Organizational Behavior Final

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rewards increase for a group at the expense of loss for another group

Under the zero-sum approach, rewards are distributed such that ________.

The middle-level manager supervises other five hundred employees

When the middle-level manager of the production department at Wilson Works was laid off, many employees who worked under him became apprehensive about their job security. The termination of their manager combined with the fact that their division had performed only moderately well in the last two quarters led the employees to believe that they were at a high risk of losing their jobs as well. Which of the following, if true, would weaken the argument that the production manager should hold face-to-face meetings to assure the employees in the production division?

It proposes that people have emotional reactions to the failure or success of their group because their self-esteem is tied to the group's performance.

Which of the following is true with regard to the social identity theory?

Organizational culture is descriptive, whereas job satisfaction is evaluative.

Which of the following statements best describes the difference between organizational culture and job satisfaction?

encourage you to develop friendship ties within the organization

Which of the following steps could your supervisor take to best help you develop a commitment to your new company?

tying manager pay to employee satisfaction

Which of the following work-life initiatives is an example of a culture-change strategy?


Winston Mayer is a sales manager for a large beverage company. Winston is often seen working late and on weekends although the company stipulates a five-day workweek. Winston justifies his working extra by claiming that "in sales, one cannot afford to waste a minute" and he is often condescending when subordinates take their allotted time off. He frequently speaks to his manager about the deals he finalizes when he is working beyond the normal working hours to prove his point. From the information provided, we can say that Winston is using ________ as an impression management technique here.

e-training is highly flexible and employees can complete the training at their convenience

You have just been named the director of your company's corporate training division. The CEO of your company has been displeased with your company's prior training programs, so you are tasked with rehauling the entire training division. You convene a meeting of all training division managers to decide on the types of training that the division will implement. One of your managers is a firm supporter of e-training programs for employees in your company's international offices. He touts the benefits of e-programs by stressing that ________.


___ power represents the compliance that is achieved based on the ability to distribute positive benefits that others view as valuable.

rational persuasion

____ is the only tactic effective across organizational levels.

encouraging employees to communicate their concerns and suggestions

a desirable strategy for managers aiming to reduce the negative consequences of rumors


tends to have a disproportionate amount of influence on employee selection decisions


the important groups to which an individual belongs or hopes to belong are known as ___ groups.


the work of your group would be better done in teams if the members of the team are ___.

Functional conflicts are typically confined to the lower range of the conflict-intensity continuum.

A conflict-intensity continuum has "annihilatory conflict" at the upper end and "no conflict" at the lower end. In the context of this conflict-intensity continuum, which of the following statements is true of conflict intensities?


A team consists of employees from the same department who meet for a few hours each week to discuss ways of improving the work environment but they do not have the authority to unilaterally implement any of their suggestions. This is most likely to be a ___ team.


A(n) ________ model is a structure that is flat, uses cross-hierarchical and cross-functional teams, has low formalization, possesses a comprehensive information network, and relies on participative decision making.

The smoking regulations allow all employees who smoke an equal opportunity to do so, regardless of an employee's job level.

According to a newly added office smoking regulation, only employees who have an enclosed office may smoke at their desks. This leads to a major conflict between various employees as virtually all employees with enclosed offices are higher-level managers and all other employees lack enclosed offices. Therefore, the lower-level employees who smoke argue that they should be offered enclosed offices. Which of the following, if true, strengthens the employees' argument?

balances the rights of multiple stakeholders

An organizational culture most likely to shape high ethical standards among its members is one that ________.

a workgroup interacts primarily to share information, rather than to engage in work that requires joint effort

Best defines a workgroup

to whom to individuals and groups report?

Chain of command is a key element of an organization's structure. Which of the following key questions is addressed by this element?

The United States accounts for one-third of the total world resource consumption.

Conservationists have had a perpetual conflict with the government of the United States over the fast and rampant depletion of Earth's natural resources. They argue that the United States must reduce its consumption level significantly to rectify this problem. Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the conservationists' argument?

high outcome orientation

Danny's boss is apathetic as to whether Danny works at home, at the office, or from his beach house. All he cares about is that the project is completed on time, on budget, and with exemplary quality. Which characteristic of organizational culture describes this aspect of Danny's job?


Emotional Intelligence (EI) is critical to effective leadership because one of its core components is ____, which reflects the consideration that leaders must be able to express.

convey support and trust through electronic means

Lionel Tucker has been asked to lead a virtual team on a project with a tight time schedule. While allocating the project to him, his manager impressed upon him the need to complete this project successfully and in time so that this client gains enough confidence to use their services in the future. Lionel and his team communicate via e-mail as the team members are located at geographically dispersed locations. They have not had even one face-to-face meeting as yet. In this case, Lionel must have an ability to ________ in addition to all the other desirable abilities of a leader to lead the team successfully.


