Papal Bull Dum Diversas & the Moors (Study Notes)

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What was the Doctrine of Discovery?

"The Papal Bull "Inter Caetera," issued by Pope Alexander VI on May 4, 1493, played a central role in the Spanish conquest of the New World. The document supported Spain's strategy to ensure its exclusive right to the lands discovered by Columbus the previous year. It established a demarcation line one hundred leagues west of the Azores and Cape Verde Islands and assigned Spain the exclusive right to acquire territorial possessions and to trade in all lands west of that line. All others were forbidden to approach the lands west of the line without special license from the rulers of Spain. This effectively gave Spain a monopoly on the lands in the New World. The Bull stated that any land not inhabited by Christians was available to be "discovered," claimed, and exploited by Christian rulers and declared that "the Catholic faith and the Christian religion be exalted and be everywhere increased and spread, that the health of souls be cared for and that barbarous nations be overthrown and brought to the faith itself." This "Doctrine of Discovery" became the basis of all European claims in the Americas as well as the foundation for the United States' western expansion. In the US Supreme Court in the 1823 case Johnson v. McIntosh, Chief Justice John Marshall's opinion in the unanimous decision held "that the principle of discovery gave European nations an absolute right to New World lands." In essence, American Indians had only a right of occupancy, which could be abolished. The Bull Inter Caetera made headlines again throughout the 1990s and in 2000, when many Catholics petitioned Pope John Paul II to formally revoke it and recognize the human rights of indigenous "non-Christian peoples."

When was the Papal Bull Dum Diversas issued and by whom?

18 June 1452 by Pope Nicholas V

What was the Bull of Romanus Pontifex?

It was a letter written to the same King Alfonso V of Portugal as a follow-up to the Dum Diversas. It extended to the Catholic nations of Europe dominion over discovered lands during the Age of Discovery or Age of Exploration.

What the Age of Imperialism?

The Age of Imperialism, a time period beginning around 1760, saw (generally European) industrializing nations, engaging in the process of colonizing, influencing, and annexing other parts of the world in order to gain political power. Although imperialist practices have existed for thousands of years, the term "Age of Imperialism" generally refers to the activities of European powers from the early 18th century through to the middle of the 20th century, for example, "The Great Game" in Central Asia, the "Scramble for Africa" and the "Open Door Policy" in China.[34] Wikipedia

Who were the Protestants?

The Britons

When was the Papal Bull "Inter Caetera" issued and by whom?

The Papal Bull "Inter Caetera," issued by Pope Alexander VI on May 4, 1493

What three documents served as the basis for the Age of Discovery, slavery in the 15th and 16th centuries, and the Age of Imperalism?

The Papal Bull Diversas, the Papal Bull Inter Caetera, and the Romanus Pontifex

What did the Saracens (Moors) have in common with the Britons?

The both protested (hence the word protestant) against the Christianity. They hated Christianity, the Church, and everything the Pope stood for.

What was the purpose of the Papal Bull "Inter Caetera"?

The document supported Spain's strategy to ensure its exclusive right to the lands discovered by Columbus the previous year. The Bull stated that any land not inhabited by Christians was available to be "discovered," claimed, and exploited by Christian rulers and declared that "the Catholic faith and the Christian religion be exalted and be everywhere increased and spread, that the health of souls be cared for and that barbarous nations be overthrown and brought to the faith itself."

What is the difference between Colonialism and Imperialism?

The term "imperialism" is often conflated with "colonialism", however many scholars have argued that each have their own distinct definition. Imperialism and colonialism have been used in order to describe one's superiority, domination and influence upon a person or group of people. Imperialism and colonialism both dictate the political and economic advantage over a land and the indigenous populations they control, yet scholars sometimes find it difficult to illustrate the difference between the two. Although imperialism and colonialism focus on the suppression of another, if colonialism refers to the process of a country taking physical control of another, imperialism refers to the political and monetary dominance, either formally or informally. Colonialism is seen to be the architect deciding how to start dominating areas and then imperialism can be seen as creating the idea behind conquest cooperating with colonialism. Colonialism is when the imperial nation begins a conquest over an area and then eventually is able to rule over the areas the previous nation had controlled. Colonialism's core meaning is the exploitation of the valuable assets and supplies of the nation that was conquered and the conquering nation then gaining the benefits from the spoils of the war.[12]:170-75 The meaning of imperialism is to create an empire, by conquering the other state's lands and therefore increasing its own dominance. Colonialism is the builder and preserver of the colonial possessions in an area by a population coming from a foreign region.[12]:173-76 Colonialism can completely change the existing social structure, physical structure and economics of an area; it is not unusual that the characteristics of the conquering peoples are inherited by the conquered indigenous populations.[12]:41 Wikipedia

What is Imperialism?

an action that involves a country (usually an empire or a kingdom) extending its power by the acquisition of territories. It may also include the exploitation of these territories, an action that is linked to colonialism. Colonialism is generally regarded as an expression of imperialism.

The Papal Bull Dum Diversas gave power to King Alfonso V of Portugal to do what?

to reduce any Saracen "Moslem/Moor", pagan, infidel or any other nonbeliever to perpetual slavery. This facilitated the slave trade from West Africa.

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