Phase 2 study guide

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T/F An emergency detention is a civil commitment?


T/F Mouth ear, nose are body cavity searches

False, but extreme care should still be taken

Federal vs State Standard in regards to pursuits.

Fed standard: more permissive to Law enforcement " must shock the conscience to trigger liabilty Wisconsin= due regard Negligence by use of Emergency Vehicle is measured from perspective of law enforcement officer and not from perspective of normal reasonable citizen driving

What is the most common weapon used in active killer incidents in the United States


Contact Deployment

Fixed probe of the ECD directly touch a part of the body. EX. stun gun, stun belt, stun shield Distance Deployment: probes are attached to wires and shot from the ECD into subjects skin _Tazer x26 - Phazzer

Strong Angle Kick Target Area

Flex Knee to 45 degree angle - target area: lower thigh behind knee or lower leg

T/F Decision to initiate an Emergency Protective placement musty be based on your personal observation


T/F Good methodical search combines "slicing the pie and good communication with partner>


T/F Person need not be told that he/ she has a right to refuse consent


T/F The terms "strong" and "reaction" refer to the officer's position, not which side is his or her weapon side


T/F When entering a room suspected of containing a threat, the entire team enters the room


T/F A person is not confined or restrained if that person knew he or she could have avoided the situation by reasonable action


T/F Shipping papers for hazardous material shipped via highway are required to be kept in the cab of the motor vehicle


T/F There is no "profile" of an active shooter?


T/F officer should then tell the subject that he or she is free to go and then try to obtain consent as part of a consensual encounter.


T/F If either a domestic abuse injunction or child abuse injunction is granted the respondent will be ordered to surrender the firearms


T/F The perception of your decision making and justification for use of force depends on your verbalization before, during, after any use of physical force


T/F Fetal alcohol syndrome is not specifically a developmental disability according to Wisconsin State Statue


T/F The firearms surrender requirements do NOT apply to TRO's only injuctions


Passive Countermeasures (4 tactics)

Tactics - Secure the Head Decentralization - Hug Yourself - Lower your center decentralization - Pull in push- down decentralization

Reaction Front Kick Target Area

Target: ankle,shin, knee or lower abdomen of subject stop forward momentum of an attacker an to create time and distance

True of False Wisconsin provides for the issuance of a search warrant based upon oral testimony


T/F Officers on contact and rescue teams must counter threats from 360 degrees around plus 90 degrees up and down. What is total?

True , 540 degrees

T/F is Immediate release of arrested person under mandatory arrest is prohibited ?

True, person must either post bail, appear before a judge or commissioner for an initial appearance

4 basic responses when you are on the ground

positional defense: avoiding the position escape: getting out of a specific position and achieving a less dangerous position with the end goal to get up safely Self Defense Responses: tools or tactics used to defend an officer during a ground defense confrontation Deadly Force Responses: application of deadly force

Subject debriefing:

serves 2 important psychological functions -enables the participant to (come full circle) - completing the transactions

What are compulsions?

"repetitive behaviors or mental acts the goals of which is to prevent or reduce anxiety or distress, not to provide pleasure or gratification

Disposition/ Helping people with mental disorders (7)

* Goal= best resolution of the situation that you - release the person and refer him/her to a helping agency - release person to the custody of family/friends - consult with mental health pro's in community - contact mental health crisis center -Arrest person for statutory violation - Conduct emergency detention or Emergency Protective Plan if necessary.

Disturbance Resolution (3 major components)

Approach considerations: issue an officer must address before making contact Intervention options: including use of force he or she may use to obtain control Follow- through considerations: include the actions and custodial care an officer must perform after achieving control

What is articulation and why is it important?

Articulation: ability to professionally describe actions taken and explain reasons for them - what was done and logical steps taken into consderation - allows command staff - assist prosecutors in making appropriate decisions - enhance agency ability to manage risk - should be able to orally and in writing describe person

What is medically significant behaviors? and why must you be aware of them (2 reasons) a police officer

- variety of behaviors that indicate serious and potentially life threatening conditions is present - most likely to be 1st on scene - medically associated significant behaviors are associated with in-custody deaths

Guidelines to follow when dealing with person who used alcohol or drugs

-Always consider a person under the influence a potential threat - try to reassess the person's physical condition - remember crisis situation is a matter of perception - never argue with a person under the influence of drugs -person may have addition problems - apparent intoxication may be caused by other conditions know options fir resolving the situation

2 of the most commonly know personality disorders

-Anti social personality disorder: most commonly in male. Does not care about others feelings "Sociopaths" - Borderline personality disorder: Affects 2% of population. Most common in females. "pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self image, affects,marked impulsive that begins in early adulthood and is present in a variety of contexts. Impulsive behaviors

Responding to excited delirium tactics should be geared to accomplish the follow: (4)

-Avoid increasing subject's agitation or excitement -Minimize physical struggles with the subject -Minimize using restraints -Get Medical care for subjects ASAP!

Steps to help accomplish key goals when dealing with a person in a suicidal crisis (5).

-Conduct continuing threat assessment (question) - get person to talk - Show empathy - negotiate situation (persuade) - determine what action to take (refer)

Signs and behaviors associated with Excited Delirium that are observable by responding officers:

-Confusion and behaviors that are bizarre - Extreme agitation and excitement - Hallucination and paranoia -Violence directed at objects (glass & skinny objects) - Super human strength - Hyperthermia ( heating of the body over normal level)

Resolving situations with alcohol/drug impaired party. Options include (4)

-Doing nothing if person is safe and not causing disturbance - take person home if she/he consents - leave person in care of a sober friend/family - take person to detox facility for voluntary admission

5 reasons person attempt, threaten suicide.

-Emotional pain - Mental illness - Alcohol/Drug Use - Rational Decision "when they really WANT to end life" - Manipulation of others " if you leave me ill kill myself"

3 basic categories of EDP's?

-Long term EDP's -chronic mental illness - Short Term EDP's- acute mental illness/ emotional crisis - Chemical Abusers- Alcohol/ Drugs or both

What is QPR? What does it stand for?

-Question a person about suicide _ Persuade the person to get help - Refers the person to the appropriate resources - QPR helps you determine what to do in a suspected case of suicide

What/who can be searched during a search warrant?

-all "necessary force" in executing a search warrant - may search any person found at Warrant site if warrant specifies - May frisk any people they encounter at warrant scene if they articulate a reasonable safety concern - may detain - May search any items found at warrant scene even if they don not belong to resident, so long as item may contain evidence searched for and item isnt found on a person

Two characteristics of a developmental disability

-disability has either continued for a period of time or can be expected to continue indefinitely - disability results in a significant handicap to the person with the disability

What is a GAD (generalized anxiety disorder)

-displays symptoms for 6 months - fairly constant/excessive anxiety - feeling of tension/worry - many self medicate with alcohol/drugs - often worry about trivial matter - is suffering anxiety for a long time may experience low grade depression called "dysthmia"

What is paranoid schizophrenia?

-extreme suspiciousness, delusion that others are persecuting or plotting against a person *greatest potential threat to LEO's especially when under the influence of alcohol or drugs

2 reasons why you should asks a suicidal person "are you thinking about killing yourself?

-give you valuable information that will help you to decide what action to take - provide person with opportunity to talk about their difficult feelings to get it "out in the open"

Manic Phase of Bipolar signs and symptoms

-great happiness and euphoria - sudden outbursts or irritability, rage, paranoia - rapid flights of ideas or thoughts - sometimes risky or reckless behaviors -great energy/ enhanced physical activity for long periods of time - obnoxious behavior

Move toward resolution( crisis intervention guideline)

-if possible separate the person in crisis and his/her audience - Allow person to "save face" - do not embarrass them - do not lie or make promise that you cannot or do not intend to keep - May ask person for help, in reaching resolution - you may use techniques of creative confusion to move toward resolution -be direct and supportive - In jail, once an inmate is calmed down, encourage him/her to talk to you, express feelings in a situation

Written articulation form include

-incident report - use of physical force report - memorandums - documentation - evaluate reports - interrogatories

Key goals when dealing with a person in a suicidal crisis. (4)

-keep subject, others safe (Safety) - maintain /establish control situation (Establish) - do what you reasonably can to help arrange ----- (Resolve the situation) -follow-up or intervention (Arrange follow up)

what is a search according to Wisconsin Supreme Court?

-looking into hidden place for contraband, instrumentality of crime, or evidence of crime with intent of charging the individual with an offense "purposeful looking"

Post-mediation issues (3)

-mediation may not successful - be prepared to change gears - consider referring parties to professional mediation

What is bipolar disorder and unipolar disorder

-mood swings from depression to mania "low to high" - previously know as manic-depressive disorder - less common than unipolar Unipolar: feel depressed but do not have mood swings (more common)

Why do some people who are prescribed psychiatric medications for disorders resist or stop taking them? (5)

-person feels they do not need them any more - person dislikes side effects of the medication -person who is paranoid may think medication is really poision -person wants to see what it is like without it - person cannot afford medication

4 factors to consider when determining whether an area falls within curtilage

-proximity of area to home - whether area is included within an enclosure surrounding home - occupants use for the area - steps taken to protect area from observation from passerby

Examples of Escalation (part of crisis cycle)

-reddening in face - tensing of muscle ( clenched jaw, clenched fist) - talking more or louder - sometimes become quieter or more withdrawn -increased activity, such as pacing or rocking

What to do with a person incapacitated by alcohol

-requires you as LEO to place incapacitated subject in protective custody such as detox or public treatment facility - doing so you are NOT arresting them instead protective custody.

What is a developmental disability?

-severe, chronic disability originated during birth or childhood is expected to continue indefinitely and which substantially restricts person functioning in several major life activities

Several indicators of intoxication/drug use

-slurred speech - odor on breath - inability to walk,stand normally - confusion or disorientation -Abnormal breathing - tremors -excessive irritability - very hot/cold - strange, unusual behavior - track/ mark on persons arm/leg

Oral Articulation occurs (when/where)

-talking with supervisors/others at agency -during meetings,debriefings (formal, informal) In various legal settings including -Charging conference with prosecutors - deposition (answer question under oath) -testimony ( court proceeding hearing or trial) - telephone conversations

Explain your perception of reality

-tell person you are not seeing what they are seeing - Use I statements

2 goals of managing crisis situation

-to try to ensure safety for yourself, other officers, subjects, and other citizens - to establish and maintain control

Environmental indicators that person is dealing with a mental disorder

-trash or items of little or no worth - lots of debris in a person's residence - strange decorations of ritualistic displays

Guidelines for oral articulation

-voice inflection - gestures/body posture - facial expressions should be neutral - use active listening skills - answer questioning clearly, accurately, thoroughly - never lie, shade the facts -be matter of act


-written order signed by court authorizing a law enforcement officer to conduct a search,seizure or arrest

To be diagnosed as a intellectual disabled person this disability has to originate before the age of _____

18 years old

How long must symptoms of Depression be around before it is really considered depression

2 weeks

According to American Psychiatric Association what percentage of males and females will suffer from depression in their lifetime

25 % of women 10% of men

___% of police contacts involve no force at all, handled solely through presence and or dialog


Under what state statue is Emergency Detentions listed?

Chapter 51

Stages of Alcohol Withdrawal (4)

Stage 1: occurs 1st day after last drink. Tremors,sweating, disorientation, delusions/hallucinations Stage 2: 7 to 48 hours after last drink, may include seizures Stage 3: 12-48 hours after last drink. May experience hallunications Stage 4: Final stage, 72-96 hours after last drink. May experience delirum, tremens. Shaking,sweating, pale skin, vomiting, rapid pulse

T/F An intellectual disability is not a form of mental illness nor it is not a disease no is it a disease. It cannot be cured


If a canine makes an alert on something what do you have?

Probable Cause

What is psychotic depression

depression is accompanied by hallucinations and delusions

Serious and persistent mental illnesses are primarily disorders of the brain,AND ARE CAUSE BY

disruptions in normal brain function such as chemistry of the brain

What is the most common form of developmental disability?

intellectual disability

What is a specific phobia?

marked and persistent fear of a specific, identifiable situation or object

Strategies for dispute resolution (2)

mediation, arbitration

Depression affects _____ and ________.

mood and thinking

What is a panic disorder?

panic attacK: uncomfortable feeling of extreme anxiety, feeling flushed,dizzy,light headed, very out of control. Lasts 15-30 minutes ( but feels like an eternity) - 25-30% of people with panic disorder have suicidal thoughts at some point - cause is partly psychological/partly biological

What is an obsession?

persistent ideas, thoughts, impulses or images that are experienced as intrusive and inappropriate and that caused marked anxiety or distress

What is a phobia?

persistent, irrational fear of a specific object ,activity

What is a social phobia?

social anxiety disorder, fear of social situautions


a conflict resolution process involving the intervention of an acceptable, impartial, and neutral third party to assist contending parties to voluntarily reach their own mutually-acceptable settlement in a dispute

Things to consider when wanting to conduct mediation (5)

- officer safety must not be compromised - subject must be willing to talk - subject must remain rational - subject must be willing to compromise - subject must not get physical

Crisis Cycle (7)

*when a person goes through a crisis they go through this - normal state: no crisis yet - stimulation: internal or external trigger of emotion - escalation: signs of distress, physical change of behavior - crisis state: become temporarily out of control -de escalation: gradual decrease in crisis behavior - stabilization: back to normal behavior again under control - post crisis drain/depletion: drop below normal level of stimulation *cycle varies in length and intensity

Incident to arrest ( exception to search warrant)

- An arresting officer may search only the person arrested and area within which that person may gain possession of a weapon or might destroy/hide evidence - remember Arizona v Gant ruling

4 serious and persistent Mental illnesses (BSAD)

- Depression - Bipolar disorder - Schizophrenia - Anxiety disorder

Questions to ask when asking about medication needs? (4)

- What is the name of the medication? - What is it for? - Have you been taking it? - When are you suppose to take it?

Schizophrenia and common indicators of the disease

- a disturbance of thinking - MOST predominant type of thought disorder - disordered thinking of speech - delusions - auditory hallucinations (hearing voices) - visual hallucinations ( seeing things not there) - concrete thinking - interpret everything that is said to them - unusual realities -ohter symptoms (poor hygiene, grooming)

What is a crisis?

- a situation, real or perceived that significantly reduces a persons ability to cope *Part of LEO's role is to id when someone is in a crisis

Guidelines for responding to a person experiencing a manic episode (Bipolar)

- alert to sudden angry, assaultive behaviors - you may need to calm person before you can resolve the situation -be alert to influence a person in a manic phase can have on other people - do not engage in arguments and prolonged discussions - person may become depressed - be aware of medication needs

What is a personality disorder?

- an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectation of individual's culture, is pervasive, and is inflexible, has an onset in adolescence or early adulthood is stable overtime, and leads to distress or impairment.

Ground Rules of Mediation (6)

Introduction Explain your role Everything said is part of police contact Explain mediation process Answer questions Get verbal agreement to process

In Wisconsin what are the foundation for proper use of force by officers (2)



Danger Overriding concern No progress Escape

______ are the most traumatic moment in people's lives

Death Notifications

What is an active shooter?

Defined by the department of homeland security as: as an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined populated area

4 types of pursuit policy (NPRD)

No- pursuit A Permissive Pursuit A restrictive policy Discretionary Pursuit Policy: "seeks to balance need to for the police to apprehend law violators with requirement that not unduly jeopardize public safety.

