Org Behavior Quizzes

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Common sense can lead you stray because it is based on experience or logic

"Everything is obvious once you know the answer"

how to reduce cognitive dissonance

(1) Changing an attitude or behavior or both(2) Belittling the importance of the inconsistent behavior(3) Finding consonant elements that outweigh dissonant ones


(Accuracy) Does the measure allow you to measure or predict what you intend to measure or predict


(Consistancy) Does the measure consistently provide the same data or answer

What disciplines influence organizational behavior?

- Social psychology - Cognitive psychology - I/O psychology - Economics - Sociology - Statistics - Political science

Which of the following represents the strongest correlation between two variables?


Our personal attitudes are comprised of these 3 components

1. Affective — Feelings 2. Cognitive — Beliefs 3. Behavioral — Intentions

Catherine is walking through the employee parking lot on her way to her office. She notices someone left an empty fast-food bag in the parking lot. Catherine goes out of her way to pick it up and dispose of it. What behavior is Catherine exhibiting?

A. psychological contract B. green behavior C. withdrawal cognitions D. CWB E. OCB E

Personal values

Abstract ideals that guide our thinking and behavior across all situations.

Job satisfaction

An affective or emotional response toward various facets of one's jobIn other words, it is the extent to which an individual likes his or her job

Research tells us that job satisfaction and performance

Are moderately related and Indirectly influence each other

When Harry has a perceived conflict with a co-worker, he will send them e-mails that are taunting or insulting. This is an example of


Which of the following is the most effective method of controlling your negative emotions?

Change your interpretation of what you see and here

Common Sense Fallacy

Claiming that something is so simple that even a child can understand it; it's common sense

Which of the following personality variables is most strongly related to job performance?


_________ has the overall strongest effect on job performance


Physical withdrawal

Consists of actions that provide a physical escape, whether short term or long term, from the work environment. - Tardiness - the tendency to arrive at work late (or leave work early) .- Long breaks involve longer-than-normal lunches, soda breaks ,coffee breaks, and so forth that provide a physical escape from work .- Missing meetings - employees neglect important work functions while away from the office. - Absenteeism occurs when employees miss an entire day of work. - Quitting - voluntarily leaving the organization.

Which of the following types of validity is concerned with predicting scores on some outcome?


Which of the following is the most accurate method of making sense of the world around us?

Critical thinking

Do not rely on your common sense to understand the world around you, rely on...

Data! Critical thinking Problem solving judgment and decision making active listening

Correlation (r)

Degree of relationship between two variables -Used for prediction -Cannot be used to infer causation -Range from -1 to +1 -Negative r says that when one variable increases the other decreases -Positive r says that when one variable increases so does the other -Zero r indicates no relationship between the two variables11

Personal application of Schwartz's value theory

Employees will derive more meaning from work by pursuing goals that are consistent with their values

Personal attitudes

Encompass our feelings or opinions about people, places, and objects

Assume that the CEO of a explains declining company performance on bad media coverage and government regulations which are expensive and burdensome. You might conclude that this CEO has a ___________________ of control.


Which of the following personality variables is marked by being gregarious, outgoing, and comfortable in social situations?


Which of the following would explain Elana's perception that the unemployed are lazy and do not really want to work full time?

Fundamental attribution error

All other things equal, which of the following individual differences is the best predictor of job performance?

General mental ability

The use of a polygraph to measure lying is:

High reliability, low validity

How to increase employee committment

Hire those whose personal values most align with those of the organization. • Guard against managerial breaches of psychological contracts .• Build the level of trust.

Increases in employee engagement leads to

Increased Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction, Increased Employee Performance, Increased Employee Well-being, and Greater Financial Performance

3 major influences on human behavior

Individual differences, other people, and situations

percieved organizational support

It is the extent to which employees believe that the organization Values their contributions and Genuinely cares about their well-being

Workplace application of Schwartz's value theory

Managers can better manage theiremployees when they understandan employees' values andmotivation

Which of the following refers to the most often occurring score in a distribution?


Which of the following personality traits is marked by instability, insecurity, and depression?


______ programs help employees to integrate, assimilate, and transition to new jobs.


________ is the extent to which an individual identifies with an organization and commits to its goals.

Organizational commitment

Which of the following contributes least to employee engagement in North America?


3 areas of well-being

Physical, cognitive, and emotional

Which of the following is the strongest predictor (or determinant) of self-efficacy?

Prior experience

Where can you obtain data to make decisions?

Questionnaires/Survey, Interviews, Observations, Company Records, Professional Associations, Private Firms, Colleges & Universities

Assume that Andre has a special ability to sense and solve problems using insight, rules, and logic. Which of the following types of ability would you use to describe Andre's talent?

Reasoning ability

How do we evaluate data and scoes?

Reliability and validity

Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)

Represents discretionary individual behaviors that are: Typically not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system

Which of the following describes dispersion or variability in a set of scores?

Standard Deviation

What criteria gets someone hired?

Technical skills and the ability to get the job done

What criteria determines when someone gets promoted

The ability to manage people, strong team skills, and the ability to build & manage relationships

Organizational commmittment

The extent to which an employee identifies with an organization and is committed to its goals. And it leads to • Greater employee retention • Greater motivation in pursuit of organizational goals

Employee engagement

The extent to which employees give it their all to their work roles.

