Period 4 AP Exam

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Anschluss; Sudetenland; Chamberlain; Daladier; Munich Conference

1938: hitler engineered the __ (forced union of germany and austria), again in violation of the Versailles Treaty. Western powers don't act. Hitler prepares to annex the __, and France/england, at urging of USSR, issue warnings. After tensions/talks, conference called when ___, PM of Britain,__, PM of France, meets with hitler and mussolini. Infamous ___ cedes that territory to Germany and marks appeasement

nonaggression pact; invasion of poland

1939: Hitler seizes the rest of Czecholovakia, and W. Lithuania. Mussolini invades Albania. Hitler and Stalin sign a __, which clears the way for ___

September 3; October; Nonaggression pact; latvia; lithuania; estonia

1939; ___: England and France declare war against Germany to honor their treaty with Poland. __: poland fell, occupied by the Germans in the West and the Russians in the East as part of the 1938 ___ between the 2 dictatorships. Russia also annexed the Baltic states of __, __, ___, which had been granted autonomy by the Versailles Treaty

Anti-Comintern Pact; Axis; Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalists

1937: The second Sino-Japanese War begins as the Japenese launch an attack, made territorial gains, and committed atrocities on the chinese people, such as the rape of nanking. league of nations didn't respond. Germany, Italy, Japan sign the ___ to oppose international communism, which marked the beginning of their alliance- the ___. Japan invaded mainland China, driving ___ into the interior where they waged a guerilla war that was costly to the Japanese.

Indochina; Algeria; French Commonwealth

French give up ___ after defeat at Dien Bien Phu in 1954 but fight to keep __. Long, brutal fight- fought against guerilla tactics and nationalist movement. Ended with __ that include most of African area France fought to keep

british mandate system

German/Ottoman colonial possessions divided between France and Great Britain. ____ imposed in places GB controlled. This disturbed the balance of power, remains a factor today in the unrest in the middle east, and was made worse by the present of oil there, historic Western support for dictators there


Germany 1930-3: when Depression hit Germany in 1930, Nazis won 107 seats and communists 77. Center parties couldn't get a ruling coalition, and many conservatives threw their support to Hitler to avoid a communist takeover. JAn. 1933, Hitler invited by president of the Weimar Republic, ___, to form a gvmt as chancellor. Hilter enters gvmt legally, but wants to destroy the constitution

August 1, 1914

Germany declares war on Russia

1968; de Gaulle; education; workers; National Assembly; republic

May __ in France: economy brought to standstill, President Charles ___ flees country. Strikes begin with students protests against the expulsion of a few students, the general bad ___ in France, and the closure of major universities. ___ join students, and strike brings country to its knees. When president returns in landslide victory, dissolves ___, and promises to bring in army, strike loses momentum and __ is saved.

eugenics; birth control; abortion

Medical technologies posed social/moral questions that eluded consensus: ex. ____, the idea of breeding the best people and sterilizing, killing the undesirables. ____: revolutionized reproductive freedom but had many religious/moral questions. ____ became legal throughout much of Europe but is still controversial. Fertility treatments help people with conception problems be parents, but world is already overpopulated.

monetary union; euro

Much of W. Europe, with the exception of Britain, Switzerland, and Scandinavia, instituted a ___, a natural evolution from the political/economic ties of the EU, creating the ___, one of the most powerful/stable currencies in the world.

Ludendorff; munich beer hall putsch; mein kampf; lebenstraum

Hitler, along with __ (general who led Germans to victory on the Eastern Front) led an attempted coup, ___, in Munich in 1923. Suppressed, Hitler got 5 years in jail, served only a year of his term, because many higher-ups sympathized with his nationalistic goals. In there, he wrote the blueprint for the domination of Germany/Europe: ____. The book was rambling and irrational, argued that Germany was not defeated in WW1 but betrayed by Jews and Socialists, said Treaty of Versailles was a humiliation, said that Germans were a master race destined to expand into Eastern Europe to get __, living space, and exterminate inferior races (Jews and Slavs)

Yeltsin; Croatia; Slovenia; independence; START; Latvia; Lithuania; Estonia; Commonwealth of Independent States

In mid-1991, __, an outspoken and charismatic political rival of Gorbachev, was elected as president of the Soviet republic of russia. Ran as an independent candidate on drastic economic/political reform. During that same month, ___ and ___ declare their __ from Yugoslavia, and a civil war breaks out. __, was signed in 1991 by Gorbachev and George HW Bush to reduce the number of long-range nuclear missiles of both nations. One month later, coup launched against Gorbachev. Within days, the coup collapses. __,___,__, declared their independence from the Soviet Union. By late 1991, Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus had formed the ___ and the soviet union failed to exist

Lost Generation

After WW1, Hemingway popularized term ___, to describe those who had come of age during the war.

consumer culture; baby boom; big science

After WW2, European class distinctions blur due to economic growth and more opportunities in jobs/high ed. Education and ability finally outweigh family connections in reality. Health care/social security alleviate traditional class conflicts. More prosperity- __, making big businesses out of food, leisure, travel. Middle class grows. Gvmt policies encourage population growth, resulting in a __. With science and technology wedded by war, __, which was funded by government and industry, created new products and careers. More women seek careers outside the home. Cities grow.

arab revolt; japanese

The war in Europe spread to non-European theaters: ___ against turks in 1916 exploited by the British, specifically by their agent TE Lawrence, and led to British claims on Palestine. __ used the war as a excuse for imperialism on the Chinese mainland/elsewhere on Pacific. Colonial soldiers from Africa/Asia used by both sides.

Common Market; US

Through the 1960s, Europe, led by the __, accoutned for 1/4 of the world's industrial output. In 1970, prosperity and democracy in W. Europe promised peace and more economic/political cooperation. __ had dominance after WW2 through Marshall Plan and control of a lot of gold

June 28, 1914; blank check; blank check

____: Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to Austrian throne, assassinated in Sarajevo, capital of B-H. Evidence found that high Serbian officials had plotted the murder, so Austria tries to get German support to crush Serbia. Wilhelm issues a ___, promising backing for Austria's actions. Serbia turns to Russia, which gets a ___ of French support against Germany and Austria

Revolution of 1905; Nicholas II; Father Gapon; soviets; zemstvos; october manifesto

____: faced with unrest of working class, ___ commissions a Russian Orthodox priest, ___ to organize conservative union to counteract radical Marxists. Priest leads peaceful protest march of workers and their families on Sunday, Jan 22, 1905. Troops fire on crowd. Bloody Sunday creates general strikes, peasant uprisings, formation of worker's revolutionary councils (__). In the ___(provisional councils elected by landowners and peasants), liberals demand reforms. ___: after a general strike called by soviet of petersburg, nicholas ii promises reform: constitution, civil liberites, and Duma (legislature) to represent all classes


____: the rapid transformation of W. Germany into economic powerhouse that became the leading economy in Europe due to economic growth there. 1950s saw increasing standards of living for W. Germans

American and European economies were interdependent through extensive investments and war debts owed to the US; command economy; Keynes; welfare state

_______. After failure of US economy, ___ of USSR maintained/surpassed productivity. By 1932, 1/4 of Americans were unemployed. FDR and New Deal may not have ended the Depression in America, but helped preserve capitalism/democracy in US - used the deficit spending theories of economist ___. New Deal established a theory justifying involvement of the gvmt in the economy, and created the idea of economic stimulus and restraint. New Deal created a social ___ with the obligation to relieve economic hardship, while preserving capitalism

Dawes plan; locarno; kellogg-briand pact;

after the ___ stabilized Germany's economy in 1924, Nazi party's membership fell off so 1928, nazis only got 12 seats in the Reichstag. After Beer Hall Putsch, conditions were hopeful in Germany. Stresemann, chancellor of Weimar Republic, oversaw period of prosperity from 1925-9, known as the Weimar Golden Age. Part of the ___ treaties in 1925 in which all European nations agreed to respect WW1 boundaries. Also signatory to 1928 ___, condemning warfare. Weimar Golden Age was a culturally vibrant and politically idealistic brief flicker in the otherwise dismal early 20th C Germany. Can be used to CONTRAST the political/cultural conservatism that dominated the rest of the period

farm collectivization; kulaks

early 1930s: ___ consolidated small farms into __, modernizing agriculture but displacing many peasants, some of whom resisted the process. ____, who had been the most successful peasant farmers, destroyed as a class. (5-12 M people died by murder/famine, most in Ukraine)

Battle of Verdun; Battle of the Somme

events of WW1: both sides build miles of parallel trenches, leading to stalemate where each side tries to break through enemy lines. at __, Germans try to break through- 700,000 killed and wounded. ___- Allied counterattack, costing 1.2 M casualties.