Best type of traffic stop to conduct with motorcycle, limited visibility vehicles, and large vehicles

Non approach

Dog Sniffs

Not search within meanings of 4th amendment "cannot extend stop for any amount f time to accomodate a "fishing expedition" dog sniff. *but if you have reasonable suspicion you can wait up to 40 minutes for a dog. Dog sniffs of homes requires warrant before being conducted. An alert by canine= probable cause

Indicators that a person has Autism (3)

Verbal difficulties: 50% of people with Autism are entirely non verbal. May not understand commands Unusual Physical behaviors: may walk in unusual ways - may stare at you or direct a fixed gaze somewhere else - Inappropriate social response: difficult with appropriate personal space. May not be able to distinguish between serious and minor ones

Purpose of Induce to Stop in pursuit

convince fleeing driver to stop, rather than force them to stop

3 Handcuffing methods

cooperative subject tactical one officer ground handcuffing multiple officer ground handcuffing

What is a TRO and injunction?

court order where court can order abuser not to hurt the victim, physically, or sexually to stay away from the victim, move out of the house, have no contact with the victim, or stop harassing the victim

If you only have two people for a high risk stop

cover officer will also act as the arrest control officer

Goal of Active Countermeasures

create a temporary dysfunction of an actively resistive or assaultive subject

2 common types of room lay out

-corner fed ( door is in the corner of room) - center fed ( door is in the center of room)

Child abuse TRO venue or injunction venue

-county where petitioner resides - where respondent resides - where cause of action arose

What is the "hit" rate for finding weapons or contraband through consent searches

15 %

Wisconsin Emergency Management contracts and manages how many regional Hazardous materials response teams?


A developmental disability must begin before a person reaches the age of ______

22 years old

How long do effects of OC stay around until they wear off?

30-45 minutes

In about ___% of all active shooter incidents, the attack ends before law enforcement arrives. The perp either commits suicide, leaves or is stopped by victims

50 percent

Effects of trauma (4)

- memory has been impaired - emotional and sensory part of brain are responding - memory is fragmented, thus difficult to retrieve ( not stored in chronological order) - memory is accurate

Investigating Candidates for domestic abuse is handled in what 2 stages

- pre hire screening and investigation - post conditional offer of employment activity

What is the 'cold zone"?

-area with no known hazards. Includes everything outside the outer perimeter or inside the outer perimeter

How high should a tourniquet be applied on a extremity?

-as high as possible "high or die - or at least 2-3 inches above the injury

6 ways a hazardous material can be harmful to 1st responders

-asphyxiation - chemical - infection - mechanical - radioactive - thermal

Question to avoid asking the driver when conducting a traffic stop?

" Do you have legal justification for the action?"

The Wisconsin Statue entitled "the uniform act on close pursuit" allows

" a member of a duly-organized peace unit from another state, who enters Wisconsin in close pursuit of a person he/she has probable cause to believe committed a felony in his/her home state, the same authority to arrest as a law enforcement officer of this state

Definition of intoxicated person under 51.45(2)(f) and what you can do with them

" a person whose mental or physical functioning is substantially impaired as a result of the use of alcohol." You do not however have the authority to make an intoxicated person go to a detox facility against their will.

What is the definition of substantial bodily harm under Wisconsin 939.22(38)?

" bodily injury that causes a laceration that requires stitches, any fracture of a bone, a burn, a temporary loss of consciousness, sight or hearing, a concussion or a loss of fracture or tooth."

Stalking definition

"any person who engages in a course of action directed at a specific person which places that person, his,her family or household member in a reasonable fear for safety -

Special Requirements ( Search Requirements for Searching disabled person) exception to search warrant (3)

"physically disabled person" means a person who requires an assistive device for mobility i including but not limited to a wheel chair, brace, crutch, or artificial limb. - Do it with care and with consideration for person's feelings - seek assistance from person who has had training in handling physically disabled person when removing device (physician, nurse, physical therapist) - seek assistance handling person who are disabled including paraplegics

What is a silent emergency? When is this appropriate to use?

"situation in which officer is either obtaining evidence of a speed violation or responding to a call which there is a need to avoid alerting a suspect to officer's presence. Only privileged to violate speed restriction, not the other traffic laws 1. knowledge of officer's presence may endanger safety of victim/ other person 2. may cause suspected violator to evade apprenhension 3. may cause violator to destroy evidence of felony or result in loss of evidence of a felony 4. may cause the suspected violator to cease commission of a felony before officers obtaining evidence to establish grounds for arrest

Custodial Searches: Strip Searches ( exception to search warrant)

"strip search" means a search in which a detained person's genitals, pubic area, buttock or anus or a detained females breasts, is uncovered and either is exposed to view or is touched by a person conducting a search. Must be done by someone of the same gender

FBI definition of terrorism for Law Enforcement

"unlawful use of violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment there of, in furtherance of political or social objectives

What is a non suicide agreement?

(pact) can be verbal. ask the subject if he/she will agree not to attempt suicide for a short, specific period of time usually 3-6 hours NON BINDING, NOT LEGAL

Officer coordination: Tasks that officers must complete at USE OF FORCE scenes

**based on contact cover concept - effective coordination - professional discipline -legal and ethical conduct

No contact provison ( Domestic abuse)

- 72 hours following arrest, Arrested person must avoid the victim, residence of alleged victim of incident and any other premises temporarily occupied by alleged victim - if person is arrested for domestic violence and released 72 hours after incident, a no contact form is signed - the law enforcement agency releasing the arresting person "shall inform the arrested person verbally and in writing of no contact - Must sign no contact form = or no release - victim shall be notified of release of subject

Sudden Stops (3)

- ABS - Threshold Braking - Lockup

Most common problems experienced by LEO families (4)

- Alcoholism - Suicide - Separation - Divorce

2 types of controlled braking

- Early and smooth braking: apply steady, constant pressure early then smoothly releasing pressure and vehicle slows to a stop. Example: approaching a stop sign or red traffic light Trail braking: gradually reduce brake pressure after you have begin to turn into a corner. As you gradually input steer you gradually take out or trail off brake.

Issues which need to be taken into consideration when faced with a situation that warrants off duty intervention

- LEO's off duty action must be objectively reasonable in any given situation - no personal involvement - use of alcohol can severely impair an off duty officer's decision making - off duty officer's family member presence will limit ability of an officer to effectively intervene in a situation - employment of a non- law enforcement nature will fundamentally change the responsibility of an off duty officer

First action to do with armed adversary at close quarters?

- Move, by moving you force the subject to react to your action, rather than other way around

8 focus strikes taught in DAAT

- Reaction Hand Strike - Reaction Forearm Strike - Strong Forearm Strike - Reaction Front Kick - Reaction Knee Strike - Strong Angle Knee Strike - Strong Angle Kick

A mental disorder is defined as:

- a clinically significant behavioral or psychological syndrome or pattern that occurs in an individuals and that is associated with present distress

Wisconsin state statue definition of a drug dependent person as (under 51.01(8)

- a person who uses one or more drugs to the extent that the person's health is substantially impaired or his/her social or economic functioning is substantially disrupted

Definition of a "true emergency" in reference to Emergency driving

- a situation in which is a high probability of death or serious injury or significant property loss, and action by an emergency vehicle operator may reduce seriousness of the situation

Factors that affect your decision to pursue

- agency policy and procedure - legal/ liability consideration - Nature of the offense - Your abilities -Conditions at time of the incident - Your vehicle and its performance capabilities

5 key rules of use of force

- always maintain POA - Once control is gained, you must reduce force down to what is needed to maintain control - Verbalization preferred to physical force - need not escalate step by step thru intervention options -You may disengage or escalate force to gain control

Elements of physical abuse of a child (3) 948.03

- any bodily harm - defendant recklessly caused such bodily harm - had not attained the age of 18 years at the time of the alleged offense

Automobile Exception= Carroll Doctrine (Exception to a search warrant?

- applies to automobiles but also boats, airplanes or any movable vehicle, Based on Probable cause, an officer may search any place in an automobile that is reasonable to believe the object of the search might be located - includes containers, closed, locked or open - search incident to arrest on vehicle if a person is arrested in car or just after exiting - Inventory search may be conducted if automobile is legally impounded ( protects officers from liability) Inventory Search= GO anywhere in car

"Crossing a hostile area"

- appropriate in areas under observation of armed suspect - need at least one partner - one officer proveides immediate ability to fire if the suspect puts you under imminent threat of death or GBH, while the other officer makes a quick short rush (3-5 secs). After 1st officer finishes they exchanges roles

5 actions after combat shooting

- assess, breathe, COVER, scan, reload - communicate with suspect and dispatch - plan your approach to your assailant - approach the subject and begin follow thru - plan and write report

Authorized searches when they are recovered by judicially recognized exception to warrant requirements (6)

- automobile probable cause search ( carroll doctrine) - inventory searches - exigent circumstances (hot pursuit) - protective sweep - Terry Stop/ Frisk - Community Caretaker doctrine

3 components of driving?

- awareness - space management - collision avoidance

Guidelines for responding to a person who is experiencing an episode of anxiety disorder. (4)

- be aware of indicators of possibly serious anxiety episodes - be concerned and supportive, try to find whats going on - help person calm down - be aware of medication needs - be aware of possible emergency situations

Guidelines for written articulation

- be organized - pay attention to grammar/spelling - know and observe proper format for reports - active voice - proper word choice - know facts v opinions -5 W's 2 H's - Use incident response as your guide to what to include

What is presumed compliance

- belief that a subject will comply with your verbal directions just because you are a law enforcement officer giving such directions

Normal patrol operations (law enforcement driving)

- bulk of your driving - must be ready to shift to emergency mode at anytime bed alert to environment Patrol driving takes more concentration than ordinary off duty driving

Subject Debriefing involves 5 specific actions

- calm yourself , and your partner - calm subject - provide initial medical assessment - reassure the subject - rebuild subjects self esteem

Motor Nervous System

- carry command signals to muscles from brain - located deeper in body ( under muscle tissue) - alot of ECD power is need to penetrate deep enough to control these motor nerves

Irrational behaviors by adults include (3)

- chronic mental illness - chemical abuse -acute or emotional crisis

Chapter 980 refers to...

- civil commitment of people who have been found to have committed an illegal sexual offense and have a mental disorder that makes it likely that they will commit further acts of sexual violence

What is the human nervous system and 3 elements of nervous system?

- command, control and communication system of the human body using simple electrical impulses - Central Nervous System - Sensory Nervous System - Motor Nervous System

What is mediation

- conflict resolution process involving the intervention of an acceptable, impartial and neutral 3rd party to contending parties to voluntarily reach their own mutually-acceptable settlement in a dispute. - 3rd party does not impose a decision - no exception of professional mediaiton -Types of call: "keep the peace''

Symptoms of dementia

- confusion of time and place - shortened attention span - changes in short term memory - trouble finding words - changes in personal care habits -changes in personality

General guidelines for foot pursuits

- conserve energy - do not follow path of suspect ( avoid fences/walls) -meter (pie) corners maintaining distance from corner - do not split up - chase for what you SEE, search for what you can't if you lose sight of suspect. Stop, look, listen

Citizens Response to Emergency lights and hearing your sirens? (5)

- continuing to travel as if unaware of you - braking suddenly in front of you - speeding up to evade you - crossing several lanes of traffic in front of you to pull off on the right - causing an accident because the driver is focused on you, not his,her driving

Control Alternatives

- control subjects who are resisting or threatening to resist your lawful order

Common dynamics experienced by Domestic Abusers

- control, domination, manipulation - increased power - short-lived benefits - insecurity, jealously and avoidance - learned behavior - reinforced behavior - denial

In all traffic stops you should look for these three things

- cover/concealment - on foot escape routes - vehicle escape routes

6 key points of WISCONSIN ACT 88

- create law enforcement pursuit standards council - report all law enforcement pursuits over past 12 months - 4 hours of pursuit training every 2 years - Establish model standardsa - Review written guidelines on even number years - increase penalty for attempting to elude

What is due regard and are there any exceptions

- degree of care that a reasonably careful person, performing similar duties, and acting under similar circumstances would show. - no exceptions

Steps in an initial medical assessment (5)

- determine level of consciousness - check ABC ( airway,breathing, circulation) - perform body check for injury - activate EMS and if appropriate provide any necessary treatment to your level of training - continue to monitor subject

In any criminal damage investigation you should do 5 things. What are they

- determine time fire during which damage occurred - interview victims to determine possible motive and or suspect - collect evidence left behind (tools used to inflict damage) - canvass area immediately to find out if anyone saw or heard crime take place - document the damage, including a description and estimated cost to repair or replace

Identifying medically significant behaviors in a timely manner depends on two skills:

- developing an accurate field impression - recognizing typical behaviors associated with excited delirium

If your tire blows out on patrol. What do you do ?

- do not brake - do not panic - accelerate slightly

When you drive off the road what should you do

- do not panic - let off brake - do not accelerate

Arrests in a domestic abuse incident is mandatory if officers has PC that the person violated one of the following (5)

- domestic abuse restraining order or injunction - child abuse restraining order or injunction - harassment restraining order or injunction - a foreign protection order - officer believes that continued domestic abuse against alleged victim is likely or/there is evidence of physical injury to alleged victim

Wisconsin Self Defense definition

- every citizen in state may use any force necessary to stop threat of unlawful interference with his/her person[

Verbal Indicators that person you are dealing with have a mental disorder (what

- expressing extreme hostility or excitement - expressing thoughts or ideas that seems to be illogical, disconnected, unrelated, or bizare - expressing paranoid extremely suspicious ideas/feelings - unusual speech pattern such as rapid or forced speech

8 factors of Non-violence wheel

- fairness - actions that feel safe - respect -trust,support - shared money - good parent - honesty

Domestic abuse 968.07 (4 elements)

- following behavior engaged in by adults (17yrs or older) against spouse, former spouse, against person whom they reside with or formerly resided with, or against adult with whom they have a child in common with 1) intentional infliction of physical pain, injury, illness 2) intentional impairment of physical condition 3) violation of 940.225 1-3degree sexual assault 4) physical act that may cause other person reasonably to fear imminent engagement in the conduct described above

Under Wisconsin Law, a search of person object or place may be made, things may be seized when search is (6)

- incident to lawful arrest - with consent - pursuant to a valid search warrant - with authority and within the scope of a right of lawful inspection - pursuant to search during an authorized temporary questioning in Wisc. Statute 968.25 - as otherwise authorized by law

Final injunction for 3 certain crime categories (time limits of injunctions

- individual at risk injunction:granted up to 4 years, but cannot extend beyond 2 years - harassment injunction: granted up to 4 years, can go up to 10 years - child abuse injunction: up to 2 year and a 6 months extension only, or until child turns 18 (whatever is first

Type of abuse that must be alleged in petition to obtain a TRO or injunction petition (5) and AGE

- intentional infliction of physical pain, injury illness - intentional impairment of physical condition - violation of 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree sexual assault - damage to petitioners property - threatening to engage in any of the above 4 AGE: 18 years old

In a person's crime while at the hospital an officer should do what 4 things?

- interview victim - interview medical personnel and obtain treatment records - interview family members and friends at hospital - communicate with officers in field

What is target specific directed fire?

- is an application of deadly force that may be appropriate in certain limited situations. - purposeful, controlled, sustained directed at a perpetrator who has caused or imminently threatens to cause death or GBH to you our others, but whom you may not be able to clearly observe. - purpose is to stop threat when no other reasonable course of action would allow officers to perform a rescue, escape from danger, or otherwise prevent death or GBH

The intention of a roadblock (with escape route) and guidelines to follow when using them.

- is to provide a show of force to convince suspect that escape is impossible and induce him/ her to give up -roadblock set on straight, level roadway - divert other traffic away from location - light on and visible - block roadway with squads, barricades,flares - Escape route must be obvious

When an officer discovers evidence while conducting a lawful arrest, the officer may seize the item under the plain-view doctrine provided that the (3) factors are present

- item is in clear plain view - items is obviously evidence or contraband - officer is lawfully in the area where discovery was made

Goal of roll step

- keep upper body moving smoothly with little vertical motion

Two pronged approach to responding to terrorist threat

- law enforcement has become more involved at the first line of defense in identifying potential terroirst threats -we need to respond appropriately in order to reduce the loss of life, damage to property and protection of evidence associated with criminal act

What is a Emergency Detention?

