Personal leadership proctored exam 1

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Servant leadership involves ________. turning followers into leaders. ignoring profit and loss. using a leadership position to control or limit people. passive subordinates.

turning followers into leaders

Destructive bosses can cause social and psychological harm to their employees. True or false?


According to the Vroom-Jago contingency model of leadership, which of the following instances shows a leader delegating a problem in decision making? A leader defines the problem to be solved and the boundaries within which the decision must be made. A leader presents the problem to the group members in a meeting, gets their suggestions, and then makes the decision. A leader permits a group to undertake the identification and diagnosis of the problem and develop alternative procedures for solving it A leader uses his or her expertise in collecting information that he or she deems relevant to the problem from the group or others and makes the decision alone.

A leader permits a group to undertake the identification and diagnosis of the problem and develop alternative procedures for solving it

In terms of learning styles, which of the following represents interpersonal intelligence? A person spends time alone meditating, reflecting, or thinking. A person can easily find someone to talk to when among strangers. A person notices if a melody is out of tune or off key. A person listens to music on the radio or iPod-type player.

A person can easily find someone to talk to when among strangers

According to the situational theory of leadership, which of the following is an example of the delegating style of leadership? As a leader, George gives proper instructions on how to execute tasks and shows compassion to his subordinates. As a leader, George provides guidance and personal support to his subordinates and encourages them to participate in decision making. As a leader, George gives clear instructions and specific goals to subordinates. As a leader, George gives very few instructions or tips to his subordinates and authorizes them to make decisions and implement them.

As a leader, George gives very few instructions or tips to his subordinates and authorizes them to make decisions and implement them.

Christopher, general manager at Franklin Inc., tried to get tasks done by threatening his subordinates with negative consequences. As a result, many employees quit and joined other organizations, thus affecting the revenues of Franklin Inc. Which of the following strategies should Christopher adopt to improve the conditions at his firm? Christopher should use fear to motivate his employees. Christopher should allow others in his firm do the thinking for him. Christopher should believe that what worked in one situation will always work for other situations. Christopher should lead people with care and respect.

Christopher should lead people with care and respect.

Consider the leadership position of the managing partner in a law firm. What task, subordinate, and organizational factors might serve as substitutes for leadership in this situation?

Being a manager in a law firm means that the leader relies on you for different things. Being honest, communicating with your boss, being professional, holding low-position power and giving automatic feedback is good in this situation.

Who among the following is an example of a leader who gives in to pressures that challenge leaders about their ability to do the right thing? Hillary places the long-term interests of the organization first. Carlos focuses on what is right for all the people in the organization. Jeffrey encourages and develops others. Brandon does everything he can in order to look successful.

Brandon does everything he can in order to look successful.

Which of the following statements is directly related to the Abilene Paradox? Courage means fighting for valued outcomes that benefit the whole. Courage means breaking traditions. Courage means accepting responsibility. Courage means speaking your mind even when you know others may disagree with you.

Courage means speaking your mind even when you know others may disagree with you.

Which of the following is an example of an effective leader using a new leadership paradigm? George believes that an organization can function effectively only with strict control. Janis considers inquisitive followers to be a threat to an organization. Sally believes that procedures in an organization should be detailed and inviolate Daniel holds that feedback should be offered regularly to followers.

Daniel holds that feedback should be offered regularly to followers.

Which productivity expert said "Drive out fear, so that everyone may work more effectively and productively"? Tom Peters Peter Drucker John C. Maxwell Edward Deming

Edward Deming

Who among the following is an advisory leader? John, a team leader, who makes all the important decisions of his organization on his own. Steve, a division president, who gets tasks done through the use of the power his position affords him. Theodora, a project manager, who works behind the scenes and subtly influences her subordinates. Edward, a senior legal associate, who provides guidance and aid to his clients and subordinates

Edward, a senior legal associate, who provides guidance and aid to his clients and subordinates

Which of the following scenarios is an example of whistleblowing? Elizabeth files a complaint to the crime branch against senior managers who indulged in a fraudulent act. Gerard is a team leader at Torque Corp. He doesn't teach his team members the work process and how it works. He withholds help and support to the junior members. Martha, a junior associate, works for Tryst Corp. She shifts the blame to others for her poor quality of work. Jennifer is a research analyst at a multinational company. She lacks the courage to confront her boss about his unjust acts.

