patho mini test 12

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brain tumor and bone cancer

2 types of cancer that often result from metastatic disease elsewhere in the body

breast cancer

2nd most common cancer in US 1 in 8 American women BRCA1 and 2: autosomal dominant, defective tumor suppressant genes some-> overexpression of estrogen and progesterone receptors (ER positive), human epidermal growth factor promotes growth of breast tissue (HER2 positive) risk factors: prolonged reproductive life, family history, >50, hormone replacement, obesity (estrogen storage in fat), late childbirth (>30), nulliparoud (no pregnancy), ashkenazi jewish women singular non-tender firm mass, irregular borders, nipple discharge, adherence to skin or chest wall, upper outer quadrant of breast, swelling in one breast, nipple/skin retraction, peu d'orange, pagets disease of breast ( redness, crusting of nipple)

delayed tooth development bow-shaped femurs

A child is recently diagnosed with rickets. Which of the following characteristics would you expect to observe? Select all that apply. Delayed tooth development Flattened skull Bow-shaped femurs Increased bone density Increased height

spinal stenosis

A clinician is reviewing X-ray and MRI results for Mary, age 70, who has presented with complaints of tingling in her arms and hands. She also complains of neck pain and feels her condition is worsening. On the diagnostic studies, the clinician notes a narrowing of vertebral opening with impingement on the cervical nerves.

lyme disease

A laboratory analysis revealed antibodies for Borrelia burgdorferi. Which of the following is a concern? Systemic lupus erythematosus Lyme disease Pott's disease Osteomyelitis

at least two of first three fingers

A nurse is recording a patient's signs and symptoms. If the patient has classic carpal tunnel syndrome, which area of the body will the patient's complaint be centered on? Elbow Thumb and first finger At least two of first three fingers 4th and 5th fingers

a patient with decreased lean body mass and body fat

A nurse is told that a patient she is treating has cachexia. Which of the following will the nurse expect? An overweight patient, bordering on obesity A patient with a voracious appetite A patient with decreased lean body mass and body fat A patient with a severe skin rash, but otherwise in robust health

upper femur (hip) vertebrae wrist

A nurse knows that an osteoporotic fracture is more likely in bones with a high percentage of trabecular bone. Which of the following bones would be at greatest risk for such fractures? Select all that apply. Upper femur (hip) Sternum Vertebrae Wrist Humerus

rest, ice, compression, elevation

A nurse uses the acronym "RICE" with a patient. Which of the following is the correct understanding of its meaning? Range of motion, Immobility, Casting, Elevation Rest, Immobility, Compression, Elevation Range of motion, Immobility, Compression, Ergonomic aids Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation

reevaluation every three months for 2 years

A patient has been treated for osteomyelitis. The clinician is speaking to the patient about the follow-up schedule. Which of the following is typical follow-up for osteomyelitis? Daily reevaluation for 10 days Revaluation every month for six months Reevaluation every month for 12 months Reevaluation every three months for 2 years

compartment syndrome

A patient has experienced a crushing injury to the upper arm. Upon assessment, the nurse notes weak pulses distal to the injury. What may the nurse consider relative to this development? Compartment syndrome Homan's sign Myositis Pott's disease


A patient has metastatic cancer. Which of the following organs is not a common tissue for cancer metastasis? Brain Kidney Liver Bone

inflammatory phase granular tissue formation callus formation lamellar bone deposition bone remodeling

A patient has suffered a fracture of the distal radius. Please place the following steps for fracture repair in the correct order for bone fracture healing. lamellar bone deposition granular tissue formation inflammatory phase callus formation bone remodeling

you should reduce your intake of red meats

A patient is asking about lifestyle changes that may help to lessen gout attacks. Which of the following may the nurse share that would be helpful? You should severely restrict your fluid intake. You do not need to modify your alcohol intake because alcohol does not increase gout attacks. You do not need to lose weight. Excess weight does not worsen gout. You should reduce your intake of red meats.

prosthetic joint

A patient is being evaluated for potential osteomyelitis. Which of the following is considered a significant factor that increases the risk for this disorder? Staphylococcal skin infection Prosthetic joint Age Sedentary lifestyle

tenderness in the area "ropiness" of the vein warm to the touch

A patient is discharged after orthopedic knee surgery. Which signs and symptoms may appear if deep vein thrombosis (DVT) has developed? Select all that apply. Tenderness in the area "Ropiness" of the vein Appearance of white patches on the skin Warm to the touch Red skin rash

Early Localized Lyme Disease

A patient presents with erythema migrans associated with Lyme disease. This stage of presentation would place the patient in which stage of Lyme disease? Pre-inoculation stage Early localized Lyme disease Early disseminated Lyme disease Late disseminated Lyme disease

the calcium intake is the recommended amount

A patient self-reports that she takes 1200 mg of calcium per day. What interpretation by the clinician is correct? The calcium intake is too high. The calcium intake is too low. The calcium intake is the recommended amount. The calcium intake is at toxic levels.


