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On abrasive wheel machinery, the distance between the wheel and the adjustable tongue guard may never exceed ___________.

1/4 inch

When an unqualified person is working in an elevated position or on the ground near overhead 50 KV or less power lines, neither the person nor the longest conductive object he or she may contact may come closer to any unguarded, energized overhead line than ________.

10 feet

For emergency eyewash and shower requirements, "immediate use" means within ___________ with no obstructions to interfere with accessibility.

10-15 seconds

During class we viewed a video on Food Safety. How many sanitation mistakes did Katie make?


In workplaces, such as offices, where the possibility of a serious work-related injury is less likely, a response time of up to __________ may be reasonable.

15 minutes

An employer must submit a notice of contest for a citation within ____ of receipt of the citation, or the notice of contest will be considered invalid.

15 working days

Whenever an employee or designated representative requests access to a medical or exposure record, access must be provided within ______________________.

15 working days

Osha began in


The slow-moving vehicle emblem is to be used on vehicles moving at ___________ or less on public roadways.


A ladder may not be used to gain access to a roof unless the top of the ladder extends at least ___ above the roofline.

3 feet

Citations must be posted near the area of each violation for at least _____ or until the citation is abated, which ever longer.

3 working days

In a workplace where serious accidents such as those involving falls, suffocation, electrocution, or amputation are possible, emergency medical services must be available within _______ if there is not employee on the site who is trained to render first aid.

3-4 minutes

Employers have ______ to report to OSHA all mechanical power press point-of-operation injuries to operators and other employees.

30 days

Although the minimum depth of clear working space required for equipment operating at 600 Volts or less varies based on nominal voltage to ground and whether there are exposed live parts or grounded parts, the minimum width of the required clear working space is the width of the equipment or ______________ whichever is greater.

30 inches

Company X has 75 employees, both women and men. What is the minimum number of water closets Company X must have?


Generally, each employee on a walking-working surface where there is the potential to fall ___ or more to a lower level must be protected from falling by the use of some form of fall protection.

4 feet

When required, one shower must be provided for each __________ employees of each sex, or fraction thereof, who are required to shower during the same shift.


A tag's signal word must be readable at a minimum distance of ______ feet.

5 feet, or a greater distance as warranted by the hazard

Any moving part of mechanical power-transmission apparatus (e.g., flywheels, belts, spindles, pulleys, gears, etc.) that is ____________ or less above the floor or platform must be guarded.

7 feet

When the blades of a fan are less than _____ above the floor, the blades must be guarded.

7 feet

Portable fire extinguishers for use on an anticipated Class A (ordinary combustibles) fire must be distributed so that employee travel distance is no further than _________ feet.

75 feet

Temporary electrical power may be used for up to __________ to power Christmas/holiday decorative lighting.

90 days

33. Fire prevention plans must include which of the following? A. A list of all major fire hazards B. The name and title of the employee who created the plan. C. Procedures to control accumulation of recycled paper. D. All the above E. Both A and C


Which of the following could not lead to imprisonment for up to six months per violation?

A posting violation

Which of the following must be reported to OHSA within eight hours?

An employee dies after the forklift she was using, to move pallets in her employer's warehouse, tips over on her.

Which of the following employees is not required to wear hearing protectors?

An employee who has had a baseline audiogram performed, but has not experienced a standard threshold shift.

How long before closing must an employer that is ceasing to do business without a successor employer notify affected current employees of their right of access to their medical and exposure records?

At least 3 month prior to the business closing date

In the absence of an infirmary, clinic, or hospital in near proximity to the workplace that is used for the treatment of all injured employees; A. A person or persons must be adequately trained to render first aid. B. Adequate first aid supplies must be readily available. C. Both A and B D. Neither A nor B


What does "CFR" stand for?