Battle of the Marne

events of WW1: war quickly became global conflict. Germans quickly advance on Paris, but __ stop them before they can take French capital.

Wilhelm II; Balkan; Fashoda Incident; Boer War

historians agree German military buildup and will of Kaiser _____ to use new military helped cause the war. events leading up to the war included ____ Wars, assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, conflict and bickering over colonial holdings like __ and ___

MacDonald; Baldwin; Chamberlain; appeasement

in 1920s, England didn't recover from economic losses. Merchant fleet decimated, foreign trade declined, had international competition, more tariffs, rival shipping nations, defaulter loans, war relief programs that hurt a British economy that already had war debts. Liberal Party led by Lloyd George declined. Replaced by Conservatives, who liked high tariffs and welfare payments. Labour party, who wanted gradual nationalization of major industry, took power briefly. By 1929, alliance of Labour and Conservatives led by ___, ____, ___< ran government until WW2. Last one's black umbrella became a symbol for policy of appeasement (willingness to give into demands of aggressive dictators)

guest workers; separatist movements;

increased immigration into Europe altered Europe's religious makeup, causing debate/conflict over the role of religion in social/political life, particularly Islam. Many non-Europeans came as __ after WW2, and began to create ethnic enclaves in European countries. More xenophobia-emergence of modern nationalist parties in many European nations. Increase in the strength of various __ in Europe- Ireland became a complete separate nation from the UK, Basque in the Pyrenees campaign for independence, Chenchen in Chechnya want independence from Russia.

4 occupation zones;

joint administration of the ___ in Germany broke down in 1946. American, British, French sectors became W. Germany, Russian sector became E. Germany. Agitation by French/Italian communists worsened relations between USSR and W. Europe. 1948 Czech communists seized power in Prague and set up a gvmt

brain drain; sputnik; brain drain

many of the best european scientists went to the US for better wages/budgets in the ___. Space race between US/USSR led to Russia's development in 1957 of the first artificial satellite, __, and a manner moon landing in 1969 by the US. The EU, focusing on cooperation and funding on research, helped stop the ___. The international lab at CERN, creator of the world's largest particle collider, Large Hadron Collider, drew scientist back to Europe.

britain; unrestricted submarine warfare; lusitania

naval blockades: __ used its superior fleet/sea mines to cut off the Central Powers from overseas trade. Germany had ____ to prevent British from getting materials from their colonies/war supplies from the US. Sinking of the British passenger ship ___ in May 1915 with many american passengers, helped turn US public opinion against Germany

single-party; hitler; versailles; league of nations; appeasement

prelude to war/factors of WW2: 1) rise of nationalist, industrialist, imperialist ___ states. 2) personal will of __. 3) weakness of the Treaty of __, which didn't fix social/economic pressures in Europe, 4) the ___ didn't intervene when Hitler/Tojo broke treaty of versailles. 5) policy of _

league of nations; indemnities

provisions of Treaty of Versailles: certain German territories ceded to Allies and German overseas territories distributed. germany blamed for causing the war in 'war guilt' clause. german army/navy cut back to 100,000 servicemen. rhineland demilitarized and occupied by allied troops. ___ created to intervene in international disputes and prevent future wars. weak org. the US never joined. Germany had to pay __ for the civilian damage done in the war- 33 billion

poland, czechoslovakia; hungary; yugoslavia; treaty of versailles

russian revolution created the world's first communist country. patchwork of weak, ethnically mixed states created for political conveniences in C/E Europe. Nations like __, __, ___, ___, created in Europe as a result of the ___.

WW1; tariff; currency; trade; US; Great Depression

the Great Depression was caused by weaknesses in economies worldwide (___ debt, nationalistic __ policies, overproduction, depreciated __, disrupted __ patterns, speculation). Dependence of _ capital led to financial collapse when the US cut off capital flows to Europe. Tried to rethink economic theories/practices, but western nations failed to overcome the __ and were weakened by extremist movements

collapse of the USSR; congress of people's deputies; yeltsin

the ___ in 1989 marked a very important change in the European balance of power. W/collapse of the Eastern Bloc in the 1990s, Cold War is said to have ended. The Soviet Regime was overturned throughout Eastern Europe in mostly bloodless revolutions. Supreme Soviet lost power to the ___. The new body demanded greater reforms, USSR was dissolved, may have seen a bloody coup if Moscow mayor __ had not intervened to ease tensions. Many new nations formed: Turkmenistan, Georgia, Ukraine

Eastern front; Battle of Jutland

the ___ saw Germany destroy the Russian army, a loss that led to the abdication of the czar and the eventual Russian revolution. The only major naval battle-_____. German navy didn't break through British naval blockade and went to submarine warfare, which drew in the US. US involvement decided the outcome of the war bc of the productive capacity of the US, which escaped warfare at home. Revolutions overthrew monarchies in Russia, Germany, Austria, Ottoman

France, Russia, Belgium

the strategy of the schleiffen plan: defeat ___ in 6 weeks. Hold off ___. Invade France through neutral __ to seize Paris

Marshall Plan

this offered US financial aid to the European countries devastated by WW2. Money came in form of loans that had to be spent on American goods, helping to transition economies from wartime to peacetime. It helped draw the lines between the capitalist countries and communist nations that rejected Marshall Plan aid. Led to greater interconnectedness between the economies of W. Europe and dissolution of trade barriers that had plagued prewar Europe

the fourteen points; league of nations

wilson's peace plan that was never implemented bc of secret treaties among allies before US entered. 1. end to secret treaties. 2. freedom of seas. 3. free trade. 4. arms reduction. 5. just settlement of colonial claims. 6-13. evacuation of occupied territories, national self-determination. 14. establishment of __, international political organization to settle disputes

German, Ottoman; command; propaganda; economy

ww1 results of the war: war cost over 300 billion. Russian, ___, Austrian, ___ empires ended. War strained resources of the belligerents as they experimented with ___ economies. war contributed to increased involvement of gvt in society/more ___. Contributed to women's suffrage, and many social customs faded out. rapid development of new technology. ____ greatly hurt by war, because world trade had been totally disrupted, changed to wartime/command economy, and changed back

march revolution;

1917: _____: food riots broke out in St. Petersburg, and when tsar tells the duma to dissolve/troops to suppress disorder, neither obey. Workers and soldiers organize the radical legislative bodies called soviets, rebellion spreads throughout country, soldiers desert

prince lvov; kerensky; provisional government;

1917: march 14, the duma forms a provisional gvmt under ___. __, moderate member of the soviet, played a major role in running the ___> March 15- tsar abdicates. Mar 17- Russia proclaimed republic

Alexander III

1881-4: ___ reacts to predecessor's assassination by instituting reactionary policy of "russification, orthodoxy, autocracy

french; trans-siberian railroad

1890s: russia industrializes, but most people are still rural peasants. since ___ want russia support against germans, they give loans/credits to help russians build factories, get western technology, expand railroad system ___ linked european and asiatic russia

constitutional democrats; kadets; marxists

1890s: russian commerical middle class grows in influence, proletariat of exploited workers grows. political parties: _____ (___) reflect aims of new middle class and want parliamentary gvmt, gradual reform. Social Revolutionaries glorify Slavic culture and want to keep Russia agrarian. ____ urge radical revolution

lenin; bolsheviks

1903: meeting of Russian Marxist Congress results in split in party when __favors party of elite revolutionaries against open democratic organization. most of attendees walk out in protest. lenin convinces the remaining to endorse his ideas. calls his party minority ___, which means majority

russo-japanese war; roosevelt

1904-5: ___: competing over manchuria, russia and japan go to blows. When the tsar hopes this would be a short, glorious war to divert unrest, it's actually a defeat. Surprise attack on russians at Port Arthur, defeat at Battle of Mukden, and sinking of Russian fleet in Tsushima Straits brings peace mediated by ____. Treaty of portsmouth gives Japan Russia's RR rights in Manchuria, half of Sakhalin Islands off Russia, and guarantee of Japan's protectorate in Korea

duma; kulaks

1906: ___ elected, but Nicholas II dissolves it because he wants his ministers to be answerable to it. Reforms instituted: strengthening Zemstvos, abolishing the peasant debt for the emancipation of serfs in 1860s, and thereby creates wealthy peasant class ____, that farmed a lot of land and hired workers

zemstvos; rasputin; tsarina alexandra

1914: WW1 starts and Duma suspended so politics wouldn't compromise war. National union of __ organized to increase productivity. ___ began to influence ___ after he claimed to cure the tsar's only son of hemophilic episodes