Louise is overwhelmed with the new tasks that she has been assigned after the department merger. Each day, she arrives at work and makes a list of the new tasks, writes a number next to each one according to the urgency of completion, and schedules a time to complete each one. Although she's still stressed, Louise is able to get most of the work done and feels better at the end of the day. Louise is using ________ techniques to reduce her stress.

help management make HR decisions

Performance evaluations are used to ________.


Reuben Williams, the marketing manager for F&B Industries, is frustrated. He feels that the production division repeatedly lets his division down. Although the latest marketing strategy announced that a new product would be available in the market by July, the production division was unable to complete the production of the first batch till August. The production manager claims that manpower is short and the targets placed on the production division are unreasonably high. To resolve this deadlock, they will be meeting soon. This meeting is an example of ________ communication.

use an assessment center

Scarlett has received authorization to add an assistant manager to her department. This person will be working closely with Scarlett and must have excellent interpersonal as well as technical skills. Scarlett wants to make certain that she maximizes the chance of choosing the correct individual and is trying to decide on the most appropriate selection device. In order to assess the management skills of the applicants and managerial potential, Scarlet should ________.

high work specialization

Some individuals want work that makes minimal intellectual demands and provides the security of routine; for them, ________ is a source of job satisfaction.

how many individuals can a manager efficiently and effectively direct?

Span of control is a key element of an organization's structure. Which of the following key questions is addressed by this element?

organizational activities emphasize maintaining the status quo in contrast to growth

Stability is one of the seven primary characteristics that capture the essence of an organization's culture. It indicates the degree to which ________.


Synergy Inc. has recently assigned some of its best employees to form a cross-functional team and complete a project from a new client. Many of the employees on this team are apprehensive about the structure and dynamics of how they will function as a group and accomplish this goal. To energize the employees, their immediate manager is holding a meeting with them next week where he will provide them some additional training in strategies and methods that may work well for the team. The manager's initiative to hold this meeting fulfills the ________ function of communication.

Experienced users of SAP ERP command much higher salaries than do prospective employees who have no experience in the use of any ERP.

The division manager at Xperience Inc. wants to replace the SAP ERP currently used in his division with Epicor ERP as it costs 30 percent less to train new staff in Epicor ERP. But this leads to a conflict with the general manager, who insists that they can simply hire only people who already know how to use SAP ERP. Which of the following, if true, weakens the general manager's objection to the replacement of SAP ERP with Epicor ERP?

rewarding for the absence of failures rather than for the presence of successes

action that can extinguish risk-taking and innovation

increased diversity of views

an advantage of group decision making when compared to individual decision making

coexistence of leaders and managers

desirable feature of leadership

matching the type of message with the type of audience

desirable with regard to persuasive communication

cultural diversity

example of change in the nature of the workforce is an increase in ____

being compliant with the organizational authority chain

formal information channels are characterized by ___.


in a communication process, ____ is the check on how successful we have been in transferring our messages as originally intended.

social loafing

indicates the tendency of individuals to spend less effort when working collectively

idealized influence

leadership behavior that represents the most active and effective approach for leaders


represents the acceptable standards of behavior within a group that are shared by the group's members

group direction set

represents the first action in the group development process of a temporary group


represents the informal communication network in an organization

deadlines and time constraints

represents the major determinants of group development and functioning as depicted by the punctuated-equilibrium model


resistance to change that is overt and immediate

our view of how we are supposed to act in a given situation

role perception is defined as ____

individuals hear what they want to hear and they ignore information that challenges the world they've created

selective information processing is a major source of resistance to change. it indicates that ____

when cohesiveness and performance norms are high, productivity will be high

true about the effect of group cohesiveness and performance norms on group productivity

Diversity of goals among groups is a major source of conflict.

true regarding conflict

nonsanctioned leadership is as important as formal influence

true regarding leadership

the sender can quickly obtain feedback from the receiver

true regarding oral communication

when teams have excess member, cohesiveness declines

true regarding size of teams

work specialization decreases the time spent in changing tasks

true regarding work specialization

personal sources of power are most effective for increasing employee performance and satisfaction

true with regard to bases of power

effective teams invest time and effort to discuss and agree on a purpose that belongs to them both collectively and individually

true with regard to team processes


when compared to individual decision making, group decision making has a disadvantage in the area of ___.

a high degree of tangibility and verifiability

written communication is characterized by ____.

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