Part 4&5 - RTA Theory Test

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How does towing a trailer impact the way a car performs?

1. Acceleration will be slower 2. Stopping will take longer 3. Trailer will cut in more on tight corners

What are the three types of warning signs?

1. Advance warning signs 2. Hazard markers 3. Diagrammatic warning signs

What are the four roads with exclusive lanes for public transport and emergency vehicles?

1. Al Mankhool Road 2. Al Khaleej Road 3. Khalid bin Al Waleed Road 4. Al Ghubaiba Road

What are some safety measures you can take while towing a trailer?

1. Avoid fast lanes 2. Fit the trailer with brake lights 3. Maintain more than 2 seconds distance (bc of increased stopping time) 4. Provide extra distance when overtaking 5. Avoid sudden lane changes/swerving 6. DON'T apply brakes if trailer is swaying (except as a last resort) 7. NEVER OVERLOAD A TRAILER.

Where are the three blind spots for a truck driver?

1. Beside the truck's left door. 2. Directly behind the truck (if you cannot see the truck driver in the truck's mirror, then the truck driver cannot see you.) 3. Immediately in front of the truck

What are the 5 types of regulatory signs?

1. Control Signs (right of way, priority) 2. Mandatory Signs (actions you must take) 3. Prohibitory Signs (actions you cannot take) 4. Parking Control Signs 5. Freeway Control Signs

Safety tips around slip roads

1. Do NOT merge into main traffic from the end of the slip road. The distance is there to give you time to smoothly accelerate. 2. Do NOT stop in the middle of a slip road on the side of a highway. Stop at the start if you need to. 3. Do NOT leave the main road by cutting in at the end of the slip road or drive over the chevron markings.

What are the three types of information you can get from a road sign?

1. Guide Signs 2. Warning Signs 3. Regulatory Signs (they indicate a Regulation/Road Law)

Which metro stations offer free parking?

1. Nakheel Harbour 2. Rashidiya (now centerpoint ?) 3. Etisalat

Rules when entering a freeway

1. No motorized vehicle or being on foot 2. No stopping or reversing 3. No travelling any less than 30 km/h than the posted speed limit 4. Stop, park or drive on shoulder, median or roadside area!

What are the four aspects of Discliplined Driving?

1. Planning (knowing where you're going) 2. Observing (keeping an eye for landmarks and directional signs) 3. Making decisions early (positioning your vehicle for where you're going) 4. Thinking carefully E.g if you need to turn left and then right, position your vehicle in the right hand turning lane!

How to merge on a road?

1. Signal your intention 2. Check your mirrors + blind spot. 2. Build speed to match the main stream of traffic and smoothly merge when safe to do so.

When no signals/traffic control, you must give way to

1. vehicles coming from a main road to a minor road 2. vehicles coming from the left if roads are of equal classification

if there is no traffic or police control, who gets priority?

1. vehicles coming from a main road. 2. whoever is coming from the left in a roundabout

in 2015, pedestrians were involved in what percentage of the total road crashes in Dubai?

13.12% or 385 out of 2935 total crashes.

In 2015 a total of how many accidents that resulted in how many deaths were caused by jumping the red light?

142 accidents, 4 deaths

How many of the accidents in 2015 resulted in injuries and how many in deaths?

2056 injuries and 166 deaths.

Parking Area/Service Road speed Single carriageway speed Dual carriageway speed Rural roads Freeways

25 km/h 40 km/h 60 km/h or 80 km/h 100 km/h minimum speed 60 km/h, max is 120km/h

How many accidents occurred in 2015 in Dubai?


What is the speed limit in a residential area with a single lane when there are no speed limit signs?

40 km/h

What is the maximum speed a school bus is allowed to travel?


The RAISED TABLE PEDESTRIAN CROSSING is usually combined with?

A SPEED HUMP marking

Who has priority between you and the tram?

ALWAYS the tram. Give way to the tram always. Even pedestrians have to.

What to do if a trailer is swaying?

Accelerate gently until it's resolved or apply the trailer brakes (if fitted) to restore stability.

What do RUMBLE STRIPS (raised yellow lines) warn road users of?

An approaching hazard

What is attitude?

Attitude is a complex mental state involving our beliefs, feelings, values and our tendency to act in certain ways.

Why are children particularly dangerous pedestrians?

Children are difficult to see because of their smaller size and they often do unexpected things. Children especially have difficulty in judging speed and distance, seeing objects in their side vision, identifying direction of speed.