1915: horrific losses at front made national union of zemstvos and middle class to demand that the ___ be reconvened to initiate reforms

Italia Irredenta

1915: neutral Italy enters war against the Central powers with promise of getting ___ and german/ottoman territories

battle of verdun

1916. fixed fortifications led to 700,000 casualties. the fortifications at verdun were supposedly inpenetrable, but the Germans broke the fortress and surrounding area.

duma; rasputin; suppress

1916: ___ meets for the first time and ,with support of its dominant conservatives, criticized the tsar's government. ____, who gave poisoned advice to Alexandra, who gave it to easily influenced husband, murdered by young noblemen. Tsar tries to ____ any reform

lenin; bolshevik;

1917: ___ and other __ leaders come back from exile to Petrograd in April. Demand to provisional gvmt that: russia withdraw from war, Petrograd Soviet runs gvmt, land distributed to peasants, factories controlled by soviets. After abortive coup, leaders flee and kerensky gets provisional gvmt

zimmermann note

1917: ___ promise mexico some of its former american holdings if it entered the war on germany's side. arabs/jews in palestine promised autonomy if they join allies, eastern europeans promised ethnic control

october revolution; leninist doctrine; lenin; trotsky; stalin

1917: ___: kerensky's gvmt isn't supported by common people because of shortages and it stayed in the war against the Central Powers. Lenin comes back to Petrograd saying "Peace, land, breed." ____: social revolution possible only in highly developed capitalist countries. Since Russia was feudal/agrarian, some Bolsheviks wanted a coalition with middle class so Russia could develop. ____ said Marxist seizure would cause other takeovers, and help Russia bypass capitalist stage. Wins support of __ and __

October 6-7; Winter Palace; lenin; trotsky; stalin; cheka

1917: ____: Bolsheviks storm the ___, HQ of Kerensky's gvmt. Kerensky's provisional gvmt flees. Congress of Soviets, representing the local soviets, formed all over Russia. Established a Council of People's Commissars. ___ as head, __ as foreign minister, __ as nationalities minister. Gvmt abolishes freely elected legislative assembly and has secret police organization, the ___

Russian Civil War; New Economic Policy

1918-22: ___ fought for control of rest of Russian Empire. Communists won bc opponents couldn't unite (tsarists, middle class, peasants, socialists). Red Army under Trotsky conquered European Russia 1920, Siberia 1922 (although US intervened). Communist International to organize Communism worldwide, organized in 1919. Lenin institutes policies designed to improve economic conditions in Soviet Union and rebuild WW1/Civil War damage. Plan called ___: allowed peasants some autonomy in selling goods, state controlled banks, foreign trade, industrial projects, private ownership of some small enterprises

Dictatorship of the Proletariat; Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

1918: ___ proclaimed, Bolsheviks rename their party Communist. Important industries nationalized. Orthodox Church lands taken. Russia pulls out of WW1. surrendering Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland Ukraine to Germany in the ____

nationalities reform

1922: _____: Russian Empire reorganized into Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, uniting nation groups into federal entity of major republics, small autonomous regions. Cultural identity encouraged, toleration of various ethnic groups.

congress of soviets; council of people's commissars

1924: Constitution: only workers and peasants allowed to vote for local soviets. local soviets elect provincial or district soviets that choose republic soviet for each autonomous republic. ___ represents all the republics and elects a ____

Lenin; trotsky; stalin

1924: ___ dies at 54, doesn't recover from assassination attempt 1920. __ at disadvantage bc he's a Jew in anti-Semitic society, and considered an intellectual. ___, secretary of Communist Party, gets loyalty by making key appointments. Trotsky pushes for worldwide revolution. Stalin argues for strenghtening Russia by industrialization before it helps worldwide revolution "socialism in one country",

stalin, trotsky

1927: ___ wins support of party, __ flees country and is murdered 1940 by Stalinist agent

five-year plan

1928: the first___ promoted rapid industrialization by centralized planning. Coal and steel production accelerated, modern transportation system developed using domestic resources of USSR, since foreign nations hostile to new gvmt.

Manchuria; League of Nations

1931: Japan invades __ and ___ doesn't intervene. Japan imperializes China.

League of Nations

1933: Hitler pullls Germany out of __

Five-Year Plan; Great Depression

1933: a second ___ begun that increased production of steel and heavy industry, modernized Soviet factories, created a boom when the West was in the ___ , made Russia leading industrial power


1935: Hitler rebuilds German armed forces, violating Treaty of Versailles. Western powers object but don't act. Mussolini attacks Ethiopia. League orders __, embargos on trade in arms/raw materials) against Italy, but they weren't enforced

purge trials; gulags

1936-7: ___: stalin's paranoid tendencies convinced him of plots in the party/gvmt to overthrow him. Many original Bolsheviks, high military officers tried on trumped-up charges. 1 M executed. 5-7 M sent to ___, Siberian labor camps. Stalin strenghtened his hold on the party, gvmt, and the nation.

Rhineland; appeasement; Franco; Spanish Civil

1936: Hitler's troops occupy the __, which the ToV had made a demilitarized land between France and Germany. France and England give into the policy of ___. General __ and his Spanish Falangists (fascists) began an insurrection against the republican gvmt of Spain. Fascist dictators Hitler and Mussolini supported Franco with men, arms, and money. Stalin backed the Republicans. The brutal and destructive ___, which lasted for over 3 years, became a testing ground for the war machines of the dictatorships. Fascists won, and Franco was the longest-reigning Fascist dictator- ended in 1975.

Marshal Petain; Battle of Britain; blitz; blitzkrieg

1940: France surrendered on June 22. Germany occupied the N and W, and there terror and repression reigned. Pupper French gvmt, the vichy Regime, led by WW1 hero ___ controlled the south and N. African possessions. General Charles de Gaulle escaped to Britain, where he took control of the 'Free French."- continued to fight the Nazis, claimed the role of the Provisional gvmt of France, and the French Resistance undermined the Nazis from inside France. The __, air war for supremacy of skies above Britain. Began Aug. 1940, targeted industrial cities of S. England, subjected to nightly bombings called "the blitz,'" harking back to the lighting, or __ in ___

Maginot Line; British Expeditionary Force; blitzkrieg; Dunkirk

1940: from the fall of Poland to April 1940 was called the "sitzkrieg" bc the French sat behind their impregnable ___< fortresses on the German border, and the ___ in France made no moves. German forces occupied Denmark/Norway in a matter of days. In May 1940, German army cut through Belgium/Luxembourg to outflank France's defense. Within 6 weeks, Nazi tactics of __ caused France to fall. Isolated and surrounded, the 250,000-man BEF retreated to ___ in Belgium, most of them to be evacuated to England along with about 100,000 French troops. Allies lost their heavy equipment. Mussolini invaded S. France, invasion that was symbolic of Nazi-Fascist solidarity.

