Our Solar System

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Until 1994, Neptune had a persistent storm, the Great Dark Spot, with characteristics similar to Jupiter's Great Red Spot.


Uranus was discovered accidentally in 1981.


Jupiter spins once on its axis in a little less than...

10 hours.

One day on Venus is equal to how many days on Earth?

243 days

What percentage of all planetary matter in the solar system is in Jupiter's mass?


The surface of Mercury is similar to the surface of...

the Moon.

Observations of Mercury suggest that it was originally much larger, with a mantle and crust similar to that of...


Earth's atmosphere is moderately dense and is composed of 78 percent oxygen and 21 percent nitrogen.


Mar's atmosphere is similar to that of Venus, and it has a strong greenhouse effect.


Most of Uranus's atmosphere is composed of helium and hydrogen, which causes its atmosphere to reflect blue light back into space.


Neptune's largest moon, Triton, has a retrograde orbit, which means it orbits like every other satellite in the solar system.


Only Earth has a greenhouse effect.


Saturn is the only planet with rings.


The southern hemisphere of Mars is dominated sparsely cratered plains.


Today, we are certain that Uranus has no moons and 15 rings.


Uranus has a large, solid core that extends almost to the planet's surface.


Uranus's tilt and its great distance from the Sun result in seasons on Uranus that last about 21 Earth years.


Which of Jupiter's largest moons is almost completely molten inside?


The closest planet to the Sun is


Saturn's largest moon is named...


Earth's distance from the Sun and its nearly circular orbit allow water to exist on its surface as a solid. liquid, gas.


Mars is referred to as the red planet as a result of its high iron content and reddish appearance.


Neptune's six rings are composed of microscopic dust particles.


The rotational axis of Uranus is tipped over so far that the north pole almost lies in its orbital plane.


Triton has nitrogen geysers and a thin atmosphere.


The brightest planet in Earth's nighttime sky is...


What is Jupiter's Great Red Spot?

an atmospheric storm.

Low, warm, dark-colored, sinking clouds in Jupiter's atmosphere are known as...


Galileo discovered Jupiter's atmosphere remains in...

both gas and liquid forms.

The atmosphere of Venus is mostly...

carbon dioxide and nitrogen.

Many astronomers hypothesize that Saturn's rings were formed from...

debris left over from collisions of asteroids and other objects.

Jupiter's four moons are composed of...

ice and rock.

The form of hydrogen that has properties of both a liquid and a metal is...

liquid metallic hydrogen.

Venus's spin is an example of...

retrograde rotation.

Radar measurements show that the surface of Venus is very hot and that is...

rotating slowly.

The four inner planets of our solar system are

terrestrial planets

How many times bigger than Mercury is Earth?

three times

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