


The operation P in a semaphore scheme requires a(n) __________ sequence to be performed as an indivisible action in a single machine cycle. (answer with letter) A. test, fetch, increment, and store B. test, fetch, decrement, and store C. increment and store D. decrement and store


Fill in the missing event that causes deadlock in a database. There are two processes (P1 and P2), each of which needs to update two records (R1 and R2) and the following sequence leads to a deadlock: (answer with letter) 1. P1 accesses R1 and locks it 2. P2 accesses R2 and locks it 3. _________________________________ 4. P2 requests R1, which is locked by P1 A. P2 releases R2 B. P1 requests R1 again C. P1 requests R2, which is locked by P2 D. P2 releases R1.


The Job Scheduler seeks to __________ when scheduling jobs. (answer with letter) A. run all CPU intensive jobs first B. run all I/O intensive jobs first C. balance CPU and I/O intensive jobs D. run the quickest jobs first


The transition from ___________ can be initiated by the Process Scheduler or the Job Scheduler (answer with letter) A. WAITING to READY B. RUNNING to WAITING C. RUNNING to FINISHED D. HOLD to READY


__________ allows for faster turnaround of CPU-bound jobs. (answer with letter) A. No movement between queues B. Movement between queues C. Variable time quantum per queue D. Aging


The master/slave configuration is a symmetric multiprocessing system.


The only tangible benefit of parallel processing system is faster processing.


With distributed operating systems, users need to be aware of which processor is actually running their applications


Deadlock can occur on a printer when _________. (Answer with letter) A. the network connection for the printer overflows with too many requests to use the printer B. too many users attempt to access the printer at the same time C. the buffer fills up with too many print jobs and the printer cannot decide which one to print D. the printer needs all of a job's output before it will begin printing, but the spooling system fills the available disk space with only partially complete output


The first and simplest recovery method, and the most drastic, is to _____________. (answer with letter0 A. select a nondeadlocked job, preempt the resources it's holding, and allocated them to a deadlocked process so it can resume execution, thus breaking the deadlock. B. identify which jobs are involved in the deadlock and terminate them one at a time, checking to see if the deadlock is eliminated after each removal C. terminate only the jobs involved in the deadlock and ask their users to resubmit them D. terminate every job that's active in the system and restart them from the beginning


The transition from ______________ to ready is initiated by the Job Scheduler according to some predefined policy. At this point, the availability of enough main memory and any requested devices is checked. (answer with letter) A. READY to RUNNING B. RUNNING to WAITING C. RUNNING back to READY D. HOLD to READY


The ____________ page replacement policy is based on the theory that the best page to remove is the one that has been in memory the longest A. TRU B. LRU C. LIFO D. FIFO


A race introduces the element of chance, which is a highly desirable attribute, in database management.


Each active thread in a process has its own processor registers, data area, and resources. True or false?


General purpose operating systems such as Linux or Windows are used in embedded systems.


In active multiprogramming schemes, a job can monopolize the CPU for along time while all other jobs waited


Single-user contiguous allocation schemes have the problem of partition intrusion


Starvation is the result of a policy that liberally allocates resources.


The best-fit allocation method keeps the free/busy lists organized by memory locations, low-order to high-order memory


The content of a random access memory (RAM) chip is nonvolatile, meaning that it is not erased when the power is turned off.


_____________ proposed a solution to the readers and writers problem that did not result in starvation for readers and writers. A. Hoare B. Courtois C. Heymans D. Parmas


An I/O request is called a(n) __________ wait in multiprogramming environments. A. forced B. natural C. scheduled D. indirect


The word ______________ is used to indicate that a program is permanently held in ROM (read only memory), as opposed to being held in secondary storage A. hardware B. firmware C. software D. shareware


A large job can have problems with a first-fit memory allocation scheme


A variation of the LRU page replacement algorithm known as the clock page replacement policy is implemented using a pointer to step through the reference bits of the active pages, simulating a clockwise motion


Fixing a deadlock situation requires outside intervention.


If one job monopolizes the system, the extent of its overall effect on system performance depends on the scheduling policy and whether the job is CPU-bound or I/O-bound.


In Round Robin scheduling, if processing isn't finished when time expires, the job is preempted and put at the end of the READY queue and its information is saved int its Process Control Block.


In the bit-shifting variation of the LRU page replacement policy, the process of shifting bits to the right and resetting the leftmost bit to 1 when a page is referenced gives a history of each page's usage


Memory defragmentation is performed by the operating system to reclaim fragmented space


Most computer programs alternate between CPU cycles and I/O cycles. True or False?