Which of the following is defined as a way to organize our thoughts around a phenomenon of interest to explain "why" that phenomenon occurs?


Research has found that some aspects of an individual's disposition are significantly associated with some aspects of job satisfaction, such as having autonomy or receipt of rewards. (T/F)


Values tend to vary across generations because they are influenced by events in childhood and youth. For example, some parents lived through the Depression, and this experience led them to take fewer risks in terms of their investments. (T/F)


From a test and measurement perspective, the extent to which a researcher is actually measuring what she/he intends to measure is referred to as:



Verbally asking and discussing topics with applicant or employee

Implications of Schwartz's Value Theory

Workplace and personal application

continuance commitment

You stay because you have to.

normative commitment

a desire to remain a member of an organization due to a feeling of obligation.- You stay because you ought to.

Affective commitment

a desire to remain a member of an organization due to an emotional attachment to, and involvement with, that organization.- You stay because you want to.

test-retest reliability

a method for determining the reliability of a test by comparing a test taker's scores on the same test taken on separate occasions

equivalent form reliability

a type of reliability that reveals the equivalence of test scores between two versions or forms of the test

interpersonal skills

active listening, positive attitudes, effective communication

Those higher on _________ are more likely to seek new opportunities.


Which of the following types of reliability calls for more than one test administration?


personal attributes

attitude, personality, teamwork, leadership

Standard deviation

average distance from the mean

Personal attitudes affect _______ via ______.

behavior; intentions

Counterproductive work behavior (CWB)

behaviors that harm other employees, the organization as a whole, or organizational stakeholders such as customers and shareholders.

Responsibility for outcomes

captures the degree to which employees feel that they are key drivers of the quality of the unit's work

Psychological Withdrawal

consists of actions that provide a mental escape from the work environment. ("warm-chair attrition") - Daydreaming - when an employee appears to be working but is actually distracted by random thoughts or concerns. - Socializing - verbal chatting about non-work topics that goes on in cubicles and offices or at the mailbox or vending machines. - Looking busy - intentional desire on the part of the employee to look like he or she is working, even when not performing work tasks .- Moonlighting - using work time and resources to complete something other than their job duties, such as assignments for another job. - Cyber loafing - using Internet, e-mail, and instant messaging access for their personal enjoyment rather than work duties.

2 forms of validity

content and criterion

3 areas pf work performance

counter-productivity, extra-role, and tasks

The _____ model suggests that managers should monitor employees' perceptions of fairness.


5 dimensions of personality

extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability , openness to experience


he combination of stable physical, behavioral, and mental characteristics that give individuals their unique identities.

Roger, a manager, knows that one of his employees values conformity and tradition. Roger should assign the employee to a job that includes

high respect, commitment, and acceptance.

Turnover is harmful when...

high-performing employees voluntarily leave the organization. To reduce voluntary turnover ― Hire people who "fit" with the organization's culture. ― Spend time fostering employee engagement. ― Provide effective onboarding. ― Recognize and reward high-performing employees.

Ways to display frequency

histogram, table, simply count


how often numbers are present

Bipolar values are...

incongruent while adjacent values are complementary

Objective data

information that is seen, heard, felt, or smelled by an observer; signs. Something that is actually there

Organizing framework of OB

inputs(personal factors and situation factors), processes, outcomes

Job enrichment

is the process of using the five items in the job characteristics model to create more satisfaction Variety Identity Significance Autonomy Feedback

inter-rater reliability

measure of agreement among observers on how they record and classify a particular event

Values are..

motivational and represent broad goals over time

induction reasoning

observation, pattern, hypothesis, theory

The strongest effects result when when both you and your manager have ...

proactive personalities.

Donna works as a project manager for a major consumer products firm. She works with beliefs, perceptions, and informal obligations about what she is entitled to receive in return for what she provides to the organization. Janice's beliefs represent a(n)

psychological contract.


refers to the relatively stable capabilities people have to perform a set of activities.

meaningfulness of work

reflects the degree to which work tasks are viewed as something that "counts" in the employee's system of philosophies and beliefs

knowledge of results

reflects the extent to which employees know how well (or how poorly) they are doing.

People who value conformity and tradition value ...

respect, commitment, and acceptance and ideas of traditional culture or religion.

Which of the following refers to your belief in your ability to succeed?


content validity

subjective assessment of how closely a test'scontent matches what you are trying to measure.

Test-retest reliability can provide a measure of ____________ consistency for test scores.


Forms of reliability

test-retest inter-rater internal consistency equivalent forms

internal consistency reliability

the assessment of reliability using responses at only one point in time


the difference between the highest and lowest scores in a distribution

Criterion-related validity

the process by which one demonstrates a statistically significant relationship between scores on a predictor measure and scores on a criterion measure.- Criterion: The outcome we are interested in predicted


theory, hypothesis, observation, confirmation

Subjective data

things a person tells you about that you cannot observe through your senses; symptoms (measures that require some individual judgment, opinions)

Questionnaires and surveys

to obtain data on attitudes/behaviors conducted by phone, mail, interviews, electronically.

What is Organizational Behavior (OB)?

understanding and managing people in the workplace

Outcomes of OB

work performance and well-being

Attracting employees whose personal values align with those of the organization yields many benefits...

• Lower employee turnover. • Higher employee retention. • Higher employee engagement. • Increased customer satisfaction.

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