Elizabeth files a complaint to the crime branch against senior managers who indulged in a fraudulent act.

Which of the following is an example of a leader who has a blind spot? Olivia hates to fly so she doesn't work with out-of-town clients. Cyrus has been trying to tone down his aggressive behavior when a team member's opinion differs from his. Even though Toby requests suggestions, his team members no longer make suggestions during meetings because Toby finds faults in every suggestion. Abigail is introverted and chose a team of people who could work together without trying to dominate each other

Even though Toby requests suggestions, his team members no longer make suggestions during meetings because Toby finds faults in every suggestion.

Priscilla is creating a document instructing managers how to lead employees in order to make her organization successful. Which of the following suggestions should the document contain? Have the need to win at all costs and in all situations. Expand mental models when needed to keep the organization healthy. Interpret data according to preestablished rules or categories defined by others. Regard assumptions as fixed truths rather than temporary ideas.

Expand mental models when needed to keep the organization healthy.

Which of the following traits indicate comfort when dealing with someone in authority? Having an easy time asserting oneself toward people in authority. Experiencing tension when communicating an issue with someone in authority. Taking notes during a meeting, document when you believe a leader made an incorrect statement in your notes. Believing that one's track record speaks for itself.

Having an easy time asserting oneself toward people in authority

Why is an entrepreneurial leader important to an organization? How is this role different from other leader roles?

Having the entrepreneurial mindset is good because these types of leaders look for opportunities to make change and to innovate. For example, this differs from a democratic leader in the sense that we're trying to meet a common goal but also turning issues into opportunity for change.

Harry, the general manager of an organization, encourages employees to question their assumptions and provide diverse perspectives. He uses the latest technology to perform tasks effectively. He suggests alterations in the policies of the organization according to the changes in the business environment. In the context of the given scenario, which of the following is true of Harry? He implements a leadership style that involves coercion. He uses a new leadership paradigm to head the organization. He applies fear-based motivation in the organization. He acts as a stabilizer in order to maintain the status quo.

He uses a new leadership paradigm to head the organization.

What are some pressures you face as a student that challenge your ability to do the right thing? Do you expect to face more or fewer pressures as a leader? Discuss what some of these pressures might be

I'm involved in various organizations, so, as a leader, I have a lot of pressure on me. I like to represent the people and organizations I'm affiliated with properly, so I always have to think about what I do or say 24/7. I do expect to face a little more pressure as a leader, but as I continue to grow and mature, it'll get easier. Some pressures I struggle with is the friends I talk to or associate with. If someone sees me with people or groups and they know me, then they'll see how I act and may get the wrong impression of me.

Why is it important for leaders to know their strengths? Do you think leaders should spend equal time learning about their weak points?

If a leader knows their strengths, then they can focus on what their good at. A leader doesn't need all the skills to handle every problem, so leaders should hone their skills. Maximize your strengths rather than focusing on your weaknesses.

Do you agree that it is important for leaders to do the right thing even if no one will ever know about it? Why or why not?

If you're being a leader just for the attention, you're doing it for the wrong reason. Same thing with doing the right thing. If no one sees it, why would it matter? As long as what needs to be done is completed, you don't need everyone to know that. It's a selfish act, truly.

Hallmark Cards discovered that its mid- and upper-level managers were primarily thinking types, but top executives displayed primarily feeling preferences. Why do you think this might be?

In the Hallmark situation, I think that the lower level workers have to put in more work to prove their worth, so they tend to think harder. With the top executives, they've reached a point where they don't have to worry about too much, developing a preference for certain feelings.

Who among the following is an operational leader? Iris, who gets tasks done through threats and punishments. Kelly, who uses her personal power to influence employees. Laura, who provides guidance and advice to her coworkers. Joanna, who is firm and dependable with respect to delivering results

Joanna, who is firm and dependable with respect to delivering results

Who among the following is an example of a moral leader? Andrew promotes self-interest while maintaining the status quo. Betty focuses on meeting the demands of business partners while maintaining a passive relationship with people. Mary emphasizes increasing company profits along with pleasing shareholders at all costs. John sets an ethical tone in his organization while maintaining concern for people.