Roosevelt; Churchill; Stalin; Big Three

1941: Germany invades the USSR and in December the Japanese attacks the US at Pearl Harbor and in the Philippines. USSR and US join Britain as enemies of the Axis. US had been supporting Britain through a lend-lease program that allowed the British to use American ships, buy war materials. After Russia was invaded, Germans got caught in Russian winter. ___< ___, and Soviet Premier __ made the __, who made Allied policy

September 1; Polish corridor; blitzkrieg; blitzkrieg; Einsatzgruppen;

1941: ___: hitler invades poland ,to get back the part of east prussia that the versailles treaty had ceded to poland for access to the Baltic Sea, the __> The Germans used the __ technique for this invasion: a massive air strike at a specific area of the enemy lines, followed by a reinforced, rapid, and massive mechanized attack at the point of the air strike. The Germans penetrated Polish lines and divided the enemy troops, who could then be eliminated in sections. Tanks and infantry swept in at lightning speed, giving the ___ its name, lighting war. The Germans also used their Einsatzgruppen, a special military force dedicated to killing leaders of Jews, communists, and the roma during the invasion

Auschwitz; Rommel

1942: In June, the Axis powers control the entire continent from the Atlantic in the West to Moscow in the east, from Scandinavia to N. Africa. Nazis set up extermination camps. in Poland, Austria, and Germany. Transport Jews/Soviet POW/political enemies there for murder. __: most infamous. 12 million slaughtered there. 6 million were European Jews. Japan seizes cities of coastal China and takes Indochina, Indonesia, Malaya, Burma, Philippines. __, the Desert Fox, pushes back the British in N. Africa deep into Egypt, threatening the Suez Canal

June-november; June; Battle of Midway; Summer to winter; stalingrad; november

1942: ___ rommel's Afrika corps, the elite mechanized force that spearheaded the advance of Axis troops in this theater of war, was defeated at El Alamein in Egypt by the British. __: American aircraft carriers win a stunning victory against Japanese naval force at the ___ ___: the russian city of __ stood against German invaders and counterattacked. Marked the end of Nazi advances in the USSR and the eventual destruction of the German sixth Army. ___: Anglo-American forces lands on the shores of Axis-held territory in N. Africa

Tehran Conference

1943: American, British, Canadian forces invade island of Sicily, Mussolini overthrown. Allies land in Italy and fight against German resistance. At the __, the big Three say that they'd only accept unconditional surrender, and that post-war Germany would be occupied by the Allies and demilitarized.

Casablanca; unconditional surrender

1943: Axis cleared from N. Africa. Russians begin the advance that would lead them into Germany. 80% of German casualties were from the Soviets. 25-30 M Russians died during war. Roosevelt, Churchill, representative of Stalin meet at ___ in N. Africa and agree to inly stop the war when they had the ____ of the Axis powers

D-day invasion; Normandy; Battle of the Bulge

1944: the __ of the French coast at __ marked the beginning of the end of Nazi domination of the Continent. Paris liberated by August. Last German offensive took place at ___ in Belgium. After, Germans were defensive.


1945: In February, Allied air attack drops 3900 tons of explosives on German city of Dresden, a cultural landmark. USSR smaskes into East Prussia, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, while Americans cross the Rhine. Hitler commits suicide, Germany surrenders May 8

August 6; first atomic bomb; Hiroshima; august 9; nagasaki; September; General Douglas MacArthur

1945: __: US drops the first ___ on the Japenese city of __. 70 000 people die immediately, thousands suffer after effects. ___: second atomic bomb dropped on __, and Japan surrenders. __: Japan signs an official surrender. Under the supervision of commander of Allied Forces in the Pacific, __< emperor denies his divinity. Antiwar constitution imposed on Japan. Technical/financial assistance given for further industrialization/modernization.

Berlin; Reichstag

1990s: Germany, peacefully united, had its capital in __ again, and became the most pwrful economy in Europe. Some inequality between the former E. and W. Germany, as it took a long time to reindustrialize the antiquated systems and training of the former East Germans. With Berlin once again named national capital, houses of the __ and Bundesrat moved there.

Britain, France, Russia, US, Italy



Also called economic imperialism, this is the domination of newly independent countries by foreign business interests that causes colonial-style economies to continue, which often caused monoculture (a country only producing one main export like sugar, oil, etc).

Warsaw PAct

An alliance between the Soviet Union and other Eastern European nations. This was in response to the NATO

Green party; second vatican council;

At the dawn of the 21st century, political parties like the __ want a sustainable system and more freedoms/social responsibility. Reform in RCC found expression in the ___, which redefined the Church's dogma and practices and started to redefine its relations with other religious communities. It reshaped the RCC to the church it is today, engaged in modern dialogue, pardoned Galileo, reconciled other world religions.

Schlieffen Plan; war of attrition

Aug-Sep 1914: Germany's ___ for a rapid invasion of France failed. Since a ___ (wearing down resources/morale) might happen bc of more land mass, resources, population of its enemies, Germany wanted a quick victory

July 28, 1914

Austria declares war on Serbia after pronouncing the Serbian response inadequate. Russia mobilized.

July 23, 1914

Austria gives ultimatum to Serbia that would make it a protectorate of Austria

Poland; Romania; nazi; Hungary

Authoritarian dictatorships take over C/E Europe in the interwar period. __- Pilsudski influences politics. In __ the pro-__ regime, the iron guard led by antonescu takes power, in ___ a fascist prime minister takes power in 1932

August 4, 1914

Britain declares war on Germany after invasion of Belgium

National Party; Keynes

Britain: under the ___ (alliance of Labour and Conservatives,) in the 1930s tried to alleviate Depression by reorganizing industry, abandoning free trade, reforming finances, and cutting gvmt spending. Used the ideas of ___ to alleviate worst parts of the depression. GB was able to make a strong recovery, conservative gvmts paid generous unemployment benefits, focused more on domestic market than exports, low interest rates brought on housing boom, new industries like appliances/cars helped spur consumption, N- depressed. S-expanded. Britain came out of Depression from rearmament for WW2 `

Yugoslavia; Yugoslav Wars; ethnic cleansing; fluid

By 1993, ethnic rivalries among the former Soviet controlled republics resulted in a bloody war pitting Serbia/Croatia against their former Yugoslavian Bosnia and Herzegovina. Serbian aggression was halted in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo. Former ___ was divided into several countries. The ____ can be divided into: The 10-Day War, Croatian War of Independence; Bosnian War; Kosovar War. NATO was instrumental in preventing ___ as Croats, Muslims, Serbs all tried to eliminate each other in these countries. The collapse of communism in Europe created a __ political situation that is similar to the disruptions of the old orders after WW1/2

European Community; Maastricht Treaty; European Union; euro

By late 1991, 12 members of the __, the Common Market, completed a plan to integrate economically and consolidate politically. The ___ went into force in 1993 was the first major step toward European unification into the ___ which shares currency, bank, trade reg. No tariffs between the member states that compromise the entity. Leading political force on the world stage. 18 of the nations use the __ as their currency, but all participate in supranational/intergovernmental cooperation that holds them together. Presidency rotates. Union has allowed much cooperation: financial, law enforcement, infrastructure, energy, engineering, science. Expansion of the EU into Eastern Europe has caused tensions with russia, but also modernized their economies. Economic/political union has helped revive Europe as an economic powerhouse during 20/21st century transition.

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria

Central Powers

Husserl; Heidegger; Kierkegaard; existentialism; Sartre

___ and ____ extended the work of Nietzsche and ___ to establish the foundations of ___, a philosophical school popularized by ____ after WW2, that emphasized individual responsiblity and capability for giving meaning to a meaningless universe

lost generation; League of Nations; German Weimar Republic

Conflicting goals of WW1 peace negotiations pitted idealism against blaming Germans for the war. The war created a _____, fostered disillusionment and cynicism, transformed lives of women, and democratized societies. Democratic successor states, like Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Yugoslavia emerged from former empires. The ____, created to prevent future wars, weakened by the nonparticipation of US, Germany, Soviet Union. Versailles settlement, bc of assignment of guilt/reparations for war, hindered the _____'s ability to est. stable political/economic system

liberalization; Czechoslovakia; Brezhnev Doctrine; intervene;

Conflicts of 1968: In August, Soviet leaders sent a massive military force to end the __ of ___, a threat to both the Warsaw Pact and Soviet domination. The __, formulated by head of the Soviet Communist Party and future premier Brezhnev, stated that the USSr had the right to ___ in the internal affairs of any satellite nation if communism was threatned. This doctrine and the intervention in C. discredited Soviet leadership of the communist world and its role as a model for communist gvmts in the coming yrs of the Cold war

Treaty of Versailles; never settled; many of its provisions provided grist for nazi propaganda mills in 1920/30s