- legal procedure by which Law Enforcement officers are authorized to take a mentally ill person who presents a danger to himself or others into custody and take that person to a hospital or other treatment facility for evaluation for up to 72 hours.

Why taking time to rebuild subjects self-esteem is important. (3 objectives) of doing this

- less likely to feel resentment toward Law Enforcement or corrections in general, toward you as a Rep - more likely to cooperate during the rest of the contact - less likely a complainant is filled about treatment

What is dementia

- loss of intellectual abilities, such as thinking, memory and reasoning, that severe enough to interfere with a person's ability to care for themselves, socialize and plan for the future - Not a disease in itself but rather a description of a group of symptoms

Best way to mitigate hazards of patrol driving

- maintain a cushion of space around squad ( gives time to react to changing conditions)

Tactical evaluation phase

- maintain, re-evaluate any life-saving measures taken in 1st two phases or care - rapid secure extraction from hot zones to EMS or cold zones

2 reasons why you should not plaster yourself against your cover

- may expose more of yourself than what is necessary in order to see adversary - maybe hit by shrapnel if your adversary's round strikes the edge of your cover

Check on person's perception of reality ( Crisis Intervention Guidelines)

- may or may not perceived reality accurately Question to determine his/her orientation to reality: -ask questions to determine his/her orientation to reality. Example: who are you, where are you? -ask questions what he/she is seeing: - if person doesn't answer tell them you cannot hear them - recognize person (EDP) may touch you to determine if real

What is invisible deployment?

- means that an officer remains out of sight or undetected by the perp while establishing a perimeter or preparing to confront the suspect

Facts about a domestic abuse victim

- member of every socioeconomic level, race, educational levels. culture - emotional/ family bond with offender - will suffer long term and complex effects from violence - has worked out survival techniques to attempt to resolve by leaving relationship or getting abuser to stop - may view police presence or intervention as unreasonable and more dangerous

General indicators that you may be dealing with a person with Alzheimer's disease

- memory loss/ impaired thinking - difficulty performing familiar tasks - problems with language/ communication - disorientation due to time and place - poor or diminished judgement - problem solving directions - misplacing things - mood/behavior/ personality changes - impaired visual/spatial skills - loss of motivation or initative -changes in normal sleep patterns

The silver alert legislation requires , law enforcement agency to issue a silver alert when the following criteria are met

- missing person is 60 years of age or older - missing person is believed to have Alzheimer's dementia or any other permenant cognitive impairment - missing person is missing due to their impaired cognitive conditions - Silver Alert is made within 72 hours of individuals dissapperance -Enough info to make an alert - Missing person is entered in NCIC

If you leave cover you should

- move laterally - move in a zig zag pattern - keep moving pause only behind cover you only have 3-5 seconds before subject can trace and fire at you

Custodial Searches: Body Cavity Searches ( exception to search warrant)

- no person other than a physician, physician assistant or registered nurse licensed in Wisconsin may conduct a body cavity search Anus, Vagina nothing else

3 types of Law Enforcement driving

- normal patrol operations - emergency response - pursuits

Deciding to terminate pursuit steps

- notify dispatch/other units - reduce speed to limit - turn off emergency equipment - confirm terminating pursuit - pull over, stop for a brief time - get back into traffic., drive normally to last known location - return to patrol area

When interviewing a child at a domestic ask about what (3) things

- observations of incident being investigated - history of abuse between parties - history of abuse in the family,child,elders,pets

Responding officers shall perform the following actions upon arrival at a domestic scene (6) at an officer involved domestic

- obtain medical attention if needed - address immediate and future safety of victim - secure scene and preserve evidence -perform unbiased investigation under guidance of responding supervisor - ATL accussed employee if he has left the scene - Make an arrest if PC exist

Elements of substantial or aggravated battery 940.19(2)(4)(6) Felony (4 elements)

- offender caused substantial bodily harm or GBH - offender intended to cause bodily harm to victim or another person -offenders conduct created a substantial risk of great bodily harm - offender knew conduct created a substantial risk of GBH

Elements of false imprisonment 940.30- Felony (5)

- offender confined or restrained victim - offender intentionally confined or restrained victim - confinement or restraint was without victim's consent -offender had no lawful authority to confine/ restrain victim - offender knew such confinement or restraint was without lawful authority

Elements of Stalking 940.32- felony (4)

- offender intentionally engaged in a course of conduct directed at victim - offender act would have caused a reasonable person under the same circumstance to fear bodily injury or death to him/herself or to members of his her household - act induced fear in victim - offender knew or should have known that conduct placed victim in reasonable fear of bodily injury or death or him/herself

Elements of criminal trespassing to dwelling- 943.14 (misdemeanor) (4)

- offender intentionally entered dwelling of another -entered without consent of someone lawfully upon premise - entered under circumstances tending to create/provoke a breach of peace - offender knew entry was without consent and knew it would tend to create or provoke a breach of peace - no breach of peace is necessary to violate

Mandatory arrest 968.075 (2) LEO shall arrest and take a person into custody if one of the following applies (4)

- officer has PC to believe a subject has committed or is committing domestic abuse, subjects actions constitute commission of a crime either or both of the following are present - officer has reasonable grounds for believing that continued domestic abuse against the alleged victim is likely - Evidence of physical injury to the alleged victim -Person is the predominant aggressor

Safety considerations when responding to a domestic call?

- officer safety is top priority - at least 2 officers (if possible) - seperate parties ( keep them away from kitchen) - check for weapons

When should you deploy a rifle? plus examples

- on every call that could reasonably be expected to potentially result in a gun fight examples include: alarms, high risk traffic stops, burglaries in progress, shots fired

Arresting a mentally ill person may be appropriate if the following factors are present (4)

- original incident involves an apparent violation of statue - no one can be located to take custody of subject - subject will not be admitted to a med facility voluntarily - criteria for Emergency Detention under 51.25 are not met

346.175: eluding an officer giving visual and audible signals to stop. Who holds the liability?

- owner of vehicle is liable if driver flees - if fleeing person in caught driver isnt liable

Police Officers Batterers (6) (Tactics, Power and Control)

- police response - lack of options -institutional power - knowledge of law/court - psychological threat - training

When responding to a fire, information that should be included in your report include (5 things)

- presence, location of victim's and witnesses - any vehicle leaving the scene - fire conditions (color, location, amount of smoke, flame) - weather conditions - anything unusual (container, exterior, burning or charring on building)

What is the Lautenberg Amendment

- prohibits any indvidual convicted of qualifying misdemeanors, including DV, from legally possessing a firearm

Decentralization technique must allow you to follow these critical guidelines to minimize the chance of injury to the subject (2)

- protect the subjects head and neck as much as possible - control speed of the subjects descent

Prader-Willi syndrome

- rare genetic disorder that is characterized by an intellectual disability, short statue, small hands and feet and often insatiable appetite that commonly leads to obesity

Consent search ( exception to search warrant)

- reasonable provided consent is given by someone who appears to have authority to do so and if it is given voluntarily. -Person who consents search can limit scope of search - consenter can also revoke consent

6 steps process of a high risk contact

- report location, vehicle info to dispatch, request backup - coordinate other responding officers - when other officers are in position, make the stop - position vehicle properly - using the P.A order occupants out one by one and secure them - clear vehicle properly

Supervisor Debrief involving Officer involved-domestic violence (3)

- review agency confidentiality guidelines - reaffirm that officer share info on need to know basis only - establish clear delineation of assignment in order to assist a victim in a coordinated consistent manner

General guidelines for OC Spray storage

- room temperature, away from heat, sunlight ( temps over 120) - do not puncture/incinerate the container - shake container regularly to keep contents mixed

346.03 of Wisconsin Statue in regards to Law Enforcement privilege of Emergency Vehicle Operations states 4 things an operator can do.

- stop , stand, park vehicle anywhere - proceed past a red stop signal or sign but only after slowing down as may be necessary for safe operations - Exceed speed limits - disregard regulations governing direction of movement or turning in specified direction

Guiding principles of every active shooter response should be ( 2 )

- stop the killing - save the wounded

2 things to consider when looking at the nature of the offense in regards to Vehicle pursuits

- suspect presents a continuing danger to others - need to immediately apprehend subject outweighs danger created by pursuit

What is a probable cause affidavit?

- sworn statement, made by LEO's that outlines factual justification for why a judge should consent to an arrest or search warrant or why an arrest made during a crime in progress was based on solid evidence that the person in custody is the person who is likely to have committed the crime " an application for a search warrant"

Specific guidelines for responding to a person who is seriously depressed?

- take time to listen - do not argue with person about source of depression - be aware of medication needs - be aware of suicide risks - do not tell someone to "just snap out of it" -

Primary purpose if Emergency Response Guide

- to aid 1st responders in quickly identifying the specific and generic hazards of the materials involved in the incident and protecting themselves and the general public during the initial response phase to an incident

Goal an intermediate weapon

- to impede a subject, preventing him/her from continuing resistive ,assault or otherwise dangerous behaviors

Strong Forearm Strike Target Area

- to stop subject's advance,violent resistance or assaultive behavior - Arm should be horizontal and should form a 90 degree angle with torso Target area: abdominal area

Elements of Robbery (Felony) 943.32 (3 elements)

- took property from person in the presence of the owner - took property with intent to steal - offender used or threatened force with intent to overcome physical resistance

4 factors when dealing with a mentally ill person

- try to ensure safety of subjects and others - to establish control - achieve positive resolution - Achieve positive resolution of situations - When necessary and appropriate to help arrange follow up care and intervention for people undergoing crisis

When deciding to use flashlight follow these guidelines to maintain a tactical advantage while searching (4)

- turn light on only briefly - use light to disorient adversary - move immediately after using your light - avoid back lighting yourself or other officers

According to OSHA CFR Part 1910.120 (q)(6)(i) awareness level training requires that first responders be able to (6)

- understand what Haz mats are and the associated risk - understand potential outcomes associated with haz material - recognize presence of haz mat - id hazmat - id role of 1st responder - recognize need for assistance/notification

Additional guidelines to follow when attempting contact with a person or trying to get their attention (5)

- use given name, rather than title - ASK- do NOT order,-subject to look at you. Be polite - Get subject to focus On you and not AT you - Use simple commands, using subjects 1st name if known - take your time

To manage pursuit driving effectively. Keep these 4 guidelines in mind.

- use good driving techniques - maintain distance - maintain POA -anticipate suspect action

Guideline for responding to a person who has schizophrenia

- use passive, friendly, low key approach - give simple commands or requests - never demean or make fun of a person who is behaving strangely. Do not argue with them -if person says they are hearing voices, ask them what voices are saying? - maintain proper distance - be aware of suicidal/assaultive potention - be respectful of possession and property

Leapfrogging technique

- used when an area is not believed to be under imminent threat but there is still a potential for risk. "one officer moves while another officer is prepared to shoot. - longer moves before pauses unlike "crossing a hostile area" -distance of movement is determined by several factors including terrain and officers weapon. - DO NOT leapfrog past effective range of partners weapon

8 factors of power control wheel

- using coercion and threat - using intimidation - using emotional abuse - using isolation - minimizing, denying and blaming - using children -using male privilege - using economic abuse

If you are responding to an Emergency you may disregard traffic laws if (2)

- using lights and sirens - demonstrating due process for safety of others

Domestic violence cases: Truths to remember (4)

- victim will do whatever to feel safe - working with victim may be a frustrating experience - each person has separate role in system - Victim at great risk once they take steps or indicate their intent to leave

Victim Fears in Officer Involved Domestics

- victims knows case will be handled by officers who are colleagues of their abuser - victims fear officer may fail to investigate/ document crime -May think calling it in will make situation more dangerous - Fear loss of Job for abuser

Exceptions to Knock and Announce Requirements (2)

- warrant with expressed no knock authorization - officer reasonably believes that upon arrival a t scene if they knock and announce that will create a strong likelyhood of destruction of evidence or danger to officers other

Public Safety Statement

- when a supervisor or investigator arrives on scene many agencies require an officer who used deadly force to answer questions regarding what happened. - Questions are intended to address immediate public safety needs and you may not have the right to wait for a lawyer or union rep before answering these questions

Heavy Control Talk ( tactic of dialogue)

- when situation requires immediate compliance - highest technique within dialogue - must convey intensity and commitment - defense stance - loud, firm,intense tone of voice - clear concise commands, speaking slowly and clearly - be prepared to use physical intervention techniques

Reaction Forearm Strike (target area)

- when subject is too close for hand strike - arm should be horizontal and should form a 90 degree angle with torso - subject's chest= target area

When can you make a dual arrest at a domestic abuse scene

- when you are unable to determine which party was the predominant aggressor and you have probable cause to believe that both parties committed a crime

Haz Material (2) incident safety considerations when arriving on scene at a haz material incident

- wind direction - terrain

What is a Quick Peek?

- you very briefly look around a corner into an area you wish to observe and then withdraw your head before any hidden threat has time to react to your exposure ( you do not want to perform repeated quick peeks from the same location. Quick peeks depends on surprise factor

How many people does Autism affect and what sex/gender does it affect more?

-12 million people in world - affects 4 times as many males as females

What is contact team ?

-1st arriving officers will form this and purpose is to locate perpetrators and stop the killing - team will bypass injured, dead, dying victims -may consist of 1-5 officers - be armed with long gun Team goes directly to sound of gun fire IF gun fire stops goes back to room by room search

When taking action at a hazmat scene what should be considered?

-1st duty is to consider safety of people in immediate area including yourself - establish a command post and lines of communication - rescue causalities where possible - evacuate where needed,shelter in place, er both - maintain control - assess and modify

Sudden stops ( 3 braking types)

-ABS - Threshold Braking - Lock up

Modes of protective alternatives (3)

-Active Countermeasures - Incapacitating techniques - Intermediate Weapons

Contact/ Cover officer ( tactic for everyday patrol)

-assist officers in maintain safety and control during a field contact. May be used in almost all enforcement contacts -significantly increases officer safety

Smith System of driving (5 steps)

-Aim high in driving: keep your view up rather than looking at hood of car, look as far ahead as possible - Get the big picture: keep eyes moving. Look at whole traffic situaiton - Keep eyes moving: establish orderly search pattern, look at traffic situation near and far, left and right - Leave yourself an out: do not get boxed in, maintain cushion of space around your car, maintain escape route - Make sure they can see you: make sure others drivers see you

Conditions causing irreversible dementia

-Alzheimer's disease - vascular disease (small stroke) - front temporal dementia - Parkinson's disease - Huntington disease - Alcohol-related disease

Characteristics of a person undergoing crisis and being considered an EDP

-Appears upset or angry - is crying - seems confused or disoriented - is withdrawn - acts depressed - seems to be out of touch with reality

Pre - Intervention Step

-Calm yourself - Center yourself and get focused - Develop a strategy for the intervention - Find out as much as you can about the person

Property crimes can be divided into 3 general groups

-DAMAGE CRIMES: examples include criminal damage to property, graffiti, arson -TRESPASS CRIMES: include burglary, entry into locked coin box, and criminal trespass to property - MISAPPROPRIATION CRIMES: include robbery, theft, forgery

Who handles the issuance of silver alerts?

-Department of Criminal Investigations

Radio Use issues while Emergency Driving

-Do not initiate radio conduct when approaching an intersection - operate the radio by "feel" rather than by looking at it -Avoid long broadcast, such as suspect description, while you are in emergency mode- or even while still in motion - do give information useful to other responding units - let dispatch know you are on scene

Two basic tactics to stabilize a suspect you observe before entering a room?

