Pacific World Midterm

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Near and Remote Oceania

"Remote Oceania is the part of Oceania settled within the last 3,000 to 3,500 years, comprising Island Melanesia south and east of the Solomon Islands archipelago, plus the open Pacific: Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Fiji, Palau, Micronesia, and Polynesia" - WIKIpedo. "Near Oceania or Near Melanesia is the part of Oceania settled 35,000 years ago, comprising western Island Melanesia: the Bismarck Archipelago and the Solomon Islands archipelago" - Wikipedoeia.

Commissioner Lin's letter to Queen Victoria - reading

1835 idea was raised to the king of England about stopping opium ships from coming into China. Any person caught smuggling would be punished under Chinese laws. Multiple copies were put on outbound ships to ensure arrival. Used morals and ethics in order to get the halting of opium in China.


1848-1852 ish. Document that Hawaii king signed to privatized all Hawaii land, and thus make it sellable to colonizers. Benefits the nobles and screws the commoners. Some see this as an act of Hawaiian agency against outsiders to avoid being colonized, but it was more of an act of class stagnation, as the commoners ended up having to sell their land to colonizers.

Cook's Voyages, the ships, and their objectives

1st Voyage: HMS Endeavor for the purpose of observing the transit of Venus. 1768-1771 2nd Voyage: HMS Resolution and Adventure for the purpose of circumnavigating the globe as far south as possible. 1772-1775 3rd Voyage: HMS Resolution and HMS Discovery for the purpose of returning a native to Raiatea (cover) real purpose was to discover the NW Passage. 1776-1780


A Native American celebration meant to show wealth and divide property among the people. This is associated with the natives of Pacific Northwest, who apparently weren't farmers? It is a practice of property redistribution, indicative of a gift-giving society.

Louis Antoine de Bougainville

A military officer who claimed many islands including Tahiti for France. Brought Omai to Europe in 1768. Involved in 7 years war and AMerican Revolution. Led a scientific voyage to circumnavigate in 1763.

Aleutian and Kodiak Islanders

Aleutian Islanders- Russians part of the Amero-russia company would intermarry with the natives. Russians adopted some of the native technology, like the kayak. Vaccinated them against smallpox. Kodiak Islanders- Similar to Aleutian but much more harsh, were there as fur traders. Massacred some of the natives and conscripted the men to aid them in hunting.

Bomb gun or Harpoon gun

Allowed whalers to kill whales much faster and effectively than hand held harpoons. However, most whales would sink before being captured.

Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)

An agreement between Portugal and Spain which declared that newly discovered lands to the west of an imaginary line in the Atlantic Ocean would belong to Spain and newly discovered lands to the east of the line would belong to Portugal.

Guano / neo - ecological imperialism - reading

An option for colonizers once they realize that there are limits to how much they can exploit land: import goods, services, and energy from other ecosystems and search for the "ultimate sink" where unwanted waste can be exported. Author calls the more exploitative forms of this pursuit "neo-ecological imperialism."

Magellan's voyage - reading

Antonio Pigafetta. A guy on Magellan's 1519-1522 voyage. LOL, magellan died. Pigafetta really emphasizes missionary progress, the voyage's goal seems to be trade AND religon.

Tokara, or "treasure island"

August 1824, British ship violates Japanese national seclusion policy. This influenced the Tokugawa Shogunate to enforce the edit to repel foreign vessels from Japanese Waters.

Tracking Polynesian Seafarers - reading

Ben Finney. Discusses the use of Lapita Pottery and Basalt adzes to track the early oceania settlement.

Tea and opium

British were importing loads of Chinese tea, decided they didn't want to be giving China so much silver. Took Bengal(?) in India and starting producing Opium there to send to China instead of silver. Opium wars: 1839-1842 and 1856-1860.

Tribute System

Chinese method of dealing with foreign lands and peoples that assumed the subordination of all non-Chinese authorities and required the payment of tribute—produce of value from their countries—to the Chinese emperor (although the Chinese gifts given in return were often much more valuable). Not specific to China by definition but in this course, we talked a LOT about China's tribute based trade.

