Oral Com. Exam #4

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True or False: When a contradiction occurs between the verbal and nonverbal messages, it is advisable to accuse the sender of being manipulative.


True or False: When a contradiction occurs between the verbal and nonverbal messages, it is advisable to choose the nonverbal as true.


True or False: When nonverbal messages contradict the verbal message, we tend to believe the verbal message.


True or False: Causes of nonverbal miscoded cues include attaching an unintended meaning to an intentional cue.


True or False: Causes of nonverbal miscoded cues include attaching meaning to a random unintentional movement.


True or False: Causes of nonverbal miscoded cues include communicators not sharing similar cultural backgrounds.


True or False: Causes of nonverbal missed cues include external noise.


True or False: Causes of nonverbal missed cues include receiver not perceiving a cue that is important to understanding meaning.


True or False: Eye contact and facial expressions can communicate messages of liking/disliking, threat, control, and over half the feelings in a message or conflict.


True or False: Eye contact in our culture can produce anxiety in others.


True or False: Eye contact in our culture may indicate positive feelings for one another.


True or False: Eye contact in our culture occurs when people want to encourage feedback.


True or False: Facial expressions are unique in that they are performed similarly all over the world for showing happiness, sadness, anger, fear, and surprise.


True or False: Facial expressions can communicate evaluative judgements.


True or False: Facial expressions reveal interest or lack of it in others/environment.


True or False: In nonverbal communication, the meaning is in the receiver and sender.


True or False: It is true of nonverbal messages that nonverbal messages are likely to be perceived as more genuine than verbal ones because our nonverbals are less controllable than our verbals.


True or False: It is true of nonverbal messages that nonverbal messages often convey feelings with greater conviction or authenticity than verbal messages do.


True or False: It is true of nonverbal messages that nonverbal symbols may contradict verbal symbols in a given message.


True or False: It is true of nonverbal messages that nonverbals are easy to misinterpret.


True or False: Nonverbal communication is a way of conveying messages of attitude, relationship, and feelings.


True or False: Nonverbal communication is often more subtle than verbal messages.


True or False: Nonverbal communication is when you give meaning to nonword symbols.


True or False: Nonverbal communication isa leakage channel that may reveal feelings and emotions.


True or False: Nonverbal messages from our environment can contribute to one's comfort or discomfort.


True or False: Nonverbal messages from our environment includes room colors and elevation differences between communicators.


True or False: Nonverbal miscoded cues probably occur more frequently than verbal miscoded cues.


True or False: One's physical/personal appearance includes the categories object language, kinesics, action language, and sign language.


True or False: Our physical/personal appearance is an important channel for nonverbal messages because it can reflect one's self-concept.


True or False: Our physical/personal appearance is an important channel for nonverbal messages because it is based upon rules and assumptions of one's culture.


True or False: Our physical/personal appearance is an important channel for nonverbal messages because it provides initial information about one another.


True or False: Paralingustics include coughing.


True or False: Paralingustics include rate, pitch, silence, and inflection.


True or False: Paralingustics include vocal sounds that are not words.


True or False: Principles of nonverbal communication include the fact that more than half the meanings we assign in communication with others comes from nonverbal messages.


True or False: Principles of nonverbal communication include the fact that nonverbal communication is influenced by all the factors discussed in the communication process (perception, values, culture, encoding, decoding, barriers).


True or False: Principles of nonverbal communication include the fact that nonverbal messages can include all observable behavior.


True or False: Principles of nonverbal communication include the fact that nonverbal messages can replace, reinforce, or contradict verbal messages.


True or False: Principles of nonverbal communication include the fact that nonverbals are culturally learned and therefore assigned different meanings as you go from culture to culture.


True or False: Principles of nonverbal communication include the fact that one cannot not communicate.


True or False: Proxemics includes personal space, which is the space you carry around yourself that others may not normally invade.


True or False: Proxemics includes public, personal, social, and intimate distances.


True or False: Proxemics includes territoriality and personal space.


True or False: Proxemics includes the concept that the violation of another's personal or territorial space can lead to defensive behaviors.


True or False: Proxemics is the study of how humans use space.


True or False: Since most interpersonal communication problems are concerned more with relationships than with content, we can conclude that nonverbal communication frequently influences communication problems.


True or False: Some studies suggest that men touch more than women.


