PHI-240-101 Chapter 1-6

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Which of the following questions would you be most likely to hear from people in the post conventional stage of moral reasoning when they are confronted with a moral issue in their lives?

"Is someone going to be harmed by my action?"

Which of the following questions would you be most likely to hear from someone, in both Kohlberg's and Gilligan's pre conventional stage of moral reasoning, when they are confronted with a moral issue?

"What's in it for me?"

What are the 3/6 categories given in class that help define the nature of ethical norms? Give detailed information about each category.

1. Antinomianism has no universal norms of any sort, conflicting moral norms cannot arise, and decisions are made on personal grounds. 2. Generalism has no universal norms only general guidelines, conflicting moral norms do not arise, and general rules allow exceptions in specific cases as a way to resolve conflicts. 3. Situationism has only one universal norm (i.e. do the right thing), the "right" thing varies from situation, and conflicting norms cannot arise because of the overarching principle of the situation.

What are 4/7 critiques of Cultural Relativism and describe each one?

1. Cultural Relativism is illogical 2. Cultural relativism does not work in a pluralist society. 3. Cultural relativism confuses custom with morality. 4. People act more morally when others are not around.

What are 3/4 ethical subjectivism critiques?

1. There are no objective moral facts. 2. Ethical subjectivism leads to self- contradiction. 3. Ethical subjectivism is disastrous for the weak and defenseless. 4. Ethical subjectivism cannot explain genuine disagreement.

What are the 4 statements that C.S. Lewis makes regarding religion and morality?

1. There is a universal moral law. 2. If there is a universal moral law, there is a moral law giver. 3. If there is a Moral- Law giver, it must be something beyond the universe. 4. Therefore, there is something beyond the universe.

What are 2/3 critiques of Divine Command?

1. This concept of morality is mysterious 2. This conception of morality makes God's commands arbitrary. 3. this conception of morality provides the wrong reasons for moral principles.

Ethical skepticism is closely related to the idea of what?


At which level of critical thinking would you look at your experience and interpretation?


Which category of ethical norms was used by Adolf Hitler in his writing of the Mein Kampf to justify the killing of the jews?


Where does resistance come in relation to the 3-tiered approach to critical thinking?

At the end of interpretation

Opinions are

Based on feeling rather than on reason

Who said, "The heart has its reasons which reason does not know... It is the heart which experiences God, and not the reason?"

Blaise Pascal

Which of the following is not considered part of the Divine Command Theory?


Who said, "we must believe that conscience of man is not a product of nature?"

C.S. Lewis

Which type of defense mechanism allows us to work through challenges to our worldview while maintaining our integrity?


"I don't see a problem" is what type of defense mechanism?


Which of the following is not one of the claims made by cultural relativists?

Different societies do not have different moral codes

Holding two contradictory views at the same time is what type of distraction?


Which of the following is not a relative ethical theory?


Which of the following factors would a cultural relativist argue is most important in the format of our conciences?


Moral knowledge is also known as what?


What did Plato suggest for those whose souls are incurably evil?


At which level of critical thinking would you consider your all that you have been a part of?


According to class discussion, the terms ethics and morality can be used interchangeably?


According to ethical subjectivism there is a right and wrong?


Conscience is broken into two parts: Cognitive and Defective


Cultural Relativism is a universalist theory?


Cultural Relativism is logical?


Cultural Relativist is the same as cultural diversity?


Cultural relativism can be viewed as nothing more than socially disapproved customs?


Ethics primarily deals with descriptive statements with prescriptive being in a supporting role?


In determinism, there is free will?


In emotivism there are moral truths?


In emotivism, all moral statements are not meaningless?


In ethical subjectivism, individual opinions must provide the standard of moral truths?


In ethical subjectivism, we can know with certainty whether or not objective moral standards exist?


In universalist theories, morality is created rather than discovered


Morality is dependent on or relative to God and morality does exist independently of God's will?


People act more morally when others are around?


Prescriptive statements deal with what ought to be in nonmoral values?


The study of ethics must not take into account relevant facts about human nature


To the heart of Ethical Subjectivism moral opinions are based solely on what?


In resolving a moral dilemma, we should first?

Get our facts straight

Which of the following is NOT one of the parts of morality?

Group consideration

Why Nazi Adolf Eichmann argue, at his trial, that he had done nothing wrong?

He did not break any laws of his country.

Which of the following statements would you hear from some someone who is engaged in doublethink?

I agree with both sides of the argument

Which type of a defense is used when a defense attorney claims that the defendant's actions were necessary to ensure his or her safety?


At which level of critical thinking would you try to make sense of the world around us?



Is an inner attitude of reverence for the ultimate moral worth and belief in God

civil religion

Isa blend of religion and cultural relativism


It is impossible to know whether moral truths exist of the nature of these truths

Another way to look at tolerance is through which phrase?

Live and let live

Natural Law

Maintains that morality is universal and unchanging and that God commands something because it is right prior to the command.