A patient states that, whenever she stands up, her knees and sometimes her ankles make a clicking noise. Which of the following is an appropriate term for the clinician to use to describe this process? Osteoarthritis Osteophyte formation Crepitus Joint malunion

the signs and symptoms have developed because your tumor is releasing hormone-like substances

A patient with cancer is developing signs and symptoms related to paraneoplastic syndrome. Which of the following would be an appropriate manner for the nurse to explain this development to the patient? The signs and symptoms you are experiencing are related to the size of your tumor. You have these signs and symptoms because they are indicative of metastatic cancer. The signs and symptoms have developed because your tumor is releasing hormone-like substances. You have these signs and symptoms because the cancer has spread to all of your endocrine glands.

increased cancer risk

A patient's analysis reveals a defective tumor protein (TP)53 gene. Which of the following is likely to develop? Increased cellular apoptosis Increased cancer risk Cells arrested in cell cycle Decreased cellular proliferation

no metastasis had occurred

A patient's cancer is staged as T2 N1 MO. Which of the following is the correct interpretation for the nurse to make? No tumor is present. No lymph node involvement has occurred. No metastasis had occurred. No cancer is present.

trouble urinating erectile dysfunction decreased force of urine stream

As Harold is concerned about prostate cancer. What are some signs and symptoms you suggest that Harold should be aware of? Select all that apply. Trouble urinating Discoloration of urine Burning, severe pain with urination Erectile dysfunction Decreased force of urine stream


Bill, age 66, lives in northern Minnesota. Because he has had two basal cell carcinomas, Bill is now a self-described "sunscreen addict." He avoids the sun at all costs. He states that he does not take any vitamin or mineral supplements. His diet consists primarily of snacking as he lives alone and does not like to cook. He avoids dairy products as they upset his stomach. Bill complains that he has been feeling tired and weak lately and his back hurts whenever he does anything.

node involvement metastasis tumor size

Cancer staging involves which of the following features? Select all that apply. Node involvement Metastasis Tumor size Gender Age

type III femoral shaft fracture

Cole was skiing on a route that was beyond his capabilities. As he lost control of his skis, Cole crashed into a tree, resulting in a compound fracture of his right femur. What type of femoral shaft fracture did Cole experience? type I femoral shaft fracture type III femoral shaft fracture


Debbie, who works as an administrative assistant, is overweight and leads a sedentary lifestyle. She recently turned 50 and presents with a primary complaint of joint pain, especially in the morning, and notes that her joints "snap" and "pop." She states the pain makes her not want to stay in bed. At work, her hands often hurt while typing. Examination of her hands reveals the presence of Heberden's nodes.

cervical lumbar

Disc degeneration most commonly occurs in the _____________ areas. Select all that apply. cervical lumbar sacral coccygeal thoracic


During a basketball game, Shawn suffers a severe ankle sprain that will likely sideline him for several games. What tissues are injured in a sprain? ligaments muscles

plantar fascitis

Every time Leslie steps out of bed in the morning, she feels pain in both feet. The bottoms of her feet are particularly painful on the mornings after days where she spent significant time standing and walking. Once Leslie begins moving, her feet seem to relax, and she is able to walk more easily. What condition is Leslie suffering from? plantar fascitis meniscal tear

ankylosing spondylitis

Fusion of the vertebrae and inflammation of the ligaments of the spine and sacroiliac joint are associated with ________________. ankylosing spondylitis psoriatic arthritis dermatomyositis osteomyelitis

cauda equina syndrome

Gerald, age 62, has suffered from pain and neuropathy from degenerative disc disease in the lumbosacral area for the past 8 years. He has treated his condition with over-the-counter anti-inflammatories, stretching, and occasional chiropractic appointments. His history shows worsening symptoms over the years. Gerald has been considering surgery to relieve his pain. Today, however, his wife has called the clinic very upset as Gerald has lost bladder and bowel function, and sensation in his leg. Hearing this, you know Gerald's condition is now a medical emergency.


