PCC BI 202 Final Taylor

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Purpose of Zephaniah

"To warn of approaching doom and to promise deliverance."

What is the alternate name for the book of Samuel?

"Triumph and Tragedy"

Which psalms do we need to know are Passion Psalms?

16, 41

number of kings in southern kingdom


How many Kings were in the Southern Kingdom of Israel?

20 Kings

How long did Samson Judge for?

20 Years

What does Solomon give to Hiram

20 cities (they were barren)

How many men did Jonathan and his armor bearer kill?

20 men

How long was the ark in Kirjak Jerime in the house of Abinadab?

20 years

in 1 Samuel 4 how many men were killed in the second battle against the Philistines?

30,000 the ark is taken

When was Jeroboam's altar destroyed?

300 years after it was prophesied that it would

How many kings did they conquer in chapter 12

31 kings

Which psalms do we need to know are penitential psalms?

32, 51

number of Gideon's men

32000, 10000, 300

How many years does David rule as King over all Israel?

33 Years

How long did the southern Kingdom of Israel stand for?

345 Years

southern kingdom years



3rd good SKing, from 7 for 40 yrs, was good while priest Jehoiada was alive, murdered by servants

What were the instructions concerning the cities for the Levites

48 cities total for influence for teaching


4th good SKing, 29 yrs, generally did good, died by conspiracy

size of temple

60x20 cubits


6th good SKing, 16 years, Micah was written.

How many years does David reign as king over Judah and Hebron?

7 1/2 years

How long did Zimri reign for?

7 days

reign length of Zimri

7 days

How far away was Samaria from Sheckem?

7 miles

How long did the Philistines posses the ark?

7 months

Job's children after trial

7 sons and 3 daughters

Job's children before trial

7 sons and 3 daughters

How many years did it take to build the temple?

7 years

how long did Ibzan judge for?

7 years

Isaiah 53:5-6

But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes we are healed. 6. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all

How did zimri die?

Died in a fire he set in the kings palace when he heard of Omri's conspiracy.


FIRST GOOD S KING! 41 years, took away sodomites, removed idols, displaced mother, and built fenced cities, land had 20 yrs peace. Bad move: league with Ben-hadad of Syria against Baasha->angered by Hanani->died of foot disease

What are Characteristics of greatness

Faithfulness Patience Dependance


Female, daughter of ahab and jezebel

When was God's second appearing to Solomon?

God hallowed Solomon's house God gave His conditions for continual blessing

what does the name Elkanah mean?

God has possesed God has created

What does Ezekiel mean?

God is my strength

What is the outline of 1 and 2 Samuel focusing on David?

God prepares the man (16-31) God Establishes the man (1-10) God deals with the man (11-24)

What is the outline of Malachi?

God's love of Israel Sins-Especially of the priests Sins of the people Day of Christ and coming of Christ

Who were the adversaries of Solomon?

Hadad Rezon Jeroboam

Who is a post-exilic prophets


who were the post exhillic prohets?

Haggai Zechariah Nehemiah Malachi

What does David do to the two men who kill Ishbosheth?

He has them killed.

how does David show kindness to Methibeshep

He lets him eat at the kings table. Ziba will manage and maintain the fields of methiboshep

Who was Joshua?

He was a warrior He was a minister He was a faithful man He followed the Lord

How did Elah die?

He was killed by his servant Zimri

Who was Korah?

He was the one who was swallowed up by the ground because of his sin

Why was Adonijah put to death?

He went to Bathesheba and asked for David's concubine

Nebuchadnezzar's image dream: 4 worlds powers what are they

Head of Gold-Babylon, Medo Persia-breast and arms: Cyrus and Darius, Greece-belly and thighs: Alexander the Great, ROme- legs of iron

20 kings, 345 years, Babylon in 586 BC

In the Southern (Judah) Kingdom there were...that reigned for...which finally fell to...

722 BC

In what year was the Assyrian captivity of the Norther Kingdom by Shalmaneser?

Who reigned as king when Elisha died?


death of Elisha during reign


who reign for 16 years


Who is the last davidic king


cursed is by God


reigned 12 years in samaria


who reigned for 8 years that slew all his brethern except abimelech, Elijah prophesied against this king that the great plauge would happen


Kings not buried with other kings

Jehoram, Joash

Who did Ahab ally himeself with?


Who was the second good king that set up judges for the people according to Mosaid Law


shipbuilding program

Jehoshaphat's unholy, unsuccessful endeavor with Ahaziah was starting a ...

What does the name Joshua mean?

Jehova is Salvation


Jehovah Comforts

What does the name Nehemiah mean?

Jehovah comforts

what does Nehemiah mean

Jehovah comforts


Jehovah is God

What does the name Joel mean?

Jehovah is God

what does Joel mean

Jehovah is God


Jehovah is Salvation

Who killed Jezebel?


Who killed Joram of Israel and Ahaziah of Judah?


Who slew the house of Ahab?


Who was COMMENDED for destroyign the house of Ahab& Baal worshippers; and CONDEMNED for turning to Jeroboam's religion


Who was appointed by Elisha to smite the house of Ahab?


Who Condemned Baasha?

Jehu the Prophet

Jehoim's calf cult

Jehu was commended for destroying Ahab's house and getting rid of Baal worship, but was condemned for reinstating ...(jehoim's or jeroboam I's)

Who made the vow to the Lord that the first person he saw leaving his house he would sacrifice it up as a burnt offering unto the Lord?


Who was cast out by his brothers because he was the son of a harlot?


Samson's judgeship overlapped which judges?

Jephthah, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon.

Author of kings


Who wrote the book of lamentations?


What was Gideon's alternate name?


What Kings were part of the confederation of Amorite Kings

Jerusalem Hebron Lachish Jarmuth Eglon

under his reign the three 3 pre-exilic prophets wrote (who were the prophets and the ruler)

Jonah, Amos, Hosea. ruler- Jeroboam II

Pre-exilic/minor prophets

Jonah, Amos, and Hosea are what kind of prophets? Their books were written during Jeroboam II's reign/

Who was Methibeshep?

Jonathan's son Lame in his hands and feet.

udner whose reign was Nahum written


who destroyed remanants of Jeroboam's calf cult, read the word of God to the people, removes Baal, destroys sodomy, and abolished the sacrafices of children -8th and the last good king


who was the 6th good king that ruled for how many years, the book of Micah written

Jotham, 16

Describe the Southern Kingdom: Where was it located, how may good and bad kings, where was the capital

Judah, 20 all davidic kings, Jerusalem was the capital

Which kingdom continues the line of David?

Judah, Southern

Israel+disobiedient King=


western cities of refuge

Kadesh, Shechem, and Hebron

what is the outline of Habakkuk?

Lamentation for sins prophesy of Chaldean invasion divine purpose behind the chastisement-God's holiness Divine answer concerning the pride of Chaldea Confidence in the Lord despite adverse circumstances


Last southern king, evil son of Josiah, 3rd deportation in 586. Babylonian captivity lasted until the Lord stirred Cyrus of Persia.

What are the types of Hebrew Poetry?

Lyric Didactic Alliteration

What was the name of Ruth's first husband?


paid tribute to Assyria by taxing people


He reigned for 55 years it was the longest and note that he turned bad to good


taken by Assyrians, when returned points people towards God


What are the results of having a king?

