Panama Canal

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How did President Mckinley try to avoid war with Spain

He offered to purchase Cuba through diplomatic channels

What are three reasons imperalism took hold

Raw materials/new markets, racism, competition

What are the advantages of Expansion in Hawaii?

Rich soil, warm climate, and crops year round.

Alfred T. Mahan said said that in order to become a world power the US needed

Stated that the US prosperity depended on foreign trade , argued a bigger navy was needed to protect American ships, thought US needed to control more naval bases around the world

definition of Moral Diplomacy?

The U.S. should support other nations only if they share similiar American beliefs (democracy).

definition of Dollar Diplomacy?

The U.S. should use business and banking investments to exert control.

definition of Big Stick Diplomacy?

The U.S. should use peaceful negotiations backed by military power to exert control over nations.

What are the advantages of Expansion in Japan?

Trading ports

Panama declared himself an independant _____ and agreed to let the United States build the canal in an area called the _____.

country canal zone

What was the Open Door policy in 1899 with China

written by John Hay- asked China to open trade with US

Alaska became the _____ state in _____.

49th in 1959

Hawaii became the __ state in ____.

50th in 1959

What dramatic event took place in Havana Cuba 1898

A battle ship blew up killing more than 250 soldiers

What is yellow fever?

A disease spread by mosquitoes that caused jaundince, fevers, headaches, dizziness and nausea

Caiuse or Effect: U.S. wanted to protect its investments in the sugar trade in Cuba.


Cause or Effect: American newspapers publishes stories about cruel treatment of the Cubans by Spain.


Cause or Effect: Many Americans wanted to support Cuban independence from Spain.


Cause or Effect: The battleship Maine was destroyed in an explosion at the habor in Havna, Cuba.


Cause or Effect: U.S. wanted to become an imperialist nation.


The land the Panama Canal was built on belonged to _____.


What were the challenges faced by workers in the Canal Zone ?

Disease(malaria and yellow fever), rough, terrain, hot humid climate, and rainfall.

Cause or Effect: American troops reamined in Cuba, limiting its independence.


Cause or Effect: Spain gives the Caribean island of Puerto Rico and the Pacific island of Guam to the United States.


Cause or Effect: Spain grants independence to Cuba.


Cause or Effect: Spain sells Phillipines to the United States.


Cause or Effect: Teddy Roosevelt gains political power for his role in the war.


Cause or Effect: The United States declared the right to intervene in Cuban government.


Cause or Effect: The press becomes a more powerful force in American politics.


What territories were gained after this war

Guam , Puerto Rico, Philipines, and Cuba

What are the advantages of Expansion in Samoa?

Harbor that would serve as a navel base and ports for trade.

What are three examples of expansionism?

Homestead act-great plains, Oregon trail/ California Gold Rush, annexation of Texas

What are the advantages of Expansion in Alaska/Russia?

Port trades that are close to Asia and Pacific.

Who was the president created the Big Stick Diplomacy?


Roosevelt asked _____ to approach Columbia in 1901 and offer $10 million cash plus $250,000 a year to rent a strip of land across Panama. Columbia refused the offer.

Secretary John Hay

Who was the president that created the Dollar Diplomacy?


What role did the newspapers have during the Spanish American War

The newspaper became a more powerful force in politicsand encouraged war

What did the US do to the queen of Hawaii?

They threw her of her throne

Who was the president created the Moral Diplomacy?


Define foreign policy

a government's strategy in dealing with other nation

Define Imperialism

a policy or belief in which a stronger nation excerts control over a less powerful nation

Define Expansionism

a policy or practice of increasing the size of a nation's territory

To obtain land, Roosevelt supported Panamanian _____ who wanted to break away from Columbia. American troops stopped the Columbian troops from crushing the revolt .


Pressident Roosevelt wanted to build a canal across the Isthumus of Panama to reduce the cost of _______ and so the US Navy could move ships quickly from the _____ and ____.

shipping/transportation Atlantic and Pacific

Define Isolationism

the policy of withdrawing or staying away from disputes or affairs of other nations

Japan opened _____ with the US in ______

trade in 1854

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