True or False: The Ten Primary Message Systems include nine nonverbal ways we communicate.


True or False: The Ten Primary Message Systems include one verbal way of communicating.


True or False: The Ten Primary Message Systems include verbal and nonverbal categories.


True or False: We never outgrow our need for tactile communication.


True or False: When a contradiction occurs between the verbal and nonverbal messages, it is advisable to ask for clarification.


True or False: When a contradiction occurs between the verbal and nonverbal messages, it is advisable to avoid jumping to quick conclusions.


True or False: When a contradiction occurs between the verbal and nonverbal messages, it is advisable to describe the contradiction you perceive to the sender.


True or false: Chronemics refers to how humans use time.


True or false: Elevation differences in seating arrangements may have a negative effect on the quality of the communication.


True or false: Touching may reveal status or power differences.


True or False: Proxemics includes the ways we use time as a communication symbol.


True or False: Proxemics includes the zone of public distance, which is used most in interpersonal communication.


True or False: The Ten Primary Message Systems include nine verbal ways we communicate.


True or False: Touch is related to emotions, but not to status or power.


Examples of object language include:

Bracelets and your car

True or False: Causes of nonverbal miscoded cues include not seeing an important communication behavior.


True or False: Causes of nonverbal missed cues include receiver failing to appreciate just how important a subtle nonverbal sign was.


True or False: Every nonverbal message is accompanied by some verbal message.


True or False: Eye contact in our culture is irrelevant when conveying liking for another person.


True or False: Eye contact in our culture is plentiful when you don't want to reveal something.


True or False: In nonverbal communication, the meaning is in the environment.


True or False: In nonverbal communication, the meaning is in the eye contact of the communicators.


True or False: In nonverbal communication, the meaning is in the objects owned by the communicators.


True or False: In nonverbal communication, the meaning is in the situation.


True or False: In nonverbal communication, the meaning is in the spatial distance between the communicators.


True or False: Inaccurate information may occur through a miscoded cue, which is a message that is not received or perceived but one that is important in understanding the intended meaning of the communicator.


True or False: Inaccurate information may occur through a missed cue which is a nonverbal message that is received but misinterpreted.


True or False: It is true of nonverbal messages that nonverbals are usually less subtle than verbal messages.


True or False: Nonverbal communication is a form or subcategory of verbal communication.


True or False: Nonverbal communication is learned after verbal communication.


True or False: Nonverbal messages from our environment are insignificant in affecting the communication climate.


True or False: Nonverbal miscoded cues are less likely to occur than verbal miscoded cues.


True or False: Our physical/personal appearance is an important channel for nonverbal messages because it gives highly accurate information about the person so that we can make accurate evaluations of their character.


True or False: Paralinguistics are words that express our feelings, attitudes, and relationships.


True or False: Paralingustics are words that are especially important to the overall message.


True or False: Paralingustics include posture, gestures, and clothing.


True or False: Principles of nonverbal communication include the fact that all nonverbal messages are interpreted the same way all over the world.


True or False: Principles of nonverbal communication include the fact that nonverbal messages are less important than verbals because verbal messages are more accurate.


True or False: Principles of nonverbal communication include the fact that nonverbal messages are precisely, easily, and accurately interpreted.


True or False: Principles of nonverbal communication include the fact that nonverbal messages have less impact than verbal messages in conveying feelings/emotions.


True or False: Proxemics includes territoriality - the space that always surrounds a person.


Examples of action language include:

Hitchhiking, exercising, cutting class, and going bowling

Examples of sign language include:

Hitchhiking, head nodding, and placing your fingers on your lips to shush someone

Identify the following as a missed cue or miscoded cue: Hearing a siren and thinking it is on your car radio when it is in fact the ambulance trying to pass your car.

Miscoded cue

Identify the following as a missed cue or miscoded cue: Interpreting the smile on your boss' face as sarcastic when it was meant to be sincere.

Miscoded cue

Identify the following as a missed cue or miscoded cue: Crossing the train tracks unaware of the blinking lights at the crossing.

Missed cue

Identify the following as a missed cue or miscoded cue: Not noticing the tension in the sender's voice when the sender said, "It doesn't matter."

Missed cue

Examples of kinesics include:

Tapping while thinking, wiggling your foot when nervous

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