Mandatory draft Mandatory Labor Confiscation of land mandatory taxes confiscation of labor force

Who was Samson's Father?


Embracing and Jehoiakim's

Meaning of Habakkuk? Written during ... reign.

Salvation of Jehovah

Meaning of Isaiah, written during Azariah's reign.

Jehovah is God

Meaning of Joel, written during Azariah's reign.


Meaning of Nahum

Servant/worshipper of the Lord

Meaning of Obadiah.

hidden/protected of the Lord

Meaning of Zephaniah?

Who died a natural death


what is the outline of Haggai

Message of rebuke, promise, encouragement, cleansing, establisment

Who wrote the book of Joshua?

Most likely Joshua at the end of his life (Josh. 24:6)

what does mount Gerishim mean?

Mount of blessing

What does Mt. Ebal mean?

Mount of cursing

Where was the miracle of Elijah calling fire down from heaven preformed at?

Mt. Caramel

What were the major miracles of Elisha?

Multiplies the widow's oil Nathan's episode with Leprosy the floating Ax head

What does the name Abimelech mean?

My Father is King


My God is king

what does Elimalech mean?

My God is king


My Messenger


My sweetness of delight


NK for 16 yrs.!!! Victory over Syria, Elisha died during his reign.

Jeroboam II

NK for 41 yrs, Jonah, Amos, and Hosea written then, he restored the coasts of Israel.


NK for SIX MONTHS during 38th yr of Azariah (uzziah) of Judah, killed by conspiracy of shallum via prophecy.


NK reigned ONE MONTH during Uzziah's 39th yr., slain by Menaham


NK, Married Jezebel (Zidonian) and reigned over Samaria for 22 yrs, worshipped Baal, warred with Ben-hadad of Syria, got Naboth's vineyard, allied with Jehoshaphat - Micaiah predicted destruction, during the time of Elijah.


NK, Slew Baasha's house, reigned 7 days! died in his own fire after hearing of Omri's conspiracy


NK, drunken son of Baasha who reigned 2 yrs, killed by servant Zimri


NK, general (co-reigned with Tibni) prevailed by force, purchased the land to build Samaria (new NK capital), more evil than predecessors


NK, killed Pekahiah, reigned in Uzziah's 52nd year for 20 years, Tiglath-pileser of Assyria carried away many captives.


NK, ruled in Uzziah's 50th yr for 2 years, killed by Pekah.


NK, son of A & J, aka baallezabub "lord of the flies," death predicted by Elijah, Elisha was commissioned at this time. reigned in samaria for 2 yrs.


NK, son of Ahijah who murdered Nadab, smote Jeroboam's house, condemned through Jehu the prophet.

who was assasinated by Baasha


who was Elimalech?

Naiomi's husband

who is the cupbearer to Artaxerxes, king of Persia


Jeroboam I

Northern King after Rehoboam, started "calf cult," dies when Ahijah sends 400,000 chosen men to fight him.

What does foolishness mean?

One who rebells against God's authority an absence of moral virtue and godly character

Who did Chilion marry?


Who was the first to judge Israel?

Othniel the Son-Inlaw and nephew of Caleb

Who ruled 20 years beginning his rule in the 52nd year of Uzziah and Tiglath-pileser of Assyria carried away many captives


Who were Elkanah's two wives?

Peninnah Hannah

Jehoiakim (eliakim)

Pharoah-nechoh "controlled him"

What are 3 types of poems in the book of Ecclesiastes?

Poem of Time Poem of Success Poem of old Age.

"why do the wicked Prosper?" goes with which book?


What is the outline of Chronicles?

Record of genealogy from Adam to Saul Reign of David Reign of Solomon Reign of Judah's kings to the Babylonian Captivity.

What year was the Kingdom taken from this ruler according to prophecy/ who was the king

Rehoboam in 586BC


Reigned 6 months


Reigned for 1 month

What does Zechariah mean

Remembered of hte Lord


Remembered of the Lord

what does the name Zechariah mean?

Remembered of the Lord

what is the outline of Nehemiah?

Remembrance of Nehemiah Rebuilding the walls Revival of the people Reforms of the nation

Cyrus and Darius

Represented Meto-Persian Empire...breast and arms or silver ?

what is the key word in Jeremiah?

Return used 47 times

Key phrase of the Jeremiah

Return to the Lord

what did the legs of Iron in Nebuchadnezzer's dream represent?


Who was Jehoiakim?

Ruled for 11 years in the South bad son of Josiah made king by Pharoah-nechoh subdued by Nebuchadnezzar who took the vessels of the temple

Who was Jotham?

Ruled for 16 years in the south Good (6th good king)

Who was Jehoshaphat?

Ruled for 25 in the South Good (2nd good king) made peace in Israel through compromise sets up judges for the people Joined Ahaziah in a shipbuilding program

Who was Amaziah?

Ruled for 29 years in the South good (4th good king) slew all the murderers of his father (Joash) Died by conspiracy

Who was Jehoahaz?

Ruled for 3 months in the South bad took captive by Pharaoh-nechoh

Who was Asa?

Ruled for 41 in the South Good (1st good king) put Hanani the prophet into prison died by foot disease

What is the key verse to the book of Ruth?

Ruth 1:16-17


SK, 17 yrs, son on Solomon, involved with high places and groves.


SKing, caused kids to pass through fire, Paid Tiglath-pileser in silver from the Lord's house. Obadiah was written.


SKing, reigned only 3 months at 23, evil, died bound in Egypt.

What does the name Hozea mean?


What is the outline of Ruth?

Salvation (1) Service (2) Surrender (3) Satisfaction (4)

What does the Name Isaiah mean?

Salvation is Jehovah


Salvation of Jehovah

Who anointed saul


Who founded the school of prophets?


Who was the first prophet and priest?


who anointed Saul and David?


who was a lifelong Nazerite?


what is the outline of 1 and 2 Samuel?

Samuel- a man to prepare the land (1 Sam. 1-7) Saul- A man after man's heart (1 Sam. 8-15) David- A man after God's heart (1 Sam. 16- 2 Sam. 24)

what does Obadiah mean

Servant of the Lord


Servant/worshiper of the Lord

Who slew 600 Philistines with an Ox goad?


Who was the third Judge of Israel?

Shamgar (time overlaps Ehud)

What did the Queen of Sheba do when she met Solomon?

She tested his wisdom with hard questions She was stunned at his Wisdom Solomon gave her her every wish

Author of Proverbs


Who is the Author of song of solomon?


Who is the author of Ecclesiastes?


Who wrote the book of Proverbs?

Solomon Agur Lemuel

When did the book of Job take place.

Sometime after Abraham before Moses.

What is the outline of the book of Nahum?

Song of God's majesty Siege and Destruction of Nineveh Reasons for Ninevah's Downfall


Song of Solomon's play for entertainment is interpreted as...

Which kingdom had some good kings and some bad Kings?

Southern Kingdom

What is the fusion of differing systems of beliefs?


What is the outline of Song of Solomon?

The bride describes the bridegroom the bridegroom calls the bride away The Bride seeks the absent Bridegroom The Bridegroom in his chamber The bridegroom describes the beauty of the Bride The bride sorrows and seeks the Bridegroom The bridegroom returns The bride and the bridegroom in communion

What are the consequences of David's sin?

