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19. Your car has a breakdown while you are driving, forcing you to stop. You should try to stop completely out of the traffic lanes in a place where your car can be seen for A. 200 feet in each direction. B. 100 feet to the front, and 150 feet to the rear. C. 100 feet in each direction.

A. 200 feet in each direction.

3. You have stopped to help at the scene of a crash. There is an injured person, and paramedics will arrive soon. You should A. Make sure the injured person is breathing. If not, you must startt CPR right away. B. Wait for the paramedics to arrive before offering assistance. C. Stay in your car if you are not a First Aid expert

A. Make sure the injured person is breathing. If not, you must slant CPR right away.

46. Riders of bicycles and mopeds on a roadway have the same rights and responsibilities as A. Motor vehicle drivers. B. Skaters and skateboarders C. Pedestrians.

A. Motor vehicle drivers.

41. When your vehicle is property parked in a straight-in parking space, A. No part of your vehicle will extend out Into the traffic lane B. Your vehicle can extend out into the traffic lane by no more than three feet. C. Your vehicle can extend out into the traffc lane as far as required by the length of your vehicle.

A. No part of your vehicle will extend out Into the traffic lane

15. While you are driving, your vehicle catches fire under the hood. You do not have a fire extinguisher. You should A. Stop your vehicle and get away from it. B. Stop your vehicle and attempt to smother the fire with a coal cr blanket. C. Stop your vehicle and put water on the fire it it is a gasoline or diesel fire.

A. Stop your vehicle and get away from it.

42. When driving in the rain, fog or smoke in the daytime, you must A. Turn on your low beam headlights B. Turn on your parking lights C. Avoid using any lights at all

A. Turn on your low beam headlights

45. While driving, you see this circular yellow traffic sign ahead. This sign means A. You are approaching a railroad crossing. Slow down, look and listen for a train, and be prepared to stop B. You are driving on a Rural Route for mail delivery, and must walch for stopped mail delivery C. You are approaching an open intersection of two roads where there are no traffic signs or signals, and you have the right-of-way

A. You are approaching a railroad crossing. Slow down, look and listen for a train, and be prepared to stop

48. You have booked a taxi to transport yourself and a two year old child. When the taxi arrives A. You are responsible for securing the child in the rear seat of the taxi in an approved child car seat. B. You must sit with the child in the rear seat, but you do not have to wear seat belts. C. You should sit in the rear seat with your seat belt fastened and hold the child on your lap.

A. You are responsible for securing the child in the rear seat of the taxi in an approved child car seat.

9. Before making a left or right turn, you should signal for at least A. 50 feet B. 100 feet C. 300 feet

B. 100 Feet

31. When you are getting ready to drive, you should A Lock all the doors of your vehicle before you start the engine. B. Leave the doors of your vehicle unlocked until you start moving C. Lock the doors of your vehicle only if you will be driving faster than 30 miles per hour.

B. Leave the doors of your vehicle unlocked until you start moving

8. A flashing red traffic light at an intersection means you must A. Stop and wait for the light to tum green. B. Stop, then proceed when safe. C. Reduce speed and proceed with caution.

B. Stop, then proceed when safe.

28. You are driving on a road with reversible lanes that are marked with overhead lane signals; A. You are allowed to drive in a lane under a red X. B. You must never drive in a lane under a red X C. You may oniy drive in a lane under a red X when passing slower traffic.

B. You must never drive in a lane under a red X

35. You are driving your cat, and you have a small child secured in the rear seat. If the child starts crying. A You should drive with one hand on the steering wheel, and reach back with the other hand to calm the child. B. You should not take your eyes off the road for more than a few seconds at any one time. Safely stop your car in a parking area if the child needs attention C. You should drive with one hand on the steering wheel, and reach back with the other hand to offer the child a favorite toy

B. You should not take your eyes off the road for more than a few seconds at any one time. Safely stop your car in a parking area if the child needs attention

4. A double solid yellow line in the center of the highway means A. Pass with caution. B. Oncoming traffic may pass. C. Do not pass.