-Dominant and Stabilize: 1st verbal challenge suspect - Disengage and Stabilize: 1st move to better position of cover

Terrorists frequently use what type of devices as one of their most common weapons? Why

-Explosive ( cheap and easy to produce, adaptable for variety of uses, difficult to detect and trace after the event)

Steps to a successful Death notification (9)

-Gather facts and confirm them - Go without delay-be timely- (beat the grapevine) - Go in person be present- (human compassion is important) -Go in pairs- with another person-(female/male) - make approach - deliver death notification in plain language - demonstrate compassion/gather support ( use name not "the body") - provide closure/ follow up - Exercise self assessment and care

Rebuild subjects' self esteem (4) ways to do that

-Help person sit up, stand, or otherwise resume position - Drink Water - Simply to talk to subject, help him, her calm down - Check for proper fit of handcuffs

DAAT system is backed by 2 important concepts that guide Wisconsin Law Enforcement

-Incident Response ( how to respond to calls) - Disturbance Resolution ( how to deal with situations which they must intervene to resolve a disturbance

Officer/Subject Factors examples

-Numbers (of participants - Size - Age - Strength

3 models of Procommunication Skills


Permissible searches not involving 4th amendment (no expectation of privacy (6)

-Open fields - abandoned property - dog sniffs in public areas - VIN numbers - Open views -Fly overs

Risk factors for LEO's in regards to Domestic's

-Personality - Organizational Perspective - Organizational structure - Training _ Job characteristics - Critical incident stress

Placards vs Labels (what is the difference)

-Placards are designed to be placed upon the outside of the transport vehicle ( highway/rail) or freight containers and not on an individual package - Placards are not present on every vehicle or freight container transporting a hazardous material -Placards based on gross weight or material type of haz mat being carried

Most common type of crime?


Force-to-stop techniques (2)

-Roadblock (no escape route) -Ramming (not a trained technique,but applicable under certain circumstances)

Recommended traffic strategies (3)

-The Smith System (recommended) - SIPDE -Zone Control

Facing an armed subject- 2 immediate responses

-attempt to disengage to gain time and distance - attempt to disarm subject

Law Enforcement Officers may use force legitimately when it is need under 5 specific situations

-To achieve and maintain control of a resistive subjects - To detain person reasonably suspected of criminal behavior - To make lawful arrest - To defend themselves or others - To prevent escape

Crisis Intervention Guidelines ( 5)

-Try to get the person's attention - Check on the person's perception of reality - Try to establish rapport with the person - Explain perception of reality - Move toward resolution of the situation

2 types of Active Countermeasures( under protective alternatives)

-Vertical Stun - Focused Strike

Statement of Emergency Detention by Law Enforcement officer

-__legal document that accurately and thoroughly set forth facts that led you to believe the person may meet standard for committment when completing form you do not state if person is mentally ill, developmentally disabled or drug dependent

5 key routes of entry into the body by a hazardous material

-absorption -contact - inhalation - injection - ingestion

Signs of a traumatic brain injury. People will have difficulty with (6)

-abstract thinking and reasoning or understanding words - memory, attention, or problem solving - speech - walking or other physical activities -seeing or hearing - learning

3 kinds of cover

-actual hard cover as defined in Firearms training - body armor - accurate fire into perp by officer

Most significant health risk related to the production of meth

-acute injury secondary to massive chemical exposure via inhalation and contact to skin/eyes

Affirmative defense to 1st degree intentional homicide (4)

-adequate provocation - unnecessary defensive force - prevention of felony - coercion; necessity

States of readiness for Rifle ( 3 )

-administrative carry - squad ready - call ready

Resources that are available to you during a hazmat incident (7)

-agency (SOP) standard operations plan - dispatch/communications/radio - Hazardous material manufactures-MSDS Sheet - Emergency response guide book (ERG) -Wisconsin emergency management - Fire Department - Department of Natural Resources

When an EDP person wants to touch you what are your options?

-allow it to happen as calculated risk, remember you are putting safety at risk - do not allow person to touch you. Step back - while verbalizing you are real established contact yourself

What is a Carroll search?

-allows for warrantless search of an automobile if police have P.C to believe the vehicle contains evidence or contraband - scope of carroll search is limited to any area in vehicle where there is a chance to find items police are looking for

What is a fatal funnel and what are some examples?

-any congestion point that officers must traverse while exposed to a wider threat area - traverse fatal funnels as quickly as possible Examples : doorways,hallways, bridges, pathways

What is hazardous material event/incident?

-any event which involves the unplanned uncontrolled release of a hazardous material or substance

What is Hazardous Materail and what states( forms) does it come in

-any material or substance that is capable of causing harm to people,property, environment states: solid,liquid, gas -different states pose different threats to persons based on exposure, location, and proximity to fire/water

Harassment definition

-any person engaged in a course of conduct that harasses or intimidates another

Elements of Physical abuse of a child 948.03- Felony (3)

-any physical injury - injury inflicted on a child - injury inflicted on a child intentionally

Elements of 4th degree Sexual Assault 940.225(3m)-Misdemeanor

-any sexual contact not listed in 3rd degree - without consent

3 indicators that person may have an intellectual disability include

-apparent inability to understand things as well as other people - concrete thinking: apparent difficulty in understanding or process abstract ideas or concepts - immature behavior in certain social situations

what to include in statement of emergency protective placement?

-apparent incapacity that the person has such as chronic illness ,developmental disability ,infirmity of age and why you believe theme to have incapacity -behavior of person leading you to conclude the person meets criteria for Emergency Protective Placementt

Key elements of protective placement? (2)

-apparent probability , not just a possibility-that the person will experience a serious, irreparable injury or death OR -apparent probability that the person presents a substantial risk of physically harming others

"Creative Confusion"

-appear as though you do not understand something and ask the other person to help you understand! "Asking the same question different ways"

What is the warm zone?

-area around hot zone where it is unlikely, but not impossible that danger still exists - generally only law enforcement officers, or those directly escorted by officers should enter warm zone

FBI suggestions to reduce terrorist actions to and increase survival rates during a terrorist attack as a LEO (5)

-best time to take action is at the beginning - plan on providing effective resistance at the 1st opportunity -shoot, move,communicate! - acquire a better weapon - follow your sixth sense

Behavioral (what you see) indicators that person you are dealing with has a mental disorder

-bizarre or inappropriate clothing/makeup - unusual body posture or movements -lethargic, or sluggish movement and responses - repetitious ,ritualistic movements -apparent hallucinations, such as seeing things or hearing voices - extreme or unusual agitation or anger - unusual confusion ------Expression of or appearance of extreme emotions or emotional reactions, such as fear, happiness, sadness, or anxiety.

Terrorist tactics include (several)

-bombing or explosion - biological threat -chemical threat - nuclear blast - radiological dispersion device - arson -hijacking - ambush - assassination - kidnapping/abduction -hostage taking - robberies - cyberterrorism

7 places on a person to effectively administer a contact deployment of an ECD to generate temporary sensory overload.

-brachial/carotid plexus ( side of neck - brachial plexus tienin ( upper chest - radial nerve (forearm - pelvic triangle - common peroneal nerve ( behind knee extending to outside of thigh - femoral nerve (top of outside thigh) - tibial nerve (calf muscle

Sensory Nervous System

-carry info to brain - intelligence gathering nerves carrying info on environment,state of body - nerves sit close to skin ( easily stimulated) -ECD affect this nerve system

Elements of Criminal Damage to property -943.01 misdemeanor (5)

-caused danage to physical property ( ranges from mere defacement to total destruction) - offender intentionally caused damage - property belonged to another person - offender caused damage without consent of owner - offender knew property belonged to another person and that person didn't grant consent

Elements of homicide by negligent handling of a dangerous weapon, explosive or fire. 940.08-Felony (2)

-caused death of another human being - by negligent operations or handling of a dangerous weapon explosive or fire *****statue does not require any intent to harm on part of offender

Elements of 1st degree intentional homicide- 940.01 (felony) (2)

-causes death of another - with intent to kill that person or another

Elements of 2nd degree intentional homicide- 940.05-Felony (2)

-causes death of another human being - with intent to kill that person or another

Physical symptoms of Depression

-changes in eating/sleeping pattern - feeling tired a lot - loss of sex drive - constipation - headaches/ stomach aches, back problems, dizziness

Who can file a child abuse restraining order

-child victims - parent of child victim - stepparent of child victim - guardian of child victim (guardian ad litem, social worker.

What does C.A.B stand for?

-circulation (bleeding) - airways - breathing issues

Parasympathetic nervous system description

-cognitive part of your brain ( the cerebrum) has good blood flow and a plentiful supply of oxygen - heart rate and blood pressure are at resting or normal levels - you can think clearly, weigh pro's and cons of various actions and have normal physical abilities

Why is arson committed (4) ?

-collect insurance - out of spite - cover up another crime - act of domestic terrorism

Stopping distance is determined by (4)

-combo of kinetic energy -drivers reaction time - vehicle capability - environmental conditions

Two important functions of debriefing.

-come full circle - complete the transaction

Central Nervous System

-command center including brain and spinal cord ( All information processing/decision making processes occur here)

Through the state and local anti- terrorism training program the FBI has outlined several (4) safety concerns regarding officers being involved in a terrorist incident

-compliance does not work -if you are identified as a potential problem you will be killed - ultimate fate if you do not resist, is being killed - tactics you encounter may be unlike anything you ever seen before

3 basic principles underlie proper use of cover?

-conform to cover ( expose only weapon and master eye - use weapon as your 3rd eye - leave cover only to gain a tactical advantage

When can you search a vehicle (4)

-consent - inventory of impounded vehicle - probable cause vehicle contains evidence of a crime, you may search anywhere in vehicle where there is a chance of finding evidence that you are looking for - if you arrest the driver, you may perform a search incident to arrest of the driver's vehicle

Roles of Officers on a high risk stop (5)

-contact officer: communicates with occupants of vehicle using PA system or other means - cover officer: assigned an area of responsibility that contains one or more problem areas (trunk, doors etc) - arrest control officer: take care of handcuffing, searching gathering intelligence from subject as they are removed from vehicle, and brought back to the squad - traffic control officer: maintain the perimeter of the scene to control traffic and to prevent interference - forward observer: if cover/concealment available, forward observer may provide info about suspect vehicle and its occupants. Do NOT take position that might induce crossfire

In any driving situation, the driver can actively do only two things to control the vehicle and 4 ways this is accomplished

-control its direction - control speed 4 ways: - steering, backing, cornering, braking

Venue: Where can a domestic abuse petition be filed (4)

-county where respondent resides -county where action arose - county where petitioner resides - county where petitioner is temporary residing

Person crimes fall into 3 groups, what are they

-crimes against life and bodily security (Chapter 940) (more 1 on 1 crimes) - crimes against public health and safety ( chapter 941) ( crimes against public at large may be endangered by perps conduct - crimes against public peace and order (chapter 947) ( may not directly endanger person disrupt peace as a whole community

What are property crimes as listed under Wisconsin State Statue 943?

-crimes in which offender damaged property, trespassed on the property of another , or misappropriated property

Intimate relationship in regards to Domestic Violence includes the following

-current/ former spouse, bf/gf, including LGBTQ couples - family members (blood or familial ties) - roommates or former roommates - those who have a child in common, or created a child in common - caretaker of a dependent person

Elements of Mayhem-940.21 (Felony) (3)

-cut or mutilate a bodily member of another - cutting or mutilating caused GBH - offender intended to disable/disfigure

Before you can do an Emergency Detention (Chapter 51) of a person what are criteria that you could admit people on. You need at lease one of the four

-danger to self -danger to others -inability to care for self - inability to satisfy basic needs (involuntarily commitment) (in text but not relevant to LEO's

Angle Strike (Baton Techniques)

-delivered from load position - to impeded subjects by striking KNEE or ELBOW Area

Conditions causing reversible dementia

-depression - malnutrition/dehydration - infection - medication/drug interactions - Vitamin B-12 deficiency - hydrocephalus - Hypoglycemia/hyperglycemia

Strong Angle Knee Kick

-designed to stop a subject's advance ,violent resistance or assaultive behavior knee at 45 degree angle

Target Identification and Hardening (3 parts) ( part of proactive approach to terrorism)

-desirability - accessibility - opportunity of avoidance

You can deliver life saving medical care in 3 high risk phases What are they

-direct threat -indirect threat - tactical evaluation

The Diffused Strike ( an incapacitating technique taught in DAAT)

-disrupts nerve impulses to the brain - greater effect than vertical stun,rendering subject unconscious

Best defense against any explosive is what 3 things

-distance - angle -cover

Wisconsin's 4 types of civil restraining orders/injunctions

-domestic abuse - harassment - child abuse - individuals at risk

3 kneeling positions used in firearms

-double kneel - high kneel - low kneel

As a contact officer in pursuit you need to conduct an ongoing risk/benefit evaluation and do 4 other things

-drive effectively - communicate with other officers assisting you - manage conclusion of pursuit - document/debrief pursuit

What are the two general types of building searches?

-dynamic entries - methodical searches Dynamic entries: to gain rapid control over a structure to rescue hostages or arrest suspect before they can arm themselves. Depends greatly on speed and surprise. Methodical search: slow, thorough search designed to locate any suspect within a building. Any situation where innocent lives are not at risk. Cover every angle and completely search each room before moving on

Barriers to leaving in domestic abuse

-economic dependence - fear for safety - isolation - low self esteem - belief about family - belief about marriage - belief offender will find the victim - lack of options/ resources - fear of being, hurt, killed

4 parts of proactive approach to terrorism

-education - intelligence gathering - target id and hardening - active patrol tactics

On a HAZMAT scene what is your key duty as a first responder?

-ensure proper notification are made in order to start the emergency response sequence

Modes of control alternatives include 4 tactics/tools

-escort holds - compliance hold - control devices ( oc spray, ECD) - Passive Alternatives

Basic safety considerations during an incident involving hazardous material (8)

-evaluate the info received regarding the initial call - plan an approach - secure scene ( isolate scene, keep others away, make room for emergency vehicle) - identify hazards - assess the situation - obtain help - decide an entry - take action

Areas of possible police liability (5)

-exhibiting pattern of differential treatment of application of law -failing to appropriately enforce a court order protecting a victim of domestic abuse - failing to provide info to victim as required by law - failing to respond at all in a timely manner - failing to take proper action to protect a citizen

Special circumstances in your tactical evaluation and examples

-factors or situations which may justify a rapid escalation of force or selection of higher force option including: - reasonable perception of threat - special knowledge of the subject - sudden assault - subjects ability to escalate force rapidly - physical positioning - injury or exhaustion - equipment or training - availability of backup - other circumstances

Along with injunctions who else is prohibited from owning/possessing firearms

-felons -those found guilty of a crime by reason of mental disease or defect

What is a Delusions?

-fixed rigid beliefs that have no basis reality but of which the person who has them is convinced

Multiple Strikes Baton Jab ( Baton Techniques)

-gain distance to properly load baton - crowd control situations along with other officers

3 subcategories of domestic terroism

-right wing : gun control, anti government - left wing: based on elimination of class order. Protect people from capitalism,imperalism, antichrist agenda -special interest: resolving specific issues

6 sections of the Emergency Response Guidebook

-general information- shipping documents, how to use ERG - numerical identification (yellow border) - Alphabetical Identification(Blue Border) - Response Guide (orange border) -Table of initial isolation and protective action distances and table of water reactive material which produce toxic gasses (green border

Passive Countermeasures (DEF and goal)

-goal of passive countermeasures is to decentralize a subject (direct subject to the ground)

Key targets for terrorist attacks (6)

-government facilities -mass transit - public and assembly areas - communication/utility facilities - water management facilities - controversial business/property

Clues that contact team should look for include

-gunshots, screams or other auditory clues - witness reports, may ask fleeing victim for info - cartridge cases, bullet holes etc.