The death of the child

What was David's role in the royal court?

The musician Saul's armor bearer

What is Baalzebub?

The patrient diety of medicine

In the book of Ecclesiastes what is Solomon reffered to as?

The preacher The son of David The king of Jerusalem

what are the three views of Saul's visit to the witch of Endor ?

The story is a hoax it was a demonic impersonation of Samuel it was a genuine appearance of Samuel

What are the Royal Psalms?

They make us aware of our daily need to make Christ the sovereign ruler of our lives

How many worship centers were there in Israel and where were they located?

Three 1st-Gilgal 2nd-Shiloh 3rd-Jerusalem

How did God confirm the covenant of Gideon?

Through the barley cake dream

which kings ruled the northern kindom at the same time?

Tibni and Omri

what us the purpose of the book of Nehemiah?

To chronicle the reconstruction of the walls of Jerusalem and the restoration of the people


To chronicle the reconstruction of walls of Jerusalem and the restoration of the people.

1 and 2 Kings

To continue the History of the Monarchy from the death of David to it's fall and the Babylonian captivity.

What is the purpose of the book of kings?

To continue the history of the monarchy from the death of David to the fall of the Babylonian captivity


To describe the destruction of Nineveh


To encourage repentance before the Day of the Lord

What is the purpose of Joel?

To encourage repentance before the Day of the Lord

What do the young men council Rehoboam to do?

To increase the burden

What do the old men council Rehoboam to do?

To lighten the burden of the people


To picture Jeremiah's sorrow over the sin of Israel and the destruction of the monarchy.


To remind God's people of their sins and future restoration


To remind God's people that God rules in the affairs of human government, setting up and disposing of rulers by His sovereign choice.

What is the purpose of Amos?

To reprove Israel for her sins and to show God's Chastising To reveal to Israel God's ultimate blessing of his earthly reign


To show Edom would be punished for its pride and affliction of Judah.


To show God's justice and mercy

What is the purpose of Isaiah?

To show God's justice and mercy

what is the purpose of Isaiah

To show God's justice and mercy


To show Israel's tendency toward moral failure in spite of God's mercies and to reveal God's ultimate blessings upon the nation.

What is the purpose of Song of Solomon?

To show the glory of pure love between a husband and wife To Illustrate God's love for His people


To show the inability of human reason to explain divine purposes in the suffering of the righteous.


To show the providence of God in protecting His people

what is the purpose of the book of Esther?

To show the providence of God in protecting His people

What is the purpose of Ecclesiastes?

To view life as man under the sun and thereby find that all is vanity Didactic poetry teaches a lesson

what is the purpose of Zephaniah?

To warn of approaching doom and to promise deliverance


To warn of approaching doom and to promise deliverance.

What two judges are considered contemporaries?

Tola Jair

T/F Was Ezekiel carried into exile


How many times does David spare Saul's life? Where do these events take place?

Twice 1.Engedi-David cuts a piece of Saul's robe 2.Ziph-David takes Saul's spear and water while he is sleeping

What are other words used to describe Wisdom?

Understanding Prudence Truth Righteousness

What is the outline of the book of Ecclesiastes?

Vanity Proved Vanity Proclaimed Virtue Pressed

Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon

What are the five poetic books of the Bible?


What does Hosea mean? Purpose: show Israel's unfaithfulness through Hosea's marriage experience, and to show God's unchanging love

Jeremiah and Lamentations

What two books were written during Josiah's reign? book 24 and 25! ;)

apocalyptic and prophetic

What's Daniel's style? "sudden revealing of judgment or unveiling."

Return and Elevated by the Lord

What's the key word in Jeremiah and its meaning? Written during Josiah's reign.

typical historical

When Christ and His church are represented, this interpretation is...

How did the Moabites came to be?

When Lot committed incest with his Daughter

What was rejection #1 of Saul

When Saul offered up burnt offerings by himself He did something he wasn't supposed to He lost succession (his sons will not be King)

What was God's first appearance to Solomon?

When Solomon was at Gibea God appeared in a dream Solomon asks for wisdom and God gives Solomon wealth and Wisdom

536 BC

When did Ezra return to rebuild the Temple?

reinstated Mosaic law

When good 2nd king Jehoshaphat set up judges, two good things he included was he ...and established a criteria for the prophets o judge according to God's law.

When did the Manna stop?

When the children of Israel went into Gilgal.

What is the theme of Judges?

When there is no authority figure people do what they please Compromise with sin results in failure and apostasy Israel's welfare depends upon her spiritual relationship to Jehovah

597 BC

When was the 2nd Deportation of the Babylonian captivity?

586 BC

When was the 3rd Deportation of the Babylonian captivity, Temple destroyed, and Jerusalem Falls?

516 BC

When was the Temple completed?

What was David doing when he was chosen to be King?

While he is a shepherd


Who was taken during the 2nd Deportation of the Babylonian captivity?

location of Solomon's anointing


Under whose reign was the final stage of destruction of Jerusalem; only the poor were left behind; Nebuchadnezzar took the best of everything


Who died in the fire he set in the king's palace when he heard of Omri's conspiracy, ruled for a brief 7 years


what is the outline of Micah?

a prophecy of Judgment a description of the future kingdom an exhortation to repentance

what does Ebenezer mean?

a stone of help

How does Eli die?

after hearing the news of his sons death and the loss of the ark he fell backwards from his chair and broke his neck

Who was Hadad?

an Edomite who sought asylum in Egypt from Solomon He returned after Solomon's death.

what was the kinsman to redeem?

avenge blood redeem property to act on behalf of the widow

Purpose of kinsman

avenger of blood Redemption of property leveriate marriage




be wailing

Why couldn't the other kinsman reedeem the land?

because he didnt want to jeopardize his own inheritance

What is the date of the book of Ruth?

before Samuel's day around the judgeship of Gideon

what is the date of the book of Samuel?

birth of Samuel-David's reign (1100-970 B.C.)

Job's Character

blameless feared God escheweth evil upright


blending of different system of beliefs

legs of iron

body and material of Rome? no people

What are Imrods? (supposedly)

boils tumors hemroids


built Samaria as capital




chief god controlls rain and storms

what does Nahum mean


Southern kingdom

consisted of Judah and Benjamin

Milch kine

cows pulling the arc

calf cult

cult started by jeroboam


distinct from common

Who wrote the book of Judges?

does not name author but Jewish tradition says it was Samuel

When were most of David's psalms written?

during the 7 years David was fleeing from Saul


elevated by the Lord

High Places

elevated platforms

what does the name Habakkuk mean?



evil NK, Hazael of Syria took over Israel

Azariah (Uzziah)

fifth good king

Where was the capital of the Northern Kingdom located?

first at Sheckem then Samaria


first good king

Why was Joab put to death?

for killing Abner and Amasa


fourth good king

What time period was the book of psalms written?

from the Mosaic era to the captivity

What is the date for the book of Proverbs?

from the reign of Solomon to Hezekiah

How does David respond to his sin?

he repents

How did Absalom revolt?

he started winning the hearts of Israel.