John sets an ethical tone in his organization while maintaining concern for people.

Which of the following behaviors are associated with effective networking skills? Watching a video on social media about effective interpersonal relationships. Maintaining contact with peers from previous organizations. Subscribing to relevant professional literature, such as The Wall Street Journal. Sending a representative in your place to an important meeting.

Maintaining contact with peers from previous organizations.

Think back to teachers you have had, and identify one each who fits a supportive style, directive style, participative style, and achievement-oriented style according to the path-goal theory. Which style did you find most effective? Why?

My high school English teacher was very supportive and encouraging (supportive style), my high school history teacher was focused on our performance in class (directive), my high school Algebra teacher would ask for our suggestions when we worked out lesson problems (participative), and my choir director was achievement-oriented, keeping us prepared for competitions when the time came. The ones I thought were efficient and effective was my Algebra teacher. She wanted us to work out the problem, test out what we thought was best to solve the problem, which challenged us to think a little harder.

What is the concept of personal mastery? How important is it to a leader?

Personal mastery means mastering yourself in a way that facilitates your leadership and achieves desired results. It's very important being a leader. Having such a position can teach you things about others, but most of all, yourself. Just being a leader can drive you to meet different goals to improve as a person.

Identify the correct statement regarding the substitutes-for-leadership approach. Formalized rules and procedures substitute for a people-oriented leadership style. Group cohesiveness neutralizes both task- and people-oriented styles with respect to an organization. A substitute counteracts a leadership style and prevents the leader from displaying certain behaviors, unlike a neutralizer. Physical separation of leader and subordinate neutralizes both task- and people-oriented leadership styles

Physical separation of leader and subordinate neutralizes both task- and people-oriented leadership styles

Which of the following are traits associated with effective people skills? Sending an email to a co-worker, in order to document your perspective, during an ongoing conversation about a topic. Speaking louder to someone when they do not understand what you are talking about. Reaching out to people, even strangers, at work and non-work related events. Enjoying people watching while at meetings, in order to watch non-verbal signals.

Reaching out to people, even strangers, at work and non-work related events.

What should a leader do to work effectively with different personality types? Realize that everyone has different facets to their personality. Express frustration in order to motivate team members. ake judgments on the basis of available information, even if it is limited. Refrain from acknowledging people's varied personality characteristics.

Realize that everyone has different facets to their personality.

Which of the following statements is true of the leadership continuum? Servant leadership represents a stage beyond stewardship. In the fourth stage, employees are expected to act as team players. In the first stage, subordinates are active. The stewardship mindset emphasizes tight top-down control.

Servant leadership represents a stage beyond stewardship

Which of the following is an example of projection? Shane tends to neglect complaints about his subordinate's disruptive behavior in the office. Shane assumes that his subordinates were criticized by the client because they are inattentive and lethargic. Shane assumes that all his subordinates are open to new experiences because he has the same quality. Shane tends to believe that an elderly employee will not be able to operate a cell phone.

Shane assumes that all his subordinates are open to new experiences because he has the same quality.

Which of the following correctly distinguishes management and leadership? The management relationship is based on position and formal authority, whereas leadership is a relationship based on personal influence and trust. Management entails looking into long-term results, whereas leadership deals with the short-term future. Management involves keeping an eye on the horizon, whereas leadership involves keeping an eye on the bottom line. Management focuses on investing more in people so they are energized, whereas leadership focuses on getting the most results out of people so that production goals are achieved.

The management relationship is based on position and formal authority, whereas leadership is a relationship based on personal influence and trust

Which of the following statements is true of Hersey and Blanchard's contingency model of leadership? The model focuses only on the characteristics of followers, not those of the larger situation. The model makes the assumption that new leaders can take over as situations change. The model was designed to enable leaders to diagnose both leadership styles and organizational situations. The cornerstone of the model is the extent to which the leader's style is relationship- or task-oriented.

The model focuses only on the characteristics of followers, not those of the larger situation.

Which of the following statements is true of the contingency approach to leadership? A leadership style that works in one situation will work in all situations. This approach seeks to investigate traits that can improve performance in all situations. This approach holds that behavior effective in some circumstances might be effective under all conditions. The needs and maturity of followers make a significant difference to the best style of leadership

The needs and maturity of followers make a significant difference to the best style of leadership

How might the paradigm shift from competition to collaboration make the job of a leader more difficult? Could it also make the leader's job easier? Discuss.