Code of federal regulations

19. Normal servicing and/or maintenance that takes place during normal production operations is covered by the Lockout/Tagout Standard only if: A. An employee is required to remove or bypass a guard or other safety device. B. An employee is required to place any part of his/her body into the point, or operation, or where an associated danger zone exists during a machine operating cycle. C. Neither A nor B D. Either A or B


During class we viewed a video on Food Safety. Which of the following response(s) is (are) correct? A. You need to wear protective gloves in order to keep your hands clean. B. When you wash your hands, make sure that you turn off the water before you dry your hands. C. If the kitchen temperature exceeds 95 degrees, you are required to keep a source of potable water immediately available. D. When you wash your hands, use potable water that is as hot as possible. E. All the above are correct.


Employees must be trained to know __________________. a. when and what PPE is necessary. b. how to properly put on, take off, adjust, and wear PPE. c. the limitations, proper care, maintenance, useful life, and disposal of PPE. d. All of the above.


Employers in which of the following industries are not required to maintain a 300 Log because they are partially exempt as a "low hazard" industry? A. A gasoline station B. An elementary school C. A funeral service and crematory D. All the above


If it can be demonstrated that tagging procedures will provide a level of safety equivalent to that obtained by the use of a lock, a tag may be used without a lock so long as: A. Only one circuit or piece of equipment is de-energized B. Employees exposed to the hazards associated with re-energizing the circuit are familiar with the procedure, and the lockout period does not extend beyond the work shift. C. At least one additional safety measure that provdes a level of safety equivalent to that obtained by the sue of a lock (e.g.blocking a control switch or removing an isolating circuit element) is used. D. All the above.


Normal servicing and/or maintenance that takes place during normal production operations is covered by the Lockout/Tagout Standard only if: A. An employee is required to remove or bypass a guard or other safety device. B. An employee is required to place any part of his/her body into the point, or operation, or where an associated danger zone exists during a machine operating cycle. C. Neither A nor B D. Either A or B


OSHA allows employers to avoid having an emergency response plan under the HAZWOPER regulation if: a. All employees are evacuated from the danger areas where the emergency occurs. b. No employees are permitted to assist in handling the emergency c. The employer provides an emergency action plan instead d. All the above are correct


What must happen if an employee's noise exposure equals or exceeds the hearing conservation action level? The employer must implement a monitoring program and inform the employee of the results of monitoring. The employer must provide the employee with audiometric test. The employer must provide the employee training on the effects of noise on hearing, the purpose of hearing protections, and the purpose of audiometric testing. All the above.


When must employees working with hazardous chemicals be provided information and training on those chemicals? Prior to initial assignment to work with a hazardous chemical Whenever the hazard changes At a convenient time Both A and B


When must the employer review the emergency action plan with each employee it covers? A. When the plan is developed or the employee is assigned initially to a job. B. When the plan is changed or when the employee's responsibilities under the plan change. C. Every five years. D. Both A and B. E. All the above


If a fixed ladder is installed after 11/19/2018, what type of fall protection must it have? A. Personal fall arrest system B. Ladder safety system C. Cage or well D. Any of the above E. Either A or B


The main goal of a safety and health program is to prevent workplace injuries, and deaths, as well as the suffering and financial hardship. Such events can cause hardship on workers, their families, and their employers. Which of the following is NOT another benefit of a safety and health program? a. It improves product, process, and service quality. b. It betters workplace morale. c. It improves employee recruiting and retention. d. It increases a more favorable image and reputation among customers, suppliers, and the community. e. None of the above, as they are all benefits of a workplace safety and health program.


Which of the following types of records must be maintained for the duration of employment plus 30 years?

Exposure records

A control circuit device, such as a push button, selector switch, or interlock, may be used as the sole means for de-energizing circuits or equipment.


Because it is not allowed to run a flexible cord or cable through a doorway, you should run it through a hole in the ceiling so it is concealed behind the ceiling tiles


It is acceptable for a grounded conductor to be attached so as to reverse its designated polarity.


It is the employer's responsibility to keep the worker home for as long as possible, to ensure they don't re-injure themselves by returning too soon.


Low-frequency sounds generally pose a greater threat to hearing than high-frequency ones.