How did Ahijah illustrate to Jeroboam what was going to happen after Solomon died?

he tore a garment into 10 pieces and gave them to Jeroboam illustrating that God would give ten tribes to him to be king over

Who was Rezon?

he was of Damascus and he served to weaken Solomon's control

Samarian people

heathen mixed with Israelite by Assyrians



what does the name Ezra mean?


What does Zephaniah mean

hidden or protected

What does the name Zephaniah mean?

hidden or protected of the lord

What was the sin of the Southern Kingdom, Judah. under whose reign?

high places still worshipped images and tolerated Sodomy under Rehoboam's reign

Ezra is a _____setting


third appearance of God to solomon

in anger to rend the kingdom from him

Where was Solomon's navy located?

in the gulf of Aquaba

Lyric poetry

intense emotion or feeling

what is the outline of Zechariah?

introduction- repent Visions of the night-Israel's history pictured Four messages- Israel's questions Two burdens- Israel's future

What is the custom of the covering garment?

it is a legal appeal for marriage it is an arabic custom- token of marriage

What does the word Goal mean?

it is the Hebrew word for Kinsman

what is the outline of Lamentations?

jerusalem, desolate and forsaken reasons for the Lord's anger lamentation for the nation former splendor and present ruin call on the Lord to remember to remember the affliction


killed all his brethren

who is Pekahiah?

king of Israel for 2 years killed by Pekah

Who is Zachariah

king of Israel for 6 months in Samaria

Who is Shallum

king of Israel for one month was killed by Menahem son of Gadi

go look at maps

know the order of the book


last Good king


last davidic king


last king during the beginning of the captivity


lord of the flies patron deity of medicine

1 Samuel

man's failure

result of kingship

mandatory draft mandatory labor confiscation of land mandatory taxes Confiscation of labor force

what is gleaning?

means by which the poor are fed?

second Coregent kings

menahem, pekah and Pekahiah


most Godly king since David to sit on throne

Mount Ebal

mount of Cursing


my brother is king


my father is king

What does the name Malachi mean?

my messenger

what does Malachi mean

my messenger

3 things missing at Ai

no dependence on God No council from God no direction from God









What are God's requirements for a king?

not to multiply 1.) Horses 2.) Wives 3.) Gold/Silver

What does the word wisdom mean?

one who applies God's value system to their life Often Personified as a woman


only king of northern to to be anointed

What is the purpose of Jonah

picture of Christ's death, burial, and resurrection

what are the purposes to the book of psalms?

prayers and praise for Israel presentation of emotional experiences of believers presentation of the end of the wicked prophesy of future events


priest and mentor of Joash

What where the three times David was anointed?

privately before his family Publicly as King of Judah and Hebron Publicly as king over all Israel

what is the outline of Ezekiel?

prophecies before the fall of Jerusalem Prophecies against foreign nations prophecies of restoration after the fall of Jerusalem

the outline of Jonah

refusal of a sovereign call restoration and a second chance repentance of a sinful city remorse for sincere conversations


reigned only 3 months


repetition of sound

what is an alliteration?

repetition of the same sounds usually at the beginning of words

What does the word Gilgal mean?

rolling because God rolled away Egypt's reproach that day

Who was Ahaziah?

ruled 1 year in the South Bad Son of Jehoram and Athaliah Killed by Jehu

who was Jehoichin?

ruled 3 months in the south bad last of the Dividic kings he is cursed by God- his descendants could not be king

Who was Jehoram?

ruled 8 years in the south bad killed all his brothers married Ahab's daughter, Athaliah died a horrible disease (bowels fell out)

who was Ahaz?

ruled for 16 years in the south bad caused children to pass through the fire (child sacrifices) Paid Tilgath-Pileser in silver from the Lord's house

Who was Rehoboam?

ruled for 17 years in the south bad Son of Solomon

Who was Amon?

ruled for 2 years in the South bad

who was Hezekiah?

ruled for 29 years in the south good(7th good king) was given 15 more years added to his life the most Godly descendant of David to sit upon the throne

Who was Abijam?

ruled for 3 years in the south bad

Who was Josiah?

ruled for 31 years in the south good(the 8th and last good king) repented when the law was discovered and read

Who was Azariah?

ruled for 52 years good (5th good king) smitten with leprosy

Who was Manasseh?

ruled for 55 years in the South bad then repents and becomes good

what was rejection #2 of Saul?

saul was instructed to annihilate the Amalekites instead he spares the king and the best of the animals God rejected Saul. (He looses his kingdom)


second good king

What does the name Obadiah mean?

servant of worshiper of the Lord

What is the purpose of 1 Samuel?

show Man's failure transition from theocracy to a monarchy (God ruling->King ruling)

What is the purpose of 2 Samuel?

showing God's success (the reign of king David)


sixth good king


son of Ahab and Jezebel, killed with Joram by Jehu

what were the walls and floors of Solomon's temple made of?

stone covered cedar then overlayed with gold

Facts related to suffering?

suffering is a result of original sin(in the garden of Eden) suffering is not always due to personal sin sin always brings consequences there can be suffering not caused by sin


teaching a moral lesson

ark location (with philistines)

temple of Dagon

What does the prophet of Judah prophesy to Jeroboam?

that his altar will be destroyed

which people burned Zicklag?

the Amelikites

Which people deceived the Israelites in saying they were a distant nation when they really were not?

the Gibeonites

who were the previous inhabitants of Israel?

the Jebusites


the figurative interpretation of Song of Solomon is an ...

What does the name Ichabod mean?

the glory of The Lord has departed

What is Dagon

the god of the Philistines the body of a fish and head and hands of a man

what is the theme of Hosea?

the love of God

Why was there iniquity in Gibeah?

the men of the city chose to commit sodomy

What were the consequences of the Gibeonites murdering the concubine?

the other tribes of Israel went to war with the Benjamites 3 battles 600 Benjamites survive


the people have enlarged

What does circumcision represent?

the reviving of the covenant relationship

What is Amos theme

the righteousness of God

what is synthetic parallelism?

the second line is a further development of the thought begun in the first line (1:1, 19:7)

What is Synonymous Parallelism?

the second line of a couplet repeats the idea of the first line (3:1, 24:1)

where was David given Goliath's sword?

the tabernacle of Nob

What is Antithetic Parallelism?

the thought of the second line is contrast with that of the first line (1:6, 90:6)

Who was Elihu?

the youngest and the wisest friend of Job. Possibly the author of the book of Job because of his compassion

what happens when you practice syncretism?

there is religious syncretism moral relativism extreme materialism

what are Messianac psalms?

they present a picture of Jesus Christ

what was the servitude during the judgeship period of Deborah?

they were sold to king Jabin of Canaan whose captain of the army was Sisera 20 years

How did the Israelites go about finding wives for the Bejamites?

they were to take the 400 virgins (from Jabeshgilead) to wife when the daughters of Shiloh came out to dance the Benjamites were to capture them and take them as wives.


third good king

What was the purpose of the Levite dismembering his concubine and disecting her into 12 parts and sending each part to the different tribes of Israel?

to awaken Israel from its moral lethargy and to marshal the tribes together

Why did the Israelites want a king?

to be like the other nations wanted a king to lead them wanted a king to fight their battles

What is the purpose of the book of Nahum?