Gout pain is due to ______________ crystal deposits in the joints. sodium ammonia calcium urate

FOBT colonoscopy CT colonography colon biopsy

Harold asks about tests that can detect colorectal cancer. Which of the following do you discuss? Select all that apply. FOBT PSA Colonoscopy CT colonography Colon biopsy

black, tarry stools may be present colon cancer may be asymptomatic changes in bowel habits can be a key sign of colorectal cancer

Harold is also concerned about colorectal cancer. Which of the following signs and symptoms should you discuss with Harold in relation to colorectal cancer? Select all that apply. The onset of colorectal cancer is rapid and swift. Severe pain in the right upper quadrant is common in colorectal cancer. Black, tarry stools may be present. Colon cancer may be asymptomatic. Changes in bowel habits can be a key sign of colorectal cancer.


Harold is specifically worried about prostate and colon cancer. He reports that almost every man in his family eventually ends up with prostate cancer. What marker is associated with prostate cancer? AFP MART-1 PSA CA-125


Infection that spreads from the bloodstream to the musculoskeletal system is known as _____________. hematogenous contiguous contagious transmissible

pott's disease

Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis may lead to the development of _____________. Pott's disease Lyme disease psoriatic arthritis gout

clavicle fracture

Julie, age 7, suffered the most common of all childhood fractures when falling from her swing set. What type of fracture did Julie experience? clavicle fracture vertebral compression fracture


Kevin injured his hip when he began running longer distances. Kevin went to see his physician, who suggested Kevin work with a physical therapist. The physical therapist had Kevin relax his leg while she manipulated the extremity to determine the range of motion. What type of range of motion was being tested? passive active

degenerative disc disease

Kevin, age 56, presents with severe back pain that worsens whenever he has to stoop or bend over. He states he even had to have his wife tie his shoes for him the other day. He reports the sensation of "pins and needles" along his left leg. On one occasion, he was particularly concerned as his lower leg and foot went numb.


Lack of vitamin ______ may result in decreased bone mineralization. A B D K


Lori seeks medical attention for shooting pain down her left leg. The pain is very sharp and occurs sporadically. What condition is Lori suffering from? sciatia cervical strain


Mary, age 58, complains that every time she walks up the stairs, her joints "pop" and "click." What is Mary describing? crepitus bursitis


Melissa is a young woman training to compete as a gymnast. Melissa feels her sport performance is better when she weighs less. She follows a strict regimen of intense training and caloric restriction and is pleased with the results as she has lost 15 pounds. During this time, Melissa has developed amenorrhea. She is seeking help as she has suffered three stress fractures in the past year. The clinician is worried about Melissa's bone health. A DEXA scan reveals a T score of -1.5.

rest, ice, compression, elevation



Rotator cuff injuries affect the ______________. shoulder hip ankle knee

stress fracture

Sara has been training for her first marathon. She has been running more frequently and for greater distances. However, she recently had to eliminate workouts after developing a sharp pain in her foot. Every time her foot strikes the pavement while running, the pain occurs in the same location. What may be causing Sara's pain? stress fracture malunion


Small bone fractures that develop in response to repetitive, cumulative trauma are known as __________ fractures. comminuted compound isolated stress

muscles, ligaments

Strains are small tears in __________, whereas sprains are injuries to the _______. nerves, muscles muscles, ligaments muscles, nerves bursae, muscles

tumor size, lymph node involvement, metastasis



TP53: P53 tumor suppressor gene "guardian of genome" proto-oncogenes become oncogenes

tammy's mothr likely had thyroid cancer radioiodine scanning may have been used to diagnose her condition the medication tammy's mother took post-surgery was likey thyroid hormone replacement being female placed tammy's mother at an increased risk for thyroid cancer

Tammy also reports that her mother, before she passed away from breast cancer, had a lump in her throat removed because it was cancerous. Her mother had been displaying signs of weight loss and tremors during this time. Tammy reports that her mother had to take "some medication" after the surgery. Which for the following statements about Tammy's mother's condition are likely true? Select all that apply. Tammy's mother likely had thyroid cancer. Radioiodine scanning may have been used to diagnose her condition. Her mother's cancer likely indicates Tammy is at a lower risk for this type of cancer. The medication Tammy's mother took post-surgery was likely thyroid hormone replacement. Being female placed Tammy's mother at an increased risk for thyroid cancer.