Portable fire extinguishers must have a monthly maintenance check; they must also be visually inspected annually.


The employer does not have the right to limit an OSHA inspection to only those areas identified by the inspector.


When performing a ring test on the wheel of an abrasive grinder, an undamaged wheel will give a dull, dead sound.


Wording on signs must use a negative, rather than a positive suggestion.


You would find a description of the most important sysmtoms or effects of exposure, both acute and delayed, in Section 8, Exposure Controls/Personal Protection, of a chemical's safety data sheet.


Exit routes must be separated from other parts of the workplace by what?

Fire resistant materials

Which of the following pictogram descriptions is NOT correctly paired with the hazard it represents?

Flame over circle - organic peroxide

A ____________ is designed to be the weakest link in a circuit. When excess current is drawn through it, the thin strip of conductive metal inside it melts, opening the circuit and causing a controlled meltdown that will protect the rest of the circuit.


Section 5(a)(1) of the OSH Act, which states "Each employer shall furnish to each of his employees a work place free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees." is called ______________________

General duty clause

Part 1910 contains the occupational safety and health standards for which industry?

General industry

A _________________ is a statement assigned to a hazard class and category that describes the nature of the chemical's hazards including, where appropriate, the degree of hazard.

Hazard statement

Which of the following is not true about lockout/tagout procedures?

If 10 people or less will be using the machine or piece of equipment in question, the lockout/tagout procedure does not have to be in writing.

Which of the following is not true about a Bloodborne pathogens exposure control plan?

Input from managerial employees who supervise patient care must be solicited and documented in the plan.

Which of the emergency responders must have at least eight hours of training or experience to demonstrate competency?

Level 2, First Responder Operations level

If I am injured on the job, how much will Worker's Compensation cover?

Medical costs and 2/3 lost wages

Which of the following would not be classified as an "employee exposure record"?

Medical questionnaires

Which of the following is not permitted under the OSHA regulations for general industry? A. Open containers of drinking water B. Consumption of food or beverages in restrooms C. A unisex restroom that does not contain at least one water closet

None of the above are permitted

Although waste disposal containers used for solid or liquid waste must be emptied ____________ to maintain a sanitary work place, receptacles used for waste food must be emptied at least _____________________.

On a regular basis, once each working day

If a chemical is flammable or explosive, it poses a _______________.

Physical hazard

For which of the following items of PPE would an employer be required to pay?

Replacement safety goggles where normal work operations have caused pitting to the safety glass.

All places of employment must be kept clean, orderly, and ________.


Which of the following is not true about the alarm system required to warn employees of fire or other emergencies?

The same signal may be used to warn employees of an emergency and to notify employees of breaks, so long as the company employees less than 10 employees.

Each state has their own maximum Worker's Compensation payout, regardless of Average Weekly Wage


Employees must be informed at least annually of the existence, location, and availability of any medical or exposure records; the person responsible for maintaining and providing access to records; and each employees' right to access his/her records.


Employees must wash their hands immediately after removing their gloves and after any hand contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials. If a sink is not available, antiseptic cleansers may be used, but hands must still be washed with soap and running water as soon as feasible.


Even if employees provide their own personal protective equipment (PPE), the employer must assure that the PPE is adequate, properly maintained, and sanitary.


First aid providers generally should not have to travel through several doorways, hallways, and/or stairways to access first aid supplies


Generally, at least two exit routes, located as far away from each other as possible, must be available in a workplace to permit prompt evacuation of employees.


Good company, Inc. serves free lunches to all of its employees; Sally Eater, an employee of Good Company, Inc., becomes ill after eating her employer provided lunch. This illness must be recorded on the OSHA recordkeeping forms or their equivalent forms.


If one of your employees is injured on the job, you can return that person to work doing a different job than the one they were hired for, as long as it fits the medical limitations


OSHA's recommended practices for developing a safety and health program emphasize a proactive approach to manage workplace safety and health.


Stairs with at least three treads and at least four risers must be equipped with stair railings or handrails.