C. Do not pass

21. Every time you prepare to drive, before you start the engine of your parked vehicle you must make sure the vehicle is in A. Low gear. B. Reverse gear C. Park or Neutral gear.

C. Park or Neutral gear.

17. A flashing yellow traffic light means A Slop, then proceed with caution. B. Yield the right-of-way after stopping. C. Proceed with caution.

C. Proceed with caution.

13. When parking downhill in a car with a manual transmission, you should park with the transmission in A. Any gear. B. First gear C. Reverse gear

C. Reverse gear

23. If you are driving on a rural highway and you see this traffic sign, it means A. A road intersects the highway ahead Look to the left and right for other traffic B. The highway crosses over a canal or waterway ahead C. An overpass or bridge crosses over the highway ahead

A. A road intersects the highway ahead Look to the left and right for other traffic

24. At an intersection with four-way stop signs, the right-of-way should be given to the vehicle A. Arriving first. B. On the road with the most traffic waiting C. Entering from the left.

A. Arriving first.

26, When you back your vehicle, you should A. Back slowly: your vehicle is much harder to steer while you are backing. B. Back at the same speed you would use when moving forward in that location. C. Back at a faster speed than you would use when moving forward in that location.

A. Back slowly: your vehicle is much harder to steer while you are backing.

11: You are driving in rainy weather, on a highway with bushes and trees along the sides of the road. If you are driving too last and your vehicle goes off the road, you should A. Brake as effectively as you can, and steer to avoid he trees. If you have to hit something, alm for the bushes B. Keep your foot off the brakes and steer back toward the highway. Only use the brakes if you are going to hit a tree C. Brake firmly and steer straight ahead. If there is a tree in your path, brace yourself.

A. Brake as effectively as you can, and steer to avoid he trees. If you have to hit something, alm for the bushes

10. If you are the driver or owner of a vehicle which is in a crash that is your fault, and you are not insured in compliance with the Financial Responsibility Law A. You can be required to pay for the damages before your driving privilege is reinstated B. You can be fined up to $500 C. You will be placed on probation for up to 4 months.

A. You can be required to pay for the damages before your driving privilege is reinstated

50. While driving your vehicle, if you see this traffic sign it means A. You cannot go straight ahead. You must turn either to the left or right. B. You are approaching a narrow bridge. Do not enter if your vehicle is wide. C. Trucks with wide loads are permitted on this roadway.

A. You cannot go straight ahead. You must turn either to the left or right.

6. You are driving on a highway and are approaching a construction zone A. You should drive 20 miles per hour below the standard speed limit for that highway. B. The proper speed for the construction zone will be posted on speed limit signs and warning signs in the construction zone. C. You must slow to 45 miles per hour.

A. You should drive 20 miles per hour below the standard speed limit for that highway.

27. As you approach an intersection, an oncorning vehicle suddenly turns left in front of you. They will not be completely clear of the intersection before you arrive. You should A. Brake hand and move to the left side of your lane, Aim for the space behind the turning vehicle. B. Swerve right, and by lo make a right turn at the intersection. C. Swerve left, and try to drive through the oncoming trafic into the cross street on your left.

A. Brake hand and move to the left side of your lane, Aim for the space behind the turning vehicle.

2. At night, if you leave a brightly lit place, you should A. Drive slowly until your eyes adjust lo lhe darkness. B. Always drive al the speed of other traffic, regardless of light conditions. C. Drive at the speed limit while your eyes adjust to the darkness.

A. Drive slowly until your eyes adjust to the darkness

29. If you refuse to take a blood, urine, or breath test to determine if you are driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you will automatically A. Have your driving privilege suspended for one year. 6. Be assigned to 50 hours of community service. C. Have your motor vehicle insurance canceled by the State.