Ability to operate your vehicle smoothly depends on 3 aspects of driving (h.a.m)

-hand position on steering wheel -acceleration/deceleration -managing distractions

When does a pursuit happen? and guidelines (5) to follow when initiating a pursuit

-happens when someone is trying to flee or elude the police GUIDELINES: -position self behind suspect vehicle - activate lights and sirens - notify dispatch of location, reason for contact and info on suspect vehicle - make clear to dispatch (other units you are in a pursuit) - evaluate decision to pursue

Marking utilized for hazardous material during transportation normally include HICA)

-hazardous material shipping name - identification number - consignee or consigner's name and address - any instructions or cautions as required

What colors means on placards (4)

-health hazard (blue) - Fire hazards(red) - reactivity hazard (yellow) - special hazards (white)

Foreign protection order is authentic on its face if it (3)

-include the name of the parties - is not expired - contains signatures of a judicial order

Terrorist event or incident protocol should include (6)

-initiate response operations with extreme caution - be conscious of the potential for actions against 1st responders - establish inner/outer perimeter and restrict access and exit -evaluate personal protective measures - establish response route considerations as well as safe staging location -consider as a potential crime scene

Elements of Retail theft- 943.50 (felony or misdemeanor) (5)

-intentionally altered indicated price or value of , or took and carried away, transferred, concealed or retained possession of property. - property was merchandise held for resale by merchant - offender knew property was merchandise held for resale by merchant -merchant did not consent - offender knew merchant did not consent

Elements of Theft 943.20 (Penalties based on value of property) (4)

-intentionally took and carried away movable property of another - took property from person or corpse of another - owner did not consent to the taking and carrying away of such property - offender knew that taking and carrying away property was done without consent

Civil commitment is

-involves taking away a person's freedom and placing him/her in a treatment facility involuntarily

Statement of Emergency Protective Placement what is it

-is required by law " prepare a statement at time of detention providing factual info concerning person's observations and basis for Emergency Placement"

Respondingto people with Autism guidelines (3)

-keep sensory stimuli to a minimum (turn off sirens and flashing lights) -check for injury and medical info - use effective communication techniques ( use short, direct phrases)

Patrol Strategies (basic principles) (4)

-know where you are -vary your patrol route - stay alert at all times - play "what if"?

Community Caretaker ( exception to search warrant)

-law enforcement may make a warrant less non consensual intrusion into a private area if they are fulfilling a reasonable community caretaker objective - can take investigative agenda when pursuing a community caretaker concern so long as the community caretaker justification is reasonable and legitimate.

Search Talk ( tactic of dialogue)

-least directive - non threatening - normal tone - maintain a safe distance from subject (12 feet) - Open stance

Frisking a vehicle

-limited search of vehicle for weapons/ passenger compartment if you reasonably believe that you or someone else is in danger of physical injury

Target area for a baton strike

-lower abdominal area (baton jab) - knee/elbow area (Angle Strike, angle cross strike)

346.195: Yield to right of way to Emergency Vehicles Liability

-make vehicle owner liable if driver does not yield to emergency vehicle with lights/siren activated

Two primary pressure points and how they work

-mandibular angle ( corner of the jaw below the ear) - Hypoglossal (beneath jaw) by creating sensory overload by compressing nerve clusters

Post-mediation issues (3) considerations to be aware of

-mediation may not be successful - be prepared to change gears - consider referring parties to professional mediation

Goal of escort hold and the two techniques

-safely initiate physical contact techniques - Blanket the arm - Escort position

When communicating with a person who has Alzheimer's disease what are some guidelines to follow?

-minimize distractions - gain the person's attention before touching - speak naturally and respectfully -be attentive/ understanding - Be attentive/ understanding - keep it simple - be patient - deal with violent appropriately

Rollover prone postion

-modified prone position - presents small target to bad guy - very stable shooting position allows great accuracy - least mobile

What is a predominant aggressor and how is one determined under 968.075(2)

-most significant and not necessarily the 1st aggressor in a domestic abuse incident -History of domestic abuse - AGE IS A FACTOR - Statement made by witnesses - relative degree of injury inflicted on parties - extent to which each person present appears to fear any party - whether any party is threatening or has threatened future harm against another party, family, household member - if party acted in self defense or in defense of another person -

Issues that can complicate patrol driving (7)

-multi-tasking -weather/road conditions -night driving - fatigue - Emotional factors related to the job - cumulative effects of stress - animals

Wisconsin State Statue in regards to pursuit and policy (346.03 (6)

-must have written guidelines - guidelines must consider the following: - road conditions - density of population - severity of crime - necessity of pursuit by vehicle

4 considerations in making decisions to handle a stop as a high risk contact (NOPV)

-nature of offense - occupants with warrant for violent offense - pursuits - violent history of occupant

Autism is what

-neurologically-based developmental disability that seriously affects person's communication decision making and socialization skills. - multiple levels of functioning form mild to severe - almost all autism have significant problems responding appropriately in social situations - no cure for Autism

Officer/Subject factors

-numbers -age - size - strength - skill level

Direct threat care

-occurs when inside the "hot zone" and threat is close in proximity to you _Medical Aid that you MAY render : tourniquet application and maintain Airways (recovery position)

Elements of Simple battery 940.19(1) misdemeanor (4)

-offender caused bodily harm - offender intended to cause bodily harm - victim did not consent - offender knew victim didn't consent

Elements of Battery to Law Enforcement Officer/ Firefighter 940.20(2)-Felony (5)

-offender caused bodily harm - victim was acting in official capacity of position - offender acted intentionally - offender knew or had reason to know victim was a LEO or firefighter acting in official capacity

Elements of Simple battery to an unborn child- 940.195(1) misdemeanor (5)

-offender caused bodily harm to an unborn child - offender intended to cause bodily harm to unborn child or - offender intended to cause bodily harm to woman pregnant with unborn child - offender intended to cause bodily harm to another person

Elements of Operating a vehicle without owner's consent - 943.23(3). Class I Felony.

-offender drove intentionally without the consent of owner - offender knew that the owner of vehicle did not consent to drive/ operate vehicle

Elements of Burglary with intent to steal 943.10(1)-Felony 4

-offender intentionally entered a building - entry was without the consent of a person in lawful possession of the building -offender knew that the entry was without the owner's consent - offender entered building with intent to steal

Elements of Injury by negligent handling of dangerous weapons, explosives or fire- 940.24 Felony (3)

-offender operated or handled dangerous weapon, explosive or fire - in manner constituting criminal negligence - operation or handling caused bodily harm

When NO arrest is made at a domestic abuse incident under Wisconsin 968.075 (4). You must write a report under 2 situations and where is that report sent?

-officer has reasonable grounds to believe that a person is committing or has committed domestic abuse - person's act constitute commission of crime - Report is sent to the DA's office where act took place EXAMPLE suspect flees but, you still need to write report

Crisis Rehearsal

-officer on patrol creates a mental image of the worst- case scenario that could happen at that moment - technique allows officer to remain mentally in tune with their patrol beat and stay in "condition yellow."

Proper communication during a foot pursuit should include (7)

-officers location - officers direction of travel - suspect's description - type of crime - weapons involved -where responding officers are needed

Goal of oleoresin capsicum spray and the effects of OC spray

-overcome active resistance or its threat - pain/ tears in eyes, involuntary closure/ rapid blinking - reddening of affected skin - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose - coughing, gagging, gasping for breath

Protective Alternatives

-overcome continued resistance, assaultive behaviors or their threats - meant to protect officer in situations when face subjects continuing to resist or threatening assault

3 basic patrol operations categories

-patrol strategies: for effective policing -traffic strategies: for safe, defensive driving -driving techniques: for effective maneuvering of the vehicle

Drivers Reaction time can be affected by a host of factors including

-perception and anticipation of need to stop - attitude and emotional control - concentration -skill - fatigue, drowsiness,etc - physiological impairments

Persuasion works best when you do the following (4)

-persist in statements that suicide is not a good solution and suggest that better alternatives can be found - focus on solutions to problems, not suicide solutions -accept the reality of the person's pain, but the n offer alternatives -offer hope in any form and any way

How to mitigate effects of stress

-scan -breathe - self talk

Crisis Intervention ( Try to get person's attention)

-person in crisis is more likely to SEE you rather than to HEAR you. POSITION and BODY Language are critical in trying to get subjects attention. - come in person's line of sight(bladed stance) - avoid crowding the subject-may appear threatening -remove person from scene of crisis - lower yourself when talking to children - control distance bailout routes - remain alert, but not appearing tense

3 standards for civil committments

-person is mentally ill - person is dangerous - candidate for effective communication

For someone to be abusive what 3 things must be present

-person learned to abuse - person has opportunity to abuse without suffering - negative consequences - makes conscious choice to abuse **** if any of these are absent or can be removed abuse will not occur

Mediation Process

-person speaks to you without interruption, telling his/her story - when person 1 done, person 2 speaks to you without interruption - both parties talk to each other, stating side and how they want situation resolved - Work toward a mutually acceptable resolution - Create agreement based on what the 2 parties agreed to -close session

What is the rescue team

-personnel who enter room to render 1st aid and removed wounded individuals - should be prepared to stop perpetrator - make up of team will vary includes EMS

Definition of Bodily Harm?

-physical pain or injury ,illness or any impairment of physical conditions

Decision of Estate of Cavanaugh vs Andrade and when officers can be sued in pursuits

-police are immune from suits for the decision to engage in a pursuit, but can be sued for manner in which pursuit is executed Officer can be sued if - if he breached the duty to operate the vehicle with due regard under the circumstances

Causes of intellectual disability

-prenatal - during child birth

Intervention Options (5)

-presence - dialog - control alternatives - protective alternatives - deadly force

Criteria for Protective Placement under 55.06 (5)

-primary need for residential care/custody - at least 18 years old (or 14 if person has a developmental disability) -been determined to be incompetent by circuit court -dangerous to self, others, due to developmental disabilities - disability that is permanent or likely to be permanent

What is arbitration?

-process by which a person in authority males decision about what actions are to be taken in order to stabilize a situation, once attempts to seek cooperation prove ineffective and or safety compromised - Deciding disputes with a neutral party - do not depend on subjects agreeing to process

What is an injunction? How long are they granted

-prohibits the person from having contact with the petitione. 4 years or up to 10 years in certain cases

Documents that are shipped with Hazardous material should consist of (6)

-proper shipping name of the product - 4 digit UN or NA identification number - Hazard class or division of material being transported - if applicable "packaging group" - Number and type of packages - 24 hour emergency contact number

The intent of mandatory arrest law......

-protect vulnerable to ongoing domestic abuse in their current relationships

LEO shall arrest and take subject of a foreign protection order into custody if the following occur

-protected person presents officer with a copy of the order issued against the subject or the officer determines a valid foreign protection order exists through communication with appropriate authorites - officer reviews the order and appears valid - officer has P.C to believe person violated terms of order

Advantages of Arbitration (3)

-provides the subject with the clear opportunity to voluntarily comply before the officer escalates to using physical intervention to gain compliances - provide a framework that maximizes subject's feelings of being treated with respect, even while being required to comply. -it gives the subject a chance to save face (arbitration provides a consistent standard for how officers should handle common situations)

4 key parts of a pursuit

-pursuing officer is on duty in authorized law enforcement vehicle, making him, her recognizable as a LEO - driving of the fleeing vehicle is aware of the officer's attempt to stop him/her - driver is resisting apprehension - vehicle speed may vary

Reaction Hand Strike Target Area

-quick jab with the reaction hand to subject's chin (or upper chest)

Two hazards of driving that you can control (2)

-rapid air loss - off-road recovery (driving off edge of road)

Element of 2nd degree reckless homicide 940.06 (felony)

-recklessly causes the death of another human being

Elements of 1st degree reckless homicide 940.02 (felony) (2)

-recklessly causes the death of another human being - under circumstances which show utter disregard for human life

What is crisis intervention?

-refers to dealing with anyone who is not thinking clearly and rationally, making it difficult to use reasoning and logic to encourage compliance

Guidelines to be aware of when searching a vehicle (4)

-remove all occupants, before searching it - search only when you have backup - avoid asking consent as a "fishing expedition" - do search systematically

Places where a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy include... (3)

-residence - hotel room - certain public places such as a restroom (law enforcement need search warrant before they can search these areas where privacy is expected)

Emergency Response ( Law Enforcement Response

-responding to situation in which person/property are in danger - adrenaline level will be on "high alert"

When to use pressure points

-when subject's arm and wrist is not accessible or is inconveniently positioned for a come-along

Elements of taking a hostage (4) 940.305 (2) felony

-seized constrained, or restrained victim - offender did so without victims consent - offender demanded by conduct or statement that another person perform or not perform same action - offender used force or threat of force

Limitations caused by developmental disabilities? You need at least three to be a disability!

-self care - receptive - expressive language - learning - mobility - self direction - capacity for independent living - economic self sufficency

3 types of handgun action types

-semi automatic - revolver -hinge action

Graham v Connor Reasonableness

-severity of crime at issue - suspect poses an imminent threat to the safety of the officer or others - person is actively resisting arrest or attempting to evade arrest by flight

Elements of 2nd degree Sexual assault of a child (felony) 948.02(2). (2)

-sexual intercourse or contact - at least 13 years old but not yet 16 years of age

Elements of 3rd degree Sexual Assault 940.225 (3)-Felony

-sexual intercourse or contact in form of intentional penile ejaculation or emission - without consent

Elements of 1st degree Sexual assault of a child- 948.02 (felony) (2)

-sexual intercourse or sexual contact - under 13 years of age

1st degree sexual assault 940.225(1)- Felony

-sexual intercourse or sexual contact - without consent - by use or threat of use of a dangerous weapon or cause great bodily harm or pregnancy

Elements of 2nd degree Sexual Assault 940.225 (2)-Felony

-sexual intercourse or sexual contact - without consent - use or threat of force injury or illness - person is unconscious, mental illness or intoxicated by substance other than alcohol - with patient or resident of employee's facility or program

What is the most common and specific type of hazardous material communication?

-shipping documents/msds sheet

How presence of hazards during an incident can be identified (4 ways)

-shipping papers -placards - labels - container configuration

Two techniques used for engaging threat from cover

-slicing the pie ( metering ) - re positioning

Options an Officer has when ground fighting a suspect (5)

-stabilize and handcuff - use a protective alternatives from that relative/physical position - Escape from a disadvantageous ground positon -Defend against a more dangerous ground position - Disengage or Escalate through application of self defense

Basic Principles that apply to all searches (5)

-stabilize and handcuff the subject before searching - search systematically and thoroughly - search from behind suspect, not the front - search as many times as necessary - if you find a weapon assume to fine other

3 basic principles that apply when dealing with multiple adversaries

-start moving immediately - stop primary threat first - then stop remaining threats one at a time

3 subcategories of international terrorism

-state sponsored -formalized -radical extremist

Quality for 4th amendment protection (2)

-subjectively reasonable: person must expect some degree of privacy in place or thing - objectively reasonable: society expectation of privacy is willing to recognize as reasonable

2 situations that warrant additional attention

-subjects refusing to obey verbal commands - subjects running from the vehicle

What is a traumatic brain injury (TB.I)?

-sudden physical assault on the head cause damage to brain ( accident, fight, other trauma) - pediatric abusive head trauma is a severe form of head injury that occurs when a baby has been forcibly shaken - TBI does not refer to brain injuries that happen during birth

Difference between target-specific directed fire and traditional law enforcement use of force

-suspects location is inferred instead of directly observed


-systematic means to gather info about traffic system SEARCH: concentrate on center of travel path IDENTIFY: situations that may become hazardous PREDICT: what could happen if situation develops further DECIDE: based on outcome of your risk EXECUTE: find best course of action, carry it out

Procedure for Emergency detention?

-take person into custody - complete and sign a statement of Emergency Detention - transport person to approved facility for evaluation - file the statement of emergency detention with an appropriate official at the approved facility for evaluation and another copy for court

Procedure for Emergency Detention (4)

-take person into custody - complete/sign statement of Emergency Detention - transport person to approved facility for Evaluation - file statement of Emergency Detention with an appropriated official at approved facility for evaluation, make copy for court

Target Requirements (3)

-target acquisition - target identification - target isolation

Crisis Intervention Format Guidelines (6)

1-approach-safety considerations (recently added) 2- try to get the persons attention 3- check on the person's perception of reality 4- try to establish rapport with the perception 5- explain your perception of reality 6- move toward resolution

What does a perimeter do and what are 2 types of perimeters?