Neo-ecological imperialism

Colonizers would focus more on maintaining and improving their established colonies rather than finding new ones. They would import materials to help these colonies and export waste. In the Pacific, early examples of this focused on importing whales and manure and nutrients in order to provide light and replenish soil. Later, it focused on soap production and fishing to produce beauty products. Ref. Cushman reading.

The World and all the Things upon it - reading

David Chang. Talks about how when Cook arrived at Hawaii, Kanaka went out to explore and see what it was, and that contrary to popular belief, Hawaiian islanders were very eager to learn about the outside world.

Century of Humiliation (1839-1949)

Describes post-Opium wars China, cuz CHinA got bepised in the treaties. China was forced to have a much more open trading policy. Refer to Perdue reading.

Hudson's Bay Company

Dominant trade and settling company for Britain. Established Vancouver Island as a colony in 1849. James Douglas was the "factor" for this colony. Gold rush in 1858 brought permanent white settlement.


Dutch East India Company. Founded 1602. Had a presence in Indonesia from 1603 to 1800, when company disbanded. Came in because of spice trade and had monopoly. Upset the present trade balance and led to conflicts but Dutch had good guns.

Pee in my eyes

Eyeballs pee

Lapita pottery, basalt adzes

Finney reading. Lapita Pottery- Distinct decorations on pottery allowed archaelogoshnsits to track Polynesian movement into remote Oceania. Discovered in the 1960s and 70s Pottery making declined after Lapita voyagers reached mid Pacific. . basalt adzes- 1980s and 90s, initially used major element composition analysis to trace inter-archipelago connections, but couldn't identify exact source from that. Turn to more precise trace element analysis and isotopes allowed them to trace the source to five volcanic archipelagos, providing evidence of canoe travel from Hawaii to Tahiti.

Ben Finney and the Hokulea

Finney wrote about the basalt and the Lapita and how they tracked Polynesian settlement. Hokulea is the name of a modern double canoe, Finney was on its voyage from Hawaii to Tahiti without instruments in 1976.

Guano islands

Guano islands act was an 1856 act by the US allowing US citizens to take possession of any unowned island containing guano deposits. Happened because guano was a highly sought after resource (because it contained some mineral or something) and there was a huge guano market, US wanted moneys.

"Our Sea of Islands" - reading

Hau'ofa. talks about the "smallness" view of Oceania and how that isn't correct it's actually big. He's just salty because his country got little peepee.

The god Lono

Hawaiian god of agriculture and rain. Some believe that the Hawaiians thought James Cook was Lono, because Lono was prophesized to come to Hawaii for a bit and then leave, but when Cook returned, he was unwelcome and killed.

Manila Galleons

Heavily armed, fast ships of the Spanish. Also the name given to the trade route on which they were used: Acapulco to Manila. Linked Ming China via Manila, and was very profitable. Led to rich Spanish living in Philippines without trying to establish industries or advance society in any way. Route was established in the middle of the 1500s.

Sperm oil

Higher demand as a result of increased oil lamps and machinery. Would used motherly instincts to capture whales. Pre Kerosene

Sea otters

Hunted for pelts and furs in the Eastern Pacific. Almost drove them to extinction.

Neptune incident

In the Neptune incident of 1807, Chinese authorities clashed with foreign merchants over the settlement of a violent fight. It led to the first Chinese trial at which foreigners were present. On February 24, 1807, drunken sailors left East India ship called Neptune, caused a riot, killing a Chinese man and wounding several others. Qing officials stopped all trade. Mowqua, one of the leading hong merchants, took responsibility for negotiating a settlement. The English ship captains could not get their sailors to confess guilt, but The officials agreed to hold trials in the English factory to determine a sentence, and the judges examined 52 sailors who were on shore during the incident. All the sailors denied that they had killed a Chinese man. After three trials, the Chinese judge found one sailor guilty of accidental homicide and ordered him to be detained in the English factory. He acquitted the other 51 men. Next year the sailor was released on payment of twelve taels, or four English pounds, the Chinese penalty for accidental killing.