What is the fine for littering (aka throwing waste from your vehicle onto the road)?

Dhs 500 and 4 black points

Drivers drive on the _____ side of the road so pedestrians need to look to their _______ when crossing

Drive on the RIGHT so pedestrians need to look to their LEFT.

Driving slowly in the fast lane is more safe. True or false?

FALSE. Driving slowly in the fast lane is equally dangerous as over speeding as it requires other drivers in the fast lane to brake or change lanes to avoid the slow vehicle.

When it comes to using your indicator, the earlier the better!

FALSE. If you intend to turn right at an intersection ahead of you which is just beyond another junction, delay putting on your signal until you have passed the first junction.

An aggressive attitude while driving only impacts road safety. True or false?

FALSE. It also increases fuel consumption, adds to traffic congestion and makes driving more stressful

If I come across an animal on the road, I should honk at them. True or false?

FALSE. This will likely scare the animal. Just leave enough room for unexpected movements.

You are obligated to stop whenever you approach a school. True or false?

FALSE. You are, however, OBLIGATED to slow down. It's a law.

You don't have to signal when doing a U-Turn or Reversing.

FALSE. You must use an indicator when: 1. Changing lanes/overtaking 2. Turning 3. U-Turn 4. Reversing 5. Entering/Exiting a parking bay 6. Exiting a roundabout!

If no one is around, you don't need to use an indicator.

FALSE. You will need to use an indicator always. You may not see people around, but they might be there!

Pedestrians only need to look left on single-carriageway two way roads?

False, they need to look left and right (especially at overtaking vehicles from the opposite direction).

if you're turning into a road that a pedestrian is crossing, what must you do?


on slip lanes where pedestrians are crossing, you must?


Black/White pavement markings?

General hazard warning (I guess)

You should only overtake bike riders and motorcycle riders in WHAT circumstance?

If you can safely move to the left, leaving at least one metre clearance.

What happens if you ignore giveway or stop signs?

Ignoring priority rules is dangerous.

You should NOT pass a school bus when?

It stops with the flashers and stop arm working. Be EXTRA CAUTIOUS around school buses and don't make any sudden movements that could scare children. Generally give the school bus driver some space.

What is the penalty for red light violation and causing accident or tram interruption?

Maximum of AED 30,000

What time of day do most of the crashes involving children occur?

Most crashes with children happen during the day, especially during morning and afternoon peak periods because they are walking to and from school.

Can you park in a no parking area if you're sitting in the vehicle?


Solid lines of any color?


Tram Box junction is only at signalized junctions?

NOPE. Can be at junctions without signals also.

Can you litter around the tramway or place an ad?

NOPE. Nothing must ever interfere with the tramway line.

Can pedestrians cross tramways at any place they like?

NOPE. Pedestrians can only cross on designated areas.

Your indicator will always automatically switch off when you do your turn.

NOPE. Sometimes you must manually turn it off. So be mindful.

If traffic is blocking an intersection, but the lights are green, should you still go ahead?

NOPE. Stop and wait for the intersection to clear.

Bike riders and motorcycle riders need less space in the lane since they are smaller

NOPE. They are permitted to use the full lane, so be mindful of that. Again. This ain't India.

You can overtake a bus/truck on the inside that is turning right

NOPE. They may take up more than one lane (moving towards the center of the road) when turning right. Be mindful.

Where are you NOT allowed to use a horn?

Near schools, places of worship, hospitals, or local areas between midnight till 6am.

Both WHITE and YELLOW solid lines means what?

No overtaking allowed.

If you're in a hurry, you can intentionally push in or block other drivers that are signaling to turn?

No, fam. This is under the list of "Unacceptable Driving Behaviors".

Should you overtake if there is an intersection coming up ahead?

No. Wait till you cross the intersection. Then you can overtake.

If you have a green traffic light, you don't need to stop for an emergency vehicle

Nope, if you need to stop in order to give way then that's what you have to do. Sometimes you might have to move a little ahead and stop the car on the side to give way to an ambulance during a red light also.

Is it okay to flick a cigarette out on the road?

Nope, it's dangerous, do not chuck anything from your vehicle - this isn't India.

You are driving in a multilane freeway. When should you drive in the left lane?

ONLY TO OVERTAKE. Never any other time.

Where are diagrammatic warning signs usually placed?

On high speed road where the triangular warning signs cannot draw enough attention to the hazard ahead.

