PED comp 2 - Student Centered Learning Environment

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IDEA 2004 (Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act)

IDEA is a law that makes available a free appropriate public education to eligible children with disabilities throughout the nation and ensures special education and related services to those children.

How do you create a learning environment for the needs and backgrounds of all students?

1. celebrate their culture in the classroom 2. send info home in their native language, allow student to speak native language when needed, bilingual approach = most effective when helping students learn English 3. involve families in their academic success. the teacher should continually connect with parents through family nights, student-led conferences, newsletters, and have students invite their parents to conferences, family night etc.

what are ways to have effective classroom procedures?

1. involve students (have the students help create classroom expectations and procedures) 2. clearly communicate procedures (clear directions and step by step process for completing tasks) 3. practice (have students practice until they become automatic) 4. observe another teacher

What are the ways a teacher can model oral and written communication skills?

MODELING 1. non-verbal cues. get student attention by raising a hand in the front of the room to then deliver directions instead of yelling over the students. 2. emphasize active listening. repeats back what the speaker has said. allows the student to feel that the teacher is listening, interested, and can clear up misconceptions. 3. engage in discussions. can increase student communication skills. discussions should be well-structured with clear expectations and appropriate communication. 4. use technology. model appropriate behaviors when using communication technology.

a student-centered learning environment should have:

Manage resources/time effectively Organize the space for optimal learning Pay attention to the variety of learning preferences students have. Procedures, Procedures, Procedures.

Florida's Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)

The integrated instruction and intervention is delivered to students in varying intensities (multiple tiers) based on student need. "Need driven" decision-making seeks to ensure that district resources reach the appropriate students (schools) at the appropriate levels to accelerate the performance of ALL students to achieve and/or exceed proficiency. addresses academic, social, emotional, behavioral development of children provided multiple levels of support for all learners STUDENT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE ESE TO RECEIVE MTSS SERVICES.

Exceptional Student Education (ESE)

The term used in Florida to designate special services for students with disabilities to prepare them for life after school. school personalle, parents, and the student make decision for the childs needs. no cost. under IDEA act.

how do you differentiate between the MTSS tiers?

The tiers are differentiated by the "intensity" of the services provided. number of minutes and the focus of the instruction/intervention. An increase in the number of minutes of exposure to quality instruction/intervention

MTSS Tiers

Tier 1: modifications for ALL students get in the form of instruction (behavior/social-emotional) and student supports. basic implementation of core curriculum aligned to standards. Tier 2: modifications SOME students receive in addition to Tier 1 instruction. supports student performance and use of accommodations. Tier 3: modifications FEW students receive and the most intensive service provided to a student. small groups or individual students. helps students overcome barriers and skills required for school success.

student centered learning refers to:

a wide variety of educational programs, learning experiences, instructional approaches, and academic support strategies to address learning needs, interests, aspirations, or cultural backgrounds of students.

Assistive listening device (ALD) Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)

amplify sounds help with communicating and expressing themselves.

ESE accommodations can include:

assistive technology environmental adaptions extra time for tests quiet area to perform tasks instructional strategies peer support curricular modifications collab teaching

fostering a climate of inquiry

experiential (based on experience or observation). students should be encouraged to ask questions, make hypotheses and inferences.

word processing allows for: presentation software allows for: document sharing software allows for: email allows for: social media allows for:

free write, essays, projects presenting info sharing and collaborating communicate effectively school community

Least restrictive to most restrictive

general classroom inclusion resource room self contained seperate school hospital/homebound we want to keep it as least restrictive as possible!

cognitive aids adaptive switches voice recognition, screen readers, screen enlargement applications

help w memory, attention, or challenges w thinking help w limited motor skills help with mobility and sensory impairment

encouraging innovation

helps find new solutions and develop global and critical thinking. global thinking improves student engagement by making connections to what is being learned at school and how it applies to the world around them.

Positive Behavior Support (PBS)

how to address student behavior 1. observe the behavior first through a formative assessment. 2. come up with a plan with the student 3. create a contract with the student and revisit contract to celebrate and make new goals.

________ is the most effective way to encourage students to communicate.


proximity control

moving close to a misbehaving student. when you close to a student who stands near them, it allows to modify behavior without disrupting the instruction.

If a student is not considered ESE and does not have an IEP, can they receive accommodations?


Time management strategies

plan ahead w standards prepare materials before class determine time to distribute materials effective method for the skills you are teaching anticipate readiness levels formative assessments allow time to wrap up how to move forward and evaluate data

what is a technique that communicates high expectations to all students?

scaffolding - keeps standards and expectations high, but allows to differentiate. promotes independence and growth. (gradual release - i do, we do, you do)

Individual Education Plan (IEP)

students enrolled in ESE have an IEP. written agreement outlining the services the school will provide to help the ESE student meet his or her educational needs. Reviewed and revised every 12 months.

fostering a climate of openess

students need a safe place to try, fail, and reengage. teachers must encourage students this is an environment where they can express themselves in their learning without fear of criticism.

fostering a climate of equity

teachers MUST provide equal opportunities for learning. accommodate students based on their individual needs, provide support for struggling students, and support diversity in the classroom.

support for all students

teachers must engage all students: high-achievers, low-achievers, students from all different cultures, and students with disabilities.

Least Restrictive Environment

the setting most similar to that of children without special needs. students will only be removed from a regular classroom if the severity of their disability interferes with their education.

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