The Great Hunt- reading

It explains how the animals were slaughtered and by whom's'd'tve. Seals gave us furs, whales gave us oil. Mostly done by American, Russian, and British traders.

Of Rats and Men - reading

J.R. McNeill. literally a giant description of the whole history of pacific ocean. Talks about what it was like before settlement, how settlement affected environment, etc.

Sulu Zone - reading

James Warren. Talks about the weird slavery where slaves had a lot of social mobility and didn't all hate their lives. Slave-based economy.

Tokugawa Shogunate (Bakufu)

Japanese ruling dynasty that strove to isolate it from foreign influences 1603-1867. During this time, the Satsuma was the only domain with power over land, and one of the only 2 domains permitted to engage in foregin trade.

Pearl of the Orient - reading

Kamen, describes Spain's road to empire. ok.

Balanguingui (Balangingi)

Led slave pirating expeditions in Sulu zone. Capital of Sulu zone is Jolo. Spanish destroyed Jolo in 1852. Brought slaves to the Tausug people. The slaves harvested marine and forest products for Chinese market or just farmed.

Dejima and the Dutch Factory

Literally means "exit island". It is a small, artificial island in the bay of Nagasaki. It was made by digging a canal through a small peninsula. It was the single place of direct trade and exchange between Japan and the outside world during the Edo period. It was a Dutch trading port

The Overall Survey of the Ocean's Shores - reading

Ma Huan, 1433. Primary source. He was on ZHENGHEs voyages, talks aboot the culture of all the places they went, what they had to trade, what they wore, etc. They also go to Mecca. This idiot's a Muslim.

Macua and Goa

Macua- Location in India that the Portuguese would later have as a port. Under strict supervision of the Chinese government. Goa- In 1510, the Portuguese defeated the ruling Bijapur sultan They set up a permanent settlement in Velha Goa. This was the beginning of Portuguese rule in Goa .

Zheng He's Treasure Fleet

Massive Chinese maritime expeditions to Southeast Asia and Africa during the 15th century, spreading Chinese prosperity and acquiring knowledge of the world. Leader was a Chinese Muslim General and Eunuch from humble beginnings.


Ming loyalist who took refuge on the island of Taiwan. He resisted the Qing conquests of China. Took out Dutch outposts and established a dynasty in Taiwan that ruled from 1661-1683

HMS Nemesis

Nemesis was the first British ocean-going iron warship. Launched in 1839, she was used to great effect in the First Opium War under Captain Richard Collinson and Captain William Hutcheon Hall.

The most valued spices of the spice trade and their sources

Nutmeg & Clove- Banda Islands. Cinnamon- Philippines and Indonesia. Pepper- idk wherever the brown people are

Kumemura district

Okinawan community of scholars, bureaucrats, and diplomats in the port city of Naha. This is where kids were sent to be educated in China and that contributed to China's ties with Ryukyu and the sinicization of Ryukyu.

Hong merchants

One of the few Chinese merchants who, previous to the treaty of 1842, formed a guild which had the exclusive privilege of trading with foreigners from the West. Held a large amount of power due to monopoly.

Vasco da Gama

Portuguese explorer. In 1497-1498 he led the first naval expedition from Europe to sail to India, opening an important commercial sea route.

Treaty of Zaragoza

Ratified in 1529 between the king of Spain and Emperor Charles V, and João III of Portugal, regarding the areas of influence of both countries in Asia in general and over the Moluccas (known as the Spice Islands) in particular.

Voyages of Zheng He - reading

Robert Finlay. I guess China didn't like merchants so they never traded but then emperor Yongle was like we need to do trading, so he sentZHENGHE to do voyage.

Satsuma and the Shimazu daimyo

Satsuma was the only domain under the Tokugawa shogunate that was allowed to have power over land. Satsuma invades Ryukyu (1609) and engages in foreign trade through them. Ryukyu becomes very sinicized, lots of influence from Chinese culture, because China would not trade with Japan but Ryukyus adopted China stuff so they would trade with them. They were also very respected trade partners of the Chinese. Shimazu daimyo was the part of Satsuma domain that invaded and led Ryukyu.