to describe the destruction of Nineveh

what is the purpose of Nahum

to describe the destruction of Nineveh

what is the purpose of Joel

to encrouage repentance before the Day of the Lord

What is Hosea's purpose

to illustrate Hosea's marriage experience, the unfaithfulness of Israel, and to show God's unchanging love

What is the purpose of the book of Hozea?

to illustrate, by Hozea's marriage experience, the unfaithfulness of Israel To show God's unchanging love

What is the purpose of Proverbs?

to impart moral discernment and discretion to develop mental clarity and perception

What does Hallow mean?

to make distinct from the common

what did God allow satan to provoke David to do?

to number the people.

what is the purpose of Jeremiah

to picture Jeremiah's sorrow over the sin of Israel and the destruction of the monarchy

what is the purpose of the book of lamentations?

to picture Jeremiah's sorrow over the sin of Israel and the destruction of the monarchy

Why were there cities of refuge?

to protect those who unintentionally took a life

what is the purpose of the book of Micah?

to remind God's people of their sins and future restoration

what is the purpose of Daniel

to remind God's people that God rules in the affairs of human government, setting up and disposing of rulers by His soverieng choice

What is the purpose of Daniel?

to remind God's people that God rules in the affairs of human government, setting up and disposing rulers by his sovereign choice

What are the purposes for the book of Jonah?

to remind Israel of God's judgement for sin To reveal that salvation is for all nations to picture the death burial and resurrection of Christ

Why is the book of Judges filled with graphic pictures?

to remind us that God sees sin as repulsive

what is the purpose of Obadiah

to show Edom would be punished for its pride and affliction of Judah

what is the purpose of Obadiah?

to show Edom would be punished for its pride and affliction of Judah

what is the purpose of Malachi

to show Israel's tendency toward moral failure in spite of God's mercies and to reveal God's ultimate blessings upon the nation

what is the purpose of Malachi?

to show Israel's tendency toward moral failure in spite of God's mercies and to reveal God's ultimate blessings upon the nation

what are the themes of Ruth?

to show faith amidst troublesome times to trace the Davidic timeline to illustrate the concept of the kinsman reedemer to show the scope of God's grace in the old testement by including gentiles

The purpose of Job?

to show the inability of human reason to explain divine purposes in the suffering of the righteous.

what is the puspoe of Esther

to show the providence of God in protecting His people, the Sovereignty of God

What was Solomon's navy used for?

to transport smelted metal from colonial mines Solomon Imported fine Gold from South Arabia. (Orphir)

what is the purpose of Zephaniah

to warn of approaching doom and to promise deliverance

What corrupt things did Hophni and Phinehas do?

took any part of the meat they wanted took the meat before it was offered to God Took the meat by force


what does Jonah mean? Purpose: to remind Israel of God's judgment for sin, reveal salvation for all nations, and a picture of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ.

Sons of Belial


How did Gideon defeat the Mideonites?

with trumpets, torches, and pitchers



What does certain sons of Belial mean?

without use or worth wicked men



what does the name Nahum mean?


What is the outline of Proverbs?

Contrast of Folly and Wisdom (1-24) Collections of Hezekiah (25-29) Obervations of Agur (30) The virtuous Woman (31)

temple Samson died in


Doctrines of Angel is mentioned in what book


which two prophets are the Exhillic Prophets

Daniel and Ezekiel

Ezekiel was messenger to the people

Daniel was messenger to the king

who was involved in the 1st deporatation

Daniel, Hananiah, Ezrath, and Mishael (it happened under Jehoiakim's reign)

Which tribe steals Micah's gods and priest?


Who were the authors to the book of Psalms?

David Asaph Sons of Korah Solomon Heman Ethan Moses

Who is Joab?

David's captain

What is the outline of Psalms

Davidic Suffering of the godly God's dealing with Israel Suffering and reign Word of God (hallelujah Psalms)

What is the outline of Zephaniah?

Day of the Lord Prophecies against the heathen nations Jerusalem's sin and future salvation

Who was the fourth Judge of Israel?


What was Jehu commended for?

Destroying the house of Ahab and the Baal worshipers

What bible reference shows God's requirements for a king?

Deuteronomy 17:14-20

What bible reference shows the law of levirate marriages?

Deuteronomy 25:5

What were the incomplete victories

Did not drive the inhabitants as the Lord commanded


Died a natural death

What was Joshua's Admonition?

Don't disregard God's counsel



What does the name Jonah mean?


what does Jonah name mean


when was the book of Samuel divided into two books?

During the Septuagint (the greek translation of the bible)

Which Judge murdered the fat king Eglon?


Who was the second Judge of Israel?


What is the outline of Amos?

Eight burdens against the nation three sermons against Israel Five visions of coming Judgment Future national restoration

Which king was known for being an alcoholic?


who was teh drunken son of Baasha


What does the name Jeremiah mean?

Elevated by the Lord

What were the names of the friends of Job?

Eliphaz Bildad Zophar Elihu



What was the method God gave to Conquer Jericho?

Encompass the city once per day for 6 days and on the seven times on the seventh day. No one but Rahab and her family was to live

Saul life spared locations

Engedi Wilderness of ziph

author of chronicles


what does Haggai mean



Festival of the Lord

what does the name Haggai mean?

Festival of the Lord

what is the outline of Ezra?

First return of the exiles under Zerubbabel the governor of Judah and Joshua (Jeshua the high priest) rstoration of worship to the Lord Return under Ezra



What does the name Ruth mean?


Alexander the great

From Greece....belly and thighs of brass


Gaal (hebrew): to redeem



first appearance of God to Solomon

Gibeon in a dream

Who was the fifth Judge to judge Israel


Where was Sau's kingship confirmed at?


what is the alternate name for the book of Ruth?

"The romance of redemption."

What was the sin during Ehud's judgeship period?

"They did evil in the sight of the Lord."

Purpose of Nahum

"To describe the destruction of Nineveh."

Purpose of Joel

"To encourage repentance before the Day of the Lord."

What was God's third appearance to Solomon?

God appeared in anger God will rend the Kingdom from Solomon One tribe is left for Solomon's son.

What is the of Joshua?

God gives victory when His work done His way


God has possessed


God is my judge

What does Daniel mean

God is my judge

What does the name Daniel mean?

God is my judge


God is my strength

What does Ezekial mean

God is my strength

2 Samuel

God's Success

Historical Prologue

God's provision

what is the theme of Malachi

God's rebuke of Israel for their sins

what is the theme of Malachi?

God's rebuke of Israel for their sins

2 Samuel

God's success


Goddess of fertility, love and war

Purpose of Micah

"To remind God's people of their sins and future restoration."

Purpose of Obadiah

"To show Edom would be punished for its pride and affliction of Judah."

what do some people refer to the book of psalms as?

"the hymnal and prayer book of Israel"

What is the outline of Isaiah

(1) Prophecies concerning Judah and Israel (2) Prophecies against hte nations (3) Prophecies of general judgement (4) Prophecies in Hezekiah's reign (5) Prophecies of hope and comfort

The outline of Judges

(1-2) Patterns of Apostasy (3-16) Periods of Apostasy (17-21) Proofs of apostasy

How Is the book of Joshua outlined?

(1-5) Dedication for entering the land (6-12) Defeat of the land (6-8) Central Areas (9-10) Southern Area (11-12) Northern Area (13-22) Division of the land (23-24) Departure of Joshua

How Is the book of Joshua outlined?