Where should I stop if I am having an emergency?

On the side of the road if possible. If it's not possible to move out of the way of traffic, make sure you aren't over a hill or just around a bend (bc then other vehicles might not see you and may hit you!)

Why is driving in heavily congested traffic dangerous with respect to pedestrians?

Pedestrians often walk in front of slow or stopped vehicles, so you should keep a look out.

Red light means


Yellow light means

STOP provided that it is safe to do so

Can modifying your vehicle be dangerous?

Sometimes. Vehicles with raised suspension and over-size tyres can become unstable, difficult to brake and prone to rollovers.

What happens if you get into a tiny accident with the tram but no one is harmed?

Stay at the scene. Dubai Police personnel will direct the persons involved to the Tramway depot to issue the initial accident report.

You should give way to people driving on the fast lane in highways. True or false?


What should I do if I'm having an emergency?

TURN ON HAZARD LIGHTS. Open hood or boot lid. Place warning triangle 50m ahead. Get OUT OF THE CAR (if you stay inside you might get hurt if another car crashes) Stand AWAY from your vehicle.

What are tail lights and when must they be on?

Tail lights are headlights on the rear. They must be on in dangerous/low visibility conditions!

What is a raised table intersection?

That slopey bit at some intersections, to limit speed.

How can you identify these public transport exclusive lanes?

They are marked with solid yellow lines and have text like ONLY BUS TAXI. There are also blue signs that say "Bus/Taxi Lane Begin" or "Bus/Taxi Lane End"

Why are older pedestrians dangerous?

They don't move as well as young people and often have vision issues.

Why should you not cut in front of a truck or bus as it is slowing down or stopping?

This is because they take LONGER TO STOP. You may not leave enough room for them.

Why should you distribute load evenly over the cargo area?

To avoid overloading axles (the rotating bit inside the wheels).

Overloading your vehicle increases the likelihood of a crash. True or false?

True. Overloading your vehicle makes it more difficult to control.

When is it safe to return to your lane after overtaking?

When you see BOTH HEADLIGHTS of a vehicle you have overtaken

What is a box junction?

Yellow box that you cannot stop on, you must pass through when exit is clear.

Do trucks ever use roadside shoulders?

Yes, to allow another truck to overtake them. Be mindful when they are returning back to traffic as you may not see them.

What happens if a solid yellow line is AWAY from you?

You can overtake!

What happens if a solid yellow line is TOWARDS you?

You cannot overtake

What happens when you encounter an emergency vehicle on the road?

You must immediately give way to emergency vehicles which have either a siren sounding or flashing red and blue lights by keeping to the right side of the road, reducing speed and stopping if necessary.

What happens if a pedestrian does not have priority?

You must not expose pedestrians to any danger whatsoever. You shall also stop whenever required, in order to avoid danger to any road user. Doesn't matter who has priority. Always give way.

Important Rule about buses/public transport

You must slow down or stop if necessary to allow the school buses or public buses to stop when passengers get in or out. Don't drive between them and the footpath!

What happens when brake lights switch on in the car in front of you?

You must slow down too. Remember that braking early is IMPORTANT to ensure the other vehicles have time to react.

What does a white SOLID line at an intersection mean?

You need to STOP

What does a dotted white line at an intersection mean?

You need to give way

What do rumble strips warn you of?

a hazard such as a roundabout or pedestrian crossing

broken yellow lines across full width of road incidate?

approaching speed hump

longer white broken lines?

areas where changing or crossing lanes is not permitted such as intersection or pedestrian crossing

in an open u-turn, you should turn: a. into the lane right next to you b. into the right-most lane


when to stop at a yellow light?

if it comes before point of no return, then stop. if it comes after point of no return, proceed with caution. "stop, if safe to do so"

Salik violations

insufficient funds 50 100 first trip 200 second trip 400 third+ trips

if there are multiple left turning lanes, how do you know which one to choose?

its based on where you're meant to go next. if you're gonna turn right immediately after, then choose the right-most left turning lane

yellow broken lines indicate?

most often that it's a two way road, but sometimes two way roads can have white broken lines also

when lights turn green, just go?

no. check that its safe (sometimes people from the other side will run the red light)

if you're at the road that's ending, you need to give way to?

the vehicles travelling along the cross road

flashing yellow lights?

these can warn of pedestrian crossings

what is a T-section?

where two roads meet and one of them ends!

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