The shift from competition to collaboration can be hard for one, considering you're working together with the people you were competing with. Bringing in new people from different backgrounds have knowledge to share with others, but a leader may be accustomed to a whole different way of doing things, which can cause people to clash with each other

Great Man theories

Theories that adopt the belief that leaders are born with certain heroic leadership traits and natural abilities of power and influence

Trait theories

Theories that believe that leaders have particular characteristics that distinguish them from non-leaders

Contingency theories

Theories that consider the contextual and situational variables that influence what leadership behaviors will be effective

Influence theories

Theories that hold that leaders influence people to change by providing an inspiring vision of the future and shaping the culture and values needed to attain it

Behavior theories

Theories that look at what a leader does rather than who he or she has a relationship based on personal influence

Relational theories

Theories that view leadership as a process that meaningfully engages all participants and enables each person to contribute to achieving the vision

Identify the characteristic of a mindless leader. They engage in independent thinking. They are always open to new ideas and approaches. They blindly accept rules and labels created by others. They stimulate the thinking of others through their curiosity.

They blindly accept rules and labels created by others

One finding is that when leaders are under stress so that fear and risk increase, they tend to revert to an authoritarian, command-and-control style. As a leader, how might you find the courage to resist this tendency?

Try to stay calm under pressure, even though it may be frustrating at times. Just because you're upset doesn't mean it should be taken out on subordinates. Perhaps, take a brief second to calm down during the rough situation, reevaluate the situation, and return back to work.

Which of the following is an assumption of Theory Y? The average human being prefers to be directed, wishes to avoid responsibility, has relatively little ambition, and wants security above all. Under the conditions of modern industrial life, the intellectual potentialities of the average human being are only partially utilized. The average human being has an inherent dislike of work and will avoid it if possible. Due to the human characteristic of dislike for work, most people must be threatened with punishment to get them to put forth adequate effort.

Under the conditions of modern industrial life, the intellectual potentialities of the average human being are only partially utilized.

Which of the following statements is a criticism of Fiedler's contingency model of leadership? Researchers observe that a leader cannot identify whether he or she has a relationship- or task-oriented style. The model does not go beyond the notion of leadership styles to try to show how styles fit the situation. The model fails to consider high least preferred coworker (LPC) leaders, who some studies indicate are more effective than medium LPC leaders in a majority of situations. Using the least preferred coworker (LPC) score as a measure of relationship- or task-oriented behavior seems simplistic to some researchers.

Using the least preferred coworker (LPC) score as a measure of relationship- or task-oriented behavior seems simplistic to some researchers.

As a leader, what would you want most from followers? As a follower, what would you want most from your leader? (Identify at least two traits for each) How do these differ? Why?

What I would want from followers is trustworthiness and respect. Being able to understand each other professionally and to trust each other is key in building a relationship with followers. What I would want from a leader is mental strength and confidence. Having both can make a leader look wise and reliable. From both perspectives, the follower and the leader expect different needs to be met from the other. They each have a different job to fulfill, so if each does their part, tWhether people like it or not, we actually need the negative feedback. Being able to learning from those mistakes will help in the long run so the issue never occurs again. People that don't receive that negative feedback won't realize if they're doing a bad job or not, so they continue to do the same thing, not knowing that it's a mistake. Letting followers know if something isn't right will help them make better decisions in the future.hings should go smoothly and there's a chance for a strong relationship to be built.

One organizational observer suggested that bosses who won't give negative feedback to followers who need it cause even more damage in the long run than those who fly off the handle when a follower makes a mistake. Do you agree? Discuss.

Whether people like it or not, we actually need the negative feedback. Being able to learning from those mistakes will help in the long run so the issue never occurs again. People that don't receive that negative feedback won't realize if they're doing a bad job or not, so they continue to do the same thing, not knowing that it's a mistake. Letting followers know if something isn't right will help them make better decisions in the future.