Ethical Subjectivism

Moral right and wrong are relative to the individual person, it is matter of individual opinion


Moral statements are neither true nor false, but merely express approval or disapproval

Cultural Relativism

Morality is created collectively by groups of human and that differs from society to society

Divine Command chp. 5

Morality is dependent on or relative to God's Commands and therefore can change from time to time and person to person

Which category of moral actions states that acts are neither mandated nor forbidden?

Morally Permissible

Which category of moral actions states that acts go beyond the call of duty?

Morally supererogatory

What event led to general dissillusionment with the theory of cultural relativism?

Nazi Holocaust

Who said, "The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing"?


What is the most common type of evidence that we might use?

Personal Experience

Cultural relativism does not work in what kind of society?



Refers to the actual content of right and wrong

Which metaethical side states that morality is different for different people?


Who said, "We recognize that morality differs in every society, and is a convenient term for socially approved habits."

Ruth Benedict

Which answer best fits the following statement, "simply the observation that there are disagreement among cultures regarding moral behavior?"

Sociological Relativism

Who said, "The unexamined life is not worth living"?


Which of the following is most likely to follow a result of adopting cultural relativism?

Suspicion and distrust of the norms and values of different culture.


This has the idea of tolerance and respect for other's lifestyles

Civil Religion is a mix of Divine and Command and Cultural Relativism?


Cultural Relativism creates a divisive mentality?


Cultural Relativist claim that it is arrogant to judge other cultures?


Cultural relativism does not correctly describe how we make moral judgements?


Cultural relativism says that public opinion determines right and wrong?


Descriptive statements are just about the facts?


Herodotus said that conceptions of right and wrong differ from culture to culture?


In Ethical Subjectivism moral statements are based on personal opinion?


Metaphysical dualism deals with that our bodies are made up of two parts


Metaphysical materialism has with it the idea that morality is based on our biological drives?


Plato defined conscience as an activity of the soul that directs us toward the good


What is the funny phrase surrounding the making of excuses, especially as it relates to our environment?

Twinkie Defense

Which metaehtical side states that moral truths exist that are true for all humans, regardless of their personal beliefs?



a set of beliefs about a transcendent God


a statement that is based only on a feeling rather than on fact

Ethical Subjectivism

a type of ethical relativism that claims that morality is relative to each individual person

Descriptive Ethics

aims to discover and describe the moral belief of a given society


an inner sense of right and wrong

moral sentiments

are emotions that move us to feel moral approval or disapproval

values clarification

based on nonjudgmental and nondirective discussion of moral issues


branch of philosophy concerned with the study of the nature of reality, including what it means to be human

In constructing a moral argument, we should begin by

compiling a list of premises

Cultural relativism confuses morality with what?


Which of the following is an example of a noncognitive ethical theory?


Divine command theory is a type of, what?

ethical relativism


feeling that arises when we violate a moral norm

Virtue Ethics

focuses on the virtues produced in individuals and not the morality of specific acts

Normative Ethics

gives us practical guidelines or behavioral norms

moral outrage

happens when we witness a violation or transgression of the boundaries of moral decency

Ethical Subjectivism is sometimes called what?

individual relativism


is concerned with appraising the logical foundations and internal consistencies of ethical systems

moral indignation

is the anger we feel at the sight of others being harmed


is the social aspect involving that institution of beliefs

Moral Responsibility

is the status of morally deserving praise, blame, reward, or punishment for an act or omission, in accordance with one's moral obligations.

Ethical Skepticism

it is impossible to know whether moral truths exist or the nature of these truths

Which of the following is true according to divine command theory?

it was morally acceptable for the terrorists to bomb the World Trade Center on 9/11, if the command to do so came from God.

Which category of moral actions states that acts are either mandated or prohibited?

morally obligatory

What are the two traditional subdivisions of moral philosophy?

normative ethics and metaethics

In ethical subjectivism, morality is based on what?


Cultural relativism is concerned with the, what?

ought to be


refers to the process of determining right and wrong


says there is no such thing as conscious moral direction, we are the product of our environment or generic inheritance

Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud identified the conscience with the?


moral reasoning

the application of logical analysis to moral issues

moral sensitivity

the awareness of how our actions affect others

altruistic behavior

the belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others.


the capacity for sharing the feelings of others; a feeling of pity for another person's distress or suffering

moral character

the integration of moral reasoning, moral sensitivity, and moral motivation into one's personality

moral motivation

the placing of moral value above nonmoral values


there are no moral truths and that moral standards are neither true or false but simply expressions or outbursts of feelings

If there is no God then, according to divine command theory?

there would be no morality

Divine Command

what is moral is relative to God, there are no universal moral principles that are binding on all people, morality is dependent on God's will and may differ from person to person or from religion to religion

Which of the following is not one of the three factors related to conscience

work skills

Do all actions have moral dimension?

yes, there are nonmoral and moral values. First, morally permissable may do or not do without incurring any moral guilt and it contains acts that are neither mandated nor forbidden. Ex). jogging 3 times a week. Secondly, morally obligatory is a deed that is either mandated or prohibited, a mandate cannot be avoided without moral censure, and a prohibition cannot be engaged without moral censure. Ex). being faithful to your spouse, killing an innocent person.

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