___ ended the war with germany but ___ the explosive issues that had led to war. _______

Indian National Congress; Ho Chi Minh; Indonesia; Netherlands

Despite indigenous nationalist movements, independence for many African/Asian territories was delayed until the mid/late 1900s by the imperial powers' reluctance to relinquish control, threats of interference from other nations, unstable economic and political systems, and Cold War strategic alignments. The __ wanted independence under Gandhi until British left India 1948. In Vietnam, __ organized the Viet Minh to fight for independence, from France/US as he worked to make Vietnam communist. In ___, Sukarno led his people to independence from the __, which tried to restore its rule there post- WW2.

rigging; government; vote; corporations; totalitarian

Fascism 2: the Fascist consolidated power through the 1920s by __ elections and intimidating/terrorizing opponents. By 1928, all independent labor unions had been organized into __-controlled syndicates, right to __ was limited, all candidates were chosen by the Fascist party. Through the 1930s, organization of __ replaced parliamentary government. Democracy suppressed, __ state created in Italy

WW1; Depression; strikes; strong

Fascism in Italy: ___ settlements were disappointing, since they didn't get any of the territories they were promised. __ hit 1919 and provoked nationwide __ and class antagonisms, so bourgeoisie looked for __ leader to preserve order

Lateran pact

Fascist accomplishments: electrification, roadbuilding, effective municipal governing, suppressing Mafia, improving justice system, reconciliation with papacy after ___ of 1929, which gave the papacy 92 M for seized Church lands in return for them recognizing the Italian state. Trains ran on schedule

democracy; censorship; poor; imperialistic

Fascist failings: Italian __ destroyed, press _, no right to strike, denial of all dissent, destruction of suffrage, terrorism was a state policy, __ industrial growth due to militarism and colonialism, attempt to recapture __ glories of Rome resulted in disastrous involvement in war

nationalism; militarism; alliance; imperialism; Versailles

Fay and Barnes said WW1 was inevitable, and blame rested on everyone. Short-term causes: A-H and Serbian ___. Long-term causes: ___, ___ system, ___, nationalism (MAIN). Led to Treaty of __ not being fully enforced against Germany, which might've helped led to WW2

Helsinki Accords; Iron curtain; detente;

First substantative reduction in tensions: ____, final act of the 1975 Conference on Security and Cooperation. Most of nations on both sides of the ___ signed these agreements: respect for national sovereignty, acknowledged national borders, no force against other nation signatories, non-intervention in internal affairs of other nations, respect for human rights. __ prevailed in following years. De Gaulle's France questions the leadership of the US in European affairs, just as Mao's china questioned role of USSR in Communist affairs. A prosperous/independent Western Europe took more charge of its own affairs, and nationalist resistance in EE diminishes Soviet influence.

August 3, 1914

France declares war on Germany

Popular Front; Blum; POpular Front; appeasement

France: Depression increased class tensions and gave birth to the radical right: after financial scandal that involved high gvmt officials in 1934, pro-Fascist riots broke out in France. Socialists, republicans, communists, labor unionists responded by having the ___, which opposed Fascism, supported reform, upheld the republic. In 1936, __ became prime minister under the ___. Instituted French New Deal, which offered labor and agricultural reforms similar to US- but they were ineffective in ending Depression. Program didn't hold together and he resigned in 1937 to be replaced by conservative Daladier, who overturned New Deal, ___ Hitler's suggestions

Gorbachev, glasnost, perestroika

In 1985, the election of ___ by the Soviet communist party leadership to serve as party general secretary promised to reform the ailing economy and invigorate the party after Brezhnev. Policies: __, or openness, and ___, or restructuring. Gave EE people hope for a better life, and the facade of Soviet power crumbled. He became the agent of an unintended and unexpected revolution that led to the collapse of communism and the dissolution of the world order that had reigned.

INF treaty; War in Afghanistan; perestroika; glasnost; Dallas; Jeffersons;

In 1987, he and Reagan signed the ___, which began the delicate/dangerous process of nuclear disarmament w/destruction of nuclear missiles. USSR then withdrew from ___. The Soviets were defeated by the local militias, the mujahidin, who were funded and armed by the american gvmt through agents such as bin Laden. Gorbachev's __, or restructuring of the economy, and his policy of ___ seemed to be moving Soviet communism toward reform. NATO nations engaged in military buildup in 1980s, along with massive television broadcasts across Iron Curtain countries, implying US life was like __ and ___, effective propaganda that destroyed social belief in the communist system. Corruption/party privilege destroyed faith in the system. Suppression by state police, like the Stasi in East Germany/ KGB in USSR, could not prevent the people in Warsaw Pact countries from revolting.


In 1994 the __ was created by the Marrakech Agreement. It's an international trade regulating body that enforces agreements on international trade, and includes a judicial body that has the power to impose penalties on member nations.

Weimar Republic; Weimar Constitutin; Reichstar; Reichstag; inflation of 1923

In Nov. 1918, a provisional gvmt, organized to negotiate peace with the Allies. It did sign the Versailles Treaty and was held responsible for its inequalities. ___ set up Germany's first modern democracy: provided for a directly elected president, parliament (__), a senate (___) that would represent the German states, a chancellor who represented the majority party of the Reichstag, and a cabinet. After the __< Germany defaulted on its reparations to France, French seized the Ruhr Valley, and German workers there went on strike. To pay them, Weimar Republic printed paper money, creating inflation. When debtors paid off creditors with worthless money, middle class was financially wiped out

pure; applied science; big science

In WW2, scientists were employed by their governments to help the war effort, and their work led to technological advances, like the use of atomic energy, development of radar/jet aircraft, and advent of computers. New discoveries, inventions, industries, spurred research after the war in __ and ____. New funding/organization of the fields of research led to the advent of __, which stressed teamwork, theoretical science + engineering, and complex research facilities. US took the lead in this area post-WW2. Most scientific research was funded by US federal gvmt.

baby boomers; margaret sanger

In the 1960s, a youth culture, which grew first in the US from many __, spread globally. Rebellion against status quo manifested itself in rock, illegal drugs, and loose sexual attitudes. Revolutionary idealism among young people, who participate in antiwar movement in US. Student revolts against rigid educational practices in universities broke out in France and other European countries. In 1970/80s, many women go into the workforce and more women can get divorces. Birth control allowed people to plan their families-decreased birthrate. __ championed birth control.

containment; Churchhill; zedong; mutually assured destruction

Initial phase of the Cold War involved a struggle for control of war-devastated Europe. By late 1940s, US aid had shored up the exhausted democracies of Western europe against Soviet encroachment. Soviets installed communist gvmts in EE under Moscow's domination. Next phase involved the ___ of communism by the West in the LECDS. Wars involving the European democracies/US against Marxist nationalists broke out in Asia, Africa, LA. When China's communist revolution under ___ was successful 1949, UN didn't recognize the gvmt and instead recognized the Nationalist Chinese gvmt in Taiwan. USSR boycotts UN. At the same time, North Korea invades South Korea with Soviet aid, attacking a UN force. UN declared police action to stop invasion, and eventually the fighting stopped at the 38th parallel. With no official truce ever signed, this remains a military hotspot. World saved from nuclear holocaust because each side knew they cause destroy all human life on Earth. This balance of power, ___, is credited for preventing a nuclear conflict between superpowers.

mussolini; squadistri; blackshirts; March on Rome; corporate state

Italy: ____, editor of socialist newspaper and a nationalist, organized the Fascist Party, combination of socialism and nationalism. His __, paramilitary ___, attacked communists, socialists, and enemies of the program. By promising to protect private property, he got the support of the conservatives- abandoned socialism. Fascist ___, Oct. 1922, caused the gvmt to collapse and let Mussolini reorganize a new gvmt. Victor Emmanuel III gave him dictatorial powers for 1 yr to end unrest. The ___ was the economic core of Italian Fascism: "labor unions" managed and controlled industry: these unions set the national political agenda, authority flowed from the top

slave-labor; comfort women; Chinese; medical

Japan: Japanese economically and militarily dominated the area they conquered. Japanese turned the civilians into a ___ force, included women forced into prostitution for Japanese soldiers, "___." 20 million ___ killed in the course of the war, __ experimentation on the Chinese civilians with biological agents