Maureen is a leader who lays emphasis on tremendous performance. She creates distinct and challenging goals for all employees. She evaluates the performance of subordinates and gives them constructive feedback with an expectation of seeing them improve. Maureen also shows that she trusts her subordinates and guides them to attain their goals.

achievement-oriented leadership

Nicki works as the manager of Franklin Financial Consultants. Her role involves giving tips and helping employees with regard to various financial queries. She has the ability to persuade others with her excellent communication skills. She focuses on improving the competence of the organization rather than achieving specific goals.


Alec was hired immediately after graduation by a company that was developing new technology to produce power without creating massive amounts of pollution. After several years of brilliant ideas that fizzled or were shot down by upper management, he became disillusioned. Now, even though he is an independent, critical thinker, he does as little as possible for the organization. He focuses on the company's problems rather than his previous hopes for the company and its dream of clean power. According to Kelley's followership styles, Alec is a(n) ___________. conformist. pragmatic survivor. effective follower. alienated follower.

alienated follower

To be a resource for the leader, effective followers should ________. compliment the leader for behavior that the followers appreciate. align themselves with the vision of the organization. try to hide their weaknesses or cover their mistakes. directly disagree with a leader on relevant organizational matters.

align themselves with the vision of the organization.

Ken serves as the president of the software firm, Trinity Corp. He concentrates power in his hands and formulates policies in a unilateral manner. He makes decisions without asking subordinates for their opinions and suggestions. He tends to threaten his subordinates when they do not meet deadlines.


Which of the following is a source of influence due to a follower's position? Knowledge and skill Effort Persuasion Central location

central location

Olivier heads the design team at Poise Inc., a watch manufacturer. He prefers to work without attracting too much attention. He displays amazing people skills and easily adapts to changing circumstances. He has the ability to build confidence in others and is enthusiastic about getting work done.


Ricky leads his team members by paying attention to their needs and respecting their opinions and suggestions. He admires and appreciates his subordinates when they perform well and make improvements. When his followers face challenges, he listens and provides solutions.

consideration leadership behavior

Abigail conforms to the expectations of good behavior as defined by colleagues, family, friends, and society.

conventional level

Peter leads the human resources team of Iota Inc. He divides authority among different employees. He encourages followers to give suggestions and ideas on how to accomplish goals. He makes decisions by incorporating inputs from his subordinates.


William leads his followers by giving clear instructions to his subordinates. His role involves dictating tasks by fixing schedules, setting targets and standards, and emphasizing the importance of following rules and regulations.

directive leadership

Shelly hired mostly high school and college students at her landscaping business. Although her company was earning a profit, it wasn't the success she envisioned. After talking with customers and potential customers, Shelly began to hire additional workers from different age groups and experience levels. Hiring workers with more experience enabled her to bid for more complicated projects and increased customers' confidence and satisfaction. This scenario illustrates the leadership concept of ____________. diversity promoter. facilitator. humble leader. change manager.

diversity promoter

What does a passive person do? Demonstrate a sense of ownership. Do nothing that is not required. Initiate problem solving and decision making. Participate fully in an organization.

do nothing that is not required

Harry is the production manager of Magnify Inc. He works with high levels of initiation and energy. He has the ability to motivate employees to strive hard to achieve their goals. He is full of life and has a lot of stamina.


According to the Myers-Briggs Type IndicatorTM assessment, people with a judging preference __________. may frequently change their minds. dislike deadlines. enjoy having goals. enjoy ambiguity

enjoy having goals

Frieda heads an advertising firm. She is very enthusiastic about her job and spreads the energy among her team members. She ensures that her team creates innovative and unique content for clients. She does not encourage maintaining the status quo because she believes that it reduces organizational efficiency and growth. She enjoys taking risks for the advancement of the organization.

entrepreneurial leadership

Timothy heads the technical department of Millennium Inc. When his subordinate was unable to complete the maintenance of servers successfully, Timothy stated that the employees of the organization were to be blamed because they did not cooperate with his subordinate effectively. This scenario illustrates the perceptual distortion of ____________. projection. perceptual defense. self-serving bias. external attribution.

external attribution

According to the situational theory of leadership, the delegating style of leadership is effective for followers with moderate readiness. True or false?


Leadership coaching involves telling, judging, and empowering. True or false?


People retain their own behavior patterns regardless of their environment. True or false?


