Personality and Personal Growth ch 4 & 5 Psyc216

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Horney moved to United States in


Whose work did Horney give little credit, although important similarities arose bewteen her later thinking and his individual Psychology?


Which three neurotic strategies involve a bargain with fate in which obedience to the dictates of that solution is supposed to be rewarded?

Compulsive compliance, compulsive aggression, compulsive detachment.

Which of the following are included in the conditions of childhood required by everyone for self-realization?

Healthy friction with the wishes and will of those around them.

In the context of couples counseling, Horney's three interpersonal orientation of compliance, aggression, and detachment can be assessed with the

Horney-Westkott Interpersonal Orientation Type Indicator.

Horney proposed that neurosis fundamentally originates in the

alienation from the real center of our being.

In terms of non-clinical applications of Horney's theories, they have proven valuable in studies of

biography, culture, religion.

For a woman, according to Horney, penis envy may signify...

envy for social power that is often available only to men.

Horney described the object of therapy as helping others

find their centers of gravity within themselves

Horney became this when she abandoned the topic of feminine psychology in 1935

gender neutral

Karen Horney is known for

how she heightened awareness of the role of cultural factors in mental disturbance.

Whereas Freud considered the personality determining experiences in childhood relatively few in number and mostly sexual in nature, Horney believed that the sum total of childhood experiences is responsible for

neurotic development

Horney's term "the search for glory" refers to

one's attempt to actualize one's idealized self.

According to Horney, when a woman has an obsessive need for a man, but is unable to form a satisfactory relationship, she is...

overvaluing love

In her therapeutic work, Horney stressed the

recognition of the forces which drive and inhibit a person

Qualities associated with compulsive compliance-"moving forward"-include

self-effacement and tendency to "turn the other cheek".

Horney defines this as "perhaps the greatest tragedy of the human mind":


Karen Horney concluded that the source of health values and the goal of life itself is


Horney's description of the "real self" was inspired by...

the loss of self described by Soren Kierkegaard

This is the "refuge" of people with extremely high standards on the basis of which they look down upon

the perfectionistic solution.

Adler was acknowledged by Horney as the first to see the "search for glory" as a comprehensive phenomenon, significant in neurosis.


Freud's contributions were valued by Horney, although she eventually developed a paradigm that was quite different


Girls and women do not have intrinsic biological constitutions and patterns of development simply consistent with their difference from, and presumed inferior to men


Horney agreed with Freud on the importance of unconscious motivation and the primary of emotion over rational influences on behavior


Horney agreed with Freud that adult neuroses originate in childhood


Horney made an important contribution to the psychoanalytical movement by bringing new awareness to,and placing emphasis on, the effects of culture in producing neurosis.


Horney suggested that masochism as a cultural construct is not essential to "female nature"


Horney suggested that the creative impulse in men is an over compensation for their small role in procreation.


Horney's emphasis on the current structure of the personality laid the foundation for the development of present-oriented therapies


Horney's model is not one in which early experiences fix rather than condition, the ways in which we respond to the world.


Horney's move to the United States did not confirm her belief that few differences actually existed between central Europe and America.


Horney's own self-analysis did not convinced her that orthodox psychoanalytic theory was suitable with respect to the psychology of women.


In a effort to gain relief from her emotional difficulties, Horney turned self-analysis in part because she could not find analyst who could truly help her.


Rather than accepting Freud's belief that "anatomy is destiny", Horney argued that women chiefly envy the power that is attached to the patriarchal ideal and cultural manifestations of male privilege.


Social factors did not take precedence over biology, as she increasingly doubted the university of the Oedipus.


Whether an individual develops basic anxiety has little much to do with early family experiences, but is primarily a result of cultural and socioeconomic influences.


Defensive strageties are doomed to failure because they generate

vicious circles

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