(1-5) Dedication for entering the land (6-12) Defeat of the land (13-22) Division of the land (23-24) Departure of Joshua

How many Psalms did Moses write?


how many psalms did Ethan?


how many psalms did Heman write?


What verse shows God fighting for the Israelites against the Philistines?

1 Samuel 7:10

Which book presents the religious History?

1 and 2 Chronicles

Which book presents the political History?

1 and 2 Kings

How many songs did Solomon write?


What was Joshua's exhortation?

1.) Be courageous 2.) Be Separate

who were the other female prophets?

1.) Hannah (luke 32:6) 2.) Huldah (2 Kings) 3.) Miriam (exodus 13:20) 4.) Noadiah (False prophet)

What are the purposes of the book of Joshua?

1.) the national conquest and settlement in the promise land 2.) it is sometimes reffered to as the ephesians of the old testament 3.)Genesis-Deuteronomy shows the formation of God's people 4.) Joshua shows the combat of God's people

What was the purpose of the book of chronicles?

1.) to trace the History of the southern Kingdom from David until the declaration of Cyrus(to rebuild temple) 2.) to focus on the History of the temple and the priest of the southern Kingdom

What was the sin during Othniel's judgeship period?

1.) unequally yoked in marriage 2.) ungodly service to idols

# of cities destroyed by Joshua


how many psalms did the sons of Korah write?


how long did Elon Judge for?

10 years

how long did Malon and Chilion live in Moab?

10 years

What does Hiram give Solomon

10,000 workers per month were contracted to cut and transport the cedar of Lebanon

What resources were gathered for the building of the temple?

100,000 Talents of gold 100,000 Talents of silver

How old was Joshua when he died


Joshua age at death

110 years

How many Psalms did Asaph write?


How long did Jehoram reign for?

12 years in Samaria


12 years old at reign

years to build Solomon's house


gap of time between Ezra and Nehemiah

13 years

how many years did it take to build Solomon's personal house?

13 years

What time period does the book of Judges cover?

1370-1070 B.C\from the death of Joshua-to the death of Sampson

how many years of servitude during Ehud's judgeship period

14 years

How long did Jehoash Reign for?

16 years

How long did Jehoahaz reign for?

17 years

number of kings in northern kingdom


How many Kings were in the Northern Kingdom of Israel?

19 Kings

how many psalms did solomon write?


solomon wrote_____ psalms


How many years did Elah rule for?

2 Years

Synonymous Parallelism

2 line couplet repeats idea

Synthetic parallelism

2 line further develops idea

Emblematic parallelism

2 line illustrates the thought, often simile

Antithetic Parallelism

2 line of couplet contrasts idea

How long did Ahaziah reign for?

2 years

How many years did Ishbosheth reign over Israel/

2 years

How many years did Nadab rule for?

2 years

Which psalms do we need to know are Royal Psalms?

2, 72, 110

northern kingdom years


How long did Northern Kingdom of Israel stand for?

210 Years

How long did Jeroboam reign for?

22 Years

how long did Ahab reign for?

22 years

how long did Jair judge for?

22 years

Which psalms do we need to know are David's Messianic Trilogy?

22, 23, 24

How long did Tola judge for?

23 years

How many years does Baasha rule for?

24 years

How many years was Pharaoh's daughter Solomon's only wife?

25 years

How long did Jehu reign for?

28 Years

How many prophets wrote books during the reign of Jeroboam II

3 Jonah Hozea Amos

how long did Ablimelech rule as King for?

3 years

How many proverbs did Solomon write?


# of conquered Kings/Cities


Where were the cities of refuge located?

3west: Kadish Shechem Hebron 3 East Bezer Ramoth Galon

How many times does the spirit of the Lord come upon Samson?

4 Times 1-(13:24) 2-(14:6) 3-(14:19) 4-(15:14)

how many times does God call Samuel?

4 times

in 1 Samuel 4 how many men were killed in the first battle against the Philistines?

4,000 Men

years David reigned


years Saul reigned


years Solomon reigned


How long did Saul reign for?

40 Years

How long did Solomon reign for?

40 Years

how long did David reign for?

40 years

at first how many mighty men does David gather?


how many years was the silent years

400 years

How many men does Abijah send to fight against Jeroboam?

400,000 men

under who was the rebuildng of the temple occur on what date

536 BC; Ezra

when and what happened in the 3rd deportation

586 B.C only the poor were left

the date of the 3rd deportation

586 BC

When and what happened in the second captivity of the South?

597 B.C. Ezekiel was Taken

the 2nd deportation occurs when; and who is taken captive

597 BC; Ezekiel

Azariah ( Uzziah )

5th good SKing, from 16 for 52 yrs, failed with high places, smitten with leprosy

how long did Jephthah judge for?

6 years

what were the dimensions of the temple?

60 cubits long, 20 cubits wide double the dimensions of the temple

What does Akish give David?

600 men and Zicklag

When and what happened in the first captivity of the South?

605 B.C Daniel, Hanniah (shadrach), Azzariah (Meeschak), Meicheal (Obendego) were taken.

1st deporation of the Babylonian capitivty was when

605 BC

how many years of servitude during the judgeship period of Gideon?

7 years Israel was living in poverty

Which psalms do we need to know are imprecatory Psalms

7, 35

years to build temple


fall to Assyria


How many psalms did David write?


david wrote _____ psalms


How many years of servitude did the Children of Israel serve during Othniel's judgeship period?


number of good kings


how long did Abdon judge for?

8 years

How many ,men does Jeroboam send to fight against Abijah?

800,000 men

fall to Babylon



8th and last Good southern king. Worked with prophetess Huldah in interpreting the law and using it to better Judah.

What is the date of song of Solomon?

945 B.C

What does the name kish mean?

A great man a mighty man of power


A. Didactic poetry(teaches a moral lesson) B. To view life as a man under the sun.


A. Prayers and Praises for Israel. B. Presentation of emotional experiences of believers. C. Presentation of the end of the wicked. D. Prophecy of future events.


A. The National conquest and settlement in the land according to the divine promise. B. The Ephisis of the Old Testament.


A. To illustrate by Hosea's marriage experience the unfaithfulness of Israel. B. To how God's unchanging love.


A. To remind Israel of God's judgment for sin B. To reveal that Salvation is for all nations C. To picture the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ.


A. To reprove Israel for her sins and to show God's chastising. B. To reveal to Israel God's ultimate blessing of his earthly reign.


A. To show faith amidst troublesome times. B. To illustrate the concept of the Kinsman redeemer. C. To show the scope of God's grace in the O.T. by including the Gentiles.

1 and 2 Chronicles

A. To trace the History of the Sothern Kingdom from David until the declaration of Cirus(536B.C.)(to rebuild the temple) B. To focus on the History of the temple and the priest of the Southern Kingdom.

Who is the son of Gideon?


not a judge


who killed 70 of his brothers in order to conserve his Kingship?


Which one of his sons does David flee from?


What is the outline of the Kings

Administration of Solomon Division of the kingdom to the fall of Israel Continuation of Judah to the Babylonian Captivity

What was David's sin

Adultery with bathsheba The murder of Uriah

-abandoned the Calf Cult and made Baal as the official religion -Mt Carmel -ministry of Elijah -obtained Naboths vineyard through the wiles of Jezebel -he died in battle and the dogs licked his blood.