-technique for containing and controlling a scene perimeters are important because: - prevent suspects from escaping - protect public from incident - slows down incident and provides time to negotiate - gives SWAT time to prepare a tactical resolution 2 types: inner: established by 1st responding officer outer: keep bystanders out of the area and to provide security for inner perimeter

Attempt to establish rapport with the person (Crisis Intervention Guidelines) (5)

-tell person directly that you are help/protect him - ask subject what is going on. Get subject to talk, Ask Q's, paraphrase, reflect, summarize - Acknowledge person's sensory or emotional experience - Tell them you too would feel upset if the same thing where happening to you - May touch person if that establishes rapport

What is cerebral palsy?

-term used to describe a group of chronic condition affecting body movements and muscle coordination - caused by brain damage usually during fetal development or infancy - may or may not have mental impairment

With any trespassing crime, be sure to identify and document what 4 things?

-time frame in which crime occurred - any evidence of forcible entry (damage) - victim's non consent and how the suspect would or should have known there was no consent to enter - any evidence of intent to steal

What is one of the most dangerous times for a victim in a domestic relationship

-time when a restraining order is served on the abuser

Induce to stop techniques (5)

-tire deflation device - channelization -pursuit intervention technique - boxing in (moving roadblock) - road block (with escape route)

What parts of your squad should you check before beginning your shift? (4)

-tires (wheels) - exterior(body,chassis, engine) - trunk -passenger compartment

Definition of assessment of lethality

-tool used to conduct a thorough investigation and analysis of the significant elements of an incident - helps determine whether or not batterer is likely to kill

What are 3 general aspects of selecting a location for a traffic stop?

-traffic hazards - complications - escalation/ or disengaged

When considering best route to a call what should you consider?

-traffic patterns - construction - road conditions - intersections

How trauma differs from stress?

-trauma is more extreme version of stress perceived as life threatening and evoking fear, hopelessness. and horror - physical/ emotional responses to trauma last long after event is over - trauma is life changing

When to use Chest seals and PACE methodology?

-use an occlusive chest seal anytime there is penetrating wound between casualties belly button and neck - check for entry/exit wound -Remember to check for more than 1 wound P- commercial chest seal A- covering with a gloved hand C- Plastic packaging E- saran wrap -

Universal concepts for room entry include:

-use correct mindset - minimize time spent in fatal funnel - enter with at least 2 officers. (this provides mutual support and covers multiple threat areas as quickly as possible

Strong Hand Strike Target Area

-used when subject is out of range for strong forearm strike - target area= abdominal area - purpose= disrupt actions of subjects diaphragm causing temporary respiratory dysfunctions

Appropriate Aftercare for OC Spray includes

-using non lotion soap - open eyes and blink to increase tearing which will help wash out OC spray - get to fresh air - do not rub eyes - get medical attention

Escalation of violence (10 things

-verbal abuse -throwing things-punching walls -pushing, shoving, grabbing, throwing things at victim -slapping with an open hand - kicking bitting - closed fist hitting - strangulation, attempt - beating victim - threat with weapon - assault with weapon

In general control devices would not be appropriate to use against ... exceptions

-verbal aggression - against run ways - against children, older persons in peaceful disobedience unless reasonably justified by the circumstances covered in approach considerations

Technique for drawing the baton ( 3)

-verbal warning: using heavy control talk - present the baton: draw from reaction hand bring to strong hand - load baton: place on patch of arm and baton should be horizontal

You should fill out a lethality assessment for victims if (5) and what to do if assessment ranks victim at high risk

-victim is in an intimate relationship with alleged offender - you believe that assault or violent act occurred - victim will be in danger when you leave - if there have been repeated calls for service - gut tells you, you should _call local 24 hour domestic violence hotline seek advice and encourage victim to speak with a specially trained hotline worker.

Terrorist operations are characterized by 3 things

-violence - speed - surprise

In 199, the Feds passed the violence against women act which did what?

-was a turning point that provided federal recognition of the extent and seriousness of violence against women

What is a "sucking chest wound" and how to prevent

-when air passes through chest wall and accumulates between lung and chest wall in the pleural space Prevent: cover hole with an occlusive dressing

What are vertical stuns?

-when grappling with a subject you can push them against a flat vertical surface like a wall to create temporary dysfunction of the subject's respiratory system, mental process. - stun is diffused among the whole body -lasts around 5-7 seconds

Indirect threat care

-when inside warm zone - you can render additional medical car to yourself or others

When initiating a pursuit what should you notify dispatch of ?

-your call sign/ number - you initiated the pursuit - suspects vehicle info, number of occupants - location and direction of travel - reason for pursuit - speed - weather/traffic conditions

When talking on the radio key the mike, and wait___ second(s) then begin to talk

1 second

Triage Steps (3)

1) direct walking wounded to a secured location. Ask them to help others. Helps clear area, Allows officers to ID serious injuries 2) those who can communicate but cannot walk should be asked to treat themselves and wait 3) Those who cannot move or speak are the priority

Hazardous material are divided into nine distinct classificaitons (9)

1-explosives 2- gases 3- flammable liquids 4-flammable solids 5-oxidizing substances/organic peroxides 6- toxic substance and infectious substances 7- radioactive material 8- corrosive material 9 miscellaneous hazard material. product,substance, organization

Ground Rules for Mediation

1. Introduce yourself 2. Explain your role as a mediator 3. Make clear that everything that is said during the mediation process will remain part of a professional police contact. 4. Go over the mediation process 5. Ask for question 6. Try to get verbal agreement

Threat assessment priorities ( in order

1. people 2. Un-observable 3. Open door 4. closed door

Each year Railway transportation moves over ______ carloads of Hazardous material and only accounts for ___percent of Hazmat incidents reported

1.7 million carloads 6 percent

____% of people over 65 have Alzheimer's or another related disease and that figure doubles every 5 years beyond 65

10 %

Steering wheels should be at least _____ inches away from your body to allow a safe airbag deployment if you crash

10 inches

_____ percent of violent deaths in US each year are due to strangulation with females____ times more likely to be strangled to death than males

10%, 6times

____ pounds of pressure on the carotid arteries for ___ seconds will cause unconsciousness

11 pounds,10 seconds

Recommended position for all Law Enforcement backing with squad?

12 O'clock

To negotiate a corner safely while driving how many seconds ahead should you be scanning?

12 seconds

An injuction hearing must be held within how many days of the TRO being issued?

14 days

Domestic Violence happens in ____ to ____% of the general population


Domestic violence intervention programs began during ______


Elements of 1st degree reckless injury 940.23(1) (a) (Felony) and Elements of 2nd degree reckless injury 940.23(2)(a) (Felony)

1st degree: -committed element of 2nd degree - circumstances of the offender's conduct showed utter disregard for human life 2nd degree: -offender caused GBH -offender caused GBH by criminally reckless conduct

Line of sight and line of bore difference in inches on AR-15

2 1/2 inches

____ tread depth for minimum tread depth.

2/32 inch

____% are killed trying to control situation


It takes how long for an adversary to regain their night vision once light has been flashed in their eyes

20 minutes

Percentage of people with panic disorders have suicidal thoughts at some point.


No later than ___ hours after a law enforcement agency has initial contact with victim of a crime the LEO shall make a reasonable attempt to provide victim with written info on what 4 things?

24 hours - info on compensation from DOJ - address, phone number of intake worker, counsel, D.A whom victim may contact to obtain information concerning the right of victms - address/phone number of custodial agency responsible for perp of victim - info about release of perp - list of rights of victim

What is the amount of money that changes a misdemeanor to a felony theft or damage to property?

2500 dollars

Mandatory arrest is required in Wisconsin. The time limit for mandatory arrests is how many days after the incident?

28 days

The military has found that the most common size of NPA for adults is (hint: number+ type of salad dressing)


What percentage of all homicides in Wisconsin in the year 2012 were the result of domestic violence


Minimum amount of officers necessary for high risk stop and roles

3, - contact officer - cover officer - arrest control officer

Femoral bleeds take ____ to _____ minutes


Once the entire dressing is packed in wound you must apply at least ___ to ____minutes of very firm and direct pressure over wound


When " crossing a hostile area" how long should your rushes be and why are these short rushes performed?

3-5 seconds it reduces the amount of time available for a suspect to recognize the officer is moving acquiring you as a target, squeeze trigger

Minor bruising to the neck that are not visible, can swell and cut off blood flowing causing death up to ___ hours after the attack

36 horas

Emergency Response Guides are updated periodically and usually revised and reissued every___years


When spraying OC how far away from the subject should you be? What is your target?

4 feet eyes/face

Recommended minimum distance between probes on a taser when deployed

4 inches

When you decide to change lanes you should have a cushion of space of about ___seconds

4 seconds

Injuctions may be granted for up to __ years and sometimes up to____ years

4 years and sometimes 10

______% of police officer families experience domestic violence


How much blood loss is considered critical?

40% (2 Liters)

When placing a person in handcuffs you must be at what angle (degree) to the suspect from behind

45 degree

_____% of active shooter incidents have no apparent relationship between shooter and targeted location


Wisconsin is the _____th most common location of Mass shootings


A major extremity artery can bleed so rapidly that death can result in ____ minutes or less


When person is in full crisis state phase, the ability to listen and comprehend and focus may be as little as _____ % of normal

5 percent

On average how long does it take a driver to react to an emergency vehicle's lights and sirens?

5 seconds

After forcing a door, pause before entering.. How long should this pause be ? why?

5-8 seconds ; give suspect an opportunity to reveal presence

____ percent of LEO at a domestic are killed at the initial approach


_____% of persons over 85 have Alzheimer's disease or a related form of irreversible dementia


_____percent of active shooters incidents occur in commercial settings like restaurants, office buildings, factories. While only one third (33%) occur in educational settings

50 percent

Wisconsin Law that are relevant to the proper care of people in crisis?

51.25 Emergency detention 55.06 protective placement

When conducting a threshold evaluation for room entry, an officer should stop about _____ ft away from the room to maintain reactionary gap


When conducting a threshold evaluation for room entry, an officer should stop about ____ft away from the room to maintain a reactionary gap

6 feet

Distance required to load a Diffused Strike ?

6-8 inches

How far up on a baton should your grip be

6-8 inches from the end

_____ percent of all stalking cases involve a domestic relationship


How long can you hold a person in a mental facility before PC hearing ?

72 hours

___% of LEO's killed in domestics are killed when victim is leaving or is attempting to leave


___% percent of acute hazardous material events occur in the fixed location where the chemicals are used and stored


T/F Alcoholism IS a mental illness?


_____% of school attacks, someone knew the perp was considering a school attack

80 percent

Slicing the pie "metering" reduces the threat by what percentage

80% or 4/5 or .8

Recommended position for all law enforcement driving except for backing

9 o clock 3 o clock

A bullet fired at approximately ___degrees to a side window will pass through the glass with little deformation, deflection or loss of velocity.

90 degrees

If off duty weapon is much different that what is used ____ % of time the officer will likely have more problems with it in high intensity situations

90 percent

_____% of active shooters are male


___percent of active shooters incidents are conducted by a lone subject and ____ percent have more than one weapon

98 percent, 1/3

______% of people will be a victim of a personal theft sometime in our life

99 percent

Abuse of ___________ is one of the most significant social problem in the United States.


Withdrawal from________ is potentially the most serious type of withdrawals


A.L.I.C.E Model (school response to active shooter

Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate in this model evacuate if possible if not, lock down, barricade door or window.

______ is the most common form of dementia. by 2050 it is expected that 10-15 million people will suffer from this

Alzheimer's disease

Definition of Pursuit

An active attempt by LEO, on duty in an authorized law enforcement vehicle. to apprehend one or more occupants of a moving vehicle providing the driver of such vehicle is aware of the attempt and is resisting apprehension by maintaining or increasing his/her speed or by ignoring the law enforcement officer's attempt to stop him/her

What is the most commonly diagnosed psychiatric condition in the United States? What are three types of this condition?

Anxiety! -generalized anxiety disorder - panic disorder -phobias

______oldest terrorist tactic and still used today. (Think Abe Lincoln)


5 categories of Weapons of Mass Destruction (B-NICE)

B-Biological N-Nuclear I-Incendiary C- Chemical E- Explosive

Baton Techniques include (5)

Baton Jab Baton Jab (multiple strikes) Angle Strike Angle Cross Strike Multiple/ Overload strikes

Blipping vs Strobing

Blipping: (short burst of lights at intervals) useful for locating a target to allow you to aim your weapon Strobing ( very rapid flashing of lights) gives general view of an area, without clearly signaling your own location

Deadly Force Justification

Behavior which has caused or imminently threatens to cause death or great bodily

Serious and persistent mental illnesses (BSAD)

Bipolar Schizophrenia Anxiety Depression

If a contact team sees a perp throw an explosive toward them. ALERRT teaches two possible responses

Bomb Cover!-if device will be thrown 15ft or more from team Bomb Go- is shouted if device will come within 15 ft of contact team

A type of Trespassing crime that may require a very extensive and complex investigation is what?


_______ (words) vehicles are the most common highway transportation vehicle associated with the transportation of hazardous material

Cargo Tank

______ should never be used as interpreters during a domestic violence investigation



Chronic low-grade depression

Constructive Knowledge is defined as

Constructive Knowledge means that the respondent/offender should be aware of the final injunction after being served with the TRO and receiving notice of the final injunction hearing. If the respondent does not attend the hearing, he or she should assume the injunction was granted since no one would be there to argue against it.

When immediate intervention is not required the best patrol technique for handling high risk calls is..... (3c's)

Contain: situation by establishing a perimeter, control of scene using ICS Communicate: with suspect, dispatch, victims, other officers, Call: for additional resources if needed

When to take action. (4 conditions in which you are done talking and it is time to act) DONE

D- Danger- whenever you or another person is in imminent danger O- overriding concern- when matter of high priority requires attention N- no progress: Exhausted all other efforts verbally, now use physical E- Escape: When someone unlawfully leaves your presence

Co-occuring disorder associated with panic disorder


Signs of Bipolar

Depression Manic Episode Could be mental illness or alcohol

Clues and warnings signs of suicide (4) (DIBS)

Direct verbal clues---- "I've decide to kill myself" Indirect Verbal clues- "whats the point of going on" Behavioral clues---- buying a gun Situational clues- financial troubles

Emergency Protective Placement vs Emergency Detention

EPP: based on personal observation (by officer Emergency detention: law authorizes you to initiate a detention based either on your observations or upon info received from others

When interviewing domestic abuse victims. The ____ is the central idea. Get the ____ and the details will follow


Key symptoms of Paranoid Schizophrenia

Extreme Suspicion Delusions Most dangerous to officer safety

T/F Weapon mounted lights may be used as a general illumination tool


T/F Research shows that most law enforcement shooting occur in excellent lighting conditions

FALSE: most occur in reduced light or complete darkness

What agency is lead investigative agency for terrorist attacks?


While negotiating a curve with a vehicle what two forces must you balance and how it is done besides steering?