CA-125 BRCA-1 BRCA-2

Tammy and Harold are a married couple in their forties. Recently, Tammy's mother passed away at age 65 from breast cancer. This event has caused the couple to reflect upon their family health histories. They have scheduled an appointment with you to discuss their concerns.Tammy begins the appointment by expressing her worry about getting cancer, as "a lot of female cancer" is in her family. She wants to know if tests can be done to diagnose cancers affecting women. You inform Tammy that some cancers are associated with markers that can be evaluated in the blood or a genetic analysis can be completed. Which of the following can be used to monitor or assess the risk for cancers for which Tammy may be concerned? Select all that apply. CA-125 PSA AFP BRCA-1 BRCA-2


The appointment ends with discussions about risk factors and the prevention of cancer development. Both Tammy and Harold want to make lifestyle choices that support their health and lower cancer risk factors. Which factor should you note is most significant for the development of cancer? Poor diet Lack of exercise Age Gender


The most common location for joint dislocation is the _____________. hip shoulder patella wrist


Unusual x-ray images of a 14-month old infant reveal bowed femurs and tibias. Costochondral swelling and asymmetry of the thoracic cage are also noted. Blood laboratory reports reveal hypocalcemia, elevated PTH, and decreased vitamin D.


Which of the following is a tumor suppressor gene? G0 TP53 HPV x52


Which of the following is not considered to be an oncogenic virus? Human papillomavirus (HPV) Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) Hepatitis B virus Rotavirus


Violet is a 62-year-old Caucasian woman of petite stature. She recently fell while stepping off a curb on an icy morning and suffered a transverse fracture of her right distal radius. Height and weight measurements show that Violet has lost a half an inch in height over the past several years. Her posture shows slight kyphosis. Violet informs you that before her fall, she volunteered at the community health fair and received a complimentary bone mineral density test. She was confused about her T score, which was measured as -2.8. She said they recommended she make an appointment with her physician.


Weight loss combined with decreased body fat and loss of appetite that is experienced by some cancer patients is known as __________________. detoxification paraneoplastic syndrome oncogenesis cachexia

natural killer cells

Which immune cells destroy abnormal looking cells, including cancer cells? Natural killer cells Neutrophils Monocytes B cells

digital rectal examination

Which of the following examinations may be beneficial for early detection of prostate cancer? Abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan Digital rectal examination Semen analysis beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) measurements

vertebral compression fracture

Which of the following fracture types is considered pathognomonic for osteoporosis? Colle's fracture Vertebral compression fracture Metatarsal foot fracture Transverse mid-shaft fracture

postmenopausal women

Which of the following groups may be at risk for osteoporosis? Women of reproductive age Postmenopausal women Teenage males Teenage females

prepare the patient for joint aspiration and intra-articular antibiotic administration

Which of the following recommendations is best for a patient with septic arthritis in the knee joint? Provide a standard 10-day course of oral antibiotics. Encourage high levels of activity to stimulate joint repair. Prepare the patient for joint aspiration and intra-articular antibiotic administration. Increase use of systemic corticosteroids.

erythema migrans

Which of the following signs are associated with Lyme disease? Pain in big toe Difficulty swallowing Fusion of vertebrae Erythema migrans


Which of the following viruses has been associated with cancer? Rotavirus HPV Measles Rhinovirus


Which type of fracture is common in the vertebrae? Comminuted Compression Spiral Greenstick

smith fracture

While learning to snowboard, Madeline falls. She tries to catch herself by placing her hands on the ground. The impact is too great for Madeline's wrist, and anterior displacement of her radius occurs. What type of fracture did Madeline experience? smith fracture colles fracture

rotator cuff injury

While pitching for his college team, Randy suffered injury to his subscapularis. Which type of injury does Randy have? rotator cuff injury brachial plexus injury

HPV is a primary cause of cervical cancer a vaccine for HPV is used to reduce the risk of cervical cancer a pap test can be a useful initial test to screen for abnormal cells of the cervix

You ask Tammy about additional cancer cases in her family history. She states that a cousin was diagnosed with cervical cancer. Tammy does not know many of the details of her cousin's disease, but she is interested in learning more about cervical cancer. Which of the following statements are correct regarding cervical cancer? Select all that apply. HPV (human papillomavirus) is a primary cause of cervical cancer. In the early stages, cervical cancer produces pronounced symptoms, such as increased vaginal bleeding. A vaccine for HPV is used to reduce the risk of cervical cancer. Those with few or no sexual partners are most at risk for developing cervical cancer. A Pap test can be a useful initial test to screen for abnormal cells of the cervix.