A. Have your driving privilege suspended for one year.

36. You are getting ready to drive with a child under three years of age in your four-passenger car. You must A. Secure the child in the rear seat using an approved children's car seat or child restraint device. B. Turn off the front-passenger air bag and secure the child in the front passenger seal using an approved child restraint device. C. Move the front passenger seat all the way back, then secure the child in that seat using an approved children's car seat

A. Secure the child in the rear seat using an approved children's car seat or child restraint device.

14. You are driving on a dry road, and it begins to rain. You should A. Slow down and plan for at least two times he normal stopping distance. B. Drive at the speed limit. C. Check your traction by firmly pressing your brakes for just a moment.

A. Slow down and plan for at least two times he normal stopping distance.

34. It is well established that alcohol A. Slows your reflexes, reduces your ability to see clearly, and makes you less alert B. Speeds up your reac ions, and makes you more aware of what is happening around you. C. Does not affect your ability to judge distances and the speeds of other vehicles

A. Slows your reflexes, reduces your ability to see clearly, and makes you less alert

18. You are driving on a two- lane highway and the vehicle behind you wants to pass. You shou A. Stay in the center of your lane. B. Move to the right side of your lane to give the passing driver a better view of the road ahead. C. Signal the driver behind you when it is safe to pass by turning on your four-way emergency flashers.

A. Stay in the center of your lane.

7. You are stopped at a multi lane intersection, waiting for a green light. When the light turns green, the car next to you tries to accelerate quickly, and starts moving across into your lane. You should A. Take your foot off the gas pedal and give the other driver room to enter your lane in-front of you B. Ignore the other car, and accelerate the way you normally do C. Accelerate as you normally do, and honk your horn if the other car starts lo cut you off

A. Take your foot off the gas pedal and give the other driver room to enter your lane in-front of you

44. You have a pick-up truck that weighed 4,000 pounds when it was new. You are modifying it to increase its ground clearance. When you are finished A. The bottom of your front bumper must not be more than 28 inches above the pavement. B. Your modified truck will be exempt from Florida bumper regulations. C. You will no longer be required to have a rear bumper.

A. The bottom of your front bumper must not be more than 28 inches above the pavement.

40. While driving, you suddenly remember something that you wanted to phone your friend about, A. You should not call anyone on your cell phone while driving, unless it is an emergency. Instead, safely park your vehicle before calling B. Instead of phoning them, you should send them a short lext message while you are driving. C. It is always ckay to make phone calls while you are driving, as long as you keep one hand on the steering wheel.

A. You should not call anyone on your cell phone while driving, unless it is an emergency. Instead, safely park your vehicle before calling

22. While driving your vehicle, you see a diamond-shaped traffic sign ahead. The diamond shape means it is A. A Guide sign with information on directions and distances. B. A Hazard warning sign. C.A School Zone sign.

B. A Hazard warning sign.

30. When one vehicle is towing another by means of a chain, the chain must A Be painted red B. Display a while flag or cloth at least 12 inches square C. Have a red light hanging on it.

B. Display a while flag or cloth at least 12 inches square

1. When you are stopping your car for a traffic light, or slowing down because of traffic ahead of you, you should A. Always apply your brakes firmly, because it keeps your brakes clean B Make your brake lights come on by applying your brakes, and always slow down gradually if you can. Your brake lights will signal to other drivers that you are slowing or preparing to stop. C. Slow down by gearing down without touching your brakes.

B. Makes your brake lights come on by applying your brakes, and always slow down gradually if you can. Your brake lights will signal to other drivers that you are slowing or preparing to stop

38. When driving on a two lane highway, if an aggressive driver behind you rapidly flashes their headlights and then pulls out to pass you, you should A. Keep your vehicle in the middle of your lane and don' give the rude driver any help passing you. B. Move to the right side of your lane, and make sure you do not speed up when being passed. C. Flash your headlights at the other driver after they complete the pass and are in front of you.

B. Move to the right side of your lane, and make sure you do not speed up when being passed.

20. You are driving in heary rain or fog. The visibility is so bad that you decide you must stop. You should A. Pull all the way off the road and tum on your four-way emergency flashers. B. Park on the paved shoulder of the road, and turn on your four-way emergency flashers C. Keep driving in cur lane until you reach a parking area, even if you must drive at very low speed.

