PHI 240 Final

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The principle of universalizability states that you should

act only according to maxims that are universalizable

The Greatest Happiness Principle holds that

actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness.

Mill claims that the corollaries of the principle of utility

admit of indefinite improvement

Which of the following actions would Mill categorize as right?

all of the above

Which of the following does Appiah cite as a problematic feature of feedlots in the United States?

all of the above overcrowding antibiotic use accumulation of animal waste

According to Hobbes, what is the principal cause of conflict in the state of nature?

all of the above competition, diffidence, glory

Appiah cites which of the following problematic environmental practices?

all of the above; deforestation, wetland destruction, overfishing

How do virtuous people differ from vicious people? a. In their thoughts b. In their perceptions c. In their behavior d. All of these

all of these

One common objection to virtue ethics is that: a. it is too demanding. b. it does not give adequate guidance about what we should do. c. all of these. d. it does not provide a way of determining who our role models should be.

all of these

Marquis thinks that abortion is

almost always impermissible

Hobbes thinks that people's voluntary actions are

always done out of self-interest

A categorical imperative is a requirement of reason that

applies to us regardless of our desires

According to Kant, actions have moral worth only if they

are done from duty

How does Mill understand "happiness"?

as pleasure and the absence of pain

Why does Hobbes think that we should seek peace?

because it is in our own self-interest

What is Hobbes's definition of injustice?

breaking a contract

According to utilitarian Jeremy Bentham, what is the relevant question for determining membership in the moral community?

can they suffer?

According to Hobbes, moral obligations arise from


According to Aristotle, the ultimate good is


According to the UNC Writing Center's Handout on Plagiarism, there is no need to cite your source if you changed the words used by the author into synonyms.


According to the UNC Writing Center's Handout on Plagiarism, you do not need to cite your source if you mention the author's name in the sentence.


In the Crash Course Philosophy Video, "Utilitarianism", Hank Green states that the theory originated with Jeremy Bentham


In the Crash Course Video Hank Green discusses Bernard Williams' thought experiment about killing one to save 19. The conclusion is, sometimes you need to get your hands dirty and do what needs to be done even if it involves killing an innocent person.


In the Crash Course video, "Utilitarianism", Hank Green confirms that Utilitarianism is a form of egoism.


According to Chris Surprenant, Immanuel Kant states that the worst punishment a person would receive is

feeling worthless and contemptible in their own eyes

Kant claims that while we have a duty to preserve our own lives most people don't act

from this duty

According to Kant's theory, non-human animals

have no moral rights

In the Michael Sandel "Justice" Video, Professor Sandel relates a story about a study done by Phillip Morris in the Czech Republic. The study

here was a net benefit not only from sales, but from premature deaths due to smoking

According to Hobbes, life in the absence of a government would be


Dann Ariely, in the Hidden Brain piece, said he was grateful to the doctor who lied to him because

if he had known how painful the removal of the pins had been, it would have been worse

Mill argues that utilitarianism __________ the existence of God.

is consistent with

An optimific social rule is a rule which

is optimific when nearly everyone follows it

Marquis claims that killing is wrong primarily because

it deprives the victim of a future of value

In Michael Sandel Justice video, he points to the two main objections to utilitarianism. These are:

it doesn't respect the rights of the minority and it isn't possible to calculate what's valuable into monetary terms

The fool is someone who claims that

it is sometimes rational to break our covenants

Consequentialism states that an action is right if and only if

it maximizes the amount of goodness in the world

In the Michael Sandel "Justice" Video, Professor Sandel relates a story about a cost-benefit analysis done by Ford on the Pinto. The analysis showed

it was cheaper not to repair the defect in the cars, so they didn't

In the case of the violinist, Thomson thinks

it would be nice of you to remain attached, but you are not obligated to do so.

What does appiah cite as the main challenge for keeping aging parents closer to their children?

jobs outside the home

Paternalism is

limiting the liberty of others for their own good

Appiah points out that more than half of prisoners in the United States are

non-violent offenders

According to Mill, to be virtuous, a person must always

none of the above

According to mill, to be virtuous, a person must always

none of the above

Under what circumstances does Hobbes think that people act for reasons other than self-interest?

none of the above

Utilitarianism allows that we may count one person's interests as more important than the interests of others if

none of the above

According to Kant, virtuous character traits are

none of the above intrinsically good, always good and desirable, not good at all

Mill maintains that, in the long run, the best proof of a good character is

performing good actions

According to Mill, which of the following are desirable as ends?

pleasure, freedom from pain

Hobbes claims that nature has made people roughly equal in all of the following except

scientific knowledge

Mill claims that secondary moral principles

sometimes conflict

Mill maintains that the business of ethics is to

tell us what our duties are

A "transgenerational obligation" is an obligation

that one generation has to another

According to Hobbes, what is needed to ensure that a contract is followed?

that there be some power to force contracting parties to follow it

According to Appiah, defenders of the U.S. prison system usually cite which of the following considerations in their defense?

the administrative difficulty of reform

According to utilitarianism, the motive behind an action is relevant to

the agent who performs the action

According to Kant, the only thing that is valuable in all circumstances is

the good will

On Mill's view, whose happiness is relevant for determining right conduct?