_______________ wears down joint cartilage. Rickets Osteoporosis Osteoarthritis Osteomalacia


age that bone mass peak occurs

septic arthritis

also known as infectious arthritis direct invasion of joint space nongonococcal and gonococcal forms single erythematous, edematous joint


any __________ problem is related to herniated disk or spinal nerve root impingement numbness or weakness of lower extremities differentiates from lumbar sprain/strain

1 in 4

approximately ________ of osteoporotic hip fracture fracture patient will die within 12 months

erythema, discharge, elevated WBC, ESR, CRP

assessment findings for infectious and inflammatory MSK disorders


attach bone to bone capsular: part of joint capsule extracapsular: provide stability


attach muscle to bone


bone forming cells


bone fragments still partially joined


bone resorption


bone weakened without significant trauma fragility fracture

muscle contusion


stage 3

callus formation consisting of osteoblasts and chondroblasts synthesis of extracellular organic matrix of woven bone and cartilage


cancellous, spongy bone found in high amount in upper femur, vertebrae, and wrist greater risk for osteoporosis than cortical

growth inhibition signals

cancer cells disregard


cancer of glandular or ductal tissue


carcinogenesis stage 1 alteration of a gene or genes


carcinogenesis stage 2 relatively lengthy and reversible pre-neoplastic cells accumulate process can be altered by chemo preventive agents


carcinogenesis stage 3 phase between pre-malignant lesion and development of invasive cancer

grade I

cells well differentiated

Neurovascular injury

check pulses and sensation distal to injury pain, weakness, lack of sensation, decreased motor strength, absent/weak pulses


chills, fever, malaise, local tenderness, erythema, edema, reduced ROM in affect X ray may be normal at first blood culture only positive in 50% culture and aspiration may fail to ID pathogen


chondrocytes produce cartilage cartilage loss with age cartilage provides cushioning excessive force causes cartilage to break down leading to subchondral bone deterioration synovial membrane often becomes inflamed (concentration of lubricin declines)

lung cancer

cigarrette smoking is primary risk factor cough, hemoptysis, wheeze, stridor, chest pain, dyspnea, weight loss, excessive fatigue, weakness, hoarseness (compression of laryngeal tissue) tumor may cause obstructive accumulation of secretions leading to productive cough leading to incorrect pneumonia diagnosis may be incidental finding on chest x-ray

ACTH like hormone resembles MSH creating tanned appearance

common paraneoplasia in lung cancer


complete, bone fragments separate completely


compound, protrudes outside the body


cytotoxic destroys cells destroys healthy cells that are rapidly dividing such as skin, bone marrow, hair AE: dry mouth, anorexia, n/v, alopecia, bone marrow suppression


deep aching joint pain pain relieved with rest joint pain during cold weather stiffness when arising in morning crepitus during motion joint swelling altered gait limited ROM Heberdens nodes (DIP) Bouchards nodes (PIP) serum markers: osteocalcin and hyaluronic acid X ray confirm diagnosis: joint space narrowing, osteophytes


degeneration of bone elevated osteoclasts activity without adequate bone replacement silent disease but may present with pathological fracture or height loss


dense bone


destroys tumor cells

bone remodeling

destruction and reconstruction of bone dependant on calcium involves osteoclasts and osteoblasts stimulated by stresses upon bone vitamin D: calcium absorption calcitonin, parathyroid hormone, testosterone and estrogen

closed reduction

device worn outside to treat musculoskeletal trauma

1000 mg of calcium and 400 IU vitamin D

diet recommendations for osteoporosis

colon cancer

early diagnosis is key familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP): autosomal dominant, edematous polyosis coli (EPC) gene, increase polyp formation and cancer risk most develops spontaneously inflammatory bowel disease increases risk fatigue, weakness, weight loss, iron deficiency anemia, change in bowel habits, melena, diarrhea, constipation, hematochezia (rectal bleeding), and narrowing of stool caliber


enhances body's immune system to cancer cells cytokines ability to attack cancer antibodies to target cancer cell antigen inhibit T cell destruction


extent neoplastic cells resemble normal cells

mycobacterium tuberculosis

extra-pulmonary tuberculosis pott's disease bone biopsy for diagnosis PPD test may be negative

calcium and vitamin D

factors that influence bone mass


failure of one cortical surface of bone often caused by repetitive activity


form at the margins of cartilage loss hallmark of OA

stage 1

fracture and inflammatory phase bleeding between edges of fractured bone

stage 2

granulation tissue formation fibroblasts are attached to area of injury growth of vascular tissue