Potsdam Conference

July 1945, this was attended by Churchill, Stalin, and Truman. Cracks showed in the alliance when Truman and Churchill criticized Stalin for not having free elections in E. Europe. Refugees from concentration camps tried to return home/make new lives for themselves.

battle of the somme

July-November 1916, showed the stalemate in trenches. One of bloodiest battles ever, with over 1.2 million killed/wounded

One Day in the life of ivan denisovich; cuban missile crisis;

Khrushchev found middle road between Western democracies and old party hard liners while defending communism/fixing excesses of Stalin. Liberalized the arts - allowed publication of Solzhenitsyn's __. In a speech at the UN, threatened to destroy the US. In 1962, in response to US missiles placed within range of Moscow, tried to site nuclear missiles on newly communist Cuba, famous face-off with JFK in ___. Blockaded Berlin, which caused US to airlift to West Berlin. Then, softened tone towards US, signed nuclear test ban treaty in 1963. By backing down against Kennedy, lost power in the USSR

Lebanon; Syria; Iraq; Palestine; Irish Question; British Protectorate ; Egypt; Commonwealth of Nations

League of Nations distributed former German/Ottoman possessions to France and GB through the mandate system, altering the imperial balance of power and creating strategic interest in Middle East states and oil. Mandates included ___, ___, ___, __. British foreign policy consumed by the ___, the granting of independence to Southern Ireland after failure to suppress rebellion. The ending of ___ in ____, although they still controlled the Suez Canal, was another issue. The Statute of Westminster formally recognized the equality of the British dominions such as Canada and Australia. Set up a ___, which enjoyed special trading privileges.

stravinsky; rite of spring

Music of Age of Anxiety challenged existing aesthetic standards, explored subconscious/subjective states, satirized Western society and its values. ___ revolutionized classical music with ____, adopted the 12-tone technique of Schoeberg. Tone poems of Strauss were another way to look at music

Reichstag building destroyed by arson; Enabling Act

Nazi Revolution: week before the 1933 elections, the ______. Nazis are believed to be responsible for the fire, but Hitler used it as a pretext to declare emergency powers for the gvmt. Next election had no freedom of press/speech, terrorizing of political opponents. After getting a majority in the Reichstag, Nazis gave dictatorial powers to Hitler for 4 yrs with ___. All political parties but the Nazis outlawed. When hindenburg died 1934, Hitler merged office of president with chancellor

Dachau; Night of the Long Knives; Gestapo

Nazis consolidate power: ___, first concentration camp, opened in 1933. Now, they were centers for punishing political opponents of the Nazis. During the ____ in June 1934, Hitler executed left-wing Nazis who wanted socialist programs, and leaders of the Brownshirts. The SS, elite guard, became the party/nation's enforcers. ___ was the secret police force of the SS- would become the overseers of the death camps. Labor unions were replaced, like in Fascist Italy, by a Nazi-led labor organization. Strikes outlawed, factories put under management of local Nazi officials who had dictatorial powers over the workers.

autarchy; Nuremberg Laws; Kristallnacht; Holocaust;

Nazis consolidate pwr 2: Germany got full employment of workers through military production, that had been outlawed in the Versailles Treaty. Policy of ___, economic self-sufficiency, developed to make Germany sufficient of imports/foreign markets. The ___ of 1935 stripped Germany's JEws of their rights as citizens. When Nazi mobs wrecked Jewish shops/synagogues throughout Germany during ____ 1938, beginning of the __: the systematic extermination of Jews in Germany and throughout Europe. 200,000 German Jews escaped from Germany- 90% left were murdered. The Holocaust was used to eliminate many of Hitler's enemies: ethnic groups, politically opposed to him, Communists, Catholics, Jewish, Roma, homosexuals, handicapped. 6 million Jews/7 million others killed

Final Solution;Anne Frank; Elie Wiesel; Niemoller

Nazis: decided a civilian's fate based on ethnicity: Germanic people had position of power, Slavs/Russians sent to forced work camps and factories, Jews/Roma/handicapped/communists sent to concentration camps. Jews were a special target for genocide. They were first ostracized and forced from positionss of authority by the racist Nuremberg Laws. All Jewish people in Nazi-occupied territories sent from their homes without their possessions to ghettoes to live in squalid conditions. After Wannsee Conference of 1942, Germans decided on. ____ in which the ghettoes would be liquidated and Jews would be sent to death camps. Stories of __ and __ testify to the brutality of the regime. One Christian response was to try to protect Jewish people as seen in the actions of the Protestant minister __

simone de beauvoir; betty friedan; second wave; margeret thatcher; mary robinson; edith cresson

Newfound independence and some gifted female writers, like __ and ___, helped launch a new feminism (____ feminism) that attacked gender inequalities in all aspects of society. Dissolution of USSR led many women, who had lived in those more emancipated cultures, to encourage emancipation of W. European women. __ was the PM of UK. __ was the president of Ireland. ___ was the PM of France. Europeans decided women should decide about abortion, birth control.

Solidarity; berlin wall; germany reunited; cold war; ended; charter for a new europe

No USSR pt. 2: Communism rejected as a failure- China's the only major communist power. US becomes sole superpower. Two main protagonists managed to keep the peace between themselves for 50 years. Soviet communism helped to restrain the uglier expressions of narrow nationalism and ethnic rivalry. ___, the Polish trade-union movement, led by __, who opposed the rigid communist gvmt. Had been suppressed under martial law. Swept into office by the first free elections since pre-WW2. Changes in the communist gvmts of Hungary, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia took place over the next several months. In november of 1989, the __, symbol of communist oppression, was breached. Marked the beginning of the downfall of the communist East German gvmt. Violent revolution in Romania overthrew the longtime communist dictatorship. Free elections established non-communist gvmts in many of the old East European satellites. In Oct. 1990. __. Despite fears of a resurgent and aggressive united Germany, Gorbachev allowed the union. Germany joined NATO, and less than a year later, the Warsaw Pact, its communist counterpart, was dissolved. The ___ officially __ in November, when Soviet, US, European leaders signed the ___

stream of consciousness; joyce; woolf; remarque; all quiet on the western front; kafka; the trial; metamorphosis

Number of writers challenged conventions, questioned values, addressed controversial issues, influenced writers to emphasize irrational aspects of the human condition. __, portrayal of individual's random thoughts, was a style perfected by ____, irish novelist, and ___, english fiction writer. It reflected the prevailing view of human life as alienated, irrational, and chaotic. Horrors of WW1 examined by ___ in ____, which found meaninglessness in war. ____ explored the overreaching power of the state in ___ and ___, which explored themes of alienation, brutality, parent-child conflict

genocide; ethnic cleansing

Poland, Hungary, and Czech Republic est. democratic gvmts, instituted capitalist reforms, and joined NATO. Independence mvmts from the Serb-dominated Yugoslavian gvmt in Belgrade create struggles between ethnic groups and revived the specter of __ in the form of __. Intervention of NATO created a precarious peace and the prosecution of Milosevic, Serbian president, for war crimes.

superpowers; soviet bloc; satellites; western bloc; developing world; iron curtain; superpowers; cold war

Post WW2- 2 great powers: US and USSR, which became superpowers. Before, there had been a balance of power in Europe. Now, 2 blocs emerge: the __ with its __ of pupper governments in E and C Europe and the __ or Free World made up of the democracies. With collapse of colonial empires, third bloc emerges: __ consisting of newly independent nations. Churchill describes Stalin's expansion of Communist totalitarianism as bringing down a ___ separating E/C Europe people from the world. Competition develops between the __ to win Europe. The __ had begun.

Red Army; satellite; Albania; Yugoslavia

Post- WW2 USSR: backed by USSR ___, many local communist parties in Eatern Europe take over coalition gvmts and fall under Soviet orbit- E. Germany also becomes a __. ___, and ___ under Communist rule, are independent from USSR bc they hadn't been liberated from the Nazis.

Ruhr Basin; Morganthau Plan

Post-WW2: Germany's ___ was the industrial center of devastated Europe. Western allies realized Europe would have to be rebuilt. Soviets wanted to use German reparations for their own war damage, and ___ developed by the US Treasury to make Germany an agricultural society.

