OT1 Midterm

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Gen 27- who is scheming in this chapter

Confirming continuation of Chosen line Jacob and Rebekah scheme

What are the 4 major longitudinal regions in Israel?

Costal Plain Judean Hill Country Jordan Rift Valley Transjordanean Plateau

Gen 1:26

Creation of Man • Let us make man in our own image, let them have domain

Creation as a "man hugger"

Creation was originally supposed to be a "man-hugger" Creation was made for man

Genesis Them

God Begins


God fights for you

Exodus Them

God forms His Nation


God intervened in the writing process such that man perfectly communicated the message of God intended for his people for all time


God is with His people and fights for His people

Know why God continually blesses Jacob

God keeps promise of Land, Seed, Blessing


God turns Evil into Good


King of righteousness (special because he merges offices of king and priest)



Know what Satan does in Genesis 3

Satan subtracts and adds to Gods world

Genesis 49:10-12

Sets the destiny of 12 tribes of Israel

Gen 3:15

Sets trajectory for all of redemptive history

Plains of Moab

Setting of Pentateuch

Know which of Noah's three sons forms God's line


Evolution and how it should be categorized

Should be categorized as a philosophy and as a history

Know the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah

Sin of homosexuality


Son of red earth

Gen 6:5

The problem is the human heart


When he dies, it will be sent

Corporate solidarity

Whenever one person stands for everyone "One represents many"

Cave of Machpelah

Where Abraham buried Sarah, paid lots of money for this. First land bought in Israel


Mark of authenticity


Collection of promises that shape and regulate redemptive history

Gen 50:20

"You meant it for evil, God meant it for good"

Historical Setting of the Pentateuch

1400 BC

The date of the Exodus

1446 BC

What two verses were given in class to support the doctrine of inspiration?

2 Peter 1:20-21 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Know which of Terah's sons God forms His chosen nation through

Abraham is chosen for God's nation

Gen 17:6

Abrahamic Covenant

Gen 15:6

Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.


Acquired one

Know the Pharaoh of the Exodus

Amenhoteph II


Appointed one


By Faith


Center and spearhead of corporate evil

Gen 12

Call of Abraham

Origin of Edom

Descendants of Esau

Creationism (6 literal days of creation)

Each was 1 day


Emphasizes the middle

Where/who are the major breaks in the genealogy of Genesis 5 (especially who is the first major break in this genealogy)?

Enoch - Escapes death Noah - God preserves race through him


Face of God

Know who the sons of God were (i.e., the suggested interpretation given in class)

Fallen angels/demons

Know the purpose of the flood and whether it was global or local

Flood was global, purpose was to judge the earth

Know what languages the Old Testament was originally written in

Hebrew and Aramaic


House of God

Why the line of the Messiah goes through Judah

Judah made moral and character changes Sacrificial

What is the function of Israel's location?

Israel functions as the land bridge (everyone must pass through Israel)

Where is the land of Israel positioned relative to the rest of the ancient world?

Israel is center and land bridge of the near eastern ancient world

JEPD theory (Documentary Hypothesis Theory)

J= Jehovah E= Elohim P= Priestly D= Deuteronomic

Gen 28

Jacob dreams of ascending and descending angels ladder in bethel

Know which tribe becomes the royal tribe of Israel


Abrahamic Covenant

Land, Seed, Blessing Controls the destiny of Israel and therefore the destiny of the entire world Abraham covenant is unilateral and unconditional God moves and drives this covenant forward



What are the 3 key features of the genealogy in Genesis 5?

Linear and Formulaic Long lives Everyone dies

The six days of creation (viz., which days form locales and which days fill those locales)

Locals Created Day 1) Light and Dark Day 2) Sky Separated from Darkness Day 3) Land and Sea Locals Filled Day 4) Light Bearers Day 5) Air and Sea creatures Day 6) Land creatures and Humans

Origin of Moab

Lot commits incest with oldest daughter and she gives birth to Moab

Origin of Ammon

Lot commits incest with youngest daughter and she brith Ben-Ammi

The genre of Genesis and how it should be read (myth, miscommunication, or myth-busting)


Mosaic (Moses) authorship

Moses wrote the first five books of the OT Hebrew is ancient Hebrew (uniform/consistent style) So many biblical characters say Moses wrote it


Mother of the living

Mount moriah

Mountain for sacrifice

Ironic retaliation

Noah curses hams son

Know the significance of Noah getting drunk and naked

Points back to nakedness of Adam in garden Noah is not new adam

Know what 2 offices Melchizedek merges together

Priest and king



Noahaic Covenant

Provides worldwide stability Common grace


Recognition of the inspired books of scripture

Know what Satan's plot in Genesis 6:2 resulted in

Taller humans

Know why only God walks through the animal pieces in Genesis 15

The Abraham Isaac covenant is contingent on God only -Usually both parties would walk through bout it is not resting on God in this situation

Genesis 3

The Fall of Man

The Old Testament Theme

The Glory and Reign of God

How Genesis is organized/what Genesis is structured around

Toledoth structure

Gen 11

Tower of Babel

Gen 22

Ultimate test of Abrahams Faith (offering of Issac)

Authorial intent

We must read genesis understanding authorial intent

Know the major ways to apply the OT given in class

Worship/awe, knowledge, how to respond to world-shape worldview


first gospel

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