OT: Exam #2

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after the death of king Solomon, the nation split into two kingdoms

-north (10 tribes) - led by jeroboam, a Israelite general, was called Israel (north) -south (2 tribes, Benjamin & Judah + the levites) - led by Rehoboam, Solomon's son, was called Judah (south)

before Joshua died, the people collectively affirmed their faithfulness to the covenant with God. From there, what pattern (cycle) developed in the book of Judges?

1. Apostasy (unfaithfulness to the covenant 2. Oppression (God judges Israel's unfaithfulness with covenant curses) 3. Prayer (Israel cries out to God for deliverance) 4. Deliverance (God raises up a judge to end the oppression and help the people return to covenant faithfulness) 5. Restart the Cycle (wash, rinse, and repeat)

memorize 1 Chronicles 17:11, 14

11: when your time comes to be with your ancestors, I will raise up after you your descendant, who is one of your own sons, and I will establish his kingdom 14: I will appoint him over my house and my kingdom forever, and his throne will be established forever.

the northern kingdom (Israel) fell to the Assyrians and was carried off into captivity in ______

722 BC

God rejected Saul as king after a series of sins, culminating (1 Sam 15) in a sin that paralleled...

Achan's theft of Canaanite valuables dedicated for destruction and attempting to cover it up

12 tribes of Israel

Asher, dan, Ephraim, Gad, Issachar, Manasseh, Naphtali, Reuben, Simeon, Zebulun, Judah and Benjamin

what major event happened in 722 BC (books says 721)

Assyria conquered Samaria (capitol of the northern kingdom), deported the people of Israel (northern kingdom) and made Judah (southern kingdom) a vassal

the Assyrians were ultimately destroyed by an alliance of these two nations

Babylon & media

what major event happened in 586 BC (book says 587)

Babylon destroyed Jerusalem (capital of the southern kingdom) and carried its people into captivity

the high point of Ancient Israel was from 1000BC to 900BC as it expanded under its two greatest kings into an "empire" controlling territory from Egypt to the Euphrates River, and thus the two major trade routes through Canaan. These two kings, Israel's second and third kings were_______and_______

David and solomon

Chronicles 5-7

Dedication of Solomon's Temple

the most prominent prophets for most of 1 & 2 Kings were

Elijah and Elisha

Israel's unfaithfulness to the Mosaic Covenant had what result/results?

God "abandoned" Israel for a time & Israel got frustrated with a lack of central (human) leadership

when David attempted to bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem, he stopped because God killed Uzzah for irreverence towards the Ark. What convinced David to finish bringing the Ark to Jerusalem?

God's blessing on the family of Obed-edom, the man in whose house the Ark stayed, and who God blessed for respecting the Ark

Chronicles 25-36

Great reforms of Hezekiah & Josiah; Fall of Jerusalem; Decree of return by Cyrus the Persian

what Canaanite city did David conquer and make the capital of a unified Israel


when David first became king, the only tribe that acclaimed him King was his own tribe, the tribe of...


Heman the Agagite, the "bad guy" in the book of Esther, was a descendant of which Canaanite king whose family king Saul failed to destroy in 1 Samuel 15?

King Agag the Amalakite

Which human ruler allowed the Jews to return to their homeland?

King Cyrus of Persia

After Solomon's reign, the nation of Israel split into two kingdoms (Israel - north; Judah - south) because

King Rehoboam refused to lift the forced-labor requirements on the people

Ruth was a woman from what nation?


Nehemiah went from what job in Persia to what job in Judea?

Persia: cupbearer Judea: Governor

Babylon fell to the Medes & Persians, which led to the Judeans (Jews) being allowed to return to Judah and rebuild the city of Jerusalem and the Temple as province in what empire?

Persian Empire

which word does the textbook use as the label for "miracles of circumstance"?


the key prophet in the books of 1-2 Samuel was...


When God invited Solomon to ask for anything he wanted, Solomon asked for wisdom to rule God's people well. As proof that God had given him that wisdom, Kings tells the story of...

Solomon judging the case of the prostitute who switched her dead baby with another prostitute's living baby

Chronicles 17

The Davidic Covenant

King Artaxerxes of Persia ordered that money and supplies to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem were to be provided from the Royal treasury


at the time of Israel's conquest of the land, the Canaanites were

a collection of individual city-states

at the time of Israel's conquest of the land, the Canaanites were:

a collection of individual city-states

in 587/6, Jerusalem was besieged by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. When the city fell, most of the remaining population of Judah joined their countrymen in exile/captivity in what country?


the title "Lord of Hosts" is often used in the OT historical literature as a title for God. The title means...

commander of the Armies of Heaven

The purpose of Ezra-Nehemiah was to show that the Israelites had learned their lesson about disobeying God and being unfaithful to his covenant


When a young man brought Saul's crown to David and reported that the knew Saul was dead because he had killed Saul, David responded by rewarding the young man for his good work in service to David


after David built God a house (temple), God rewarded David by promising to build David a house (dynasty)


since God had rejected Saul as king, promised David the throne, and Samuel had already anointed him with oil to become king, when God gave David the opportunity to assassinate Saul he took it (killed Saul)


the Judges were godly leaders who God used because of their righteousness as examples for the Israelites to follow


the purpose of Kings (1 & 2) was to justify the righteous reigns of the kings of Israel and Judah and show that God's decision to send them into exile was arbitrary and unjust


the purpose of the book of Judges was to show Israel's faithfulness in keeping their part of the covenant


when Israel asked God to give them a king, the problem was that they were demanding something God never intended for them to have


when Saul, a tall and handsome young man from the tribe of Benjamin, was announced as God's choice to be Israel's first king, the choice was greeted with unanimous and enthusiastic support


when Boaz married Ruth, the book of Ruth says that he fulfilled the role of

family redeemer

the book of Joshua describes the initial phase of the conquest of Canaan, in which the Israelite tribes fought together as one army against the strongest Canaanite cities. When the book ends, however, there are still many Canaanite-controlled areas to be conquered. God's plan for this second phase was...