Marshall plan; Marshall plan

Productivity in those countries that received __ aid had exceeded prewar rates, and the US urged the Europeans to develop a European free-trade zone similar to various American states. __ combined self-interest (communism contained and markets for US goods opened) with altruism

Social Democrat; modern welfare state

Scandinavia: the __ party in Norway and Sweden developed unique type of socialism: strong worker/peasant reforms, tradition of cooperative community action to create flexible non-revolutionary socialism, agricultural cooperatives formed organizations that benefitted all, labor leaders/capitalists worked together, deficit spending to stimulate economy, high taxes, like New Deal but more intense- worked and was seen as a middle way between capitalism and communism, created model for ___. Still in practice in much of Europe today


Soviet response to the OEEC and Marshall Plan was ___, set up in 1949 to facilitate and coordinate the economic activity of those countries in E. Europe in the Soviet sphere of influence known as the Eastern Bloc

collectivization; Great Patriotic War; gulags;

Soviets Consolidate Power: Communist governments in the satellite nations carried out land distribution reforms and nationalization of industry. Forced __ of agriculture was only moderately successful. Soviet-type five-year-plans helped reconstruction and built up heavy industry at the expense of consumer goods. Police state methods were used to silence opposition parties and to neutralize the influence of the RCC in newly communist nations like Poland. Repression tightened to the breaking point in the USSR in the last years of Stalin. Stalin's acheivements (industrialization of Russia, victory in the __ against the Nazis, postwar reconstruction in 10 yrs, spread of a Soviet communist empire to Eastern Europe) have to be measured against his brutal repression. Responsible for the slaughter of 30 M of his citizens, denying basic civil rights, establishing forced labor camps (__), repressing any.every form of free expression. Stalin died 1953, and there was a power struggle in the USSR. Party leadership executed Beria, head of secret police, to prevent a coup, and set up a figurehead premier. Riots broke out in East Berlin, a precursor of greater resistance from the satellites.

Margaret Thatcher

The 1980s saw GB and US reduce spending on social programs under ___ and Reagan. Former also led Britain in the last clear war for imperialism, as she had the British Navy defend the Falklands Islands off Argentina.


The US formed the ___ to rearm non-communist Europe and safeguard it against invasion. Soon after, W. Germany, Greece, Turkey joined. Eventually Germany encouraged to organize a national army under NATO command.


The ___ movement considered form and function to be united and saw over-ornamentation as a crime. Steel and glass buildings, modern furniture created. House seen as machine for living in. Minimalist; foundation of the modernist artistic movement; Gropius was a leader of this movement

UN; General Assembly; Security Council

The ___ replaces the League of nations. It has a __ and 6 main committees as well as a Human Rights Council, Economic and Social Council. Its ___ has to approve any military action, and it has 5 permanent members with vetoes.

Marshall Plan; Marshall

The ___, developed by Secretary of state__, put into operation. Billions of dollars go to W. Europe to rebuild infrastructure. W. European nations created Committee of European Economic Cooperation in 1948 to coordinate economic efforts. This eventually led to the creation of the OEEC, a primary tool of European integration until it was replaced by the OECD, which helped usher in the EU

age of anxiety

The carnage and disruption of WW1, collapse of the old order resulted in a _____. Assumption of the perfectibility of mankind through reason collapsed under new events/ideas

Sputnik; atomic bomb; hydrogen bomb; intercontinental missiles; centralized economic planning;

The launching of the first artificial earth satellite, __ in 1957 pointed out the considerable technological acheivements of the Soviets. 1949: tested first __. 1953- tested first __. Their work on rocketry, helped by German scientists captured after war, let them develop ___ capable of striking the US. ___ had developed the five-year plans that reconstructed the USSR after WW2 and had raised the Soviet gross national product from 30% of US in 1950 to 50% in mid 1960s. Agriculture performed badly, partly because of the failure of collectivized farms to provide incentives for production and partly because of bad decisions by Khrushchev, who was ousted 1964.

Japanese; god; Axis

Triumph of Axis Powers: German Nazis and Italians impose totalitarian systems. ___ see their emperor as a living _, and have a military dictatorship in the 1930s. "__" came from the Rome, Berlin, Tokyo Axis, pledge of mutual cooperation that in the end led to no combined military ventures involving the 2 European powers and Japan

Versailles Treaty; isolationism; tariffs; Great Depression; age of immigration

US foreign policy: disillusionment with the ___ resulted in the Senate's rejection of US membership in League of Nations. Nostalgia for ___, but the US was in naval disarmament conferences to limit the building of new battleships, fix size of major powers' navies. International trade thwarted by shortsighted ____ that contributed to the ____ by diminishing foreign markets and limiting the ability of the Europeans to pay off war debts to US. Immigration quotas that favored N. Europeans ended the _____

fourteen point peace plan; armistice

US helps halt the last major offensive of the exhausted German army. Military stalemate and Total War leads citizens to protest and turn to insurrection, leading to revolutions. By 1918, Bulgaria and Turkey want peace, A-H collapsed, Germany has revolution. Kaiser abdicates, and provisional gvmt wants negotiations on Wilson's ___. On 11th hr of 11th day of 11 month 1918, ___ ends WW1

stock market crash; large margins; wartime; mechanization; Federal Reserve; deflation

US: the ___ of Oct. 1929 was a symptom of the Depression. Contributing factors: buying stocks on ___, stock bubble, adjustment from ___ economy to peaceful, __ that created structural unemployment, declines in consumption, changes in international patterns of trade. ___ also exacerbated the weak economy by tightening the money supply and creating __, which devastated the world economy

economic boom; farm; credit; products; business

US: the ____ of the 1920s masked problems- __ prices had dropped after the peak post-wartime, a lot of people were poor, __ let ppl run up debt, there weren't many new __, so this discouraged ___ investment

Schuman and Monnet Plan; European Coal and Steel Community ;European Economic Community; Common Market

Under the French-sponsored ___, 6 industrial countries on the Continent formed the ___ to pool their resources in 1952. The ___, the ___, was created by the same 6 nations. It aimed at an end to internal tariffs and the free exchange of money and workers between members. By 1968, plan in full effect. 1973, Britain , Ireland, Denmark join.

Belgium; DRC; Portuguese; Angola

___ had ruled a portion of Africa that was 75 times the size of Belgium. The __ was formed in 1960, ending century of Belgian rule there. __ decolonized slowly/reluctantly as their world power dissipated- __ was an example of their attempt to preserve rule that brutalized natives

modern welfare state;

W. Europe created new benefit systems for its citizens to reduce the peaks and valleys capitalism creates for humans and support necessities for people, known as ___. Unemployment insurance, housing subsidies, medical care, pensions, subsidies for large families, child-care, higher taxes on the wealthy

Locarno pact; Kellogg-Briand Pact

WW1 created economic chaos and political unrest in France. When Germans defaulted on their reparation payments, French economy nearly collapsed. 1920s- government dominated by parties on the right. 1922-when Germany managed to pay only part of that year's reparation bill, Poincare, prime minister, sent French troops to occupy the mineral-rich Ruhr Valley. Tax and spending reforms by Poincare's government led to temporary resurgence of prosperity until worldwide depression hit. French foreign policy aimed at neutralizing Germany if militarism resurged there. Series of alliances with buffer states like Belgium and Poland surrounded Germany with French allies. ____ of 1925 tried to settle French-German border disputes. _____ of 1928 aimed at outlawing war and was championed as the high point of post-WW1 diplomacy

Total war

WW1- 1900s' first__, where civilian populations mobilized for winning war. Propaganda dehumanized the enemy, news censored. Economic production focused on war effort, women replaced male factory workers, rationing of food, people financed war by buying bonds, each side tried to 'starve out' the enemy

Hitler; Brownshirts; National Socialist German worker's party (nazis)

Weimar gvmt's economic disasters in 1923 encouraged ___ to try to seize power from Bavaria, state of southern Germany. Austrian by birth, he had joined the German army during WW1, and helped organize the ___ after WW1. Racist, paranoid, sociopathic, megalomaniacal, he was a brilliant orator/strategist who played on popular discontent with the Weimar gvmt. Blamed democracy, communism, Jews for Germany's ills

1970s; LEDCs

When the worldwide recession of the __ caused the West to reduce its aid to the __, the LEDCs became more militant in demanding a more equitable share of the world's resources and industrial production. Exploited by the USSR, and many communist movements gained power in the LEDCs. Ex: China, Vietnam, NK, Cambodia, had/have a form of communist leadership.