Forces: inertia, centripetal force Besides steering: acceleration, weight, transfer

Things to say to a subject when deploying a taser

Get down, stop resisiting

What should you always have on when searching a person


Who can suspend the DA or sheriff for a misdemeanor but most definitely for a felony


Basic Technique to prevent being disarmed (G.U.N) when weapon is in holder holster

Grab: secure weapon in holster using one or both hands Undo: undo subject from weapon, using appropriate technique. Striking the subject's hand or arm - directing the subject to ground - striking subject, active countermeasures - use deadly force Neutralize: subject's ability to continue or reinstate disarming attempt -Disengaging - Using passive/active countermeasures - verbalizing - baton use - deadly force

G.U.N- weapon outside holder/holster

Grab: secure weapon with both hands Undo: using a J Stroke: bringing weapon first up then rapidly and forcefully downward and toward officer in a circular motion, forcing subject to release grip Neutralize-disengage if you can, use active countermeasures - use deadly force

Physical Positions an officer can find themselves in during a Use of force incident ( on ground) (4)

Guard: suspect is outside officer's knees or is positioned between officer's knee's Side Mount: suspect's chest is positioned on top of officer's chest with suspect knee positioned outside of officer's hip, parallel to officer's chest Front Mount: suspect is straddled over the officer's abdomen or chest Back Mount: suspect is positioned behind the officer with suspects arm controlling officers from behind

Scott v Harris

Harris filed a lawsuit alleging the use of excessive force based on unreasonable seizure under the 4th Amendment. On April 30, 2007, the Court rendered its decision, sustaining summary judgment in favor of the officer. The court applied the "reasonableness" test from the 4th Amendment. Regardless of whether the action by Deputy Scott was deadly force, the court stated that "what matters is whether those actions were reasonable." The court clearly felt that Mr. Harris "intentionally placed himself and the public in danger" by participating in a high speed pursuit. The court ruled that a police officer's attempt to terminate a dangerous high-speed car chase that threatens the lives of innocent bystanders does not violate the 4th Amendment, even when it places the fleeing motorist at risk of serious injury or death. A couple points are clear from the Court's decision: This case is not about the PIT maneuver. While Deputy Scott asked permission to use PIT, he determined that he was going too fast to do so and he rammed the vehicle instead. A precision maneuver such as PIT is not the same as ramming a vehicle. The Court places the blame on the suspect and rejects the idea that if the police had cancelled the pursuit, but public would be safer. The decision by the Court tells law enforcement that if they engage in a pursuit that endangers the lives of "innocent bystanders," and the fleeing motorist is at risk of serious injury or death based on the actions of an officer in pursuit, the Fourth Amendment is not violated. While this ruling sides with law enforcement and its efforts to apprehend criminals that flee in vehicles, it should not give agencies carte blanche authority to engage in high-speed pursuits and tactical maneuvers without the proper training. While the court did not address that issue, they did discuss "reasonableness." Providing officers with frequent training in pursuits is not only reasonable but crucial because it will reduce the inherent risks involved in pursuits.

Most common mode of hazardous material transportation


Difference between hostage taking and kidnapping

Hostage taking: more than just material in nature, political concession are frequently demanded in exchange for lives of hostages Kidnappers: confines victim in a secret hideaway making material demands

Most common source of injection?

Hypodermic needles

Why are person crimes more difficult to investigate than property crimes?

In a persons crime a victim is injured (physically or otherwise) directly by the offender rather than indirectly through damage or theft of property. - victim in person crimes may be traumatized

Two categories of terroism and examples

International: 9-11-01 attacks Domestic: OKC bomber

Definition of fresh pursuit

LEO has p.c to believe has violated any law or ordinance that officer is authorized to enforce. Infraction took place within officer's geographical jurisdiction and allows officers to follow that person outside of what normally would be his/ her geographic limits anywhere in state

Estate of Cavanaugh vs Andrade

Late in the evening, Officer Andrade observed a vehicle speed through a solid red traffic signal and Andrade began to pursue the offending vehicle. The subject's vehicle continued at a high rate of speed and went through another red light before colliding with Cavanaugh's vehicle, killing Cavanaugh. Andrade was approximately a block away in pursuit when the fatal collision occurred. Cavanaugh's estate sued the City and Andrade as well as the subject. First the Court held that the police are immune from suit for the decision to engage in a pursuit. The rationale is that the decision to pursue or not to purse is a discretionary one and it is inappropriate for the police to be sued for exercising their discretion. However, the Court continued to hold that the police can be sued for the manner in which the pursuit is executed. In this case, the City was found negligent and liable because its policy on pursuits did not list as one of its factors, "the severity of the offense." The Court opined that not referencing the severity of the offense in the pursuit policy is negligent because it does not give the officer proper direction on whether or not to continue the pursuit. As for suing the officer, the court held that the police officer can be sued in pursuit if he or she "breached the duty to operate the vehicle with due regard under the circumstances." NOTE: Negligence Negligence in law enforcement driving is the failure to use the care a reasonable officer would use under like circumstances. Willful recklessness is a disregard of a clear risk of serious harm. Negligent driving may result in civil liability against the officer, the officer's supervisor, and the officer's employing agency, although many states grant immunity from civil liability based on ordinary negligence. Willful, reckless driving causing a fatality may result in an officer's conviction for felonious involuntary manslaughter, and may disqualify the officer from employment in law enforcement. In many states, negligence or recklessness in failing to terminate a dangerous pursuit may result in civil liability if the fleeing suspect's car hits an innocent bystander. Officers who conduct pursuits that "shocks the conscience" in the potential harm to the public, risk liability under federal law. Use of a law enforcement vehicle as an instrumentality of force to affect an arrest of a fleeing suspect may be deadly force. Roadblocks and ramming may be violations of constitutional rights if the use of force is unreasonable under the circumstances.

An injunction or TRO issued in one jurisdiction ___ be enforced in other places under a law called Full Faith, credit of Foreign protection order


MARCH acronym: provides guidance for casualty assessment and treatment priorities. MARCH stands for what:

Massive hemorrhage Airways Respiration (breathing) Circulation Hypothermia (prevent from shock) and HEAD OUT (Get out of danger area)

Who can terminate a pursuit ?

May be terminated by initial officer or by supervisor

If criteria for silver alert isnt met you can issue _______ Alert through the ________.

Missing/Endangered , Wisconsin Crime Alert Network

Mediation Considerations

Officer safety must not be compromised. Subjects must be willing to talk. Subjects must remain rational. Subjects must be willing to compromise. Subjects must not get physical

Dialogue that goes with stance type

Open Stance: search talk Ready Stance: persuasion, light control talk Defensive Stance: Heavy control talk

Searches in public places ( exception to search warrant)

Open view: no exception of privacy from visual intrusion. Reasonable to believe Government Agents will look in Plain View: permits warrantless seizure of plain view areas if officer is lawfully allowed to be there. Officer can seize contraband of any sort if officer have right of access. Example: Marijuana plant in car during minor traffic violation. Now= reasonable cause to enter vehicle

PACE: wound packing methodology

P- hemostatic gauze for wound packing A- conventional gauze C- absorbent product found in environment E- clothing of the rescuer or injured party

What disorder is the biggest threat to law enforcement?

Paranoid sychophrenia

Most of time your body is governed by the ________

Parasympathetic nervous system

Trauma response can alter 3 things (P.A.C)

Physiology: heart rate, respiration, dilated pupils, dry mouth Affective (mood and emotion) response: - fear, helplessness, horror Cognitive(thought) processing -memory - time distortion - increase memory disturbance distorted or mis interpreted memories about oneself or world -Trauma memory and recall

When tourniquet cannot be applied what is the prefferred treatement? Where would this be appropriate?

Preferred treatment: hemostatic gauze, wound packing Common locations: pelvis, neck, groin, shoulder - collapsing an artery against a bone= goal of wound packing. is not just packing the wound full of gauge

The purpose of intervention options (5)

Presence- to present a visible display of authority Dialog- to verbally persuade Control Alternatives- to overcome passive resistance, active resistance or their threat Protective Alternatives- overcome continued resistance, assault behavior Deadly Force: to stop the threat

Intervention Options as applied to Emergency Vehicle operations

Presence: authorized emergency vehicle Dialog: Emergency Lights, sirens, communicate with dispatch APPROACH CONTACTS Control Alternatives: Multiple Units, tire deflation devices, barricades,channelization NON APPROACH CONTACTS (people can drive through or around them) Protective Alternatives: pit manuever, boxing in HIGH RISK Contact (RMP) Deadly Force: ramming, road block, with no escape route, shooting from moving vehicle HIGH RISK CONTACT with shots fired

What is PACE?

Primary, Alternate, Contingent, Emergency PACE= contingency planning method for medical intervention in high threat environments

What is the P.I.T?

Pursuit intervention technique. -controlled contact between patrol unit and pursued vehicle at low speeds intended to cause operator of pursued vehicle to lose control of his car

Pursuits and 4 ways they end ( Law Enforcement response

Pursuits are one of the most dangerous tasks in Law Enforcement Ways they end: -suspect stops voluntarily, -suspect crashes, -suspects eludes officers, - law enforcement terminates pursuit

Arbitration sequence acronym (REACT)

R-request cooperation-voluntary compliance E-explain reason- why you want them do it A-allow choice-give impression that he/she (usually 2) C-check decision- chose one of options presented T-take action- resolution

Advice for general public, when faced with an active shooter. (3)

Run, Hide, Fight

What do you as an officer say before when you are spraying OC at a person ( one word)


What is the strongest hand strike in the DAAT system and why ( 4)

STRONG FOREARM STRIKE - officer responding to an assault by a subject are likely to be very close to the subject and this strike works well in close quarters - less likely to be injured in its use because of solid construction of forearm - officer of different sizes can use the technique efficetively - overall it is a strong technique

Verbal tactics of dialogue

Search talk Persuasion Light Control Talk Heavy Control Talk

Should you spray O/C in long bursts or short bursts?

Short bursts.

Alcohol Withdrawal Stages

Stage 1 - First day after last drink (Tremors, profuse sweating, disorientation) Stage 2- 7-48 hours after last drink (Seizures) Stage 3- 12-48 hours after last drink (Auditory Hallucinations) Stage 4- 72-96 hours after last drink (Delirium Tremens)

Any thinking pattern include the following 5 elements

Stimulus: situation, a conversation, an interaction Thought: intellectual reaction to stimulus Feeling: emotional reaction to the thought Behavior: person engages based on feeling Consequences: negative or positive as a result of person's behavior

Example of an intermediate weapon covered in DAAT

Straight Baton ( wood,plastic)

For success in a high risk situation you must train your body and your mind


T/F Communication is one of the most important aspects of any foot pursuit


T/F Contingency plans allow officers to anticipate and respond to predictable perpetrator behaviors


T/F Fetal Alcohol syndrome is NOT a developmental disability


T/F Handcuffs are temporary restraining devices - which reduce the ability of a person to cause injury , by limiting hands but do not eliminate all danger


T/F One of the most critical skills you can develop is an ability to intelligently examine a situation before intervening and plan a response that maximizes safety


T/F Patrol rifles should be cleaned and lubricated at ALL times


T/F Section 349.90 requires vehicles to stay at least 500 feet behind an emergency vehicle responding to a call


T/F There has never been a substantiated instance of injury or death attributed to OC


T/F It is the control of the motor nerves in conjunction with the stimulation of the sensory nerves that can cause temporary incapacitation


T/F 1/3 of all active killers incidents included an armed perpetrator with a LONG GUN.


T/F Agencies shall require a physichological examination of all viable candidates to be performed by an experience psychologist and or psychiatrist


T/F Before using target-specific directed fire, officers must meet the imminent threat criteria and preclusion. Officers must achieve target acquisition, identification, or greater danger exception


T/F Good faith does NOT = free from civil liability for pursuit driving


T/F If an officers makes a good faith effort to validate the protection order and make an arrest based on their belief that the order is valid and that they believe the order was a violation they are immune from criminal and civil liability.


T/F Officers should not call in that they are "in pursuit" when they are only trying to catch up to vehicle in question


T/F Once predominant aggressor is identified it is NOT appropriate to arrest anyone other than that person


"Best practice" when dealing with Emergency Protective Placement or Emergency Detention

The best practice is to work as closely and cooperatively as possible with mental health/crisis intervention professionals in your county to see if a situation can be handled in some other way.

Sacramento v Lewis

The federal courts are the only jurisdictions that essentially bar pursuit lawsuits arising from a fleeing criminal's collision. In County of Sacramento v. Lewis, the U.S. Supreme Court held that the federal civil rights act theory does not apply to the usual pursuit lawsuit. The Supreme Court held that in order for an officer to deprive someone of his or her constitutional right of due process, an officer's conduct during the pursuit must have been so outrageous that it "shocks the conscience." In this case, the Court held that a police officer does not violate substantive due process under the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution by causing death through deliberate or reckless indifference to life in a high-speed automobile chase aimed at apprehending a suspected offender. Only a purpose to cause harm unrelated to the legitimate object of arrest will satisfy the element of arbitrary conduct shocking to the conscious necessary for a due process violation. In this case, the plaintiff's decedent was riding as a passenger on a motorcycle that refused to pull over when a deputy sheriff motioned its driver to do so. A second deputy sheriff engaged in a high-speed pursuit and crashed into the motorcycle after it tipped over, killing the passenger. The trial court granted summary judgment for the defendant officer, but a federal appeals court reversed, finding that a claim for violation of substantive due process was stated by an allegation that the officer acted with "deliberate indifference to, or reckless disregard" of the person's right to life and personal security. Among the assertions, the plaintiff stated that the deputy "apparently disregarded" a departmental general order which might have kept the chase from occurring. The order required the officer to communicate his intention to pursue the vehicle to the dispatch center and to consider whether the seriousness of the offense warrants a high-speed chase. The appeals court found that there was "no apparent danger involved in permitting the boys to escape," but a "risk of harm to others in continuing the pursuit," and found that the case should proceed to trial. In overturning this ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court found that the proper blame for the incident could be placed on the motorcycle driver's lawless and "outrageous" conduct in attempting to elude pursuit. It also rejected the argument that the claim was governed by the Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable search and seizure. The Court noted that the officer did not intentionally seek to terminate the plaintiff's freedom of motion. The Court found that imposing liability on officers for death or injury resulting from high speed pursuits based on a standard of "deliberate indifference" would ignore the fact that officers must make decisions as to whether to pursue an offender "in haste, under pressure, and frequently without the luxury of a second chance." An officer deciding whether to give chase "must balance on one hand the need to stop a suspect and show that flight from the law is no way to freedom, and on the other, the high-speed threat to everyone from within stopping range, be they suspects, their passengers, other drivers, or bystanders." When "extended opportunities to do better are teamed with protracted failure even to care, indifference is truly shocking. But when unforeseen circumstances demand an officer's instant judgment, even precipitate recklessness fails to inch close enough to harmful purpose to spark the shock" required for liability in this case. "Just as a purpose to cause harm is needed for Eight Amendment liability in a [prison] riot case, so it ought to be needed for Due Process liability in a pursuit case. Accordingly, we hold that high-speed chases with no intent to harm suspects physically or to worsen their legal plight do not give rise to liability under the Fourteenth Amendment, redressable by an action under [42 U.S.C] Sec. 1983" NOTE: Definition Deliberate Indifference is the conscious or reckless disregard of the consequences for one's acts or omissions. It entails something more than negligence, but is satisfied by something less than actors or omissions for the very purpose of causing harm or with knowledge that harm will result.

When can firearms be returned to a person who has an injunction against them?

The judge decides, usually after an injunction expired or is vacated.

What is the proper way to stabilize a subject on the ground prior to handcuffing

Three point stabilization

_____ is your ally in a suicidal crisis situation


How many officers can clear a vehicle during a high risk stop?

Two officers

Type of delusions most associated with drugs & alcohol


Less common form of hallucination for those with Schizophrenia

Visual Hallucinations

Agencies are required to submit information on pursuits electronically through the D.O.J _____ system. (We use it alot in class)


Thought Broadcasting

When a person believes you can hear their mental responses, as a result, they answer your questions in their head

Nasal pharyngeal airways (NPA) When to/ When not to use NPA

When: - casualty is unconscious - casualty has breathing problem or gasping snorting When NOT: - deformity or damage to facial or nose bones -unstable, nose, cheek or upper jaw bones - clear fluid or blood coming from one or both nostrils - Bruising around both eyes ( raccoon eyes) or brusing behind ears

The __________ (3 words) is required by statue to submit an annual report to the legislature summarizing statewide pursuits.