the happiness of all concerned

Hobbes claims that the nature of war consists in

the lack of assurance of peace

According to the WiPhi video "The Utility Monster Objection", The Diminishing Marginal Utility of Wealth states that:

the more resources we have, the less impact resources have on us

In order to determine what people deserve, Kant recommended that we consult

the principle of lex talionis

What was Thomas Hobbes's term for a condition in which there is no government to maintain order?

the state of nature

Kant believed that humans have dignity by virtue of

their rationality and autonomy

According to Hobbes, in the state of nature

there is no justice or injustice

The purpose of Rawl's veil of ignorance is

to ensure that the choices of the contractors are fair

According to Mill, what is the function of secondary moral principles?

to guide decisions via intermediate generalizations

Rather than arguing in moral terms, defenders of the practices Appiah discusses appeal to what instead?

tradition or human nature

Treating someone as a means is to

treat her as a way to help you achieve your goal

Treating someone as an end is to

treat her with the respect she deserves

According to the UNC Writing Center Handout on Plagiarism, "Paraphrasing does NOT mean changing a word or two in someone else's sentence, changing the sentence structure while maintaining the original words, or changing a few words to synonyms."


According to the UNC Writing Center's Handout on Plagiarism, you need to cite your source even if you put all direct quotes in quotation marks.


In the Michael Sandel "Justice" Video, Professor Sandel explains Mill's test for how to determinine if an experience is a higher or lower pleasure. What is this test?

try both! you will always prefer the higher pleasure

According to Appiah, people who eat factory-farmed animals typically

try not to think too much about what they're doing

Mill argues that, according to the utilitarian doctrine, lying is

usually morally impermissible

According to Mill, when should the first principles of morality be appealed to in decision-making?

when secondary principles conflict

Thomson claims that no one has the right to the use of your body unless

you grant him the right to it

Why does Marquis reject the claim that one's future is valuable only if one values it?

Because this cannot account for the fact that a suicidal young person might have a valuable future

What is supererogation?

Doing something that is admirable and praiseworthy but not morally required

How does Kant describe the prudent shopkeeper?

He acts in accordance with duty but not necessarily from duty

Which of the following does Marquis think is a consequence of his theory?

If a nonhuman animal has a future like ours, then it is wrong to kill it.

Under these conditions will Ms. Hare accept late work.

The student notifies Ms. Hare that they will not be able to complete the assignment on time due to qualifying reason AND Ms. Hare and the student work to come to an agreed-upon deadline.

What did Hobbes think is the only way to escape from the condition in which there is no government to maintain order?

To mutually agree on a set of rules for social cooperation

According to the Wireless Philosophy Video, "Utilititarianism #1", the theory of Utilititarianism can be broken into two pieces. These two pieces are:

What is valuable + the theory of right action

Prisoner's dilemmas are

a kind of situation which occurs often in the real world

What is a molar exemplar?

a person who serves as a role model

What is the law of nature, according to Hobbes?

a rational principle that allows people to effectively pursue their own self-interest

According to Thomson, the right to life is

a right not to be killed unjustly

What is the state of nature?

a situation in which there are no laws of government

As of Appiah's writing, how many elderly people in the United States are housed in nursing homes?

2 million

What is a categorical imperative, according to Kant?

A command of reason that does not depend on our desires

What claim does Thomson assume for the sake of argument?

A fetus is a person from the moment of conception

What is a decision procedure in ethics?

A method for making moral decisions.

What is a tragic dilemma?

A situation in which a good person's life will be ruined, no matter what she does.

What is a slippery slope argument?

An argument that states that if we accept some particular behavior, we must accept another sort of behavior as well

What is Rawls's veil of ignorance?

An imaginary device for ensuring that contractors make fair choices

A classmate states something in a forum or in class that conflicts with one of your most deeply held beliefs. You actually feel a little angry reading/hearing the words your classmate have written. An appropriate response to your classmate is:

Any and all of these responses are appropriate responses

What is a maxim in Kant's terminology?

Any principle upon which one bases one's action

In the Michael Sandel "Justice" Video, Professor Sandel points to the two main objections to Utilitariainism. These are:

It doesn't respect the rights of the minority and it isn't possible to calculate what's valuable into monetary terms

What does it mean to say a policy is optimific?

It yields the greatest balance of benefits over drawbacks

Please match the terms and people associated with Utilitarianism with their definitions. There are two more definitions than terms.

Says that an act is morally right just because it produces the best actual or expected results. -act utilitarianism Actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness -the greatest happiness principle An English philosopher and social reformer regarded as the founder of modern utilitarianism. Body on display at the University College of London. -jeremy bentham Would you sacrifice one life to save five? -the trolley problem The normative ethical theory that says that actions are morally right just because they maximize self-interest. -ethical egoism The view that pleasure is the only thing that is intrinsically valuable, and pain (or unhappiness) is the only thing that is intrinsically bad. -hedonism Educated by his father and by Jeremy Bentham. Studied Greek, Latin, Economics and Logic. Suffered a nervous breakdown at 20. Wrote Utilitarianism. -J.S. Mill Says that actions are morally right just because they would be required by an optimific social rule. -rule utilitarianism Modern Utilitarianism can trace its roots back to this ancient Greek Philosopher -epicurus Relating to or believing in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities. -egalitarian

What is the case of the burglar supposed to show?

That abortion is morally permissible only in the case of failed contraception

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