One of the problems with the best-fit algorithm is that the entire table must be searched before the allocation can be made because the memory blocks are physically stored in sequence according to their location in memory


Test-and-set is a single indivisible machine instruction. In a single machine cycle, it tests to see if a key is available and, if it is, sets it to unavailable. A. True B. False


The Job Table (JT) contains two values for each active job: the size of the job and the memory location where its Page Map Table is stored


The bounds register is used to store the highest (or lowest, depending on the specific system) location in memory accessible by each program


The optimal selection of cache size and replacement algorithm can result in 80 to 90 percent of all requests being in the cache


An algorithm designed to detect starvation by tracking how long each job has been waiting for resources is using the concept of ____________. A. deadlock B. aging C. preemption D. round robin


A hybrid system is a combination of ________ systems. A. batch and interactive B. batch and real-time C. interactive and real-time D. real-time and general-purpose

batch and interactive

The _______ demonstrates that when using a FIFO policy, in rare cases, adding more memory to a system can cause an increase in page interrupts. A. Paging Anomaly B. Belady Anomaly C. Interrupt Anomaly D. Laszlo Anomaly

belady anomaly

In a relocatable dynamic partition scheme, the ___________ ensures that during execution, a program won't try to access memory locations that don't belong to it. A. relocation register B. load register C. compaction register D. bounds register

bounds register

The source code of a Java program is first compiled into an intermediate language called Java ____________, which are platform-independent. A. beans B. nibs C. bits D. bytecodes


___________ can be thought of as being an intermediary between main memory and the special-purpose registers, which are the domain of the CPU. A. Virtual memory B. Cache memory C. Paging D. Segmenting

cache memory

____________ is when each process involved in an impasse is waiting for another to voluntarily release its resources so that at least one process will be able to continue. A. Mutual exclusion B. Resource holding C. Circular wait D. No preemption

circular wait

__________ is the practice of using Internet-connected resources to perform processing, store, or other operations A. Cloud computing B. Command line interfacing C. Process management D. Network management

cloud computing

A computer system that can support jobs that use multiple processors to execute sets of instruction in parallel is referred to as a ______________ system. A. concurrent processing B. process synchronization C. parallel extraction D. processing optimization

concurrent processing

Starting in the 1950s, to reduce the discrepancy in speed between the I/O and the CPU, an interface called the _____________ was placed between them to act as a buffer. A. control unit B. scheduler C. holder D. buffer manager

control unit

A __________ of processing must be handled as a single unit A. line B. segment C. critical region D. semaphore

critical region

________________ of memory is performed by the operating system to reclaim fragmented sections of the memory space


The _____________ uniquely identifies each resource, starts its operation, monitors its progress, and, finally, deallocates it, making the operating system available to the next waiting process A. Device Manager B. File Manager C. Keyboard Manager D. Memory Manager

device manager

________________ is a dynamic-priority preemptive scheduling algorithm built to address the critical processing requirements of real-time systems and their pressing deadlines. A. Variable Time Quantum Per Queue B. Round Robin C. Shortest Job Next D. Earliest Deadline First

earliest deadline first

______________ consists of fragments of free memory between blocks of allocated memory A. An inefficient fit B. Indirect partitioning C. External fragmentation D. Internal fragmentation

external fragmentation

The ___________ method keeps the free/busy lists organized by memory locations, from low-order memory to high-order memory A. fixed partition allocation B. first-fit memory allocation C. dynamic fit memory allocation D. best-fit memory allocation

first-fit memory allocation

When a job is accepted by the system, it's put on _________ and placed in a queue. A. HOLD B. RUNNING C. WAITING D. READY


__________ published a visual tool to show how deadlock conditions can be modeled using directed graphs. A. Havender B. Holt C. Dijkstra D. Lane & Mooney


When a compiler automatically detects instructions that can be performed in parallel, ___________ is in place. A. automatic parallelism B. array parallelism C. explicit parallelism D. implicit parallelism

implicit parallelism

The most common mechanism for implementing multiprogramming was the introduction of the _____________ concept, whereby the CPU was notified of events needing operating systems services A. paging B. sharing C. messaging D. interrupt


The ____________ is also called a high-level scheduler. A. Process Scheduler B. Job Scheduler C. Program Scheduler D. Thread Scheduler

job scheduler

The four memory management techniques presented in this chapter share the requirement that the entire program being executed must be ___________________. A. loaded into memory B. stored on disk C. written in a single language D. relocatable

loaded into memory

The term "___________" means that during any phase of its execution, a program references only a small fraction of its pages A. dynamic paging B. structured programming C. locality of reference D. working set

locality of reference

The __________ multiprocessing configuration features several complete computer systems, each with its own memory, I/O devices, CPU, and operating system. A. loosely coupled B. master/slave C. symmetric D. synchronized

loosely coupled

______________ is where the data and instructions of a computer must reside to be processed A. CPU B. Main memory C. Read-only memory D. I/O memory

main memory

The ___________ multiprocessing configuration is an asymmetric system. A. loosely coupled B. master processors C. start/end D. master/slave