Who reigned during the ministry of Elijah the Tishbite, God's prophet?


most evil king of the northern kingdom


which king erectid a temple for Baal (abandoning calf worship)



Ahab's daughter who married bad Jehoram

Who reigned for 16 years that did evil- caused children to pass through the fire by the hands of Molech


During which king's reign was Elijah translated and Elisha was commissioned?


Who ruled a year in Jerusalem, "for his mother was his counsellor to do wickedly"


Who was the evil son of Ahab and Jezebel?


The term Beezelbub came under who, what does it mean

Ahaziah, Lord of Flies (Patron deity of medicine)

Who prophesied that Jeroboam's child would die and the kingdom would fall?


Who does David ally with but then attacks his kingdom?

Akish, King of Gath

How long did Samuel judge Israel for?

All the days of his life

How people interpret the song of Solomon

Allegory:not literal Literal Historical: Our view of it Typical Historical: representative of Christ and the Church Dramatic Interpretive: It is for Entertainment Cultic

4th good king


Which one of David's sons sinned against their sister?

Amnon against Tamar

what style of writing does the book of Daniel

Apocalyptic Prophetic

What is the style of Daniel

Apocalyptic and prophetic (a sudden reaveling of judgment, nveiling)

The cycle of Apostasy



Application of divine wisdom to earthly situations and conduct.

What dates do the book of Joshua cover?

Approx 1406-1375 BC 30 years from the death of Moses to the Death of Joshua

Who was the first good king


destroyed sodomites, idols and his mother


Who was the goddess of fertility love and war


During whose reign did the revival through Jehoiada the priest broke down the House of Baal and turned back to the Lord


Who wrote the book of job?

Author is not named it may have been job, Moses (according to Jewish tradition), or Elihu.

Who was the 5th good king and how old was he when he started to rule, the book of Isaiah written

Azariah (Uzziah), 16

According to Cannanite religion who was the chief God controlling rain and storms?


What is the name of the Lord of the flies?


He warred with Asa a good king of Judah?


who smote all of Jeroboam's house as predicted by Ahijah?


who was condemned by the Lord through Jehu the prophet


What did the head of Gold in Nebuchadnezzer's dream represent?

Babylon Nebuchadnezzer


Bad SK, ruled in Jeroboam I's 18th year for 3 years, protected for David's sake.


Bad SKing, Assyrians capture him, he repents and becomes good so God returned him to his throne.

Who were the two important kings of Moab?

Balech Eglon

Who was reluctant to lead the army during the judgment period of Deborah?


what does Cabul mean?


Why were the children of Israel defeated at Ai?

Because Achan took which was sacred.

Why was David not allowed to build the temple?

Because he shed to much blood

Why was Naboth killed?

Because he would not give his vineyard to King Ahab

Which king of Syria does Ahab go to war with?


Which tribe was Saul from?


what tribe was Gibeon a part of?


Eastern Cities of refuge

Bezer, Ramoth, and Golan


Big guy from Babylon...represented the head of gold!

Who was the book of Micah written to?

Both Kingdoms

What does Amos name mean


What does the name Amos mean?


What type of Cult did Jeroboam introduce?

Calf Cult

Events at Gilgal

Circumcision passover manna ceased vision of Captain of the Lord

what did the belly and thighs of brass in Nebuchadnezzer's dream represent?

Greece Alexander the Great

Who was Samuel's mother


who was Elkanah?

Hannah's husband

What Kings were part of Jabin of Hazor Confederation

Hazor Shimron Madon Achsaph

In the end what did rehoboam do?

He Increased the burden

What was the apostasy of Solomon?

He began his downward slide by breaking numerous commands

What were the problems of job

He lost his family and fortune Lost his health Lost his wife's confidence

How did Nadab die?

He was assassinated by Baasha


Heard by God

What does the name Samuel mean?

Heard by God

What does Ezra mean


Who was the most godly descendant; he was the 7th good king, His life was spared an extra 15 years, brought revival to Judah- removed the highplaces, broke down the image, cut down the groves



Hidden, protected by the Lord


Higherling, Gatherer and collector

who murdered Amnon?

His brother Absalom

Besides Samson who was also required to maintain the Nazarite vow? (someone related to Samson)

His mother

Who rebukes David when he agrees to fight Goliath?

His older brother Illiad

What was different about Samson's Nazarite vow?

His was not voluntary His was for life (not temporary)

Who does Jeroboam send to Jerusalem when his child was sick

His wife

Who were the woman that Samson was involved with?

His wife from Timnath The harlot at Gaza Delilah

What were the names of Eli's two sons?

Hophni and Phinehas

During whose reign Heathen were mixed with Israelite populace by the king of Assyria producing the Samaritan people


Last king of the northern kingdom


Cycle of Apostasy (in order he gave us)

Idolatry, bondage, repentance, deliverance, and rest

When did Solomon write the book of Ecclesiastes?

In his old age

19 kings, 210 years, Assyria in 722 BC

In the Northern (Israel) Kingdom there were...that reigned for ... which finally fell to...

What is lyric poetry?

Intense emotion or feeling

what book was quoted in the New Testament 80 times by Paul


Which son of Saul is made king over Israel?


Verification of the covenant

Israel's accountability

Stipulations of the covenant

Israel's obligation

Describe the Northern Kingdom, Where was it located, how many kings, where was the capital

Israel, 19 nomadic kings, Samria is the capital

Who wrote the books of the Kings?

It is unknown but some say Jeremiah

Who killed Sisera

Jael hammered a nail into his head

During which king's reign was Israel deliverd into the hand of Hazael of Syria?


Who is the son of Jehu


Who reign for 17 years


who reigned for only 3 moths at the age of _____ died while bound in egypt

Jehoahaz, 23

who was the author of an eyewitness to the destruction of Jerusalem, author of Lamentations, who prophesied for 40 years, announced 70 year captivity


Who reigned for 41 years and the 3 PRE-exilic prophets book was written

Jeroboam II

Gideon alternate name


Who wrote the book of Chronicles?

Jewish tradition holds to the view that Ezra was the author.

Whom did Ahab marry?

Jezebel of the Zidonians

Who were the two men who supported Adonijah?

Joab and Abiathar

began rule at seven


"Why do the Righteous Suffer?" goes with which book?


Which book is supposed to be the oldest of the Old Testament books?


What are the five poetic books of the bible?

Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon

Samuel son's

Joel and Abaih

Who wrote the book of Jonah?


which books are the pre exillict books?

Jonah Hozea Amos Obediah

Pre-exile prophets

Jonah, Amos, and Hosea


King at 32 for 8 yrs, Married Ahab's daughter, Elijah prophesied against him and he died of a horrible disease in "great distress" (bowels fell out)


King during beginning of Elisha prophesying

Who is Menahem?

King of Israel for 10 years in Samaria

who is Pekah

King of Israel for 20 years killed by Hoshea


Kinsman of Ruth

ark location (the return)


Who was Saul's father?



LAST DAVIDIC KING! (southern) kings. 3 months of evil, 2nd deportation by Nebuchadnezzar, cursed by God and ended lineage.


Last NK when Samaria was conquered by Shalmaneser and Israel was taken captive.