The best leaders, at all levels, are those who focus on the company's bottom line. True or false


The best safeguards against errors based on projection are self-awareness and dominance. True or false?


According to the Myers-Briggs Type IndicatorTM assessment, introverts ________. focus more on patterns, relationships, and hunches. secure energy from being around others and interacting with others. consider how a decision will affect other people's feelings. gain energy by focusing on personal thoughts and feelings.

gain energy by focusing on personal thoughts and feelings.

Gerald heads the investment banking team of Zenith Inc. The tasks of employees in the team are extremely structured and well defined. They have routine tasks that should be completed within specific timelines. Each employee has to work toward meeting specific targets. According to the substitutes-for-leadership approach, Gerald should _______. give support and guidance to his followers evaluate the performance of each subordinate. check progress of each task assigned to his followers. coordinate activities among his subordinates

give support and guidance to his followers

Mark executes his leadership role by explaining the duties and responsibilities to be carried out by his followers. He regularly checks the status of each project and evaluates the performance of employees. He also demonstrates kindness and respect toward his coworkers by listening to their opinions and suggestions.

high high leadership style

Kelly heads the operations team of a media company. She has the virtues of reliance and credibility. She is open and truthful about her activities and plans while guiding her followers, which in turn helps her gain respect from them


Today, leaders are facilitators rather than being controllers because ___________. human capital is becoming more important than financial capital. they do not accept the inevitability of change and crisis. they assume that if they can keep things running on a steady, even keel, the organization will be successful. the financial basis of today's economy is becoming the tangible assets of land rather than information.

human capital is becoming more important than financial capital

Which of the following is a fatal flaw that causes leadership derailment? Inability to handle pressure. Failing to promote oneself. Failing to be defensive. Trusting peers and customers.

inability to handle pressure

Clarifying direction _________. includes telling followers what to do, directing and controlling their behavior, and judging their performance. occurs when a leader uses evaluation and communication to help individuals learn about themselves and improve. involves giving advice on handling specific organizational situations. includes helping followers see how their own individual jobs fit in the larger context.

includes helping followers see how their own individual jobs fit in the larger context.

Charles, a finance manager, maintains a unique relationship with each subordinate. He jokes with some and interacts more formally with others. His subordinates feel that Charles has "favorites" because he supports some subordinates more than others.

individualized leadership style

Natalie follows her principles religiously. Her character is grounded in solid ethical principles. She is a strong person.


Global mindset ____________. refers to the ability to control disruptive, unproductive, or harmful emotions and desires. is the ability of managers to appreciate and influence individuals, groups, organizations, and systems that represent different social, cultural, political, institutional, intellectual, or psychological characteristics. is the ability to recognize and understand one's own emotions. refers to being able to put oneself in other people's shoes, sense their emotions, and understand their perspective.

is the ability of managers to appreciate and influence individuals, groups, organizations, and systems that represent different social, cultural, political, institutional, intellectual, or psychological characteristics.

Michelle tends to be anxious and apprehensive before she starts leading a project. She generally has low self-assurance and is always worried if her team will receive criticism. This scenario illustrates the Big Five personality dimension of ____________. low degree of emotional stability. low degree of extroversion. high level of conscientiousness. low degree of agreeableness.

low degree of emotional stability.

Nicole heads the administrative department of an academic institution. She tends to be reserved, detached, and unsociable. She likes to engage in solitary activities rather than team activities. This scenario illustrates the Big Five personality dimension of ___________. low degree of emotional stability. high level of conscientiousness. low degree of extroversion. low degree of agreeableness

low degree of extroversion

Jennifer heads the software team of Insight Inc. She prepares schedules and deadlines for projects and assigns separate tasks to each employee. She focuses on the short-term results of her projects rather than the long-term future. She decides the budgets for different projects. She prefers to stabilize situations rather than change them. In this scenario, Jennifer depicts: leadership qualities. management qualities both leadership and management qualities. follower qualities.

management qualities

Katie heads the divisional branch of Pisces Networks Inc. She has good critical thinking and analytical skills. She tends to push her employees beyond their comfort zones to help them grow. She primarily focuses on attaining results. Her duties include setting goals, preparing plans and budgets, and formulating policies. She maintains a vertical structure to execute tasks. Which leadership role or behavior best describes this scenario? collaborative leadership role task oriented behavior operational leadership role Employee-centered leadership behavior

operational leadership role

Diana, a team leader, sees every situation positively. She avoids interpreting circumstances in a negative way. She trains her subordinates to be positive.