for each tribe to finish conquering its allotted territory

when the book of Judges begins there are still many Canaanite-controlled areas to be conquered. God's plan for this second phase was...

for each tribe to finish conquering its allotted territory

books of the Bible in order

genesis, exodus, Leviticus, numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, judges, ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 kings, 1 & 2 chronicles, Ezra, nehemiah, Esther

the leader of the first group of Jewish exiles to return to Jerusalem, and its first governor, was Zerubabel. Why was that significant?

he was a descendant of King David

when Samson finally spilled the beans to Delilah on the secret of his strength, it turned out to be...

his long hair

the book of Esther demonstrates that there is always more going on than meets the eye and more in the works then any one individual understands or is aware of. One of the key literary techniques that the book uses to do this is


The purpose of ANE (ancient near-eastern) historical writing was

make the king look good

God used Gideon and 300 men to win a stunning victory against a vastly superior foe. After the battle, Israel tried to make Gideon their king. Gideon responded by...

refusing to become king & leading Israel into idolatry

at the end of his life, Joshua challenged Israel to be faithful to God. When the people proclaimed their intent to be faithful, Joshua responded by...

saying the people would not be able to stay faithful, setting up a monument to remind the people of their commitment, commanding the people to get rid of their idols

the Late Bronze Age (1550-1200 BC) was a period of _________ between the major powers. This gave "space for the Israelites to take possession of much of the mountainous territory of Canaan


Nathan the Prophet told King David a story about a wealthy man who stole a poor man's lamb in order to confront King David about...

stealing Uriah's wife (Bathsheeba) and then murdering Uriah to cover it up

Achan's sin was...

stealing clothes, gold, and silver that should have been destroyed or deposited in the treasure of the tabernacle

the Old Testament presents God as

the (ultimate) cause of historical events & the source of interpretation of the historical events recounted

the key local opponents of the efforts of the Jews to rebuild the temple in the walls of Jerusalem were

the Samaritans

when we say that the historical material in the Old Testament is true, we mean...

the events described actually happened (factual accuracy) & the author's interpretation/perspective is correct

which did the returning exiles rebuild first...the temple or the walls of Jerusalem?

the temple

the textbook says that "restoration" was a big theme in Ezra-Nehemiah. What was restored when the Jews returned to Judea?

the temple, Jerusalem, the community, the covenant

the book of Judges documents the inability of which leaders to help Israel become consistently faithful to the covenant with God?

the tribal leaders & the Judges

"historiography" is...

the writing of history & the assumptions that go into writing history

usually, ancient near eastern (ANE) cultures kept track of the years using a system based on

the year of their king's rule

God's willingness to accept non-Israelites was demonstrated when Elisha healed the Syrian General Naaman of leprosy by having him wash in the Jordan River seven times


Kings (1 & 2 Kings) makes clear the fact that the northern kingdom (Israel) never had any kings that were truly faithful to the Mosaic Covenant, and the southern kingdom (Judah) only had a few who were faithful


The period of David and Solomon's reigns can be described as the "golden age" of the Israelite monarchy


The purpose of the book of Esther what is the show that God can accomplish His purposes just as easily through "coincidences" as He can through grand miracles of deliverance.


according to the textbook, the purpose of the book of Chronicles (1 & 2 Chronicles) is to show that obedience to the Mosaic covenant led to blessing, while disobedience led to exile


according to the textbook, the purpose of the book of Ruth is to show that when people are faithful, God will be faithful to them


after the Israelites returned from exile in Babylon, the Law of Moses became the central feature of Jewish culture


in spite of expanding its territory to control almost all of the northern 2/3 of David's empire, the northern kingdom of Israel under Jeroboam II had two major problems: -"Worldly influence" (worship of pagan idols) -Development of a class structure that victimized the poor


in the period of judges, Israel had no central government


is true that for most of its history (from about 900-722 BC), the northern kingdom (Israel facd two primary external threats: -their "near-peer" competitor was the Aramaeans, whose capital was at Damascus -the "major power" threat was the assyrians, whose capital was at Ninevah


the enlightenment view of historiography differs from ancient views in that where ancients expected divine action to be intertwined in events, the Enlightenment insisted that only that which can be empirically proven (natural causes) can count as history.


the purpose of Samuel (i.e. 1-2 Samuel together) was to tell the story of the establishment of the kingship covenant with David


the purpose of the book of Joshua is well summarized by Joshua 21:43-45, which essentially says that God was faithful to the covenant He made with Israel, keeping His promises to give them the land of Canaan


the Iron Age 1 (1200-1000BC) was the time of the Judges and Israel's first king, Saul. It was a period in which there was a ________ of major powers, allowing Israel to begin to consolidate its control of Canaan


in 701 BC, in what was arguably THE MOST IMPORTANT BATTLE IN WESTERN HISTORY, Sennacherib's Assyrian army besieged Jerusalem, the capital of Judah. But when King Hezekiah of Judah decided to trust God on the basis of the prophet Isaiah's message, the whole Assyrian army...

was destroyed in one night

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