Patho | Chapter 2 | Edema

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What is the cause for edema formation: A swollen arm following mastectomy (surgical removal of a breast)

Obstruction of lymph nodes. When removing the breast, lymph nodes are also removed causing a disruption of flow that leads to edema.

What is the cause for edema formation: Edema that accompanies burns.

Obstruction of lymphatic circulation

What is the cause for edema formation: Edema that may accompany cancer.

Obstruction of lymphatic circulation

Identify at least eight effects of edema.

- Local area of swelling may be visible and may be pale or red in color, depending on the cause. - Pitting edema occurs in the presence of excess interstitial fluid, which moves aside when firm pressure is applied by the fingers. A depression or "pit" remains after the finger is removed. - In people with generalized edema there is a significant increase in body weight, which may indicate a problem before there are other visible signs. - Functional impairment due to edema may occur, for example, when it restricts range of movement of joints. Edema of the intestinal wall may interfere with digestion and absorption. Edema or accumulated fluid around the heart or lungs impairs the movements and function of these organs. - Pain may occur if edema exerts pressure on the nerves locally, as with the headache that develops in patients with cerebral edema. If cerebral edema becomes severe, the pressure can impair brain function. - Arterial circulation may be impaired with sustained edema. - In dental practice, it is difficult to take accurate impressions when the tissues are swollen; dentures do not fit well, and sores may develop that often are slow to heal and become infected because the blood flow is impaired to the gingival tissues. - edematous tissue in the skin is susceptible to tissue breakdown from pressure, abrasion, and external chemicals. Proper skin care is essential to prevent ulceration, particularly in an immobilized patient.

Identify the four general causes of edema, and explain how each one results in accumulation of fluid in the extra cellular compartment

1. Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure = pushes fluid away, increasing will cause more fluid to go into the interstitial compartment, causing edema) 2. Decreased capillary osmotic pressure = not holding on enough, causing fluid to leave the vessel and remain in the interstitial compartment. 3. Increased capillary permeability = allows fluid to leak out of the capillaries and into the interstitial compartment. 4. Obstruction of lymphatic circulation

Define edema

Abnormal accumulation of fluid in interstitial spaces of tissues.

What is the cause for edema formation: Swelling of the ankles associated with heart problems.

Decreased arterial circulation (may be obstructive) - decreased capillary osmotic pressure

What is the cause for edema formation: Swelling of the ankles that often happens at the end of the day or after prolonged standing.

Decreased capillary osmotic pressure

What is the cause for edema formation: The abdominal swelling that occurs with starvation.

Decreased capillary osmotic pressure.

What is the cause for edema formation: Edematous hands and ankles that sometimes accompany excessive ingestion of sodium.

Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure

What is the cause for edema formation: The generalized edema that occurs in severe kidney disease.

Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure.

What is the cause for edema formation: The abdominal swelling that accompanies liver failure.

Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure. Increased pressure in the veins that bring blood to the liver due to liver condition slowing the normal blood flow through the liver. Swelling in legs and abdomen.

What is the cause for edema formation: Swelling associated with allergic reactions, such as hives.

Increased capillary permeability

What is the cause for edema formation: Swelling that occurs following multiple tooth extractions.

Increased capillary permeability

What is the cause for edema formation: The swelling that accompanies inflammation.

Increased capillary permeability. Inflammation response is to remove components of damaged tissue in order to allow the body to begin to heal.

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