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Carbohydrates: supplies energy during exercise and to cells in the brain Protein: forms structures of body parts, hormones, cell membranes, repairs tissues, helps in growth Fat: Supplies energy at rest; insulates Vitamins: promote specific chemical reactions in cells Minerals: help regulate body functions; aid in the growth and maintenance of body tissues. Water: makes up 50-70% of body weight; transports chemicals, regulates temp, removes waste, and is the medium for all reactions in the body

6 Essential Nutrients & Main Function

Adults should get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week. 30-60 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise 5/week. OR 20-60 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise 3/week. One continuous session and multiple shorter sessions (of at least 10 minutes) are both acceptable to accumulate desired amount of daily exercise. Gradual progression of exercise time, frequency and intensity is recommended for best adherence and least injury risk. People unable to meet these minimums can still benefit from some activity.

ACSM Cardio Guidelines

Is the energy that makes your entire body work and live. You must have ATP for energy to live and exercise


- An electronic device that contains an accelerometer that measures movement and counts footsteps. These are usually worn on the wrist and sync data with a smart phone. More advanced activity trackers monitor calorie consumption, heart rate and quality of sleep.

Activity Tracker

Exercise that requires oxygen to produce ATP energy.


: Exercise that does not require oxygen to produce ATP energy


Improve: Healthy body weight Resting metabolic Rate Immune system Energy levels Physical Appearance Self Esteem Reduces Resting Heart Rate Blood Pressure Cholesterol Level Body Fat Risk of chronic disease Mortality Rate Recovery Time

Benefits of Health Related Fitness

Increases metabolic rate Burns calories Prevents Osteoporosis Maintains muscle mass Makes you stronger and fitter Develops better body mechanics (balance, posture and movement) Boosts energy levels and improves mood

Benefits of Resistance Training

amount of blood pumped by the heart in on minute.

Cardiac Output:

When starting an exercise program you should start with a short duration with light intensity and gradually increase the minutes and intensity to avoid undue fatigue and exercise-related injuries. This also creates a good habit of exercising After week 6 continue to gradually increase minutes and gradually increase intensity

Cardiovascualr Exercise Prescription

The leading cause of death in the United States is _____________ ___________. Over 630,000 deaths/year.*

Cardiovascular Disease

A good exercise prescription should include the following 5 minute warm up Exercise session inside your Target Heart Range 5 minute cool down Stretching

Cardiovascular Exercise

Walking Jogging/Running Cycling Rowing Elliptical Trainers Swimming Stair Master Boot Camps Zumba Spinning Class Dance/Hip Hop Racquet Sports Aerobics Group Exercise

Cardiovascular Exercises

Length of muscle decreases as does the joint angle Raising the weight in a bicep curl would be a concentric contraction


Length of muscles increases as does the joint angle Lowering the weight in a bicep curl would be an eccentric contraction


A type of physical activity that is planned, structured, and repetitive bodily movement with the intent of improving or maintaining a component of health.


Frequency: 3-4 times per week Intensity: 60-85% THR Time: 30-45 minutes inside THR Type: Aerobic Exercises

FITT Principle for Health Maintenance

Frequency: 5-7 times per week Intensity: 60-85% THR Time: 45-60 minutes inside THR Type: Aerobic Exercises

FITT Principle for Weight Loss and Increased VO2max

is defined as periods of fast running intermixed with periods of slower running and is free-flow. Sprint to mailbox, jog to street light, walk to stop sign. You decide on the duration of the trainings

Fartlek Training

Fruits and Vegetables Whole grains Low-fat dairy products Lean protein Fish Healthy fats Foods high in fiber Water

Foods and nutrients that you should increase

HIIT is a form of interval training to improve cardiovascular fitness. Training that alternates short periods of high intensity exercise (85% THR) followed by a recovery period Work and recovery is on a ratio of 2:1 30 seconds to 60 seconds of high intensity exercise followed by 15-30 seconds of rest HIIT training is different than Tabata because it is longer and usually last about 20-30 minutes

HIIT Training High Intensity Interval Training

Cardiovascular Exercise Strength Training Exercises Flexibility Exercises Stability and Core Exercises Nutrition Water Sleep

Health & Wellness In order to reach your health and wellness goals an individual needs to incorporate all these aspects into their program

Over 670,000 Americans die a year as a result of poor diet and lack of physical activity Hypertension Cholesterol levels Diabetes Cancers - colon, rectum, kidney, breast, prostate, gallbladder, ovarian, and uterine Obesity and related health issues are the most critical public health problem for the 21st century Will decrease your life span and negatively impact the quality of life

Health Effects of Obesity

a state of complete well-being, and not just the absence of disease or infirmity.


- Number of good years a person is expected to live in good health. Subtract ill-health years from overall life expectancy.

Healthy life expectancy (HLE)

A joint extended beyond the normal range of motion


Bending a joint more than normal. Closing the angle at the joint.


- Disease related to a lack of physical activity.