Sea cucumber, highly sought after by European markets. Yes please daddy yes daddy yes daddy yes daddy yes daddy yes daddy yes.


Second pacific islander to visit Europe, brought over by Bougainville in 1768. He was well-received in Europe and went back in 1777 and settled land or whatever.

Shuri Castle and Naha

Shuri Castle was royal court and administrative center of Ryukyu kingdom from 1429-like 1870 or something. The Japanese annexed this in like 1879. Naha was basically the capital city of the Ryukyu kingdom, and Shuri Castle is located there.

Kowloon Incident

Skirmish between British and Chinese vessels off the Kowloon Peninsula, China 1839.The skirmish was the first armed conflict of the First Opium War. Commissioner Xin Lin wrote to the Emperor that this had been a victory for China, even though it very much wasn't. This likely caused Chinese officials to underestimate the threat posed by Britain.

Thor Heyerdahl & Kon Tiki

Thor led a raft expedition in 1947 from South America to the Polynesian islands. He wanted to prove that with the technology available long ago, people could have made that journey and he thought the Easter island heads looked more like Peruvian art than Polynesian. He was able to make the journey and argued that they could have back then. Conclusion???????????????

Possessing the Pacific - reading

Stuart Banner. Describes European and American colonization of the Pacific in Tonga, Fiji, and Hawaii. Fiji-fragmented, tribal. Tribes would sell their land to Europeans so they could have more money than other tribes. Then got completely taken over. Tonga - united under one ruler. Saw Fiji's mistakes and made laws banning land trade to Europeans, thus avoiding annexation. ***Example of how islanders actively seek information about the outside world. Hawaii - Kamehameha did Mahele system, format of land distribution to chiefs then to commoners. This screwed over commoners. Wanted to change to fee simple land to make it easier to sell. They knew they would be colonized soon and wanted to minimize damages. Nobility benefited, commoners ended up having to sell their land. ***From a race perspective, Mahele can be seen as expression of Hawaiian agency. But from a class perspective, it is easy to see that it is the upper class's effort to stagnate the social classes.


The first Europeans to sight Niue sailed under Captain James Cook in 1774. Cook made three attempts to land, but the inhabitants refused to grant permission to do so. He named the island "Savage Island"

Fur trade

Vancouver island, run by the Hudson Bay Company. etc

Maps and Metaphors - reading

Yonemoto. Talks about old Japenese maps and how Japan was scared of the Ocean that's why they never did naval power.


a widely cultivated tree that yields fragrant timber and oil. Referred to a lot in the Rats and Men reading I think, very sought after product in early interactions between Europeans and Islanders. Maybe also heavily harvested by islanders?

Wallace Line

biogeographical demarcation that separates species with Asian and Australian affinities

Journals of Captain Cook - reading

captain cook wrote this. Primary source, describes cook's voyage. 1773, 1778. Visits lots of islands, exchanges presents. landed in Haaiwaiwi. Less for conquest, more for science.

Kamehameha III

divided up the land in the Great Māhele, wrote Hawai'i's first constitution

Rise and Fall of the Canton Trading System III: Canton and Hong Kong" and "The First Opium War" in MIT Visualizing Cultures - reading

lots of pictures, Opium wars. Some guy called Perdue wrote this.

Portmanteau biota

the variety of biological baggage that colonizers bring to new environments


think it describes the dominant peoples of the Sulu area. They were a big trade center and profited a lot from the trade coming in and out. They had heavily slave based society but the slaves had a lot of social mobility and could have possessions and whatnot. A lot of the slaves went on pirating missions on their own and didn't try to escape because life wasn't that bad. Area rose greatly in prominence in late 1700s (maybe 1768 is a good guess) and begin to fall in 1852 when the Spanish destroyed Jolo (capital) and stopped the Balangingi expeditions.

Magdalena Bay

visited the bay to cooper their oil and hunt sperm whales outside the bay. Between 1845-46 and 1865-66, American, as well as a few French, Dutch, and Russian, whaleships hunted gray whales in the bay during their winter calving season.[

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