Belgium; Russian; Battle of the Marne

Why schleiffen plan failed: ___ put up resistance. __ mobilized quickly, drawing German forces to the Eastern Front. French counterattacked at the ___ to stop German drive to Paris

film; radio; propaganda; celebrity

___ and ___ become means for entertainment, info, ___ in 1920/30s. National broadcasting networks set up by every major European power, and radio used by Hitler and other European dictators for propaganda. Movies become mass entertainment, but also used for propaganda. Modern cult of ___ born with advent of movies

de-stalinization; revolts; poland; hungary; gomulka;

__ encouraged resistance in the satellites, __ broke out in __ and ___. In Poland, __ managed to win concessions from Soviet leaders to liberalize the gvmt .In Hungary, armed revolt threatened communist regime, and Soviets crushed all resistance.

turkey; second world war broke out in europe 20 years after the signing of the treaty of versailles

__ modernized, and kamal ataturk created a secular democracy there- it's literally/figuratively a bridge between europe and asia. over 25 M died, 21 M wounded in war, leaving a generation grieving. But: ______


__ refuted the Fay/barnes classic view, using German secret documents as evidence in 1961. Said Germany was worried about Russia, ambitions ofr more colonies/territory, and attempt to distract socialist menace led to WW1

Bretton-woods agreement; IMF; World Bank; austerity

__ set up rules for international financial exchange rates based upon a set rate of gold for the dollar. Other currencies could exchange for dollars or gold at a set exchange rate. The __ and the __ were also created to finance nations in times of crisis. They became tools in the Cold War and afterward for imposing __ measures of which almost always meant a loss of benefits to their citizens by promising loans to debtor nations.

Khrushchev; crimes of Stalin; cult of personality

__, former deputy of Stalin and by 1954 head of Soviet Communist Party, gave a speech to the Central Committee on the __. He said Stalin built a ___, created terror, and was responsible for initial failure of Soviet troops in 1941

1915; Gallipoli Campaign

__: central powers are successful. German-Austrian forces push Russians out of Poland. Bulgaria enters war on Germany's side. British start __, to get Ottoman Empire out of war by landing at the Dardanelles, a control point for access between the Aegean/Black Seas. This failed- Ottomans drove back British/Australian/Indian troops

1914; Hindenburg

__: on Eastern Front, under ___ and Erich Ludendorff, German forces won victories over Russians. Russians pushed Austrians out of Galicia, though

postmodernist; modernism; postmodernism; pop art; abstract expressionism

___ ideas in philosophy and the analysis of culture have influenced lit, architecture, and design, as well as in marketing/business and the interpretation of history/law/culture. Typified by a re-evaluation of entire Western value system, a re-evaluation that began in the 1950s/60s and is reflected in the movement. Reaction against the functionalism of "age of anxiety." __ eliminated ornamentation and attempted to create clean, uncluttered lines for easy living as typified by the Bauhaus movement. __ revived ornamentation, and a personal relationship with art and life. __ emerged to poke fun at the art industry and to make art available and accessible to the common masses. __, typified by Pollock, moved the center of the art world from Paris to NYC in the 1950s.

fascism, totalitarianism; Communism; nationalist; private; big businesses; totalitarian

___ is the belief in a strong state allied with corportations to organize/control a willing population and glorify the state. It is one-party ____ that limits the political power of the individual. Extremely __, led by charismatic dictator with unlimited power, usually military leader. Favor __ ownership of property and government allies with __ to weaken/eliminate labor unions and communists. Negative response to ___, although both were created as ___ (control actions/thoughts of population)systems of rule by one party

expressionism; functionalism

___ replaced impressionism and was pioneered by van Gogh, Cezanne, and Gaugain, who painted with bold colors and images to focus on imagination and emotion. Picasso invented cubism, depiction of mood through angles, planes, lines. Dadaism and surrealism were among the abstract styles created by artists. Architecture had ____, buildings designed with practicality and clean lines, not ornamentation.

Nazism; Fascism; Slavic; superior

___ was a special case of __ where race was the primary factor for determining one's role in the state of Germany. Germans- "master race", while meant to be served by __ peoples of Europe. Other ethnic groups were to be removed to make room for the '__' German people

GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade); Marrakesh; WTO (world trade organization)

___ was completed in 1948 in which signatories agreed to reduce tariffs and negotiated during the UN Conference on Trade and Employment. Resulted due to the failure of negotiating gvmts to create the International Trade Organization. GATT signed by 23 nations in Geneva, took effect in Jan. 1, 1948. Lasted until the signature by 123 nations in __ on Apr. 14, 1994, of the Uruguay Round Agreements, which established the ____ on Jan. 1, 1995

Cold War; directly

___ was the economic, cultural, political, diplomatic, and military struggle between Western nations and the Communist bloc. Took place over decades. 2 superpowers that led opposing aliiances allocated great portion of their productive output to increasing their military might for the aim of defeating the other in a projected war, but never ___ confronted each other.

Yalta Conference; United Nations; General Assembly; Security Council

___, among the Big Three in Feb. 1945, drew up a plan for postwar Europe. Eastern Europe would be set up with coalition governments of communists and non-communists until free elections could be held. German partitioned into 4 zones of occupation: American, British, French, Soviet. USSR enter war against Japan in return for for territories in Asia and islands north of Japan. __ set up as a successor to League of Nations, with ___ to represent all member nations. Separate __ of 15 members dominated by 5 permanent members, (US, USSR, Britain, France, China) gets veto rights over any proposal for involving organization in preserving international peace.

Decolonization; better; self-rule; India, Middle East; Israel

___: France, Belgium ,GB, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal give up colonial empires in period after WW2. Horrors of the world wars destroy the confidence Western powers had that they were ___ than ppl they ruled amd let them see the rest of the world needed ___. Britain gave up __ 1947, British gave up governing parts of the ____ that include Syria, Iraq, and Israel. A Jewish homeland was created in ___ in 1948


___: Germans push into Russian territory. Czar Nicholas II goes to the front to take personal command of the troops in a conflict where Russia was being outfought. Russians using single-shot rifles instead of machine guns, many killed, Nicholas no help, Russian people wanted peace and food. The Gallipoli Campaign fails, and its planner, Churchill, resigns post as in change of navy

1917; Armenian Genocide

___: Russian czar abdicates in March, provincial gvmt under Kerensky continues war. Bolsheviks seize power in November, pull Russia out of war. Germany only has one front to fight on, but US joins Allies. If Russia had stayed in war, Central Powers would have been defeated sooner. Japanese join Allies and begin attacking parts of China for colonial territory/resources. Turkish forces slaughter 1M Armenian citizens in the ___, bc it was hard to rule a multiethnic empire, and they were accused of being 'disloyal'

oil embargo of 1973; Arab-Israeli War of 1973; stagflation;

___: The ___ incited Arab oil-producing nations to stop the flow of oil to nations that supported Israel. Encouraged by the USSR. Embargo threatened to destroy world's economy. ___, a combination of slowdown and inflation that developed into a worldwide recession, had already been a problem, and US/W. Europe's economic growth and prosperity was threatened. Improved by early 1976,

the big three; wilson; david lloyd george; clemenceau

___: __ of US, ___ of Britain, __ of France. (___ of Italy was also there, but left upset bc it wasn't getting the gains he hoped for. Central powers excluded. 14 points compromised. nationality lines in Central/Eastern Europe blurred.

Heisenberg; Fundamental uncertainty about the nature of matter is endemic of the age of anxiety; relativity; Einstein; relativism; bohr; fermi; schrodinger

____ developed the ___ that said that a particle's velocity or position could not be calculated. _________. The theories of ___ of ___ disrupted the assumptions of the rationally discoverable Newtonian universe, encouraged _____ in ethics, politics, worldviews. ____ explained the fundamental ideas of chemistry and quantum physics by explaining arrangement of electron shells around atoms. _____ built first nuclear reactor in Chicago. _____ created a wave particle theory that shook up quantum physics

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