People of the American Revolution

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Anne Bradstreet

- Puritan writer - First poet and female writer to be published in the colonies

Crispus Attucks

-African American -First person killed in the Boston Massacre -First CASUALTY of the American Revolution -Crispus Attacks

James Armistead

-African American spy -for the Marquis de Lafayette during the American Revolution. -Spied on British General Cornwallis' camp -James "Bond" Armistead

Benjamin Franklin

-Author, printer, inventor, scientist -French Ambassador -Convinced FRANCE to help during the Revolutionary War. -Benjamin France

Thomas Jefferson

-Chief author and drafter of the DECLARATION of INDEPENDENCE

Deborah Sampson

-Dressed as a man and fought along side men in American Revolution. -Fought for 18 months

Marquis de Lafayette

-FRENCH nobleman -Who served under George Washington in the American Revolution -Helped train troops at Valley Forge. -Marquis de Lafrance

John Paul Jones

-Founder of the US NAVY -known for yelling "I HAVE NOT YET BEGUN TO FIGHT" -Continental navy commander and privateer

Wentworth Cheswell

-Free African American -Rode all night to warn colonists of the British invasion. "THE BRITISH ARE COMING(like Paul Revere) -He fought as a soldier -He WENT to warn them WENT

King George III

-King of England during the American Revolution -Tyrant ruler -Had absolute power

Patrick Henry

-Orator and politician -Patriot from Virginia -Supported Independence from Britain -gave a famous "GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH" speech urging Virginians to take up arms in their defense.

Esther De Berdt Reed

-Organized women to collect money to buy fabric for soldiers shirts. -Raised more than $300,000. -Published "The Sentiments of An American Woman."

Mercy Otis Warren

-Patriot writer that supported independence -Wrote PROPAGANDA that convinced others to join the cause. -First woman historian of the Americans Revolution, published plays, books, and poetry. -Mercy Otis Writer

John Adams

-Patriot/loyalists -Founding Father -A Massachusetts attorney and politician -He represented the British soldiers in court after they shot Crispus Attucks in the Boston Massacre -Helped congress declare independence from Great Britain

Phillis Wheatley

-Poet -First African American woman to have a book of poetry published. -Taught to read by her slaveholder's daughter

Haym Salomon

-Polish JEW -helped FINANCE (pay) for the war by loaning interest free money to Washington. -$ALOMON $$$$$

Thomas Paine

-Propagandist and Author of the revolutionary pamphlet, "COMMON SENSE" -Urged Americans to support the Patriot cause -Paine hurts....It's common sense

Bernardo de Galvez

-SPANISH ally -Protected American ships and transported supplies to the Americas. -Protected New Orleans from Britain. -Colonial Governor of Louisiana

George Washington

-Soldier in the "French and Indian War" -Delegate to the 1st Continental Congress -COMMANDER IN CHIEF of the Continental Army -First President of the United States.

Molly Ludwig

-Took over a cannon in Battle of Monmouth after her husband was killed. -Provided provisions to soldiers on the field in the American Revolution.

Paul Revere

-Warned the minutemen that "the British are coming!" -Painted propaganda the "Boston Massacre" -Patriot

Martha Washington

-Wife of George Washington -Spent time in Military camps -Would attend and nurse injured soldiers

Abigail Adams

-Wife of John Adams -Known for her "REMEMBER THE LADIES" speech. -One of the first women to fight for equality for women. -Wrote John Adams a letter after forcing Cornwallis to surrender after "Battle of Yorktown." "Remember the Ladies"

Samuel Adams

1-Patriot Rebel 2-Leader of the "SONS OF LIBERTY" 3-Protested against England's policies 4-Urged Boycotts 5-Patriot who established the "Committees of correspondence" in Boston.

General Cornwallis

Commander of BRITISH forces who surrendered at the Battle of YORKTOWN

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