Wisconsin State Patrol

Pipeline color codes and what they mean (4)

Yellow- high hazard material Green- Low Hazard material Blue- Low hazard gasses or gaseous material Red- Fire suppression material

You may perform a search incident to arrest of the drivers vehicle if one of two factors is present

_ arrestee is withing reaching distance of the vehicle's passenger compartment at time of search - you have " reason to believe vehicle contains evidence supporting arrest"

3 techniques commonly used for flashlight assisted shooting

_ harries technique - FBI technique - Weapon mounted lights

Motorcycle laws (several)

_those under 18yrs old on motorcycle or who have instructors permit must wear helmet - All occupants of a motorcycle shall have eye protection on at ALL times - headlights on at ALL times - handlebars max height is 30 inces from lowest part of seat -No lane splitting allowed - 2 cycles may ride side by side in one lane of traffic


a process by which a person in authority makes decisions about what actions are to be taken in order to stabilize a situation, once attempts to seek cooperation prove ineffective and/or safety is compromised.

What is an Inventory? and two requirements

a search of items believed to contain evidence of crime or contraband Requirements for inventory: -must be written policy from department - follow the policies

What is an impound?

a seizure of an item believed to contain evidence of a crime or contraband

Domestic abuse is not a crime but rather......................

a specific procedure used for certain crimes between people who have necessary relationship defined in the statue

Domestic violence is a mechanism to maintain ______ and _____

abuser's power and control

Search warrants should be issued with______

all practicable secrecy

Steps to obtaining a TRO

an individual needs to file a petition with the court alleging domestic abuse or fear of domestic abuse. If judge finds reasonable grounds that the abuser has or may engage in domestic abuse a TRO will be issued. TRO has info on injunction hearing and TRO is valid until the court hearing

Civil/Criminal Liability of Off Duty Officer outside jurisdiction

an officer acting outside of his/her jurisdiction but in the state is considered to be acting in an official capacity as an officer of the state, state employee, or agent of the state

What is the states definition of a vulnerable adult?

any person 18yrs old or older who is either developmentally disabled or has infirmities due to age, mental illness, or other in capacities, and who is substantially mentally incapable of providing food, shelter,clothing or personal or health care, or who is unable to report cruel maltreatment without assistance

What is cover?

anything that will stop an incoming round

What do you do in cone of darkness on a high risk stop

arrest subject

Light Control talk (tactic of dialogue)

assertive rather than aggressive -remain in ready stance - louder more insistent tone of voice

Distance squad car should be from subjects vehicle during a high risk stop?

at least 50 feet

What are your options if you encounter an armed adversary at close range?

attempt to disarm subject disengage escalate

Wisconsin law requires that an Emergency Vehicle give both______ and _____signal to be exempt from certain traffic laws

audible and visual

Three basic groups of biological agents are ...

bacteria, viruses, toxins

What is a silver alert

basically an amber alert for those with alzheimers and dementia

Underlying crimes of domestic abuse (2)

battery, disorderly conduct

Squad Vehicle Inspections should be done when?

before every shift

Effects of weather and wind on rifle round trajectory

bullet flight is unaffected by rain/snow - wind can affect bullet flight ( but very minor)

Goal of an incapacitating technique

cause an immediate , temporary cessation of violent behavior

What is domestic violence? 968.075

coercive behavior designed to exert power and control through the use of intimidating, threatening, harmful or harassing behavior over a person in an intimate relationship

Consist, Waybill definition

consist: information regarding the current position of each of the cars in the train and the cargo carried in each car including any hazardous materials waybills: accompany the shipment and contain instructions for handling the shipment,description of the shipment, shipper and consignee information and other details "should be a waybill for each car"

Role of contact and cover officer

contact officer: conducts "all business" of the contact Cover officer: never conducts any business. Only role is to observe the contact from a position of tactical advantage, and intervene when necessary to prevent escape, destruction of evidence, or assault on contact officer

Control braking is what

control of stopping distance

One of the most important aspect of your interview with the victim is to help_________

develop a chronology of the events leading up to and following a crime

Incident Debriefing:

discussing incident for the personal and tactical purposes

Channelization is used to

divert a vehicle to a preferred location

One of the most important steps in a domestic violence incident ins what?

documenting it, in case victim recants

Driving vs Operating a car.

drive: means to exercise physical control over the speed, direction of a vehicle while it is in motion operate: physical manipulation or activation of any of the controls of a vehicle necessary o put it into motion

Chronic low grade depression is known as


Most common reason people consider committing suicide ?

emotional pain

Lunge areas of an automobile is what?

entire passenger compartment of the vehicle, including glove compartment and closed container

Most frequent cause of AR-15 malfunctions

faulty magazines

What is a delusion?

fixed rigid beliefs that have no basis in reality but of which the person who has them is convinced.

Whatever distance is required to stop the vehicle at 30 mph, it will take _____times as much distance to stop at 60 mph—and sixteen times as much at 120 mph.


Causes of rifle malfunctions?

frequently caused by failure to seat the magazine or a defective magazine, dirty rifle, lubricated, broken parts or defective or under powered ammunition.

Persuasion (tactic of dialogue)

gain compliance from a subject while still a relatively non threatening voice - move closer to a subject - hands at midlevel - ready stance - at least 4 feet of distance from subject

Positon Sul

gun safety position that allows you to move in any direction with a drawn firearm without violating safety rule #2 never let muzzle cross anything you are not willing to destroy

Most common type of hallucinations for people with mental illness is____________

hearing voices

The sling is the rifles _____________


What is depression and some symptoms of depression?

illness, a disorder of the brain which a change in chemical balance of the brain causes serious symptoms. These symptoms include: -profound feeling of sadness"blues" days to weeks in lenght -deep feeling of helplessness/hopelessness pessimism -guilt/self blaming - diminished feeling of self worth - lack of energy to do normal activities -irritability

Special needs( exception to search warrant)

includes probation and parole searches, school searches, searches of highly regulated businesses (such as firearms dealers, pawn shops, and junk yards) employment and educational drug screenings

Definition of bodily harm

means physical pain or injury, illness, or any impairment of physical condition.

What is an ECD?

instrument in which a safe amount of electricity is used to affect sensory, motor nervous system of the body

Mental illness according to Wisconsin State Statue:

involuntarily commitment, means substantial disorder of thought , mood, perception, orientation, or memory which grossly impairs judgement, behavior, capacity to recognize reality, or ability to meet the ordinary demands of life.BUT DOES NOT INCLUDE ALCOHOLISM

What is a "hot" zone?

is a dangerous location where anyone present is at risk of harm includes every location the subject could target, even if some cover is available

Behavior thy suspec that justifies deadly force

is any behavior that has caused or imminently threatens to cause death or great bodily harm to you or another person or persons

Worker's Comp of Off-Duty officer outside jurisdiction?

is eligible for same benefits as if an officer had sustained the injury while performing the duties of an officer in that area

What is tension pneumothorax?

is the build up of air pressure that interfers with heartbeat or asphyxiate because of a blocked airway - can cause cardiac arrest in less than 5 minutes

Goal of a pursuit

is to pace fleeing vehicle, not overtake it

Reaction Front Kick

is used to stop the forward momentum of an attacker, gives time to create distance and time to apply active countermeasures

Best position you should put suspect in when wanting to cuff them on a high risk stop

kneeling, facing subject's vehicle

What are focused strikes

like vertical stuns , create dysfunction and interrupt the subject's ability to continue resistive or assaultive behaviors Focused strike to particular target areas not to whole body like vertical strikes

Long standing drug of choice for bipolar disorder

lithium carbonate

A moving roadblock is appropriate in

low speed pursuits involving (intoxicated drivers,disoriented drivers)

Baton Jab (Baton Techniques) What is the target area

lower abdomen, -effective at close quarters to move assaultive or resistive subject back to give you time to load your baton

In 1988, the _________________ (3 words) (968.075) was passed defining domestic abuse and outlining circumstances requiring arrest

mandatory arrest law

Definition of "incapacitated by Alcohol" under 51.45(2)(d) and when is a person considered this(2)

means that a person, as a result of the use of or withdrawal from alcohol, is unconscious or has his/her judgement otherwise so impaired that he/she is incapable of making a rational decision, as evidenced objectively by such indicators as extremely physical debilitation,physical harm or threats of harm to himself or herself or to any other person or to property. (poop/pee themselves , blackedout)

On average (more or less) officer die each year behind the wheel or outside the vehicle along the roadway as a result of traffic related incidents, then are feloniously killed


Types of Bikes (3) and laws associated with use

motorcycle: exceed 30 mph 2-3 wheels. need class M moped/scooter: can not exceed 30mph, engine less than 50cc. class D Motorized bike: have working pedals, engine less than 130 cc. you do NOT need a class M but need class D license to operate

The_____ of your weapon is your 3rd eye


Domestic abuse stalkers are either these 2 types of stalkers

obsession: " no one will have you if I cant" vengence: " your going to pay for what you did to me"

Officer Safety and Protective Sweep ( exception to search warrant)

officer safety: limited search Protective Sweep: conduct sweep of home which an officer believes an assailant may be present. Limited and specifically targeted at finding people. Not to be used as ruse for investigatory search of evidence

Sacramento v Lewis Case brief

officers observed motorcycle driving fast while responding to an unrelated call. Got in pursuit with motorcycle. Cycle overturned, cop ran over overturned motorcycle driver killed -US supreme court ruled police were not liable because only conduct that "shocks the conscience " - plaintiff must show officer acted with a purpose to cause harm unrelated to motivation to make arrest not just that police acted recklessly or in difference of life. - NO officer will be sued for initiating a pursuit

Most law enforcement fatalities that involved vehicle crashes involved ______ car(s) with most hitting ____ objects such as trees, bridges, traffic barriers

one car, fixed objects

What is a three dimensional experience

one that is full of sensory data, but collect and document what happened in a one dimensional manner cold hard facts

What is a search warrant? and the time restraints on serving one?

order signed by judge that authorizes Law Enforcement officers to search for particular objects or materials at a specific location and time - must be executed and served by midnight of the 5th day following its issuance - must be returned 48 hours after execution of warrant - may use what ever force is reasonably necessary to execute warrant

What is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome? (FAS)

pattern of physical and mental defects which develops in some unborn babies when the mother drinks too much alcohol during pregnancy

Crisis is a matter of ____________.


Section 971 relates to

person charged with the crime and found incompetent to stand trial or who have used the insanity defense successfully

What is epilepsy (seizure disorder)

physical condition that occurs when there s a sudden, brief change in the way the brain works

Tourniquet PACE methodology

primary- commerical tourniquets alternate- belt or triangular bandage and expandable baton Contingent: uniform shirt, something to wind uniform shirt up Emergency: direct visualization of artery , physically pinched it closed

A____ is one of the most dangerous and stressful events law enforcement can encounter


Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder

recurrent obsession or compulsions that are severe and that causes significant distress or impairment

Why do most women use violence against men in a relationship?

retaliation for violence used against them in self defense, anticipation of violence being used against them.

Given a choice most drivers will turn ___ more often then ___ because of the smaller turning radius required and no oncoming traffic to worry about

right , left

Your________ is the best safety tool available while operating your squad car


Plain View =______not search


Abusers believe they are entitled to control the behaviors of their partners, may continue violence even after petition for divorce is filed or granted

separation violence

What role does the DNR play after an incident

site investigation, clean up

In emergency operations of a motor vehicle your goal should be to operate the car____ and with maximum control


Causes of officer's death while operating an emergency vehicle ? (3 main)

speed, multi-tasking,seatbelt

A violation of a TRO, injunction, or foreign protection order may be considered:______.


When you are withing a few feet of an adversary rather than using roll step. Use what step...


what is debriefing?

steps taken to calm those involved, to provide medical, custodial, and psychological care

Reaction Knee Strike target area

stop the forward momentum of an attacker - knee should be at a 45 degree angle - Target Area: subject's leg or lower abdominal area

Forms OC spray comes in

stream, cone, foam, mist

What is considered the "double whammy" for co-occuring disorders?

substance abuse disorder and mental disorder

Under stress body is governed by______ nervous system. What are some physical changes that occur

sympathetic Physical changes: - your body secretes adrenaline - blood flow to large muscles increase, making it easier to fight or run from danger - heart rate ,blood pressure and respiration rate increase - sweat glands are stimulated - blood sugar increases - vision and hearing may become keener.

The ____situation determines what medical care is possible


What end of the NPA goes in the nostril?

the beveled end is inserted toward the septum ( septum= wall between nostrils)

Treatment for personality disorders consists of _____ therapy

talk therapy

Best way to assess the casualty airways?

talk to casualty

The most common and recognizable containers used for storage or transportation of hazardous material are (3)

tank, cylinder, drum

What is threshold braking

technique of applying brake pedal pressure just to the point of lockup (the threshold) and maintaining the pressure at that point - generates maximum braking power and maintains steerability

Inhalation is what

the most common form of chemical exposure

Different between 1st degree and 2nd degree intentional homicide

the presence or absence of mitigating circumstances ( behaviors that make the action more understandable, but doesnt not justify action) State cannot prove beyond a reasonable doubt that killing was not motivated by : - provocation - coercion - necessity (prevention of a felony, defensive force)

What is 1st priority of every scene

threat mitigation

Control Devices Goal

to overcome active resistance or its threats (oc spray, ECD)

Goal of compliance hold and two techniques

to overcome passive resistance techniques - come along - pressure points

What is the immediate fix to a rifle malfunction in the field?

transition to handgun

T/F Search incident to arrest is both longer in scope and duration than a frisk


True or false Even if the petitioner initiates contact or invites respondent, over it is a violation of the order if the offender makes contact or goes to the petitioner's residence


t/f Under state statue 950, Law Enforcement must make a reasonable attempt to provide victim written info


When suspect is guided back to front of squad what do you do next on a high risk stop

turn voice commands over to arrest control officer

If a leak is suspected approach from ____ and _____

upwind and uphill

Reaction Knee Strike

usted to sto

Why should Law Enforcement exercise extreme caution when opening refrigerators/freezers in meth labs?

vapors can accumulate in Fridges while meth is being made in the fridge. Vapors are unstable. When fridge door is opened the fridge light comes on and potentially can cause an explosion

_________hallucinations are more commonly associated with Alcohol/drug abuse


Arrest Control Officer should check the_____ of suspect in the cone of darkness before moving suspect to your squad to conduct a full thorough search


When is an officer done searching a room? ( in reference to room clearing)

when every possible location of where a suspect could be is cleared

Hot Pursuit ( exception to search warrant)

when in pursuit of a fleeing subject for whom law enforcement have probable cause to believe has committed a jail able offense, an officer may enter a home without a warrant if he or she has probable cause the subject is in the home. Limited to a jail able offense situation and to a chase scenario.

What is known as "Packing to the bone"

when packing gauze deep into the wound to keep pressure

4 colors of mental readiness for police officers

white: defender is oblivious to their surroundings or any potential danger yellow: PREFERRED. aware of environment and on look out for potential danger, although no id or any specific threat orange: defender ID'd specific problem and is taking action in response to that threat Red: realized specific concern and only focused on winning ongoing lethal encounter

When a officer is seeking a telephone warrant from a judge over the phone should the conversation be voice recorded?


Indirect verbal clues examples:

• "I'm tired of life." • "What's the point of going on?" • "My family would be better off without me." • "I just want out."

Direct verbal clues examples

• "I've decided to kill myself." • "I wish I were dead." • "I'm going to commit suicide." • "I am going to end it all." • "If (such and such) doesn't happen, I'll kill myself."

Behavioral Clues examples

• Purchasing a gun. • Stockpiling pills. • Putting personal and business affairs in order. • Changes in behavior, especially outbursts of anger. • Sudden interest or disinterest in church. • Giving away personal items.

Situational Clues examples

• Sudden rejection by a loved one - breakup, separation or divorce. • Death of a spouse, child, or friend. • Diagnosis of a terminal illness. • Sudden unexpected loss of freedom (about to be arrested). • Financial troubles or loss.

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