hematogenous or contiguous forms infection of bone tissue IV antibiotic treatment S aureus


highest cancer cure rate with solid, well circumscribed tumors


hyperuricemia joint aspirations, shows urate crystals podagra restrict alcohol and meat in diet

severe atrophy of muscle

if neurovascular compression is prolonged


if osteomyelitis does not resolve


immune system should destroy abnormal cells declines with age


incomplete break with intact side of cortex flexed (one side is broken and the other is bent) usually seen in children


inflammation of bone usually due to infection infection due to break in bone or from bloodstream risk factors: immunosuppression, comorbid disease (DM), nutritional deficiency, prosthetic material

reevaluate every 3 months for 2 years

intervention to prevent relapse of osteomyelitis (due to delayed initiation of therapy)


invasive and destructive to surrounding cells easily metastasize

stage 4

lamellar bone deposition strengthening phase ossification occuring

diet, UV light, appropriate weight bearing exercise

lifestyle changes recommended for patient with osteoporosis

psoriatic arthritis

linked to psoriasis five patterns or forms autoimmune disorder swelling over joints with distinct skin and nail changes

early disseminated

lyme disease 3-12 weeks post bite vague symptoms, lymphocytic meningitis, cranial neuritis, carditis ocular involvement

late disseminated

lyme disease months to years after bite severe joint pain and swelling of large joints CNS involvement polyradiculopathy symptoms

early localized

lyme disease most common stage of presentation (3-30 days) fever, malaise, erythema migrans


malignant epithelial cells


mature osteoblasts, maintain bone matrix


may serve as binding site for bacteria and increase risk for joint infection


mesenchymal origin such as connective tissue, cartilage, and bone

grade II

moderately differentiated


more than one fracture and more than 2 bone fragments which may be shattered or crushed

wrist, hip, vertebrae

most common bones involved in osteoporosis

breast, lung, prostate, colon, melanoma

most common cancers in US in order

cervical and lumbosacral spine, hip, knee, first metatarsal phalageal joint

most common joints involved in osteoarthritis

non small cell

most common lung cancer slow growing


most common test used to diagnose osteoporosis measures BMD compared with reference population reported as T score

HPV, epstein-barr

oncogenic viruses


open reduction and internal fixation

liver, bone, lung

organs where metastasis is common

muscle sprain

overstretch ligament with possible tear

muscle strain

overstretch of muscle or tendon

grade III

poorly differentiated or anaplastic (no differentiaiton)

tumor markers

produced by cancer cells CEA, AFP

cancer cachexia

progressive loss of body fat and lean body mass

prostate cancer

prostate gland grows throughout males life exact etiology unknown: cancerous growth dependant on testosterone adenocarcinoma early: no symtpoms obstructed urine flow: decreased force of stream, incomplete emptying, straining late stage: hematuria, azotemia, anemia, anorexia, back pain (vertebral metastasis)


purple-red rash on eyelids and chest inflammatory myopathy underlying malignancies gradual muscle weakness

small cell

rapidly growing lung cancer metastasis quickly

stage 5

remodeling at site of fracture adequate strength comes in 3-6 months

apnea, obesity, team sports, trauma, overuse, heavy occupational work, misalignment of pelvis, hip, knee, ankle, foot

risk factors for osteoarthritis

in situ

small localized tumor (stage 0) noninvasive in its original place


stage 1 of bone infection vascular congestion and increased pressure within interior bone


stage 2 of bone infection infectious material enters Haversian system and abscess formed


stage 3 of bone infection increase pressure, vascular obstruction, and thrombi compromise bloody supply causing bone necrosis in approximately 7 days


stage 4 of bone infection new bone formation from surface of periosteum

open reduction

surgical hardware insertion

ankylosing spondylitis

systemic rheumatic disease spine and sacroiliac joint fusion of vertebral bodies presence of HLA B-27 increase risk changes in the enthesis around vertebral joints are noted

straight leg raising test

test for herniated disk


thinning of the trabecular matrix of the bone before osteoporosis

compartment syndrome

tissue pressure exceeds perfusion pressure in closed anatomical space pain out of proportion, ischemia, necrosis, functional impairment, weak distal pulse or pulselessness immediate surgical evaluation

lyme disease

transmitted by ticks borrella burgdorferi "bulls eye" rash myalgias and arthralgias

paraneoplastic syndrome

unexpected pathology provoked by the presence of cancer not due to cancers space occupying or metastatic effects hormone like substances secreted


well differentiated localized cohesive well demarcated from surrounding tissue

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