Jamie heads the branding team of Diverge Inc. She ensures that all team members contribute to the decision-making process of the organization with their ideas and novel perspectives. She likes having group discussions because she believes that they enable employees to realize their value to the organization

participative leadership

Barbara works at GiftsGalore Inc. as a senior manager. When she deals with her subordinates, she understands and guides them using her morals to differentiate between right and wrong.

postconventional level

Which type of follower uses whatever style best benefits his or her position and minimizes risk? Alienated follower Pragmatic survivor Conformist Passive follower

pragmatic survivor

Paul is egocentric and is most concerned with receiving external rewards in his organization.

preconventional level

Sandra is a quality analyst at Highend Inc. She follows her team leader's instructions and obeys the rules of her organization in order to avoid disciplinary action. She is self-centered, and her actions are motivated by the need to satisfy her immediate interests.

preconventional level

According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)TM assessment, thinking types tend to _________. consider how a decision will affect other people's feelings. gather and absorb information through the five senses. rely more on logic and be very objective in decision making. rely on less direct perceptions.

rely more on logic and be very objective in decision making

You know that your supervisor wants just the big picture about your three-year project. To be an effective follower, you should __________. ask her for clear instructions when any problem occurs. send her a weekly summary of the project's status. invite her to the daily meetings about the project. send her a copy of all the e-mails about the project

send her a weekly summary of the project's status.

Edgar is the manager of an engineering firm. He maintains a belief that females score lower than males in mathematics. Hence, he assigns tasks that do not involve calculations to female employees and allots tasks with complicated calculations only to male employees. This scenario illustrates the perceptual distortion of __________. external attribution. stereotyping. perceptual defense. projection.


Irrespective of the positions they hold, the employees at AgroSoft Inc. receive rewards for their contributions. As such, the wealth of AgroSoft is redistributed by compensating employees who make exceptional contributions to the company. Given this information, we can say that AgroSoft encourages ______________. stewardship. ​


Mark is the president of D'Cruz Inc. He is kind and highly concerned about his subordinates' personal needs. He helps employees when they are in need of money. He also pays the school fees for employees' children. He is approached by his followers with various problems.

supportive leadership

According to the contingency approach to leadership, for a leader to be effective _____________. the leader must concentrate on his or her weaknesses and get them fixed. a leadership style that works in one situation must work in any or all situations. he or she must be able to identify the traits he or she possesses that distinguish them from people who are not leaders. there must be an appropriate fit between the leader's behavior and style and the conditions in the situation.

there must be an appropriate fit between the leader's behavior and style and the conditions in the situation.

According to Fiedler's contingency model of leadership, in a highly unfavorable situation, a strong task orientation will make no difference to the leader's popularity. True or false?


According to the path-goal theory of leadership, a leader increases follower motivation by clarifying the follower's way to the rewards that are available. True or false?


An accurate mental model helps a leader understand how to arrange the key elements in a system to get the desired outcome. True or false?


Effective leaders put aside preconceptions and suspend beliefs and opinions. True or false?


Individuals who have a high degree of authoritarianism tend to adhere to conventional rules and values. True or false?


Integrity is the foundation of trust between leaders and followers true or false?


Self-awareness is a primary characteristic of effective leaders. True or false?


Systems thinking enables leaders to look for patterns of movement over time. True or false?


The path-goal theory of leadership is called a contingency theory because it consists of leader style, followers and situation, and the rewards to meet followers' needs. True or false?


The strongest and most enduring fuel for high performance is a feeling of belongingness at work. True or False?


Louisa is an auditor who evaluates the accounts of several organizations. She examines each account individually with sincerity and fairness. She does not accept bribes of any kind from people who want her to portray their organizations in a good light. This implies that Louisa is __________. empathetic adaptable neurotic trustworthy


Accepting that leaders are fallible helps in ________. viewing the leader realistically. leadership coaching. giving effective, timely feedback. becoming a resource to the leader.

viewing the leader realistically.

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