Hypokinetic diseases

60% - 70% 1-RM (moderate-to-vigorous intensity) for novice to intermediate to improve strength. Experienced can increase to 80% 1-RM to improve strength. 40% - 50% 1-RM for older and sedentary individuals to improve strength. <50% 1-RM to improve muscular endurance. 20% - 50% 1-RM in older adults to improve power Each major muscle group should be trained 2-3 days/wk


is precisely timed. 30 second sprint, 30 second jog, 30 second walk. Then repeat up to 10 times

Interval Training

Even though the muscle is contracting, there is no movement at the joint Holding a plank is an example of an isometric contraction


: Max amount of oxygen the body is able to utilize per minute of physical activity. This is the best indicator of aerobic fitness.

Maximal Oxygen Uptake (VO2max)

is a small device that counts the number of steps you take. Some pedometers also tell you how far you've walked in miles or how many calories you've burned. But mile and calorie readings are estimates and may not be accurate.


Any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles; requires expenditure of energy and produces health benefits.

Physical Activity-

amount of time the body takes to return to resting levels after exercise.

Recovery time:

8-12 repetitions are recommended to improve strength and power 10-15 repetitions are effective in improving strength in middle-aged and older individuals. 15-25 repetitions to improve muscular endurance.


An injury which results from chronic repetitive motions that violate the integrity of our joints. The minor damage is not noted initially; however, by the time it reaches the pain threshold it has become serious.

Repetitive Microtrauma

Frequency (how often) Intensity (how hard) Time (duration or how long) Type (mode or what kind) Repetitions (how many) Sets (group of consecutive repetitions) Pattern (rest) Progression (advancement)

Resistance Exercise Prescription

Specificity of Training Only the muscles trained will adapt and change in response to a given exercise SAID (Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands) Adaptation will be specific to the demands of the exercise Progressive Overload As adaption occurs, an increase in the stimulus is necessary Variation Exercise stimulus needs to change over time Periodization Phases of training manipulating training variables to achieve planned results Prioritization of Training Focus on specific goal corresponding to the phase of training

Resistance Training Principles

Heart Rate (beats/min) Rating ≤ 59 Excellent 60-69 Good 70-79 Average 80-89 Fair ≥ 90 Poor

Resting Heart Rate Ratings

(SeDS)- Deaths that are attributed to a lack of regular physical activity

Sedentary Death Syndrome

Social Emotional Intellectual Spiritual Physical Environmental

Six Dimensions of Wellness

Coordination Agility Speed Power Balance Reaction Time

Skill Related Fitness

Dr. Stuart McGill demonstrated on pig spines that repeated spinal forward flexions resulted in a herniated lumbar disc.

Spinal Flexion

amount of blood pumped in one beat.

Stroke Volume:

Training time is only 4 minutes long Perform a 5 min easy warm up. Perform an Exercise at 100% intensity for 20 seconds followed by a 10 second rest You perform this cycle 8 times which is a total of 4 minutes Choose large muscle groups (legs) Use the same move for all 8 repetitions for best results

Tabata Training

207- (Age x .7) = Estimated Max Heart Rate Max HR - Resting HR = HRR HRR x .60 + Rest HR = 60% Max HR HRR x .85 + Rest HR = 85% Max HR EXAMPLE: 20 year old, 70 Rest HR 207 X 14 = 193 Max HR 193 - 70 (rest heart rate) = 123 123 x .60 + 70 = 144 bpm 123 x .85 + 70 = 180 bpm 60% = 144bpm 85% = 175 bpm

Target Heart Range (THR)

Resistance exercises involving each major muscle group is recommended. Multi-joint exercises affecting more than one muscle group and targeting agonist and antagonist muscles are recommended. Single-joint exercises may be included after multi-joint exercises.


Upright Rows Dips Behind the Neck Lat Pulldowns Yoga Plow (NASM) Behind the Neck Shoulder Presses Shoulder Stand (NASM) Seated Leg Extensions Toe Touch (NASM) Dumbbell Loaded Side Bends Sit-ups/Crunches Lateral Shoulder Raises Hurdler Stretch Back Extensions Neck Bridge Double Leg Raises Superman

Unsafe exercises

Small frequent meals, plus snacks Smaller portions and healthy snacks Eat on smaller plates Re-train your mind and body Minimize consumption of trans fat Consume less than 10 percent of calories from saturated fat Reduce daily sodium Increase physical activity Improve eating and physical activity behaviors Limit consumption of foods with refined grains Limit highly processed foods

Weight Management Tips

The constant and deliberate effort to stay healthy and achieve the highest potential of well-being.


Heredity- Parents influence body shape, size, fat distribution, and metabolism. Determines ease at which weight is gained. Diet- Most important component of weight control. Most Americans overeat by 25% at every meal. Exercise is 2nd most important component of weight control. You must continue to be physically active and exercise your entire life to keep body weight at a healthy level.

What affects your body weight

A calorie is the amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1° C; used to measure the energy values of food and the cost of physical activity

What is a Calorie?

Blood pressure normal blood pressure

chapter 1

smart goals

chapter 1

Intensity of exercise

chapter 2

Moderate vs Vigorous Intensity Exercise

chapter 2

Time of Exercise

chapter 2

A gradual progression of greater resistance, reps, sets and/or frequency is recommended


2-4 sets are recommended for most adults to improve strength and power. As single set can be effective for older and novice exercisers. 1 or 2 sets are effective in improving muscular endurance


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