Personality, Ch. 10 (from Launchpad)

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This neo-Freudian proposed the popular idea of the inferiority complex and believed that much of human behavior is driven by efforts to conquer childhood feelings of inferiority.

A. Carl Jung B. Karen Horney C. Alfred Adler D. Abraham Maslow

_____ is the MOST common result from interactions among the id, ego, and superego.

A. Desire B. Anxiety C. Happiness D. Contentment

Which is NOT a valid criticism of Freud's psychoanalytic theory?

A. Freud's psychoanalytic theories are nearly impossible to disprove and very challenging to objectively confirm. B. Freud used a male prototype for his theory. C. Freud's ideas have not contributed to modern intellectual discussions on human nature. D. Freud's theory was derived from a relatively small and skewed sample.

What is one problem with the psychosexual stage theory?

A. It demonstrates the importance of early childhood experiences in forming personality. B. It incorporates the need to negotiate between personal needs and desires and societal pressures. C. It is better at explaining past behavior and has little predictive power. D. It emphasizes that much of mental life is unconscious.

John always wears a cowboy hat and cowboy boots. He is a heavy beer drinker, fiercely patriotic, and is friendly with everyone. How can one easily sum up John's characteristics?

A. Think of him as having a strong superego. B. Think of them as defense mechanisms. C. Think of them as his self-concept. D. Think of them as components of his personality.

Seven-year-old Sean prefers to play with his male friends and does not like playing with girls. Sean is probably in the _____ stage of psychosexual development.

A. anal B. phallic C. latency D. genital

Although Alex is frequently caught stealing money and other valuables from friends and strangers, he does not feel guilty or remorseful about his actions. Alex clearly demonstrates a(n):

A. defense mechanism called rationalization. B. weak superego. C. oral fixation. D. inferiority complex.

Five-year-old Liam has been acting strange lately. He clings to his mother and expresses jealous feelings toward his father, almost as if his father is a rival for his mother's love. Freud would suggest that Liam is experiencing:

A. defense mechanisms. B. fixation. C. identification. D. the Oedipus complex.

According to Carl Jung, humans have a reservoir of images that are derived from universal experiences. This is known as:

A. defense mechanisms. B. repressed memories. C. reaction formation. D. collective unconscious.

Dr. Conway states that his research investigates the consistent, enduring characteristics that distinguish one person from another. Dr. Conway's research is MOST likely in the area of:

A. developmental psychology. B. motivation. C. personality. D. social psychology.

The latent content of a dream:

A. disguises a dream's threatening content. B. is its underlying meaning. C. is the dream one remembers having. D. consists of symbols.

Every time 2-year-old Tara is given a bath, she plays with her genital area. If her parents chastise or punish her, she is likely to experience frustration, which could lead to an unresolved developmental conflict called:

A. displacement. B. denial. C. fixation. D. undoing.

Kanesha meets with a therapist because she wants to do something about the path her life is taking. The doctor tells her to lie down on the couch, relax, and say whatever comes to mind. This psychoanalytic method is known as:

A. fixation. B. rational-emotive therapy. C. humanistic therapy. D. free association.

Baby Jordyn will be 2 in a few weeks. Her mother has instituted a strict toilet-training schedule. Jordyn is placed on the "potty" seat at regular intervals and is forced to remain there until she has had a bowel movement. Jordyn is immediately punished when she has an "accident in her pants." Jordyn's rigid toilet training may result in a _____ at the ____ stage of psychosexual development.

A. fixation; genital B. complex; anal C. complex; genital D. fixation; anal

Lakeisha is asked in her therapy session to spontaneously report all of her thoughts, feelings, and mental images as they come to her mind, a technique commonly used in psychoanalysis and known as:

A. free association. B. catharsis. C. preconsciousness. D. sublimation.

Dr. Ainsworth believes that one's personality largely reflects internal conflicts and unconscious forces. Dr. Ainsworth appears to take a _____ perspective on personality.

A. humanistic B. trait C. psychoanalytic D. social cognitive

According to the psychodynamic approach, activities such as football and dancing are a form of _____ and allow unconscious wishes and desires to be transformed into socially acceptable behaviors.

A. identification B. reaction formation C. repression D. sublimation

Nathan chews the end of his pen, bites his nails, overeats, smokes cigarettes, and talks incessantly. According to Freud, Nathan has probably fixated at the _____ stage of psychosexual development due to some unresolved conflict.

A. oral B. phallic C. genital D. anal

Which is the CORRECT sequence of Freud's psychosexual stages of personality development?

A. oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital B. oral, anal, phallic, genital, and latency C. oral, phallic, anal, latency, and genital D. oral, genital, anal, phallic, and latency

Five-year-old Dustin has recently become very possessive of his mother and jealous of his father. He is sometimes openly hostile, telling his father, "Don't kiss my Mommy!" According to Freud, Dustin is in the _____ stage of psychosexual development and showing manifestations of _____.

A. oral; fixation B. phallic; the Oedipus complex C. anal; fixation D. latency; the Oedipus complex

Genie has always had trouble with her weight. She was not breastfed when she was an infant and seems to overcompensate now. Which psychosexual stage is Genie fixated in?

A. phallic B. oral C. anal D. genital

Young children resolve the Oedipus conflict by wanting to be as much like the same-sex parent as possible. This reflects a defense mechanism called:

A. projection. B. identification. C. displacement. D. sublimation.

Gordon is romantically interested in Michaela, a woman who lives in his dorm. However, he feels anxious about his attraction to her because he knows that his friends would not approve. Every time Gordon sees Michaela, he says mean things despite his attraction to her. His behavior is an example of which defense mechanism?

A. rationalization B. sublimation C. displacement D. reaction formation

This defense mechanism offers self-justifying explanations in place of the real, more threatening, unconscious reasons for one's actions. This is known as:

A. rationalization. B. repression. C. reaction formation. D. projection.

Gwen has been fighting with the drummer in her band. She decides that she should quit the band and tells herself that she is leaving because she needs to put more time into school. Gwen is probably engaging in the defense mechanism known as:

A. rationalization. B. regression. C. displacement. D. sublimation.

Bryce often acts overly confident and daring. Few people realize he is actually riddled with unconscious insecurity and self-doubt. Bryce BEST illustrates the use of a defense mechanism known as:

A. reaction formation. B. projection. C. displacement. D. regression.

Eunice has had a very bad day. Her car broke down, she received a low grade on an exam, and she spilled ketchup on her white shirt. When Eunice gets home and sees dirty dishes in the sink, she yells at her roommate. Which defense mechanism is Eunice using?

A. repression B. displacement C. reaction formation D. projection

Freud's psychoanalytic perspective on personality includes ideas about:

A. self-actualization and fulfilling one's potential. B. trait dimensions (e.g., introverted-extroverted or stable-unstable). C. an unconscious region of the mind, psychosexual stages, and defense mechanisms. D. a characteristic pattern of behavior or disposition.

In Dr. Alarcon's work as a psychotherapist, she attempts to describe and explain similarities and differences in people's patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Dr. Alarcon's theoretical style conforms to _____ theory.

A. social cognitive B. psychoanalytic C. trait perspective D. personality

Dr. Chella does research on personality. Her work focuses on an optimistic look at human nature, emphasizing the self and the fulfillment of a person's unique potential. Which perspective MOST closely matches her research?

A. social cognitive B. trait C. psychoanalytic D. humanistic

Jamilla is afraid of heights but doesn't want to appear weak in front of her friends. Instead of acknowledging her fear, she pretends that she loves to stand at the edge of tall buildings and participate in activities such as skydiving. This is an example of:

A. sublimation. B. denial. C. reaction formation. D. displacement.

When asked to describe her husband, Mrs. Ricell said that he is prone to exaggerating his accomplishments and importance, seems unaware of the reality of his limitations, and tends to overcompensate for his feelings of inferiority and weakness. Adler would probably have said that Mr. Ricell has a(n):

A. superiority complex. B. anal fixation. C. inferiority complex. D. extraverted personality.

After making a New Year's resolution to eat healthy foods, Carlos decides to have a spoonful of ice cream . . . and ends up eating most of a carton. He feels guilty about not maintaining his resolution. According to the psychodynamic approach, which part of Carlos' mind is responsible for his reaction of guilt to his behavior?

A. the id B. the id, ego, and superego C. the superego D. the ego

Dr. Montgomery, a personality theorist, seeks to describe and measure the key dimensions underlying individual differences. Dr. Montgomery endorses the _____ perspective on personality.

A. trait B. humanistic C. social cognitive D. psychoanalytic

Dr. Reynolds does research on personality. His work emphasizes the description and measurement of specific personality differences among individuals. Which perspective MOST closely matches his research?

A. trait B. psychoanalytic C. social cognitive D. humanistic

Dr. Gonzales does research on personality. His work emphasizes learning and conscious processes, including the importance of beliefs about the self, goal setting, and self-regulation. Which perspective MOST closely matches his research?

A. trait B. social cognitive C. humanistic D. psychoanalytic

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