T/F the presence of rodents, insects, vermin is detected, an extermination program must be instituted


The Hazard Communication Standard is based on the three complementary parts of a comprehensive hazard communication program -- labels, safety data sheets, and training.


There is a published schedule stating a monetary value for each injury that will be paid by Worker's Compensation (an amputated little finger could be worth $13k, for example).


True/False. Nearly every American employee is covered by OSHA or an OSHA-approved state agency.


Worker's Compensation is paid from an insurance company, and therefore will automatically pay you everything you genuinely deserve without the need for an attorney.


Under the OSHA regulations, which of the following would be considered first aid?

Use of an elastic bandage

According to our classroom discussion, what is the proper signal word panel for identifying a hazard that may cause death or serious injury?


During the _____, the OSHA inspector will discuss possible corrective actions with the employer.

Walk around inspection

What is the "action Level" for occupational noise exposure, after which employers must take action to protect the hearing of their employees?

Whenever employee exposure equals or exceed a time-weighted, 8-hour sound level of 85 dBA

Which of the following could potentially contain Bloodborne pathogens? Tears Saliva Urine All the above

all of the above

When portable fire extinguishers are removed from service for maintenance and recharging, _____________________ must be provided.

alternate equivalent protection

When using Universal Precautions, you are required to treat blood and other potentially infectious materials as infectious ________________________.

at all times

Pathogenic microorganisms that are present in human blood and can infect and cause disease in humans are called ______________.

bloodborn pathogens

If you wear prescription lenses and are required to wear eye protection, the eye protection must _________________________. a. incorporate the prescription in its design. b. fit over your regular glasses without disturbing their proper position. c. Either A or B d. Neither A nor B


A ____________ location is hazardous because of the presence of combustible dust.

class 2

Portable fire extinguishers for use on anticipated ____________ fires must be distributed so that travel distance between the hazard and the extinguisher is 50 fee to less.

class B

If a fire started inside a computer being used by an employee, it would be considered a _____________ fire.

class c

Lockout/tagout devices must be standardized in ________ with the facility.

color, size, shape

When must employees using tight-fitting respirators perform a user seal test?

each time they use a respirator

Training for Level 1, First Responder Awareness Level, must certified.


An individual who is likely to witness or discover a hazardous substance release and who will notify the proper authorities of the release is called a ______________.

first responder awareness level

________________________ will identify the root cause, and provide the means for their prevention. It is important to investigate "actual" incidents and "near miss" incidents. This core element of an effective occupational safety and health program.

hazard identification and assessment

How often should the safety and health program be evaluated in order to ensure that it is implemented and is operating?

initially and at least annually

If a work-related injury leads to loss of conscious, the injury ___________.

is always recordable

A UL-listed power strip __________ be series-connected to other power strips or to extension cords.

may never

OSHA regulations require that outlet devices have an ampere rating __________ the load to be served.

not less than

All levels of Hazwoper emergency responders must have refresher training or demonstrate competency at least ________________.

once every year

What color does OSHA recommend for warning tags?


Which of the following is not one of the seven core elements of an effective occupational safety and health program?

punishment for accidents and injuries

Safety data sheets must be ________ employees when they are in their work areas during their work shifts.

readily available to

HazCom is also called "the ____ to Know."


The role of a __________________ is to provide detailed information on each hazardous chemical, including its potential hazardous effects, its physical and chemical characteristics, and recommendations for appropriate protective measures.

safety data sheet

Which of the following personal protective equipment must an employer pay for?

steel toe boots that have to be left in the workers locker

Which of the following is not an acceptable use for a flexible cord or cable?

strung through a wall hole to power an unfinished closet

The best way to prepare a comprehensive list of hazardous chemicals in the workplace is to do what?

survey the workplace

Which of the following is NOT a right every employee has under OSHA?

the right to refuse to work because you don't want to

Which CFR title contains the regulations applicable to labor?

title 29

For how long must employee noise exposure measurement records be kept?

two years

What is the basic color for "Caution" and for marking physical hazards?


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