OSHA: Introduction

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What is/are resource(s) within the workplace that will help you find information on safety and health issues?

- Union representatives - co-workers - labels & warning signs

What main responsibilities employers have under OSHA's standards?

- monitor hazards - keep records of workplace injuries & illnesses - provide specific equipment (PPE, etc.)

How can you file a report with OSHA?

-Online -In person -By fax or mail -After a phone conversation

What are your employer's responsibilities?

1. Keep records of injuries & illnesses 2. Provide training required by OSHA standards 3. Past OSHA citations & abatement notices 4. Provide & pay for PPE

An OSHA inspection follows a standard process, consisting of three phases. What are these phases?

1. Opening conference 2. Walkthrough 3. Closing conference

If you have been punished or discriminated against for using your rights, how long do you have to file a complaint with OSHA?

30 days

Alicia has filed a complaint regarding a serious hazard that could result in a fatality or serious injury. How will OSHA most likely respond?

Conduct a worksite inspection

Josefina submitted a complaint online that is non-serious in nature. How will OSHA most likely respond?

Contact the employer by phone, fax, or email

Paul has filed a complaint regarding a hazard that is considered not serious in nature. How will OSHA most likely respond?

Contact the employer by phone, fax, or email

What should your first action be upon finding a safety hazard in your workplace?

Contact your team leader, supervisor, manager, etc.

What does the General Duty Clause require employers to do?

Furnish a place of employment free from recognized hazards that can cause death or serious harm

OSHA can't inspect every workplace. What kinds of workplaces does OSHA target to do its job?

Industries with fatalities and serious injuries

You have the right to participate in an OSHA _________.


Carla reports a hand injury that she sustained while operating a saw after bypassing the guard on the saw, contrary to the employer's work rule. Carla's hand injury required her to miss work for two days. Carla's employer disciplined her for bypassing the guard contrary to its instructions. The employer regularly monitors its workforce for safety rule violations and disciplines employees who bypass machine guards regardless of whether they report injuries. Did the employer use a disciplinary program to retaliate against Carla for reporting the workplace injury?


Max was injured when he recklessly drove a forklift into a piece of stationary equipment, and he reported the injury to his employer. Max's employer required him to take a drug test. Did the employer subject Max to a drug test to retaliate against him for reporting a workplace injury?


An employer informs its employees that it will hold a substantial cash prize drawing for each work group at the end of each month in which all members of the work group comply with applicable safety rules, such as wearing required fall protection. Doug sustains a lost-time injury when he falls from a platform while not wearing required fall protection. Doug's employer cancelled the cash prize drawing for Doug's work group that month because Doug failed to wear required fall protection. The employer actively monitors its workforce for compliance with applicable work rules and cancels the cash prize drawings when it discovers work rule violations regardless of whether the employee who violated the work rule also reported an injury. Did the employer use an incentive program to retaliate against Doug?

No; because the employer canceled the cash prize for a legitimate work rule, not because of a work-related injury.

If you believe a violation of a safety or health standard, or an imminent danger situation exists in your workplace, you may file a complaint with ________.


What is a resource outside the workplace that will help you find information on safety and health issues?

OSHA website

Employers are allowed to use appropriate disciplinary, incentive, or drug-testing programs in the workplace. However, there are some limitations to how these programs can be used to ensure they are not being used to retaliate against employees who report issues. From the options presented, select the answer option that bests represents this philosophy.

These programs cannot be used to discourage employees from exercising their right to report injuries and illnesses.

What is OSHA's mission?

To save lives, prevent injuries and protect the health of America's workers.

As an employee, you have the right to request copies of your medical records. True/False?


You have the right to raise a safety or health concern, or report a work-related injury or illness with your employer or OSHA without being retaliated against. True/False?


Your employer must provide you with information and training on job hazards, including all hazardous substances in your workplace. True/False?


An OSHA inspection was conducted at Raul's workplace. He is curious about the results and wonders what actions his employers might have to take to fix any issues found during the inspection. Does Raul have a right to this information?


Dana was required by her employer to take a drug test after Dana reported work-related carpal tunnel syndrome. Her employer had no reasonable basis for suspecting that drug use could have contributed to her condition, and it had no other reasonable basis for requiring her to take a drug test. Rather, her employer routinely subjects all employees who report work-related injuries to a drug test regardless of the circumstances surrounding the injury. The state workers' compensation program applicable to the employer did not address drug testing, and no other state or federal law requires the employer to drug test employees who sustain injuries at work. Did the employer subject Dana to a drug test to retaliate against her for reporting a workplace injury?


Ricardo twists his ankle at work but does not immediately realize that he is injured because his ankle is not sore or swollen, and therefore he does not report the injury to his employer. The next morning, Ricardo's ankle is sore and swollen, and he realizes he has the kind of injury he is required to report to his employer. He reports the injury to the employer that day. His employer disciplines Ricardo for failing to report his injury "immediately" as required by the employer's injury reporting rules. Did the employer misuse a disciplinary program against Ricardo for reporting an injury?


Violet has noticed that she's been feeling sick around one of the chemicals in her workplace. She wants to ask her employer if she can see her exposure records, but she isn't sure whether her employer will allow her to do so. Under OSHA's regulations, does Violet's employer have to provide her with her exposure records if she asks to see them?


An employer informs its employees that it will hold a substantial cash prize drawing for each work group at the end of each month in which no employee in the work group sustains a lost-time injury. Tyra reports an injury that she sustained while operating a mechanical power press. Tyra did not violate any employer safety rules when she sustained her injury. Tyra's injury requires her to miss work for two days. Her employer cancels the cash prize drawing for that month for Tyra's work group because of Tyra's lost-time injury. Did the employer misuse an incentive program to retaliate against Tyra?

Yes; because the employer canceled the cash prize solely because Tyra was injured and reported the injury, without regard to the circumstances surrounding the injury.

You have the right to examine and copy exposure and __________ records.


You have the right to be free from ________in the workplace when exercising safety and health rights.


You have a right to get ________ from your employer on a variety of health and safety hazards, and standards that your employer must follow.


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