In a paged memory allocation scheme, a simple __________ has one entry for each page frame that shows its location and its free/busy status A. Memory Management Table B. Job Table C. Page Access Table D. Memory Map Table

memory map table

With segmented memory allocation, each job is divided into several _______ of different sizes, one for each module that contains pieces that perform related functions. A. pages B. modules C. segments D. partitions


What is the name traditionally given to a semaphore that enforces the concept of mutual exclusion? A. synch B. flag C. mutex D. signal


____________ is necessary in any computer system because some resources such as memory, CPU, and dedicated devices must be exclusively allocated to one user at a time. A. Mutual exclusion B. Resource holding C. No preemption D. Circular wait

mutual exclusion

______________ is the policy of allowing only one process to have access to a dedicated resource. A. no preemption B. circular wait C. resource holding D. mutual exclusion

mutual exclusion

A(n) __________ in the busy list occurs when a memory block between two other busy memory blocks is returned to the free list. A. blank line B. null entry C. joined entry D. empty entry

null entry

By compacting and relocating, the Memory Manager optimizes the use of memory and thus improves throughput. However, it also requires more ________________ than the other memory allocation schemes discussed in this chapter. A. null entries B. segmentation C. main memory D. overhead


The two operations defined by Dijkstra to be performed on a semaphore are __________. A. P and V B. WAIT and SIGNAL C. test and set D. check and update

p and v

One approach to performing compaction is to do it when a certain ____________ of memory becomes busy. A. byte B. percentage C. bit D. area


___________ systems are used in time-critical environments where reliability is key and data must be processed within a strict time limit. A. Embedded B. Hybrid C. Interactive D. Real-time


Single-user, fixed partition, and dynamic partition memory schemes share unacceptable fragmentation characteristics that were resolved with the development of _______________. A. deallocation B. best-fit algorithm C. relocatable dynamic partitions D. null entry accounting

relocatable dynamic partitions

Cache memory is divided into blocks of equal size called __________. A. slots B. pages C. segments D. partitions


A problem with test-and-set is that when many processes are waiting to enter a critical region, _________ can occur because the processes gain access in an arbitrary fashion. A. starvation B. synchronization C. deadlock D. an error


Fixed partitions are also called ____________ partitions A. complete B. static C. direct D. sized


In demand paging, pages are ______ between main memory and secondary storage. A.swapped B. traded C. allocated D. faulted


To access a location in memory when using segmented memory management, the address is composed of two entries: A. the segment number and the line number B. the segment number and the displacement C. the line number and the displacement D. the segment number, the line number, and the displacement

the segment number and the displacement

In demand paging, when an excessive number of pages are moved back and forth between main memory and secondary storage, it is called _____________. A. swapping B. faulting C. paging D. thrashing


A(n) ___________ is created by a process, and it an be scheduled and executed independently of its parent process. A. thread B. program C. miniprocess D. instruction set


Each thread in a process is represented by a data structure called a __________that contains basic information such as the thread's unique identification, state, and priority. A. Thread Control Block B. Thread State Block C. Thread Pointer D. Thread Queue

thread control block

______________ semaphores are used in the producer and consumer problem. A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four


The efficiency of a batch system is measured in ___________, which is the number of jobs completed in a given amount of time A. processes B. threads C. throughput D. turnaround time


In active multiprogramming, each program is allowed to use only a preset amount of CPU time before it is interrupted so another program can begin its execution. The interrupted job resumes execution at some later time. This idea is called ______________. A. shared processing B. CPU sharing C. time slicing D. distributed processing

time slicing

____________ semaphores are used in the solution to the readers and writers problem that does not involve starvation. A. Zero B. One C. Two D. Three


In a paged memory allocation scheme, a page size that is too small will generate __________. A. very long Page Map Tables B. excessive internal fragmentation C. excessive page faults D. excessive external fragmentation

very long page map tables

A system with _________ divides programs into parts and keep them in secondary storage, bringing each part into memory only as it is needed. A. virtual memory B. shared memory C. segmented processing D. passive multiprogramming

virtual memory

_____________ effectively removes restrictions on maximum program size A. Segmenting B. Virtual Memory C. Shared memory D. Multithreading

virtual memory

_________ allows separate partitions of a single server to support different operating systems. A. Multiprocessing B. Multithreading C. Virtualization D. Shared processing


When using the WAIT and SIGNAL operations, ________________ sets the process's process control block to the blocked state and links it to the queue of processes waiting to enter this particular critical region. A. TS B. SIGNAL C. WAIT D. BLOCK


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