Which tribe was not given any land?


What is Hosea's theme

Love of God

Who were elimalech and Naiomi's sons?

Malon and Chilion

1 Samuel

Man's Failure

God is my judge

Meaning of Daniel (who was born around 621 at the time of Josiah)

One like Jehovah

Meaning of Micah.

Who stole 1,100 sheckels of silver from his mother?


Who predicts destruction upon Ahab?


Which Daughter does Saul offer David as a wife?


What were the functions of the Judges?

Military deliverance Administration of justice leadership and administration mediation

What are Pre exillict Prophets

Minor prophets because of their size and duration

author of Job

Moses (Jewish tradition)


Most Godly descendent of David, God spares his life for 15 extra years. did right and brought revival to Judah. 7th Good southern king!

Mount Gerizem

Mount of blessing


NK Calf worshipper for ten yrs in Samaria, smote Tiphsah and Tirzah, and ripped up pregnant women. DIED A NATURAL DEATH


NK anointed by Elisha, smote Ahab's house, killed Joram of Israel and Ahaziah of Judah,

Jehoram ( Joram )

NK for 12 yrs. when Elisha's predictions came to pass, also, warred with Moab, Elisha multiplied the widow's oil, Naman's episode with leprosy, the floating ox head.

Who confronts David about his sin?


who took Jehoiachin captive by laying siege against Jerusalem


Who was the cupbearer to Artaxerxes


Which kingdom of Israel fell to the Assyrians?

Northern 722 BC

Which kingdom of Israel had no good Kings

Northern Kingdom


Northern king who ruled in the 2nd year of Asa in Judah for two years, made Israel to sin, assassinated by Baasha.

What was the name of Boaz and Ruth's son?


What was Joshua's Conclusion?

Obedience brings Blessing

Who purchased the land and built the city of Samaria


Who was the king to move the capital at Sheckem to Samaria?


what does the name Micah mean?

One like Jehovah

what is the name meaning of Micah

One like Jehovah


One who is like Jehovah

what is the outline of hozea?

Personal History Public History Prophesied History

What is the outline of Joel?

Plague of Locusts Prophesy of the Day of the Lord Promise of the future kingdom

What does the Davidic covenant entail?

Posterity-there will always be a son of David to rule (Jesus) Throne-The reign of Israel will always belong to David's family line. Kingdom-The actual land and kingdom will be ruled by David's family line forever

Song of Solomon

Primary--To show the glory of pure love between a husband and wife. Secondary--To illustrate God's love for his people.

What is the outline of Job?

Problems of Job Pronouncements by friends pronouncements by Elihu Pronouncements by God Place of blessing

What is the outline of Isaiah?

Prophecies concerning Judah and Israel Prophecies against the nations prophecies of general judgment prophecies in Hezekiah's reign Prophecies of hope and comfort


Prophesied the history of Gentile world powers

Israel+obedient King=


survivors at Jericho

Rahab and family in home

Which son of Solomon reigns after him?


king during the split


What is the outline of Obadiah?

Retribution of Edom Reasoning against Edom Restoration of Israel



Who was Joash?

Ruled 40 years in the South good (3rd good king) left the Lord when Jehoiada died Murdered by his servants

Who was Athaliah

Ruled 6 years in the South Bad 1st Woman to rule Killed all royal seed except Joash was executed by Jehoiada

who did Malon marry?



Sacrificed children to Molech

What does Isaiah mean

Salvatio nof Jehovah



What does Hosea name mean


Who is Abner?

Saul's captain

What is rejection #3 of Saul?

Saul's visit to the witch of Endor God rejected his life


Second good Southern King! 25 yrs, didn't completely remove high places, made peace with Israel through compromise (bad)

What was the main weakness that Solomon had?

Self Indulgence

What does the word apostasy mean?

Separation from ones former beliefs

what does the name Obed mean?


what are Passion Psalms ?

Show the sufferings of Christ

What was David's charge to Solomon?

Show thyself a man Keep the charge Walk in His ways


Sking made so my Pharaoh-nechoh, 11 yrs and did evil. Subdued by Nebby. Time of 1st deportation (Daniel, Hananiah, Azariah, and Mishael)

Author of Ecclesiastes


Which kingdom of Israel fell to the Babylonians?

Southern 586 BC




Stone of help

what three things did Samson loose?

Strength Sight Service

What are the four types of Hebrew Parallelism

Synonymous Antithetic Synthetic Emblematic

what is didactic poetry?

Teaches a moral lessons

second appearance of God to Solomon

Temple in a dream

What vow does Hannah make with God

That she will give her son back to the Lord

what did the breast and arms of brass in Nebuchadnezzer's dream represent?

The Medopersians Syrus and Darius


The last interpretation of Song of Solomon is (odd names of idols)...

Who is Hoshea

The last king of the northern kingdom

What is Emblematic Parallelism?

The second line illustrates the thought of the first line (42:1)

What is the theme of Job?

The sovereignty in controlling man's life

literal and historical

The storytime sections of Song of Solomon (he and his wife) is what type of interpretation?

Malachi 3: 16-17

Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another; and the Lord hearkened and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that htought upon his name 17. and they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when i make up my jewels, and i will spare them; as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.

What is a significant fact about kings and Chronicles?

They are parallel top each other they cover history at the same time

What was the sin during the Judgeship period of Deborah?

They did evil in the sight of the Lord,

first Coregent kings

Timri and Omri

What is Jehu condemned for?

Turning back to the calf cult of Jeroboam

Key word of Eccl.


What is the key word of Ecclesiastes?


what does the word Timnath mean?



Wasting or pining



What does the word Bochim means?



What Assyrian captured the northern kingdom in 722 BC?

Poem of Time, Success, and of Old Age

What are the three poems of Ecclesiastes?


What does Amos mean? Purpose: reprove Israel and show God's chastising, and reveal God's ultimate blessing of his earthly reign.

Daniel, Hananiah, Azariah, and Mishael

What four men were taken during the 1st Deportation of the Babylonian captivity?

605 BC

When was the 1st Deportation of the Babylonian captivity?

Who anointed Solomon as King ?


where was the city of Samaria located on?

a hill of 300 ft elevation


abandoned calf cult, worshiped baal

where does David fake a mental illness?

at Gath in Philistea





who wrote the book of Samuel?

not really know probably a prophet of Judah who lived after the kingdom was divided (Nathan, Gad, Samuel)

Who wrote the book of Ruth?

not recorded some suggest it was Samuel

what are Imprecatory Psalms

psalms of Judgement

What are the penitential Psalms

psalms of repentance

What is the outline of Haggai?

rebuke promise encourage cleansing establishment


reigned 6 yrs after Ahaziah died, was executed by Joash

what does Jeremiah name mean

return unto the lord; elevated by the Lord

who was Zedekiah?

ruled for 11 years in the South bad

location of coronation of Rehoboam


What is the outline of Esther

the elevation of Esther the plot to slay the jews the appeal to Ahasuerus the salvation of the Jews

Zechariah visions

visions of the night

What are the requirements of the Nazarite vow?

voluntary Purposeful Symbolic Temporary

Who was Jeroboam?

was informed by Ahijah the prophet what was going to happen after Solomon's death


way in which poor is fed


where is the glory

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