B. Park on the paved shoulder of the road, and turn on your four-way emergency flashers

47. You are driving a car that does not have Anti-dock Brakes (ABS). If your brakes fall when you are trying to stop, you should A. Push your brake pedal to the floor and hold it there. Then firmly apply the parking brake B. Pump your brake pedal hard and fast. Shift to a lower gear, and slowly apply your parking brake. C. Shift into park if you have an automatic transmission.

B. Pump your brake pedal hard and fast. Shift to a lower gear, and slowly apply your parking brake.

32. You are apprpaching an intersection where you want to make a turn, and you have a green light. You should A. Make the turn wilhout slowing down. B. Slow down to a safe burning speed before entering the inlersaction C. Begin the turn without slowing down, and gently apply the brakes during the turn if needed.

B. Slow down to a safe burning speed before entering the inlersaction

16. You are driving in a municipal area. A large truck has stopped on the road ahead, and is now starting to back up into a property beside the road. You should A. Flash your high beam headlights lo wam the truck driver you are there, and then drive past he truck without slopping B. Stay well back from the truck and let the truck driver complete their maneuver. The truck may block most of the road when backing up C. Slow down, honk your horn to war the truck driver you are there, and drive past the truck with caution

B. Stay well back from the truck and let the truck driver complete their maneuver. The truck may block most of the road when backing up

43. You are entering an expressway, and are in the acceleration lane. You should speed up to A. A speed slightly slower than traffic in the right lane of the expressway. B. The speed that allows you to safely move into a gap in traffic when you reach the merging area. C. A speed somewhat faster than traffic in the right lane of the expressway.

B. The speed that allows you to safely move into a gap in traffic when you reach the merging area.

39. When driving your car in good weather, regardless of your speed you should follow the vehicle in front of you by no less than A Two seconds. B. Three seconds. C. Five seconds.

B. Three seconds

5. When you are preparing to change lanes on a roadway, or turn at an intersection, you must check your blind spot by A. Glancing in the inside rearview mirror. B. Turning your head to look beside your vehicle in the direction you are planning to move. C. Looking across the front fender in the direction you will be turning toward.

B. Turning your head to look beside your vehicle in the direction you are planning to move.

25. If you are under 18 years of age and are seeking a Class E Motorcycle Only license, you must complete an approved motorcycle safety course, You must also have had a Learner's license with no moving traffic violation convictions for at least A. 3 months B. 6 months. C. 12 months

C. 12 Months

37. You are driving your car in good weather and road conditions. The proper way to ensure that you are following far enough behind other cars is to A. Watch as the vehicle ahead of you goes past a road sign or lence post. It should take al least three seconds for you to reach the same spot on the road. B. Look at the other cars around you, and use the same following distance they are using C. Try to estimate how many car-lengths you are behind the vehicle ahead of you. You should always be at least three car lengths behind them.

C. Try to estimate how many car-lengths you are behind the vehicle ahead of you. You should always be at least three car lengths behind them.

12. When you are driving, you should A. Gently grip the left armrest with your left hand, and hold the top of the steering wheel with your right hand. B. Keep your left hand on the steering wheel, and your right hand on the emergency brake handle. C. Try to keep both hands on the steering wheel.

C. Try to keep both hands on the steering wheel.

49. You are driving on a multi-lane road with a single solid white line painted between each lane of traffic moving in your direction; A. You may change lanes as long as you signal at least 100 feet in advance. B. You may change lanes only if you are in an intersection and you are in the wrong lane to make a turn. C. You should not change lanes unless you must do so to avoid a hazard.

C. You should not change lanes unless you must do so to avoid a hazard.

33. While you are driving, your CD player finishes playing a CD. To avoid being distracted by your CD player, A You should iry to change the CD without looking at it, so you can keep your eyes on the road. B. You should lake your eyes off the road for only 7 or 8 seconds at a time when changing the CD C. You should not try o change the CO while you are driving. Wait until your vehicle is stopped

C. You should not try o change the CO while you are driving. Wait until your vehicle is stopped

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